A chance that Hillary Clinton will drop her Presidential bid!

RWers are so full of crap/themselves. For some strange reason they believe they will be picking the democrat's nominee. Don't you think you should stick to figuring out which goof ball from the clown car YOU will vote for and leave the dem's pick for the dem's?

Check this out you morans... you won't have any say in it!
Trust me we DON'T want ANY say. You are running....
A PERVERT {maybe is Biden in?}

We don't need to pick for you. You are cutting your own throats just fine.

You are not picking anything for ME. I'm not interested in any of YOUR ass clowns and I have no support for Hillary.

I am interested in the process only. I would like to see a fair election. That is something people like YOU are least interested in.
The ONLY thing I would like to pick for you is the country President Trump deports you to. How does the Congo sound?
RWers are so full of crap/themselves. For some strange reason they believe they will be picking the democrat's nominee. Don't you think you should stick to figuring out which goof ball from the clown car YOU will vote for and leave the dem's pick for the dem's?

Check this out you morans... you won't have any say in it!
Trust me we DON'T want ANY say. You are running....
A PERVERT {maybe is Biden in?}

We don't need to pick for you. You are cutting your own throats just fine.

You are not picking anything for ME. I'm not interested in any of YOUR ass clowns and I have no support for Hillary.

I am interested in the process only. I would like to see a fair election. That is something people like YOU are least interested in.
The ONLY thing I would like to pick for you is the country President Trump deports you to. How does the Congo sound?

I'm easy to find... Don't keep me waiting.
Sorry, but hiLIARy is not dropping out even if she is indicted, tired, and found guilty of treason. She lacks the class and self awareness to ever do the right thing. She's a power hungry harridan that lies with impunity.

If Slow Joe Biden runs, she will turn on Obama and Biden with the ferocity of a wounded wolverine. No bullet will be spared. She'll drag the entire Democrat party through the mud before she is done. This bitch has no bottom, she is a Clinton.

Good times!!


A cruel joke on democrats would be Hillary running 3rd party!
Now THAT would be funny!

Even crueler, Hillary lacks the charisma or showmanship to make a 3rd party run feasible.

Really, How can you confuse Hillary with Trump? Trump is energetic and engaging. Hillary is, ok this is not a word, blah.
She could form the all new VAGINA party. Site rules prevent me from posting a suggested logo.
and on the humorus end, how about a chance Hillary drops her mens pants so we know what gender she is?
RWers are so full of crap/themselves. For some strange reason they believe they will be picking the democrat's nominee. Don't you think you should stick to figuring out which goof ball from the clown car YOU will vote for and leave the dem's pick for the dem's?

Check this out you morans... you won't have any say in it!
Trust me we DON'T want ANY say. You are running....
A PERVERT {maybe is Biden in?}

We don't need to pick for you. You are cutting your own throats just fine.

Even after proving your guy is a massive liar, you still carry on... Idiot

Socialist, Where the insult... People like roads, police, firemen.... Keep on saying you don't want it.. Again Idiot...\

A pervert... You see this where we see as a real looser, you have nothing but slander... Lies is your language...

Dark you have only got you little perverted mind of crap... You are the useful idiot of the right... The Koch Brothers love you, you will keep on pushing agenda no matter how much false statements you make... You have no shame... Your an embarrassment....

Maybe you are just too dumb or you may choose to ignore the truth, either way useful idiot..
Sorry, but hiLIARy is not dropping out even if she is indicted, tired, and found guilty of treason. She lacks the class and self awareness to ever do the right thing. She's a power hungry harridan that lies with impunity.

If Slow Joe Biden runs, she will turn on Obama and Biden with the ferocity of a wounded wolverine. No bullet will be spared. She'll drag the entire Democrat party through the mud before she is done. This bitch has no bottom, she is a Clinton.

Good times!!


A cruel joke on democrats would be Hillary running 3rd party!
Now THAT would be funny!

Even crueler, Hillary lacks the charisma or showmanship to make a 3rd party run feasible.

Really, How can you confuse Hillary with Trump? Trump is energetic and engaging. Hillary is, ok this is not a word, blah.
She could form the all new VAGINA party. Site rules prevent me from posting a suggested logo.
and on the humorus end, how about a chance Hillary drops her mens pants so we know what gender she is?

Funny, I splitting my hole laughing...

Just because she is more of a man than you doesn't mean she is a man.. Hey you are just an embarrassing little boy...

Go out now and buy yourself another gun to make you feel like more of a man...
RWers are so full of crap/themselves. For some strange reason they believe they will be picking the democrat's nominee. Don't you think you should stick to figuring out which goof ball from the clown car YOU will vote for and leave the dem's pick for the dem's?

Check this out you morans... you won't have any say in it!
Trust me we DON'T want ANY say. You are running....
A PERVERT {maybe is Biden in?}

We don't need to pick for you. You are cutting your own throats just fine.

You are not picking anything for ME. I'm not interested in any of YOUR ass clowns and I have no support for Hillary.

I am interested in the process only. I would like to see a fair election. That is something people like YOU are least interested in.
The ONLY thing I would like to pick for you is the country President Trump deports you to. How does the Congo sound?

So you want to round up and capture US citizens...
That doesn't sound like a governement takeover...

Again the useful idiot strikes..
Sorry, but hiLIARy is not dropping out even if she is indicted, tired, and found guilty of treason. She lacks the class and self awareness to ever do the right thing. She's a power hungry harridan that lies with impunity.

If Slow Joe Biden runs, she will turn on Obama and Biden with the ferocity of a wounded wolverine. No bullet will be spared. She'll drag the entire Democrat party through the mud before she is done. This bitch has no bottom, she is a Clinton.

Good times!!


A cruel joke on democrats would be Hillary running 3rd party!
Now THAT would be funny!

Even crueler, Hillary lacks the charisma or showmanship to make a 3rd party run feasible.

Really, How can you confuse Hillary with Trump? Trump is energetic and engaging. Hillary is, ok this is not a word, blah.
She could form the all new VAGINA party. Site rules prevent me from posting a suggested logo.
and on the humorus end, how about a chance Hillary drops her mens pants so we know what gender she is?

Funny, I splitting my hole laughing...

Just because she is more of a man than you doesn't mean she is a man.. Hey you are just an embarrassing little boy...

Go out now and buy yourself another gun to make you feel like more of a man...

I'm not so comfortable suggesting that these clowns arm themselves any more than they have. They have a habit of aiming their guns at the wrong people. Then they get amnesia as to what they did with their weapons. A handful of terrorists attack our Twin Towers and a few other buildings and then Bush immediately sets off to start two invasions and to what end? He never even captured the leader of the band of terrorists. No. I would prefer they get cap pistols. All show ..a little noise.. Nothing accomplished. Now be good little children and run off to bed. You've caused enough damage for several lifetimes.
RWers are so full of crap/themselves. For some strange reason they believe they will be picking the democrat's nominee. Don't you think you should stick to figuring out which goof ball from the clown car YOU will vote for and leave the dem's pick for the dem's?

Check this out you morans... you won't have any say in it!
Trust me we DON'T want ANY say. You are running....
A PERVERT {maybe is Biden in?}

We don't need to pick for you. You are cutting your own throats just fine.

You are not picking anything for ME. I'm not interested in any of YOUR ass clowns and I have no support for Hillary.

I am interested in the process only. I would like to see a fair election. That is something people like YOU are least interested in.
The ONLY thing I would like to pick for you is the country President Trump deports you to. How does the Congo sound?

So you want to round up and capture US citizens...
That doesn't sound like a governement takeover...

Again the useful idiot strikes..

It doesn't take much to set these reactionaries in motion does it. A few blustery speeches, some blatant race baiting and there they go ...all full of themselves.

The danger to America doesn't reside in the homes of a few Mexicans, ...it lies in the hearts of these horrible people that wrap themselves in the flag and try to pretend they are representing the rest of us.
A cruel joke on democrats would be Hillary running 3rd party!
Now THAT would be funny!

Even crueler, Hillary lacks the charisma or showmanship to make a 3rd party run feasible.

Really, How can you confuse Hillary with Trump? Trump is energetic and engaging. Hillary is, ok this is not a word, blah.
She could form the all new VAGINA party. Site rules prevent me from posting a suggested logo.
and on the humorus end, how about a chance Hillary drops her mens pants so we know what gender she is?

Funny, I splitting my hole laughing...

Just because she is more of a man than you doesn't mean she is a man.. Hey you are just an embarrassing little boy...

Go out now and buy yourself another gun to make you feel like more of a man...

I'm not so comfortable suggesting that these clowns arm themselves any more than they have. They have a habit of aiming their guns at the wrong people. Then they get amnesia as to what they did with their weapons. A handful of terrorists attack our Twin Towers and a few other buildings and then Bush immediately sets off to start two invasions and to what end? He never even captured the leader of the band of terrorists. No. I would prefer they get cap pistols. All show ..a little noise.. Nothing accomplished. Now be good little children and run off to bed. You've caused enough damage for several lifetimes.

I am sorry, but the nuts think a new gun solves things... Telling them to no have guns involves them getting more guns...
Do you remember the ammo scare when they thought the government was buying all the ammo.

The thing I don't get is:
They say they want the guns to prevent against Government Tyranny.

So they want to guns to shoot agents of the Government.

How will the Government Agents present themselves? As Police (Local and Federal).

So they want guns to shoot cops.

Now they will claim the government could be taken over by non-democratic reasons? Hey, Citizens United you already conceded.
A chance that Hillary Clinton will drop her Presidential bid!

No chance at all

Hillary feels entitled to the oval office after all these years of supporting first Bill and then Obama, no way she's willing to pull out because it might be better for the party.

A chance that Hillary Clinton will drop her Presidential bid!

No chance at all

Hillary feels entitled to the oval office after all these years of supporting first Bill and then Obama, no way she's willing to pull out because it might be better for the party.


How many people who run for the nomination of their party would pull out for the better of their party? Not one. They pull out because they know they don't stand a chance. This isn't Hillary, this is politics.
How many people who run for the nomination of their party would pull out for the better of their party? Not one. They pull out because they know they don't stand a chance.

In that case they wouldn't have entered in the first place. They pull out because they get an offer they can't refuse.
This isn't Hillary, this is politics.

What's the difference?

Which makes the race interesting, since Bill made the comments about him serving coffee in the White House, and Hillary started the Birther movement....

Yes, she did. She also created the line "vast right wing conspiracy" regarding Gennifer Flowers, an accusation she knew was true when she said it
How many people who run for the nomination of their party would pull out for the better of their party? Not one. They pull out because they know they don't stand a chance.

In that case they wouldn't have entered in the first place. They pull out because they get an offer they can't refuse.
This isn't Hillary, this is politics.

What's the difference?


The point being that Hillary isn't much different from anyone else. But people try and make out she is. She's a despicable as the rest of them.
There is a chance that Obama will run for a third term

There's also a chance Carter and GHW will run for their second term.

But only an idiot would take it seriously

Only an idiot would think Hillary will drop out
So you ADMIT Sanders/Biden and Obama ARE idiots?
First honest thing you have ever posted.

Where did they say she will drop out?

Are the 17 GOP candidates idiots?
Never mind we know the answer to that
Hillary is the bookies favourite.

She is winning the RCP average on every candidate in the field...

The best hope the GOP right now is she gives up because the numbers are all on her side...

They have continuously tried to claim she is a criminal without citing the law she broke or the court that convicted...

And yet she will not ever be president.

Hillay has an issue with citing a single reason she should be President... No honestly, that has been an issue for her and it in fact has hurt her in her own party. No evil vile mindless, racist, white, old, rich Republicans needed... In fact most of Hillary's problems are purely self induced, trust issues, wiping the server, not likable, no accomplishments and then there is the fact that she is old rich and white... christian... married to someone only for political gains... Not a lot to look up to for most people.
Hillary is the most qualified candidate in the entire field. She has more foreign policy experience and more executive branch experience
How many people who run for the nomination of their party would pull out for the better of their party? Not one. They pull out because they know they don't stand a chance.

In that case they wouldn't have entered in the first place. They pull out because they get an offer they can't refuse.
This isn't Hillary, this is politics.

What's the difference?


The point being that Hillary isn't much different from anyone else. But people try and make out she is. She's a despicable as the rest of them.

Her above the law arrogance does actually exceed most of the rest of them, but I agree she's not a different animal, just a different shade of grey.

The left is worse in general because the media holds the right accountable. I'm glad they do that, I just want them to do the same to the left
Hillary is the bookies favourite.

She is winning the RCP average on every candidate in the field...

The best hope the GOP right now is she gives up because the numbers are all on her side...

They have continuously tried to claim she is a criminal without citing the law she broke or the court that convicted...

And yet she will not ever be president.

Hillay has an issue with citing a single reason she should be President... No honestly, that has been an issue for her and it in fact has hurt her in her own party. No evil vile mindless, racist, white, old, rich Republicans needed... In fact most of Hillary's problems are purely self induced, trust issues, wiping the server, not likable, no accomplishments and then there is the fact that she is old rich and white... christian... married to someone only for political gains... Not a lot to look up to for most people.
Hillary is the most qualified candidate in the entire field. She has more foreign policy experience and more executive branch experience

LOL, after voting for Obama you showed that "experience" isn't a standard for you Comrade big guy. You like her because she's a Marxist, same reason you liked Comrade Barry
Thanks to Jackson, I was finally reminded of the 'lesser' reason we have a VP. The Vice President is the standard bearer of the administration. His job is to run for the office after the previous presidents two terms is up. Since the end of the Roosevelt administration(and before it), the VP usually ran for the high office. The rest of the party would rally behind him in support of his bids, except for issues candidates that are trying to get the VP to take their i concerns up onto his platform.

Thus we are led to a true dilemma for Democrats: What if Joe Biden run for president?

Wait, that was phrased wrong, given the historics. The real question is: What is the point behind a Clinton campaign? Why is she running? Is she running as a spoiler? Someone who is against the policies espoused by our current president? If so, which policies does she oppose?

Or is it possible that she is campaigning in case Joe is a no show? If this is the case, and Biden decides to run, what then?

Will the party rally around Ol' Joe? Or is Hillary too mesmerizing for Democrats to quit her?

There is a chance, albeit a slight one, that Hillary may throw support behind Biden and drop out!

Yeah, RIGHT!!

Oh yes, break out the popcorn. This maybe the most interesting national election yet!!

Donald Trump would defeat Hillary Clinton head-to-head, a new polls shows.

The new SurveyUSA poll put Trump at 45 percent versus 40 percent for Clinton.

Trump also beat out all other declared and potential Democratic candidates, the poll of 1,000 adults shows:

Read Latest Breaking News from Newsmax.com SurveyUSA Poll Puts Trump Above Clinton by 5 Points

NOT one demorat has a chance against Trump, and i doubt many IF any Repubs will either.

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