A chance that Hillary Clinton will drop her Presidential bid!

There is a chance that Obama will run for a third term
Can't happen, but it probably beats the chances of Hillary running from prison...

Be watching for the thread of Biden's greatest!!! I'm going to actively campaign for him by showing he's smarter than Hillary!!!
Just as big a chance of an Obama third term as Hillary dropping out
There is a chance that Obama will run for a third term
Can't happen, but it probably beats the chances of Hillary running from prison...

Be watching for the thread of Biden's greatest!!! I'm going to actively campaign for him by showing he's smarter than Hillary!!!
Have you noticed the more that people learn about Hillary the LESS we see Stats?
Why would Hillary drop out?

She gets to run against a Republican
Thanks to Jackson, I was finally reminded of the 'lesser' reason we have a VP. The Vice President is the standard bearer of the administration. His job is to run for the office after the previous presidents two terms is up. Since the end of the Roosevelt administration(and before it), the VP usually ran for the high office. The rest of the party would rally behind him in support of his bids, except for issues candidates that are trying to get the VP to take their i concerns up onto his platform.

Thus we are led to a true dilemma for Democrats: What if Joe Biden run for president?

Wait, that was phrased wrong, given the historics. The real question is: What is the point behind a Clinton campaign? Why is she running? Is she running as a spoiler? Someone who is against the policies espoused by our current president? If so, which policies does she oppose?

Or is it possible that she is campaigning in case Joe is a no show? If this is the case, and Biden decides to run, what then?

Will the party rally around Ol' Joe? Or is Hillary too mesmerizing for Democrats to quit her?

There is a chance, albeit a slight one, that Hillary may throw support behind Biden and drop out!

Yeah, RIGHT!!

Oh yes, break out the popcorn. This maybe the most interesting national election yet!!
Clinton is running because she still has the best chance of winning despite the email server issue plus the fact that she is a lifelong politician who can't resist the challenge. Biden is a backup. If the Clinton campaign can't pull it together, Biden is the next likely choice and yes Clinton would support Biden if she did not run. Democrats would support either over any of the Republican candidate regardless of who it is. If the Republican candidate turned out to be Trump, either candidate would win with a large margin.
There is a chance that Obama will run for a third term
Can't happen, but it probably beats the chances of Hillary running from prison...

Be watching for the thread of Biden's greatest!!! I'm going to actively campaign for him by showing he's smarter than Hillary!!!
If she is doing as badly as to be loosing to a corrupt dishonest coward she is toast. She needs to fold her tent and allow someone else in.
There is a chance that Obama will run for a third term
Can't happen, but it probably beats the chances of Hillary running from prison...

Be watching for the thread of Biden's greatest!!! I'm going to actively campaign for him by showing he's smarter than Hillary!!!
Just as big a chance of an Obama third term as Hillary dropping out
Democrats are going to wind up BEGGING Hillary to leave.
:lame2:, YAAAAWWNNN, another when will Hillary drop out thread, only in your dreams, she's in no matter what:trolls:..

Your front runner with the horrific rug, can't even answer tough foreign policy questions, hating on Hispanics will not win a national election..

Empty eyes Walker was too stupid to make it thru college, Wisconsin is in poor shape thanks to this dumbshit..

Rand Paul is DONE!

Rick Perry is DONE!

Graham was done before he even started..

Fiorina is a dingbat, lags in fundraising, best known for tanking HP, she's will be toast soon..

Half of the country probably thinks Ben Carson plays for the Raiders:wtf:

Ted Cruz is Horseshit, he's not going anywhere, neither is Rubio both are in single digits, LOL..

And none of your POS candidates have any Foreign policy experience!

Your Goper party is shit, shit and more shit, Hillary dosen't have anything to worry about..

And we can throw Biden in the race he's obviously the most qualified, (next to Clinton) being VP for 8 years..

And we have Warren, as the WILD CARD, no we haven't heard the last of her!!

This isn't a "will when Hillary drop out thread"
This is a "What will Hillary and the Dems do if Biden runs" thread.

It does not seem she will drop out(if so, for the noble reason of supporting the current administration through Biden) so it looks as though she is essentially going against the last 8 years of Obama.

Of course, this is all hypothetical, but is really up to Biden. We will have to see what he is going to do at the end of September.
There is a chance that Obama will run for a third term
Can't happen, but it probably beats the chances of Hillary running from prison...

Be watching for the thread of Biden's greatest!!! I'm going to actively campaign for him by showing he's smarter than Hillary!!!
Just as big a chance of an Obama third term as Hillary dropping out
Then we will have a first, according to you...

Who needs stinking email anyway???
Thanks to Jackson, I was finally reminded of the 'lesser' reason we have a VP. The Vice President is the standard bearer of the administration. His job is to run for the office after the previous presidents two terms is up. Since the end of the Roosevelt administration(and before it), the VP usually ran for the high office. The rest of the party would rally behind him in support of his bids, except for issues candidates that are trying to get the VP to take their i concerns up onto his platform.

Thus we are led to a true dilemma for Democrats: What if Joe Biden run for president?

Wait, that was phrased wrong, given the historics. The real question is: What is the point behind a Clinton campaign? Why is she running? Is she running as a spoiler? Someone who is against the policies espoused by our current president? If so, which policies does she oppose?

Or is it possible that she is campaigning in case Joe is a no show? If this is the case, and Biden decides to run, what then?

Will the party rally around Ol' Joe? Or is Hillary too mesmerizing for Democrats to quit her?

There is a chance, albeit a slight one, that Hillary may throw support behind Biden and drop out!

Yeah, RIGHT!!

Oh yes, break out the popcorn. This maybe the most interesting national election yet!!
Clinton is running because she still has the best chance of winning despite the email server issue plus the fact that she is a lifelong politician who can't resist the challenge. Biden is a backup. If the Clinton campaign can't pull it together, Biden is the next likely choice and yes Clinton would support Biden if she did not run. Democrats would support either over any of the Republican candidate regardless of who it is. If the Republican candidate turned out to be Trump, either candidate would win with a large margin.
Biden is a life long politician. Clinton is a FORMER one term senator.
There is a chance that Obama will run for a third term
Can't happen, but it probably beats the chances of Hillary running from prison...

Be watching for the thread of Biden's greatest!!! I'm going to actively campaign for him by showing he's smarter than Hillary!!!
Just as big a chance of an Obama third term as Hillary dropping out
Then we will have a first, according to you...

Who needs stinking email anyway???
View attachment 49423
Your email fantasies will get you about as far as your Benghazi fantasies
Thanks to Jackson, I was finally reminded of the 'lesser' reason we have a VP. The Vice President is the standard bearer of the administration. His job is to run for the office after the previous presidents two terms is up. Since the end of the Roosevelt administration(and before it), the VP usually ran for the high office. The rest of the party would rally behind him in support of his bids, except for issues candidates that are trying to get the VP to take their i concerns up onto his platform.

Thus we are led to a true dilemma for Democrats: What if Joe Biden run for president?

Wait, that was phrased wrong, given the historics. The real question is: What is the point behind a Clinton campaign? Why is she running? Is she running as a spoiler? Someone who is against the policies espoused by our current president? If so, which policies does she oppose?

Or is it possible that she is campaigning in case Joe is a no show? If this is the case, and Biden decides to run, what then?

Will the party rally around Ol' Joe? Or is Hillary too mesmerizing for Democrats to quit her?

There is a chance, albeit a slight one, that Hillary may throw support behind Biden and drop out!

Yeah, RIGHT!!

Oh yes, break out the popcorn. This maybe the most interesting national election yet!!
Clinton is running because she still has the best chance of winning despite the email server issue plus the fact that she is a lifelong politician who can't resist the challenge. Biden is a backup. If the Clinton campaign can't pull it together, Biden is the next likely choice and yes Clinton would support Biden if she did not run. Democrats would support either over any of the Republican candidate regardless of who it is. If the Republican candidate turned out to be Trump, either candidate would win with a large margin.

Before we even get to the email. If Benghazi did not put her off, nothing the right can dish out will. By the way, Biden is kind of 'tapped' to run, by being the VP.

Maybe Clinton does have better chances. But then, when has that ever stopped Democrats from nominating someone else?

What would seem like the obvious pick 6 months before the primaries usually is the one that is left out in the generals.

Think about it

2008--Obama over Clinton
2004--Kerry over Dean
2000, 1996--VP, Clinton 2nd term
1992--Clinton over Gephardt(or was it someone else--Tsongas?)

and the pattern is pretty standard for the Dem primaries.
There is a chance that Obama will run for a third term
Can't happen, but it probably beats the chances of Hillary running from prison...

Be watching for the thread of Biden's greatest!!! I'm going to actively campaign for him by showing he's smarter than Hillary!!!
Just as big a chance of an Obama third term as Hillary dropping out
Then we will have a first, according to you...

Who needs stinking email anyway???
View attachment 49423
Your email fantasies will get you about as far as your Benghazi fantasies
Or your fantasies of having any clearance that doesn't involve the gap on your spark plugs?
:lame2:, YAAAAWWNNN, another when will Hillary drop out thread, only in your dreams, she's in no matter what:trolls:..

Your front runner with the horrific rug, can't even answer tough foreign policy questions, hating on Hispanics will not win a national election..

Empty eyes Walker was too stupid to make it thru college, Wisconsin is in poor shape thanks to this dumbshit..

Rand Paul is DONE!

Rick Perry is DONE!

Graham was done before he even started..

Fiorina is a dingbat, lags in fundraising, best known for tanking HP, she's will be toast soon..

Half of the country probably thinks Ben Carson plays for the Raiders:wtf:

Ted Cruz is Horseshit, he's not going anywhere, neither is Rubio both are in single digits, LOL..

And none of your POS candidates have any Foreign policy experience!

Your Goper party is shit, shit and more shit, Hillary dosen't have anything to worry about..

And we can throw Biden in the race he's obviously the most qualified, (next to Clinton) being VP for 8 years..

And we have Warren, as the WILD CARD, no we haven't heard the last of her!!

This isn't a "will when Hillary drop out thread"
This is a "What will Hillary and the Dems do if Biden runs" thread.

It does not seem she will drop out(if so, for the noble reason of supporting the current administration through Biden) so it looks as though she is essentially going against the last 8 years of Obama.

Of course, this is all hypothetical, but is really up to Biden. We will have to see what he is going to do at the end of September.
If Biden gets in it's the DNC saying she is done.
:lame2:, YAAAAWWNNN, another when will Hillary drop out thread, only in your dreams, she's in no matter what:trolls:..

Your front runner with the horrific rug, can't even answer tough foreign policy questions, hating on Hispanics will not win a national election..

Empty eyes Walker was too stupid to make it thru college, Wisconsin is in poor shape thanks to this dumbshit..

Rand Paul is DONE!

Rick Perry is DONE!

Graham was done before he even started..

Fiorina is a dingbat, lags in fundraising, best known for tanking HP, she's will be toast soon..

Half of the country probably thinks Ben Carson plays for the Raiders:wtf:

Ted Cruz is Horseshit, he's not going anywhere, neither is Rubio both are in single digits, LOL..

And none of your POS candidates have any Foreign policy experience!

Your Goper party is shit, shit and more shit, Hillary dosen't have anything to worry about..

And we can throw Biden in the race he's obviously the most qualified, (next to Clinton) being VP for 8 years..

And we have Warren, as the WILD CARD, no we haven't heard the last of her!!

This isn't a "will when Hillary drop out thread"
This is a "What will Hillary and the Dems do if Biden runs" thread.

It does not seem she will drop out(if so, for the noble reason of supporting the current administration through Biden) so it looks as though she is essentially going against the last 8 years of Obama.

Of course, this is all hypothetical, but is really up to Biden. We will have to see what he is going to do at the end of September.
If Biden gets in it's the DNC saying she is done.
If Biden gets the nomination, it means the DNC is throwing in the towel.
:lame2:, YAAAAWWNNN, another when will Hillary drop out thread, only in your dreams, she's in no matter what:trolls:..

Your front runner with the horrific rug, can't even answer tough foreign policy questions, hating on Hispanics will not win a national election..

Empty eyes Walker was too stupid to make it thru college, Wisconsin is in poor shape thanks to this dumbshit..

Rand Paul is DONE!

Rick Perry is DONE!

Graham was done before he even started..

Fiorina is a dingbat, lags in fundraising, best known for tanking HP, she's will be toast soon..

Half of the country probably thinks Ben Carson plays for the Raiders:wtf:

Ted Cruz is Horseshit, he's not going anywhere, neither is Rubio both are in single digits, LOL..

And none of your POS candidates have any Foreign policy experience!

Your Goper party is shit, shit and more shit, Hillary dosen't have anything to worry about..

And we can throw Biden in the race he's obviously the most qualified, (next to Clinton) being VP for 8 years..

And we have Warren, as the WILD CARD, no we haven't heard the last of her!!

This isn't a "will when Hillary drop out thread"
This is a "What will Hillary and the Dems do if Biden runs" thread.

It does not seem she will drop out(if so, for the noble reason of supporting the current administration through Biden) so it looks as though she is essentially going against the last 8 years of Obama.

Of course, this is all hypothetical, but is really up to Biden. We will have to see what he is going to do at the end of September.
If Biden gets in it's the DNC saying she is done.
If Biden gets the nomination, it means the DNC is throwing in the towel.
And they have to STAB Sanders supporters in the back to do it.
Could get messy.
This probably is Hillary's last chance to win the Whitehouse.

However, barring the history(We usually change presidents after two terms. History should favor a republican president), it does seem like Biden can carry the win even if Hillary challenges him for the nomination.

Biden or Clinton? I blame Obama for this!!:mad:

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