A chance that Hillary Clinton will drop her Presidential bid!

She'll drop it after she is sworn in to office as President.
Of her cell block???
You think Bill will get conjugal visits? Do you think he'll want them?

I've always wondered, with his roving eye, if he and Hillary shared a bedroom, much less a bed, while he was president.
How many people who run for the nomination of their party would pull out for the better of their party? Not one. They pull out because they know they don't stand a chance.

In that case they wouldn't have entered in the first place. They pull out because they get an offer they can't refuse.
This isn't Hillary, this is politics.

What's the difference?


The point being that Hillary isn't much different from anyone else. But people try and make out she is. She's a despicable as the rest of them.

Her above the law arrogance does actually exceed most of the rest of them, but I agree she's not a different animal, just a different shade of grey.

The left is worse in general because the media holds the right accountable. I'm glad they do that, I just want them to do the same to the left

What fucking law did she break and was convicted off?

Usual horseshit...

So to be clear, you didn't criticize W because he wasn't convicted of a crime, that's what you're saying....


Well, that shut you up, Teddy the Hypocrite...
And yet she will not ever be president.

Hillay has an issue with citing a single reason she should be President... No honestly, that has been an issue for her and it in fact has hurt her in her own party. No evil vile mindless, racist, white, old, rich Republicans needed... In fact most of Hillary's problems are purely self induced, trust issues, wiping the server, not likable, no accomplishments and then there is the fact that she is old rich and white... christian... married to someone only for political gains... Not a lot to look up to for most people.
Hillary is the most qualified candidate in the entire field. She has more foreign policy experience and more executive branch experience

LOL, after voting for Obama you showed that "experience" isn't a standard for you Comrade big guy. You like her because she's a Marxist, same reason you liked Comrade Barry

Merely citing a "single reason she should be president"

Try to keep up with the thread

Actually, that isn't what the thread is about, Comrade Holmes, it's about whether she will drop her bid or not. Here's a clue, read the top of the page...

But on that point, experience would not ever change your vote, so it isn't a reason to you
Why would the leading candidate for President drop out Sherlock?

Why don't you ask the OP that? It's not relevant to the point I made. You really can't follow a conversation, Comrade big guy, it's pretty funny
Staying home is interpreted as no way other than you don't give a shit. At least vote third party if you aren't going to vote for Tweedledum or Tweedledee. That says you don't like the choices

I've voted 3rd party a couple of times.

But there is never a strong enough candidate to make a dent.

Til there is one, it's an exercise in futility

Voting for any third party candidate says you want a choice. I voted for Ralph Nader in 2008 when the choices were McCain and Obama and the Libertarians ran a conservative instead of a libertarian. Not voting is 100% interpreted as you don't give a shit and you didn't bother

Not voting in a presidential election is also evidence that you are aware that your vote will not make one whit of difference.

Go ahead and be a victim of life, I chose not to do that

Naturally you are free to believe any fantasy that you like. I'm not a victim. I can move to another country if I choose. The real power in America doesn't lie with the politicians.

I've voted 3rd party a couple of times.

But there is never a strong enough candidate to make a dent.

Til there is one, it's an exercise in futility

Voting for any third party candidate says you want a choice. I voted for Ralph Nader in 2008 when the choices were McCain and Obama and the Libertarians ran a conservative instead of a libertarian. Not voting is 100% interpreted as you don't give a shit and you didn't bother

Not voting in a presidential election is also evidence that you are aware that your vote will not make one whit of difference.

Go ahead and be a victim of life, I chose not to do that

Naturally you are free to believe any fantasy that you like. I'm not a victim. I can move to another country if I choose. The real power in America doesn't lie with the politicians.


Not really---what input did you have as far as the current batch of candidates goes ? Zero, just like the rest of us. How about your input as to who gets to participate in debates ? Zero.
How about the questions that will be asked in the debates ? Zero.
Our next president will be chosen for us by powers greater than us just like always.
Voting for any third party candidate says you want a choice. I voted for Ralph Nader in 2008 when the choices were McCain and Obama and the Libertarians ran a conservative instead of a libertarian. Not voting is 100% interpreted as you don't give a shit and you didn't bother

Not voting in a presidential election is also evidence that you are aware that your vote will not make one whit of difference.

Go ahead and be a victim of life, I chose not to do that

Naturally you are free to believe any fantasy that you like. I'm not a victim. I can move to another country if I choose. The real power in America doesn't lie with the politicians.


Not really---what input did you have as far as the current batch of candidates goes ? Zero, just like the rest of us. How about your input as to who gets to participate in debates ? Zero.
How about the questions that will be asked in the debates ? Zero.
Our next president will be chosen for us by powers greater than us just like always.

Our last president was chosen by greed and stupidity. There is no conspiracy, it's just manipulative politicians promising sheep to give them free shit. There are a lot of people who are of the crappy candidates the two parties put up, but they don't believe a third party can win, and they will continue to believe that as long as people sit home instead of voting for a third party. Ross Perot and George Wallace showed we can have more than two parties, but it takes people voting to make that so
Not voting in a presidential election is also evidence that you are aware that your vote will not make one whit of difference.

Go ahead and be a victim of life, I chose not to do that

Naturally you are free to believe any fantasy that you like. I'm not a victim. I can move to another country if I choose. The real power in America doesn't lie with the politicians.


Not really---what input did you have as far as the current batch of candidates goes ? Zero, just like the rest of us. How about your input as to who gets to participate in debates ? Zero.
How about the questions that will be asked in the debates ? Zero.
Our next president will be chosen for us by powers greater than us just like always.

Our last president was chosen by greed and stupidity. There is no conspiracy, it's just manipulative politicians promising sheep to give them free shit. There are a lot of people who are of the crappy candidates the two parties put up, but they don't believe a third party can win, and they will continue to believe that as long as people sit home instead of voting for a third party. Ross Perot and George Wallace showed we can have more than two parties, but it takes people voting to make that so

Ross Perot and George Wallace changed nothing and nothing is what is left of their parties.
Go ahead and be a victim of life, I chose not to do that

Naturally you are free to believe any fantasy that you like. I'm not a victim. I can move to another country if I choose. The real power in America doesn't lie with the politicians.


Not really---what input did you have as far as the current batch of candidates goes ? Zero, just like the rest of us. How about your input as to who gets to participate in debates ? Zero.
How about the questions that will be asked in the debates ? Zero.
Our next president will be chosen for us by powers greater than us just like always.

Our last president was chosen by greed and stupidity. There is no conspiracy, it's just manipulative politicians promising sheep to give them free shit. There are a lot of people who are of the crappy candidates the two parties put up, but they don't believe a third party can win, and they will continue to believe that as long as people sit home instead of voting for a third party. Ross Perot and George Wallace showed we can have more than two parties, but it takes people voting to make that so

Ross Perot and George Wallace changed nothing and nothing is what is left of their parties.

Right, because too many people didn't follow up and keep voting third party. Think about it
Sorry, but hiLIARy is not dropping out even if she is indicted, tired, and found guilty of treason. She lacks the class and self awareness to ever do the right thing. She's a power hungry harridan that lies with impunity.

If Slow Joe Biden runs, she will turn on Obama and Biden with the ferocity of a wounded wolverine. No bullet will be spared. She'll drag the entire Democrat party through the mud before she is done. This bitch has no bottom, she is a Clinton.

Good times!!



I agree and it wouldn't surprise me at all.

She doesn't like Obama one bit and the DNC threw her under the bus in 2008 so there is no love loss there either.

If the DNC were smart they would kick her sorry ass to the curb and back Biden.
Naturally you are free to believe any fantasy that you like. I'm not a victim. I can move to another country if I choose. The real power in America doesn't lie with the politicians.


Not really---what input did you have as far as the current batch of candidates goes ? Zero, just like the rest of us. How about your input as to who gets to participate in debates ? Zero.
How about the questions that will be asked in the debates ? Zero.
Our next president will be chosen for us by powers greater than us just like always.

Our last president was chosen by greed and stupidity. There is no conspiracy, it's just manipulative politicians promising sheep to give them free shit. There are a lot of people who are of the crappy candidates the two parties put up, but they don't believe a third party can win, and they will continue to believe that as long as people sit home instead of voting for a third party. Ross Perot and George Wallace showed we can have more than two parties, but it takes people voting to make that so

Ross Perot and George Wallace changed nothing and nothing is what is left of their parties.

Right, because too many people didn't follow up and keep voting third party. Think about it

Oh lord-----if everyone would vote for a fourth party we could have that too right ? and a fifth ?
Ain't gonna happen. Doesn't matter anyway. The President is a puppet.

Not really---what input did you have as far as the current batch of candidates goes ? Zero, just like the rest of us. How about your input as to who gets to participate in debates ? Zero.
How about the questions that will be asked in the debates ? Zero.
Our next president will be chosen for us by powers greater than us just like always.

Our last president was chosen by greed and stupidity. There is no conspiracy, it's just manipulative politicians promising sheep to give them free shit. There are a lot of people who are of the crappy candidates the two parties put up, but they don't believe a third party can win, and they will continue to believe that as long as people sit home instead of voting for a third party. Ross Perot and George Wallace showed we can have more than two parties, but it takes people voting to make that so

Ross Perot and George Wallace changed nothing and nothing is what is left of their parties.

Right, because too many people didn't follow up and keep voting third party. Think about it

Oh lord-----if everyone would vote for a fourth party we could have that too right ? and a fifth ?
Ain't gonna happen. Doesn't matter anyway. The President is a puppet.

Take off the tinfoil. There is no conspiracy, it's just the majority of Americans have gotten lazy and vote for whoever promises them the most

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