A chance that Hillary Clinton will drop her Presidential bid!


And Bush was elected on his daddy's name

I'd rather have seen McCain take the nomination.

But GW was still a better choice than Gore, and later Kerry.

not much better, but better.

History proved you wrong

Yes, I agree. Gore and Kerry would not gotten all the spending through the Republicans that W got. That's why I would vote for any of the Democrats over Jeb. The Bush cabal has to go, they've done enough damage

i would not vote for jeb ever

but i sure as hell would not vote for one of these democrats either


i will stick to my local and state elections if it comes to that

The only possible way I would vote for JEB, is if he is facing Hillary on election day.

From what I've seen of the candidates on both sides, I will likely stay home.

none of them are worth my vote

Staying home is interpreted as no way other than you don't give a shit. At least vote third party if you aren't going to vote for Tweedledum or Tweedledee. That says you don't like the choices
I'd rather have seen McCain take the nomination.

But GW was still a better choice than Gore, and later Kerry.

not much better, but better.

History proved you wrong

Yes, I agree. Gore and Kerry would not gotten all the spending through the Republicans that W got. That's why I would vote for any of the Democrats over Jeb. The Bush cabal has to go, they've done enough damage

i would not vote for jeb ever

but i sure as hell would not vote for one of these democrats either


i will stick to my local and state elections if it comes to that

The only possible way I would vote for JEB, is if he is facing Hillary on election day.

From what I've seen of the candidates on both sides, I will likely stay home.

none of them are worth my vote

Staying home is interpreted as no way other than you don't give a shit. At least vote third party if you aren't going to vote for Tweedledum or Tweedledee. That says you don't like the choices

I've voted 3rd party a couple of times.

But there is never a strong enough candidate to make a dent.

Til there is one, it's an exercise in futility
How many people who run for the nomination of their party would pull out for the better of their party? Not one. They pull out because they know they don't stand a chance.

In that case they wouldn't have entered in the first place. They pull out because they get an offer they can't refuse.
This isn't Hillary, this is politics.

What's the difference?


The point being that Hillary isn't much different from anyone else. But people try and make out she is. She's a despicable as the rest of them.

Her above the law arrogance does actually exceed most of the rest of them, but I agree she's not a different animal, just a different shade of grey.

The left is worse in general because the media holds the right accountable. I'm glad they do that, I just want them to do the same to the left

What fucking law did she break and was convicted off?

Usual horseshit...
What fucking law did she break and was convicted off?

Usual horseshit...
The law she broke is 'unauthorized removal and retention of classified information', although she has yet to be charged or convicted. It's up to the Attorney General in this administration or the next.
History proved you wrong

Yes, I agree. Gore and Kerry would not gotten all the spending through the Republicans that W got. That's why I would vote for any of the Democrats over Jeb. The Bush cabal has to go, they've done enough damage

i would not vote for jeb ever

but i sure as hell would not vote for one of these democrats either


i will stick to my local and state elections if it comes to that

The only possible way I would vote for JEB, is if he is facing Hillary on election day.

From what I've seen of the candidates on both sides, I will likely stay home.

none of them are worth my vote

Staying home is interpreted as no way other than you don't give a shit. At least vote third party if you aren't going to vote for Tweedledum or Tweedledee. That says you don't like the choices

I've voted 3rd party a couple of times.

But there is never a strong enough candidate to make a dent.

Til there is one, it's an exercise in futility

Voting for any third party candidate says you want a choice. I voted for Ralph Nader in 2008 when the choices were McCain and Obama and the Libertarians ran a conservative instead of a libertarian. Not voting is 100% interpreted as you don't give a shit and you didn't bother
How many people who run for the nomination of their party would pull out for the better of their party? Not one. They pull out because they know they don't stand a chance.

In that case they wouldn't have entered in the first place. They pull out because they get an offer they can't refuse.
This isn't Hillary, this is politics.

What's the difference?


The point being that Hillary isn't much different from anyone else. But people try and make out she is. She's a despicable as the rest of them.

Her above the law arrogance does actually exceed most of the rest of them, but I agree she's not a different animal, just a different shade of grey.

The left is worse in general because the media holds the right accountable. I'm glad they do that, I just want them to do the same to the left

What fucking law did she break and was convicted off?

Usual horseshit...

So to be clear, you didn't criticize W because he wasn't convicted of a crime, that's what you're saying....
How many people who run for the nomination of their party would pull out for the better of their party? Not one. They pull out because they know they don't stand a chance.

In that case they wouldn't have entered in the first place. They pull out because they get an offer they can't refuse.
This isn't Hillary, this is politics.

What's the difference?


The point being that Hillary isn't much different from anyone else. But people try and make out she is. She's a despicable as the rest of them.

Her above the law arrogance does actually exceed most of the rest of them, but I agree she's not a different animal, just a different shade of grey.

The left is worse in general because the media holds the right accountable. I'm glad they do that, I just want them to do the same to the left

The left isn't worse in general at all. Hillary is getting hammered right now. The difference so far is that the right has gone out and put all its eggs in the basket and the Democrats haven't bothered started going yet.

As for her arrogance, maybe she's just more willing to show it because she's confident in her abilities whereas others aren't. Either way to run for president you have to be arrogant enough.
How many people who run for the nomination of their party would pull out for the better of their party? Not one. They pull out because they know they don't stand a chance.

In that case they wouldn't have entered in the first place. They pull out because they get an offer they can't refuse.
This isn't Hillary, this is politics.

What's the difference?


The point being that Hillary isn't much different from anyone else. But people try and make out she is. She's a despicable as the rest of them.

Her above the law arrogance does actually exceed most of the rest of them, but I agree she's not a different animal, just a different shade of grey.

The left is worse in general because the media holds the right accountable. I'm glad they do that, I just want them to do the same to the left

The left isn't worse in general at all. Hillary is getting hammered right now. The difference so far is that the right has gone out and put all its eggs in the basket and the Democrats haven't bothered started going yet.


Wow, just wow. The left has coronated Hillary and the right has 17 candidates with no one over 25% and he's topped out as anyone who will support him already supports him, and you read it as the Democrats are open and the Republicans have put all their eggs in one basket? Seriously?

What basket are you even talking about? You can't seriously think Trump will win the nomination
Yes, I agree. Gore and Kerry would not gotten all the spending through the Republicans that W got. That's why I would vote for any of the Democrats over Jeb. The Bush cabal has to go, they've done enough damage

i would not vote for jeb ever

but i sure as hell would not vote for one of these democrats either


i will stick to my local and state elections if it comes to that

The only possible way I would vote for JEB, is if he is facing Hillary on election day.

From what I've seen of the candidates on both sides, I will likely stay home.

none of them are worth my vote

Staying home is interpreted as no way other than you don't give a shit. At least vote third party if you aren't going to vote for Tweedledum or Tweedledee. That says you don't like the choices

I've voted 3rd party a couple of times.

But there is never a strong enough candidate to make a dent.

Til there is one, it's an exercise in futility

Voting for any third party candidate says you want a choice. I voted for Ralph Nader in 2008 when the choices were McCain and Obama and the Libertarians ran a conservative instead of a libertarian. Not voting is 100% interpreted as you don't give a shit and you didn't bother

Not voting in a presidential election is also evidence that you are aware that your vote will not make one whit of difference.
i would not vote for jeb ever

but i sure as hell would not vote for one of these democrats either


i will stick to my local and state elections if it comes to that

The only possible way I would vote for JEB, is if he is facing Hillary on election day.

From what I've seen of the candidates on both sides, I will likely stay home.

none of them are worth my vote

Staying home is interpreted as no way other than you don't give a shit. At least vote third party if you aren't going to vote for Tweedledum or Tweedledee. That says you don't like the choices

I've voted 3rd party a couple of times.

But there is never a strong enough candidate to make a dent.

Til there is one, it's an exercise in futility

Voting for any third party candidate says you want a choice. I voted for Ralph Nader in 2008 when the choices were McCain and Obama and the Libertarians ran a conservative instead of a libertarian. Not voting is 100% interpreted as you don't give a shit and you didn't bother

Not voting in a presidential election is also evidence that you are aware that your vote will not make one whit of difference.

Go ahead and be a victim of life, I chose not to do that
Hillary is the bookies favourite.

She is winning the RCP average on every candidate in the field...

The best hope the GOP right now is she gives up because the numbers are all on her side...

They have continuously tried to claim she is a criminal without citing the law she broke or the court that convicted...

And yet she will not ever be president.

Hillay has an issue with citing a single reason she should be President... No honestly, that has been an issue for her and it in fact has hurt her in her own party. No evil vile mindless, racist, white, old, rich Republicans needed... In fact most of Hillary's problems are purely self induced, trust issues, wiping the server, not likable, no accomplishments and then there is the fact that she is old rich and white... christian... married to someone only for political gains... Not a lot to look up to for most people.
Hillary is the most qualified candidate in the entire field. She has more foreign policy experience and more executive branch experience

LOL, after voting for Obama you showed that "experience" isn't a standard for you Comrade big guy. You like her because she's a Marxist, same reason you liked Comrade Barry

Merely citing a "single reason she should be president"

Try to keep up with the thread

Actually, that isn't what the thread is about, Comrade Holmes, it's about whether she will drop her bid or not. Here's a clue, read the top of the page...

But on that point, experience would not ever change your vote, so it isn't a reason to you
Why would the leading candidate for President drop out Sherlock?
The only possible way I would vote for JEB, is if he is facing Hillary on election day.

From what I've seen of the candidates on both sides, I will likely stay home.

none of them are worth my vote

Staying home is interpreted as no way other than you don't give a shit. At least vote third party if you aren't going to vote for Tweedledum or Tweedledee. That says you don't like the choices

I've voted 3rd party a couple of times.

But there is never a strong enough candidate to make a dent.

Til there is one, it's an exercise in futility

Voting for any third party candidate says you want a choice. I voted for Ralph Nader in 2008 when the choices were McCain and Obama and the Libertarians ran a conservative instead of a libertarian. Not voting is 100% interpreted as you don't give a shit and you didn't bother

Not voting in a presidential election is also evidence that you are aware that your vote will not make one whit of difference.

Go ahead and be a victim of life, I chose not to do that

Naturally you are free to believe any fantasy that you like. I'm not a victim. I can move to another country if I choose. The real power in America doesn't lie with the politicians.
And yet she will not ever be president.

Hillay has an issue with citing a single reason she should be President... No honestly, that has been an issue for her and it in fact has hurt her in her own party. No evil vile mindless, racist, white, old, rich Republicans needed... In fact most of Hillary's problems are purely self induced, trust issues, wiping the server, not likable, no accomplishments and then there is the fact that she is old rich and white... christian... married to someone only for political gains... Not a lot to look up to for most people.
Hillary is the most qualified candidate in the entire field. She has more foreign policy experience and more executive branch experience

LOL, after voting for Obama you showed that "experience" isn't a standard for you Comrade big guy. You like her because she's a Marxist, same reason you liked Comrade Barry

Merely citing a "single reason she should be president"

Try to keep up with the thread

Actually, that isn't what the thread is about, Comrade Holmes, it's about whether she will drop her bid or not. Here's a clue, read the top of the page...

But on that point, experience would not ever change your vote, so it isn't a reason to you
Why would the leading candidate for President drop out Sherlock?
Possibly because she was forced to take another position???
How many people who run for the nomination of their party would pull out for the better of their party? Not one. They pull out because they know they don't stand a chance.

In that case they wouldn't have entered in the first place. They pull out because they get an offer they can't refuse.
This isn't Hillary, this is politics.

What's the difference?


The point being that Hillary isn't much different from anyone else. But people try and make out she is. She's a despicable as the rest of them.

Her above the law arrogance does actually exceed most of the rest of them, but I agree she's not a different animal, just a different shade of grey.

The left is worse in general because the media holds the right accountable. I'm glad they do that, I just want them to do the same to the left

The left isn't worse in general at all. Hillary is getting hammered right now. The difference so far is that the right has gone out and put all its eggs in the basket and the Democrats haven't bothered started going yet.


Wow, just wow. The left has coronated Hillary and the right has 17 candidates with no one over 25% and he's topped out as anyone who will support him already supports him, and you read it as the Democrats are open and the Republicans have put all their eggs in one basket? Seriously?

What basket are you even talking about? You can't seriously think Trump will win the nomination

I'm not sure I see the connection with what I wrote and what you wrote here, so it's a bit difficult to know even where to start.

The Republicans have a lot of candidates, probably because they've lost the last two elections and anyone who was top of the pile would have lost the last two elections, so those underneath see they have more of a chance. Hilary lost the last one and was seen as strong but not as strong as Obama.
The primaries don't start for what, four or five months still. There's plenty of time for more democrats to come forward.
Thanks to Jackson, I was finally reminded of the 'lesser' reason we have a VP. The Vice President is the standard bearer of the administration. His job is to run for the office after the previous presidents two terms is up. Since the end of the Roosevelt administration(and before it), the VP usually ran for the high office. The rest of the party would rally behind him in support of his bids, except for issues candidates that are trying to get the VP to take their i concerns up onto his platform.

Thus we are led to a true dilemma for Democrats: What if Joe Biden run for president?

Wait, that was phrased wrong, given the historics. The real question is: What is the point behind a Clinton campaign? Why is she running? Is she running as a spoiler? Someone who is against the policies espoused by our current president? If so, which policies does she oppose?

Or is it possible that she is campaigning in case Joe is a no show? If this is the case, and Biden decides to run, what then?

Will the party rally around Ol' Joe? Or is Hillary too mesmerizing for Democrats to quit her?

There is a chance, albeit a slight one, that Hillary may throw support behind Biden and drop out!

Yeah, RIGHT!!

Oh yes, break out the popcorn. This maybe the most interesting national election yet!!

Frankly, none of the 17 Republicans in the clown car are capable of beating Hillary

Republican fantasies of prosecution are just that
Hillary is the most qualified candidate in the entire field. She has more foreign policy experience and more executive branch experience

LOL, after voting for Obama you showed that "experience" isn't a standard for you Comrade big guy. You like her because she's a Marxist, same reason you liked Comrade Barry

Merely citing a "single reason she should be president"

Try to keep up with the thread

Actually, that isn't what the thread is about, Comrade Holmes, it's about whether she will drop her bid or not. Here's a clue, read the top of the page...

But on that point, experience would not ever change your vote, so it isn't a reason to you
Why would the leading candidate for President drop out Sherlock?
Possibly because she was forced to take another position???
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