A chance that Hillary Clinton will drop her Presidential bid!

There is a chance that Obama will run for a third term

There's also a chance Carter and GHW will run for their second term.

But only an idiot would take it seriously

Only an idiot would think Hillary will drop out

9-10 months from now, she may drop out in favor of a better candidate, because of poll numbers.

Tho none are currently running on the D ticket, and none visible in the wings.
Thanks to Jackson, I was finally reminded of the 'lesser' reason we have a VP. The Vice President is the standard bearer of the administration. His job is to run for the office after the previous presidents two terms is up. Since the end of the Roosevelt administration(and before it), the VP usually ran for the high office. The rest of the party would rally behind him in support of his bids, except for issues candidates that are trying to get the VP to take their i concerns up onto his platform.

Thus we are led to a true dilemma for Democrats: What if Joe Biden run for president?

Wait, that was phrased wrong, given the historics. The real question is: What is the point behind a Clinton campaign? Why is she running? Is she running as a spoiler? Someone who is against the policies espoused by our current president? If so, which policies does she oppose?

Or is it possible that she is campaigning in case Joe is a no show? If this is the case, and Biden decides to run, what then?

Will the party rally around Ol' Joe? Or is Hillary too mesmerizing for Democrats to quit her?

There is a chance, albeit a slight one, that Hillary may throw support behind Biden and drop out!

Yeah, RIGHT!!

Oh yes, break out the popcorn. This maybe the most interesting national election yet!!

It's really simple, the hildabeast will not be deterred form her life long dream until the indictments are handed down.
:lame2:, YAAAAWWNNN, another when will Hillary drop out thread, only in your dreams, she's in no matter what:trolls:..

Your front runner with the horrific rug, can't even answer tough foreign policy questions, hating on Hispanics will not win a national election..

Empty eyes Walker was too stupid to make it thru college, Wisconsin is in poor shape thanks to this dumbshit..

Rand Paul is DONE!

Rick Perry is DONE!

Graham was done before he even started..

Fiorina is a dingbat, lags in fundraising, best known for tanking HP, she's will be toast soon..

Half of the country probably thinks Ben Carson plays for the Raiders:wtf:

Ted Cruz is Horseshit, he's not going anywhere, neither is Rubio both are in single digits, LOL..

And none of your POS candidates have any Foreign policy experience!

Your Goper party is shit, shit and more shit, Hillary dosen't have anything to worry about..

And we can throw Biden in the race he's obviously the most qualified, (next to Clinton) being VP for 8 years..

And we have Warren, as the WILD CARD, no we haven't heard the last of her!!

This isn't a "will when Hillary drop out thread"
This is a "What will Hillary and the Dems do if Biden runs" thread.

It does not seem she will drop out(if so, for the noble reason of supporting the current administration through Biden) so it looks as though she is essentially going against the last 8 years of Obama.

Of course, this is all hypothetical, but is really up to Biden. We will have to see what he is going to do at the end of September.
If Biden gets in it's the DNC saying she is done.
If my Aunt had a D!ck she would be by Uncle, If If If, blah, blah blah..

Wake me up when Biden makes the announcement he is running, meanwhile don't hold your breath..
Thanks to Jackson, I was finally reminded of the 'lesser' reason we have a VP. The Vice President is the standard bearer of the administration. His job is to run for the office after the previous presidents two terms is up. Since the end of the Roosevelt administration(and before it), the VP usually ran for the high office. The rest of the party would rally behind him in support of his bids, except for issues candidates that are trying to get the VP to take their i concerns up onto his platform.

Thus we are led to a true dilemma for Democrats: What if Joe Biden run for president?

Wait, that was phrased wrong, given the historics. The real question is: What is the point behind a Clinton campaign? Why is she running? Is she running as a spoiler? Someone who is against the policies espoused by our current president? If so, which policies does she oppose?

Or is it possible that she is campaigning in case Joe is a no show? If this is the case, and Biden decides to run, what then?

Will the party rally around Ol' Joe? Or is Hillary too mesmerizing for Democrats to quit her?

There is a chance, albeit a slight one, that Hillary may throw support behind Biden and drop out!

Yeah, RIGHT!!

Oh yes, break out the popcorn. This maybe the most interesting national election yet!!
Clinton is running because she still has the best chance of winning despite the email server issue plus the fact that she is a lifelong politician who can't resist the challenge. Biden is a backup. If the Clinton campaign can't pull it together, Biden is the next likely choice and yes Clinton would support Biden if she did not run. Democrats would support either over any of the Republican candidate regardless of who it is. If the Republican candidate turned out to be Trump, either candidate would win with a large margin.
Biden is a life long politician. Clinton is a FORMER one term senator.
Hillary was a US Senator for 8 years, serving on 5 committees, 9 subcommittees, before serving as Secretary of State for 4 years. As Secretary of State she visited 112 countries and worked individually with more heads of state than any past Secretary of State. She was the first First Lady to seek and win and elected office. Time magazine named her as one of the top 25 most powerful women in the world. She was twice named one of the most influential lawyers in the country.

As First Lady for 8 years she took the lead in many of the administration's initiatives such as Healthcare Reform, Children's Health Insurance Program, Adoption and Safe Family Act, Foster Care and Independence Act.

A graduate of Yale, law she served as congressional counsel, First Lady of the State of Arkansas, First Legal Chair of Legal Services Corporation, chairwomen of the committee to reform the Arkansas Educational System, first female partner at Rose Law, co-founded the Arkansas Advocacy for Families and Children, and a board member of Walmart and a number of other corporations.

There is no candidate in the race that even comes close to Clinton's qualifications. She is literary on a first name basis with most of the world leaders as well as leaders in Congress.
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Sorry, but hiLIARy is not dropping out even if she is indicted, tired, and found guilty of treason. She lacks the class and self awareness to ever do the right thing. She's a power hungry harridan that lies with impunity.

If Slow Joe Biden runs, she will turn on Obama and Biden with the ferocity of a wounded wolverine. No bullet will be spared. She'll drag the entire Democrat party through the mud before she is done. This bitch has no bottom, she is a Clinton.

Good times!!


A cruel joke on democrats would be Hillary running 3rd party!
Now THAT would be funny!

Even crueler, Hillary lacks the charisma or showmanship to make a 3rd party run feasible.

Really, How can you confuse Hillary with Trump? Trump is energetic and engaging. Hillary is, ok this is not a word, blah.
I would love nothing more than another old rich fat white guy who hates Hispanics, with a 55% unfavorable rating to get the nomination, of your pack of clowns, to face a nation with over 300 Million people on voting day 2016, please bring it!!

The last guy that tried in 12, failed miserably, only difference was that guy hated the poor and had better hair, and was a more intelligent speaker..
Hillary is the bookies favourite.

She is winning the RCP average on every candidate in the field...

The best hope the GOP right now is she gives up because the numbers are all on her side...

They have continuously tried to claim she is a criminal without citing the law she broke or the court that convicted...
It's rare for me to watch anything where a politician talks but I just saw Hillary talking about the emails and a few other things... Wow, that bitch ain't neva gonna get elected. She has a way of "apologizing" that just makes you want to see her get punished. You feel like she believes she is above the law and that it's just silly of us to waste her time talking about how she fucked up.

Lil off topic I know but as I said I never watch her but her ability to come across as being truly un-sincere is not exaggeration.
Hillary is the bookies favourite.

She is winning the RCP average on every candidate in the field...

The best hope the GOP right now is she gives up because the numbers are all on her side...

They have continuously tried to claim she is a criminal without citing the law she broke or the court that convicted...

And yet she will not ever be president.

Hillay has an issue with citing a single reason she should be President... No honestly, that has been an issue for her and it in fact has hurt her in her own party. No evil vile mindless, racist, white, old, rich Republicans needed... In fact most of Hillary's problems are purely self induced, trust issues, wiping the server, not likable, no accomplishments and then there is the fact that she is old rich and white... christian... married to someone only for political gains... Not a lot to look up to for most people.
This is all fun and games
Thanks to Jackson, I was finally reminded of the 'lesser' reason we have a VP. The Vice President is the standard bearer of the administration. His job is to run for the office after the previous presidents two terms is up. Since the end of the Roosevelt administration(and before it), the VP usually ran for the high office. The rest of the party would rally behind him in support of his bids, except for issues candidates that are trying to get the VP to take their i concerns up onto his platform.

Thus we are led to a true dilemma for Democrats: What if Joe Biden run for president?

Wait, that was phrased wrong, given the historics. The real question is: What is the point behind a Clinton campaign? Why is she running? Is she running as a spoiler? Someone who is against the policies espoused by our current president? If so, which policies does she oppose?

Or is it possible that she is campaigning in case Joe is a no show? If this is the case, and Biden decides to run, what then?

Will the party rally around Ol' Joe? Or is Hillary too mesmerizing for Democrats to quit her?

There is a chance, albeit a slight one, that Hillary may throw support behind Biden and drop out!

Yeah, RIGHT!!

Oh yes, break out the popcorn. This maybe the most interesting national election yet!!

The Hilary and Hussein camps are pitted against each other. The Clintons are really, REALLY pissed at Obama for refusing to endorse her. Remember, he rained on her parade 8 years ago and she was forced to back him....all in preparation for her coronation. Then he pulls this shit?

If Biden decides to run, you can bet she has plenty of dirt on Obama to be made public. The Clintons are masters of blackmailing, so don't be surprised if Biden announces he won't run for bogus reasons like his family wouldn't be able to handle it.

If Biden does run, it's going to be war between the Clintons and Obamas. She'll have to spend a LOT of money to defeat Biden in the primaries. Her real problem is, Obama probably has a lot of dirt on her too, and may use it to bring her down.

It's definitely going to be fun to watch!
Hillary is the bookies favourite.

She is winning the RCP average on every candidate in the field...

The best hope the GOP right now is she gives up because the numbers are all on her side...

They have continuously tried to claim she is a criminal without citing the law she broke or the court that convicted...
Hilary has been hated by the Right since there was a Right. She's a liberal, a masterful politician, who is one the most powerful and influential women in the country. What's not hate?
Hillary is the bookies favourite.

She is winning the RCP average on every candidate in the field...

The best hope the GOP right now is she gives up because the numbers are all on her side...

They have continuously tried to claim she is a criminal without citing the law she broke or the court that convicted...
Hilary has been hated by the Right since there was a Right. She's a liberal, a masterful politician, who is one the most powerful and influential women in the country. What's not hate?

I think one of their main hates is they got nothing.. There is no major scandal in her past...

The ones they are going for are puff ball items... Hillary has just to say, 'You invaded the wrong country on information you and collapsed the economy and now you want to do more of the same...'
Hillary is the bookies favourite.

She is winning the RCP average on every candidate in the field...

The best hope the GOP right now is she gives up because the numbers are all on her side...

They have continuously tried to claim she is a criminal without citing the law she broke or the court that convicted...
Hilary has been hated by the Right since there was a Right. She's a liberal, a masterful politician, who is one the most powerful and influential women in the country. What's not hate?
I just love how you lie without knowing the truth. "Hated by the right since there was a right".....LIE, Hillary WAS s "Goldwater Girl".
Hillary is the bookies favourite.

She is winning the RCP average on every candidate in the field...

The best hope the GOP right now is she gives up because the numbers are all on her side...

They have continuously tried to claim she is a criminal without citing the law she broke or the court that convicted...
Hilary has been hated by the Right since there was a Right. She's a liberal, a masterful politician, who is one the most powerful and influential women in the country. What's not hate?

I agree with you with everything but one.

Hillary is not a masterful politician. In fact, she is a horrible politician.

She is not charismatic, comes off as awkward, and sometimes a bit disconnected. There are other things wrong with how she comes across, as well.

However, she has a lot of pluses going for her. She would do better in a Technocracy where ability and merit is rewarded over personality.

But, campaigning is a weakness of hers. She is not Bill and it shows.
This is all fun and games
Thanks to Jackson, I was finally reminded of the 'lesser' reason we have a VP. The Vice President is the standard bearer of the administration. His job is to run for the office after the previous presidents two terms is up. Since the end of the Roosevelt administration(and before it), the VP usually ran for the high office. The rest of the party would rally behind him in support of his bids, except for issues candidates that are trying to get the VP to take their i concerns up onto his platform.

Thus we are led to a true dilemma for Democrats: What if Joe Biden run for president?

Wait, that was phrased wrong, given the historics. The real question is: What is the point behind a Clinton campaign? Why is she running? Is she running as a spoiler? Someone who is against the policies espoused by our current president? If so, which policies does she oppose?

Or is it possible that she is campaigning in case Joe is a no show? If this is the case, and Biden decides to run, what then?

Will the party rally around Ol' Joe? Or is Hillary too mesmerizing for Democrats to quit her?

There is a chance, albeit a slight one, that Hillary may throw support behind Biden and drop out!

Yeah, RIGHT!!

Oh yes, break out the popcorn. This maybe the most interesting national election yet!!

The Hilary and Hussein camps are pitted against each other. The Clintons are really, REALLY pissed at Obama for refusing to endorse her. Remember, he rained on her parade 8 years ago and she was forced to back him....all in preparation for her coronation. Then he pulls this shit?

If Biden decides to run, you can bet she has plenty of dirt on Obama to be made public. The Clintons are masters of blackmailing, so don't be surprised if Biden announces he won't run for bogus reasons like his family wouldn't be able to handle it.

If Biden does run, it's going to be war between the Clintons and Obamas. She'll have to spend a LOT of money to defeat Biden in the primaries. Her real problem is, Obama probably has a lot of dirt on her too, and may use it to bring her down.

It's definitely going to be fun to watch!
I doubt it makes any difference to Obama who wins as long as it's Hilary or Biden. President Obama likes Hillary Clinton and has said she would be an “excellent President,” but he’s not endorsing her yet. Why? Because he has a close relationship with Joe Biden. Biden’s request that Obama delivery the eulogy for his son underscored just how much the personal relationship between the two men has evolved in the seven years since they forged their political partnership. I doubt that Obama will endorse anyone until it's clear who is going to be the nominee.
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Hillary is the bookies favourite.

She is winning the RCP average on every candidate in the field...

The best hope the GOP right now is she gives up because the numbers are all on her side...

They have continuously tried to claim she is a criminal without citing the law she broke or the court that convicted...
Hilary has been hated by the Right since there was a Right. She's a liberal, a masterful politician, who is one the most powerful and influential women in the country. What's not hate?
I just love how you lie without knowing the truth. "Hated by the right since there was a right".....LIE, Hillary WAS s "Goldwater Girl".
Trump Politifact History


Look at your main guy...

Not one true statement... You are toast....

You are a complete joke... Hillary is a saint compared to your guy...

This must hurt... You guy is a liar... Actually he can't seem to tell the truth...

Nice try looser...
RWers are so full of crap/themselves. For some strange reason they believe they will be picking the democrat's nominee. Don't you think you should stick to figuring out which goof ball from the clown car YOU will vote for and leave the dem's pick for the dem's?

Check this out you morans... you won't have any say in it!
RWers are so full of crap/themselves. For some strange reason they believe they will be picking the democrat's nominee. Don't you think you should stick to figuring out which goof ball from the clown car YOU will vote for and leave the dem's pick for the dem's?

Check this out you morans... you won't have any say in it!
Trust me we DON'T want ANY say. You are running....
A PERVERT {maybe is Biden in?}

We don't need to pick for you. You are cutting your own throats just fine.
RWers are so full of crap/themselves. For some strange reason they believe they will be picking the democrat's nominee. Don't you think you should stick to figuring out which goof ball from the clown car YOU will vote for and leave the dem's pick for the dem's?

Check this out you morans... you won't have any say in it!
Trust me we DON'T want ANY say. You are running....
A PERVERT {maybe is Biden in?}

We don't need to pick for you. You are cutting your own throats just fine.

You are not picking anything for ME. I'm not interested in any of YOUR ass clowns and I have no support for Hillary.

I am interested in the process only. I would like to see a fair election. That is something people like YOU are least interested in.

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