A change in the times and seasons


Sep 1, 2020
We are approaching a time period whereby there will be a change in the times and seasons. We don’t know when the Lord Jesus Christ the Son of God will return. But it seems that the signs of his return are near.

2027 A.D is 2,000 years after the baptism of the Lord Jesus Christ.

2027 A.D is 2,000 years after the temptation of the Lord Jesus Christ in the wilderness (where he successfully overcame Satan’s temptations). 2027 A.D is also 6,000 years after the temptation of Adam and Eve (where they failed).

The heavens and the earth were created in 4004 BC. Adam and Eve were tempted when they were 30 years old (around 3,974 BC). They lived in the Garden of Eden for 30 years.

There is a possibility that humanity might be tempted by very big false Satanic miracles (involving Satanic masquerades) from around 2027 A.D until the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ.

(A small side note: the angels were created on the second day of the creation week. So Heylel (Lucifer)/Satan was created on the second day of the creation week). Heylel (Lucifer)/Satan will be burnt and destroyed completely in the Lake of fire as shown in the Book of Revelation).

2031 A.D is 2,000 years after the crucifixion and death of the Lord Jesus Christ.

2031 A.D is 2,000 years after the veil of the Temple was torn.

2031 A.D is 2,000 years after the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ.

2031 A.D is 2,000 years after the Ascension of the Lord Jesus Christ.

2031 A.D is 2,000 years after the Descent of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost in Acts 2.

2034 A.D is 2,000 years after the stoning of Stephen.

2034 A.D is 2,000 years of the gospel going to the gentiles.

2044 A.D is 2,500 years after 457 BC.

457 BC (The decree to rebuilt Jerusalem in Daniel’s prophecy) + 2,300 = 1844 A.D

In 1844 A.D Jesus moved from the Holy Place of the heavenly sanctuary into the Holy of Holies to begin a final atonement for humanity.

1844 A.D + 200 = 2044 A.D

(As a side note: 200 is 4 jubilees (4*50), 4 is a Biblical number representing the creation. 200 is also 40*5, 40 years of probation times 5, 5 is the Biblical number of Grace).

2,300 + 200 = 2,500 years

2,500 years is 50 jubilees (= 50*50 years)

So 457 BC + 2,500 = 2044 AD (50 jubilees from 457 BC)

2044 A.D is the jubilee of jubilees from 457 BC. Jubilee means deliverance.

We don’t know when the Lord Jesus Christ will return. But it seems that we are entering the time zone of his return. The parable of the Good Samaritan (in Luke), shows that the Good Samaritan (the Lord Jesus Christ) gave the Inn keeper (Church ministers) 2 denarii, and told him whatsoever he will spend more when he comes back he will repay him.

1 denarius is a day’s wages according to the parable of the workers in the vineyard (in Mathew). According to Peter one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. So 2 denarii = 2,000 years. The Good Samaritan told him whatsoever he will spend more when he comes back he will repay him, so the 2,000 years is a good time zone and not an exact date. He can return earlier or later.

Also, note that 40 years is the time period of probation. 2,000 years = 40 jubilees (40*50).

Another very good point: Our Lord Jesus Christ was born during the Feast of Tabernacles (on the 15th day of the seventh Biblical month). So it is very good and proper to use the Feast of Tabernacles for the purpose of remembering the birth of the Lord Jesus Christ. The Feast of Tabernacles also reminds us of the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ (Adonai Yahushua Mashiach).

The Seventh day of the week (from sunset Friday to sunset Saturday) is the genuine and true Sabbath both in the old Testament and in the New Testament. The Lord's day that is mentioned in Revelation 1:10 is the Seventh day of the week (from sunset Friday to sunset Saturday).

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