A Choice For Blacks

Would Blacks Undo Slavery, Knowing Their Lives Would Be Worse Off?

  • Yes, they would sacrifice being Americans for the sake of their ancestors.

    Votes: 3 50.0%
  • No, they would let their ancestors suffer in bondage to preserve what they have.

    Votes: 3 50.0%

  • Total voters
You people are embarrassing.

Well, this thread sure made it clear who I was wasting my time talking to in another thread. It's not because Michelle Obama is fat or ugly. It's because she is black.
Ah, the race card, when you run out of argument.

Nah. The race card when I peel back the ugly, and find a card-carrying racist.

You should scroll through your posts sometime. Who you are and what you think are blindingly apparent.
fairly interesting question.

people being people would choose to be who they are where they are in America, b/c they know it would suck to be in the regions their ancestors were taken from.

publicly no one would choose slavery.

take the race out of it

people you don't know, never heard of, have no idea about them, suffered.
If it didn't happen, you and your family would suffer.

seriously obvious
Given the choice, 99% of them would let their ancestors suffer. No one wants to live in fucking Africa. That place blows. Living in the US is a blessing that most of the world will never know.

It was no secret that the US was a blessing.a chance for a new start, Unlimited free land, right to vote, a constitution protecting your freedoms.........

Open for anyone in the world except blacks
Well, this thread sure made it clear who I was wasting my time talking to in another thread. It's not because Michelle Obama is fat or ugly. It's because she is black.
Ah, the race card, when you run out of argument.

Nah. The race card when I peel back the ugly, and find a card-carrying racist.

You should scroll through your posts sometime. Who you are and what you think are blindingly apparent.
Your problem is that you think anyone who criticizes the actions of anyone of color is a racist. I'm not really sure you think that, you just use it as an argument ender when you can't win any other way. Black people in this country deserve to be criticized for their decisions and choices, they're costing the rest of us huge amounts of money and are diminishing the quality of life for everyone else, and I won't refrain from voicing my opinion out of fear that some liberal is gonna label me a racist for doing so. You must be intellectually limited if the race card is the only option you can ever find.
If today's blacks were given a chance to change history, and make it so slavery had never happened, would they save their ancestors from slavery, knowing it would mean they would be living in Liberia? Or would they let it happen again, in order to have a better life themselves?

The question assumes that if slavery never had never happened that people would have the same lot in a 3rd world country as things are now.

If slavery had never happened countries that profited economically off the backs of slaves may not have prospered financially building an influential world power.

I think most people would choose freedom over slavery.
Ah, the race card, when you run out of argument.

Nah. The race card when I peel back the ugly, and find a card-carrying racist.

You should scroll through your posts sometime. Who you are and what you think are blindingly apparent.
Your problem is that you think anyone who criticizes the actions of anyone of color is a racist. I'm not really sure you think that, you just use it as an argument ender when you can't win any other way. Black people in this country deserve to be criticized for their decisions and choices, they're costing the rest of us huge amounts of money and are diminishing the quality of life for everyone else, and I won't refrain from voicing my opinion out of fear that some liberal is gonna label me a racist for doing so. You must be intellectually limited if the race card is the only option you can ever find.
It is not criticism of a person of color that makes a person a racist. Only when that criticism becomes an incitement of the race as being inferior in some way is it racism.

To get beyond racism, we first must take account of race. There simply is no other way. To treat some people equally, we must treat them differently. That is not racism.

I think a lot of race discussions would benefit by defining what is mean by racism. It seems very often any comment either positive or negative about a person of color is likely to be construed as racist.
Ah, the race card, when you run out of argument.

Nah. The race card when I peel back the ugly, and find a card-carrying racist.

You should scroll through your posts sometime. Who you are and what you think are blindingly apparent.
Your problem is that you think anyone who criticizes the actions of anyone of color is a racist. I'm not really sure you think that, you just use it as an argument ender when you can't win any other way. Black people in this country deserve to be criticized for their decisions and choices, they're costing the rest of us huge amounts of money and are diminishing the quality of life for everyone else, and I won't refrain from voicing my opinion out of fear that some liberal is gonna label me a racist for doing so. You must be intellectually limited if the race card is the only option you can ever find.

Maybe don't try to remove the mote in my eye before you tend to the log in your own.
Ah, the race card, when you run out of argument.

Nah. The race card when I peel back the ugly, and find a card-carrying racist.

You should scroll through your posts sometime. Who you are and what you think are blindingly apparent.

Black people in this country deserve to be criticized for their decisions and choices, they're costing the rest of us huge amounts of money and are diminishing the quality of life for everyone else..

Can you provide any statistics on what "black people are costing the rest of us?", and how are black people "diminishing the quality of life for everyone else?"
If you can produce any such thing be sure to factor in the black people in America who work and pay taxes as well. Taxes that support goverment funded programs that ALL races who need them receive.

Secondly, white collar crime in the financial sector has had a direct impact on the economy which has caused many homeowners to lose equity in real estate. Many people have lost all of their retirement funds to Ponzi schemes, honest investors have been bilked by crooked hedge fund managers, and the list goes on.....those type of intentional crooks are just as guilty as any other crook.

This may be little over your head, but if you can get through it, you might be surprised at what the possible cost of "white collar" crime is.

TUESDAY, JUNE 19, 2012

Dan Ariely on the Cost of Justice
A Diary of Numbers: Dan Ariely on the Cost of Justice
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If today's blacks were given a chance to change history, and make it so slavery had never happened, would they save their ancestors from slavery, knowing it would mean they would be living in Liberia?

Has anyone explained this to the moron yet?
If today's blacks were given a chance to change history, and make it so slavery had never happened, would they save their ancestors from slavery, knowing it would mean they would be living in Liberia?

The saddest part is that you don't realize just how stupid you are.
But I DO realize how stupid YOU are.

:lol: You really don't understand what you said, do you?
Nah. The race card when I peel back the ugly, and find a card-carrying racist.

You should scroll through your posts sometime. Who you are and what you think are blindingly apparent.
Your problem is that you think anyone who criticizes the actions of anyone of color is a racist. I'm not really sure you think that, you just use it as an argument ender when you can't win any other way. Black people in this country deserve to be criticized for their decisions and choices, they're costing the rest of us huge amounts of money and are diminishing the quality of life for everyone else, and I won't refrain from voicing my opinion out of fear that some liberal is gonna label me a racist for doing so. You must be intellectually limited if the race card is the only option you can ever find.

Maybe don't try to remove the mote in my eye before you tend to the log in your own.
Nice generic response, which means absolutely nothing. The fact is that the only argument you ever have is to call your opponents racists.
Can you provide any statistics on what "black people are costing the rest of us?", and how are black people "diminishing the quality of life for everyone else?"
If you can produce any such thing be sure to factor in the black people in America who work and pay taxes as well. Taxes that support goverment funded programs that ALL races who need them receive.

Secondly, white collar crime in the financial sector has had a direct impact on the economy which has caused many homeowners to lose equity in real estate. Many people have lost all of their retirement funds to Ponzi schemes, honest investors have been bilked by crooked hedge fund managers, and the list goes on.....those type of intentional crooks are just as guilty as any other crook.

This may be little over your head, but if you can get through it, you might be surprised at what the possible cost of "white collar" crime is.
There are plenty of blacks involved in "white collar crime". And anyone who can't see how blacks are diminishing the quality of life for everyone else is living under a rock.
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Can you provide any statistics on what "black people are costing the rest of us?", and how are black people "diminishing the quality of life for everyone else?"
If you can produce any such thing be sure to factor in the black people in America who work and pay taxes as well. Taxes that support goverment funded programs that ALL races who need them receive.

Secondly, white collar crime in the financial sector has had a direct impact on the economy which has caused many homeowners to lose equity in real estate. Many people have lost all of their retirement funds to Ponzi schemes, honest investors have been bilked by crooked hedge fund managers, and the list goes on.....those type of intentional crooks are just as guilty as any other crook.

This may be little over your head, but if you can get through it, you might be surprised at what the possible cost of "white collar" crime is.
There are plenty of blacks involved in "white collar crime". And anyone who can't see how blacks are diminishing the quality of life for everyone else is living under a rock.

I did not say that "no blacks" are involved in white collar crime, but I do not believe that there are "plenty" who are. If you believe this to be so, feel free to post whatever you can find to support your assumption.

Don't forget that for you to state that contradicts the popular opinion of those here like you who believe that blacks are only capable of reliance on the government for handouts and as you all say "freebies" in order to survive.

Besides, the type of white collar crime that is described in the link that I posted(if you understand numbers) requires having access to very large sums of money in order to orchestrate fraud and theft in the millions and billions of dollars.

And of course we know that blacks don't possess the mental acuity that is required to pull off those types of crimes.....don't we?

Lastly, for the sake of allowing you an opportunity to make a credible statement, I will admit guilt to "living under a rock".

I worked for many years before retiring and paid my share of taxes like any other responsible citizen, and never whined or blamed anyone for "diminishing" my quality of life, not even some of the genuine, backwards, racist cretins that I encountered back when there was REAL racism.

So please humor me and explain how a mere 13 percent of the population, some of whom are most likely more educated and successful than you are " diminish" YOUR quality of life PERSONALLY...and why you would allow them to.

If you can.
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