A clear cut way to end gun fascination in America....listen up

I am calling on all blacks, especially thugs, latino's and muslims in this country to do what the white man is doing....lets take our ass's into these gun shops and load up. Lets take our holsters and strap these guns across our bodies and walk around in the malls and business venues exposing our gun wear. Lets keep them in are cars and trucks on gun racks...all legal of course and lets see how long it takes white America to end the stupidity of this bullshit!!

White people seem to think they're the only race in this country allowed to sport mega guns....that's the NUMBER ONE REASON NO POLITICIAN WANTS TO ATTACK THIS MADDENING ISSUE...BECAUSE HARRY AND LOUISE ARE PROUD WHITE GUN FANATICS.......but I can assure anyone with a working brain cell, the minute nigga's and other minorities join this trend.....the shit will end YESTERDAY!!

View attachment 56854

May I add, let's all take the same training and oath as police and military officers
to only use force to defend the Constitutional laws, principles, people and property EQUALLY.

This goes for legal and political force also.

Guns, authority of law, courts, lobbying, legislation and elections
should only be used to enforce equal rights, freedoms and protections for all people of all views.

Where people get into trouble, police or civilians military or nongovt alike, is when we
ABUSE force of law or politics or media to
IMPOSE one side's beliefs or rights OVER those of another group.

When we get divided, that's the root cause of violence.
Peacemaking and security means enforcing things mutually and equally, not onesided!

See sample Police Mission statement at
* role of police is to enforce the laws without imposing judgment or punishment
* to work with the city and people to enhance the quality of life,
to reduce fear, promote peace and provide for a safe environment
* to actively involve citizens in all aspects of policing
* with respect to democratic principles embodied in the US Constitution

If all gun bearers took this same oath and training as police under the Constitution, then nobody would have to fear abuse of guns for violence and crime that is clearly against the spirit of the laws that arms are supposed to be used to enforce, not to violate

Child, I don't know what planet you live on, but here on earth, in America...Obama, the president of the US, would be gunned downed in a hot effin minute if he walked around strapped like the white man do....and with not a camera in sight, some officer would swear, he pulled first....oh, and Obama also took that oath too

Do you realize Obama wouldn't QUALIFY to be a street cop?? He wouldn't pass the background check. His association with Bill Ayers would be an automatic disqualifier. And....he'd probably flunk the polygraph. But 100% fact he wouldn't pass the background.

How about that? Obama couldn't qualify to be his own body guard.

Give me a fuckin break, first off, the only fuckin reason he wouldn't qualify as you put it, is because he'd proboally ask questions first and then shoot...a disqualifying factor to be a fuckin cop in the first place...secondly, you mean to tell me, known cops that openly support the KKK, can get a job, but Obama couldn't..get the fuck outta here
I am calling on all blacks, especially thugs, latino's and muslims in this country to do what the white man is doing....lets take our ass's into these gun shops and load up. Lets take our holsters and strap these guns across our bodies and walk around in the malls and business venues exposing our gun wear. Lets keep them in are cars and trucks on gun racks...all legal of course and lets see how long it takes white America to end the stupidity of this bullshit!!

White people seem to think they're the only race in this country allowed to sport mega guns....that's the NUMBER ONE REASON NO POLITICIAN WANTS TO ATTACK THIS MADDENING ISSUE...BECAUSE HARRY AND LOUISE ARE PROUD WHITE GUN FANATICS.......but I can assure anyone with a working brain cell, the minute nigga's and other minorities join this trend.....the shit will end YESTERDAY!!

View attachment 56854
Actually the MURDER rate, the number of firearms crimes and violence IS BECAUSE Black gangs, Hispanic Gangs Oriental Gangs and White Gangs shoot each other and others routinely day in and day out. By the way before you encourage your brothers to carry you might want to advice them to learn the local laws most of the Inner cities already ban open carry concealed carry and try to prevent law abiding citizens from owning firearms even in their homes.
I am calling on all blacks, especially thugs, latino's and muslims in this country to do what the white man is doing....lets take our ass's into these gun shops and load up. Lets take our holsters and strap these guns across our bodies and walk around in the malls and business venues exposing our gun wear. Lets keep them in are cars and trucks on gun racks...all legal of course and lets see how long it takes white America to end the stupidity of this bullshit!!

White people seem to think they're the only race in this country allowed to sport mega guns....that's the NUMBER ONE REASON NO POLITICIAN WANTS TO ATTACK THIS MADDENING ISSUE...BECAUSE HARRY AND LOUISE ARE PROUD WHITE GUN FANATICS.......but I can assure anyone with a working brain cell, the minute nigga's and other minorities join this trend.....the shit will end YESTERDAY!!

View attachment 56854
The hole in your theory is that "thugs" and a good number of "latinos" can't LEGALLY purchase a weapon
I am calling on all blacks, especially thugs, latino's and muslims in this country to do what the white man is doing....lets take our ass's into these gun shops and load up. Lets take our holsters and strap these guns across our bodies and walk around in the malls and business venues exposing our gun wear. Lets keep them in are cars and trucks on gun racks...all legal of course and lets see how long it takes white America to end the stupidity of this bullshit!!

White people seem to think they're the only race in this country allowed to sport mega guns....that's the NUMBER ONE REASON NO POLITICIAN WANTS TO ATTACK THIS MADDENING ISSUE...BECAUSE HARRY AND LOUISE ARE PROUD WHITE GUN FANATICS.......but I can assure anyone with a working brain cell, the minute nigga's and other minorities join this trend.....the shit will end YESTERDAY!!

View attachment 56854
Blacks can't even pull up their pants and Muslims prefer bombs and rocket launchers.
:lol: Homie's pants are so low he'd never reach his gun. That's if the weight of it didn't pull his pants all the way down!
I am calling on all blacks, especially thugs, latino's and muslims in this country to do what the white man is doing....lets take our ass's into these gun shops and load up. Lets take our holsters and strap these guns across our bodies and walk around in the malls and business venues exposing our gun wear. Lets keep them in are cars and trucks on gun racks...all legal of course and lets see how long it takes white America to end the stupidity of this bullshit!!

White people seem to think they're the only race in this country allowed to sport mega guns....that's the NUMBER ONE REASON NO POLITICIAN WANTS TO ATTACK THIS MADDENING ISSUE...BECAUSE HARRY AND LOUISE ARE PROUD WHITE GUN FANATICS.......but I can assure anyone with a working brain cell, the minute nigga's and other minorities join this trend.....the shit will end YESTERDAY!!

View attachment 56854

Dude....as long as you aren't a felon....go ahead...I support you.......get a gun, learn to use it and be safe with it....and carry it...you will make all of us safer..........it is your right as an American to use a gun to defend yourself.....would you like some recomendations.....I don't know a lot but I know a little and a lot of sources....
The only people who use racist rants like this seem to be lefties. Black Police Officers die in the line of duty just like White Police Officers and they walk around in ..gasp..malls and business venues carrying guns. Nobody in the freaking greatest Country in the world has ever suggested that 2nd Amendment rights be denied to people because of the color of their skin except maybe the idiotic radical left that can't write a sentence without playing the race card. Maybe there is a latent racist opinion among lefties that only Black and Hispanic thugs belong to gangs. Who knows?

First off you effin moron, this isn't about cops, its about a gun culture that is acceptable because white NRA gun fanatics dominate the conversation. Its about a political culture that caters exclusively to white people again, dismissing the needed conversation...so I'm suggesting another way to initiate the conversation....lets arm every motherfuckin body, starting with Tyrone and ending with Mohamad!!

You start off in the right place, recognizing the poisonous Gun Culture. That IS the root of the problem, you are correct about that.

But the way to get rid of toxin is... uh, not to introduce more of it. You're basically committing the same error the Gun Fetishists do with the whole "good guy with a gun" routine --- trying to put out a fire by dousing it with gasoline.

You don't control a malaria epidemic by introducing more malaria to those who don't yet have it. All that does is make it worse.

trying to put out a fire by dousing it with gasoline.

You mean like they do during a forest fire...they use fire to burn out some of the forest to stop the rest of the fire from spreading..you mean like that?

You don't control a malaria epidemic by introducing more malaria to those who don't yet have it. All that does is make it worse

So...You don't believe in vaccinations against diseases...you know...to immunize people against the disease so they don't catch the active strain and die from it....you mean like that?
The only people who use racist rants like this seem to be lefties. Black Police Officers die in the line of duty just like White Police Officers and they walk around in ..gasp..malls and business venues carrying guns. Nobody in the freaking greatest Country in the world has ever suggested that 2nd Amendment rights be denied to people because of the color of their skin except maybe the idiotic radical left that can't write a sentence without playing the race card. Maybe there is a latent racist opinion among lefties that only Black and Hispanic thugs belong to gangs. Who knows?

First off you effin moron, this isn't about cops, its about a gun culture that is acceptable because white NRA gun fanatics dominate the conversation. Its about a political culture that caters exclusively to white people again, dismissing the needed conversation...so I'm suggesting another way to initiate the conversation....lets arm every motherfuckin body, starting with Tyrone and ending with Mohamad!!

You start off in the right place, recognizing the poisonous Gun Culture. That IS the root of the problem, you are correct about that.

But the way to get rid of toxin is... uh, not to introduce more of it. You're basically committing the same error the Gun Fetishists do with the whole "good guy with a gun" routine --- trying to put out a fire by dousing it with gasoline.

You don't control a malaria epidemic by introducing more malaria to those who don't yet have it. All that does is make it worse.

You mean like the fact....yes, the fact.....that as more law abiding Americans have purchased, owned and carried guns in this country...our gun murder rate has gone down?

You mean like the fact, yes, the fact, that as more law abiding Americans have owned and carried guns our gun suicide rate has gone down, not up......?

You mean like the fact, yes, the fact, that as more Americans own and carry guns our gun accident rate and our accidental gun death rate has gone down, not up.......?

You mean like that?

The law abiding gun culture is a responsible and safe group...they use guns for hunting, self defense, sport, collecting and tinckering....and do so without shooting each other.

The democrat gun culture though.....confined mostly to democrat inner cities is responsible for the majority of gun murder in this country.....violent criminal democrats shooting other violent criminal democrats over criminal enterprises......
The only people who use racist rants like this seem to be lefties. Black Police Officers die in the line of duty just like White Police Officers and they walk around in ..gasp..malls and business venues carrying guns. Nobody in the freaking greatest Country in the world has ever suggested that 2nd Amendment rights be denied to people because of the color of their skin except maybe the idiotic radical left that can't write a sentence without playing the race card. Maybe there is a latent racist opinion among lefties that only Black and Hispanic thugs belong to gangs. Who knows?

First off you effin moron, this isn't about cops, its about a gun culture that is acceptable because white NRA gun fanatics dominate the conversation. Its about a political culture that caters exclusively to white people again, dismissing the needed conversation...so I'm suggesting another way to initiate the conversation....lets arm every motherfuckin body, starting with Tyrone and ending with Mohamad!!

And yet the NRA supported Otis Mcdonald in his quest to get a pistol permit, and he's black. They also picked several minorities (and a gay guy) for Heller.


Good try...no, I want Tryone, Junnie, Big Black and JaJuan with guns, not some old ass black man...nice try tho!!

Problem being they are all either in prison, on probation, parole, or dead but they used to play with guns.

So how'd that work out? :lmao:
The only people who use racist rants like this seem to be lefties. Black Police Officers die in the line of duty just like White Police Officers and they walk around in ..gasp..malls and business venues carrying guns. Nobody in the freaking greatest Country in the world has ever suggested that 2nd Amendment rights be denied to people because of the color of their skin except maybe the idiotic radical left that can't write a sentence without playing the race card. Maybe there is a latent racist opinion among lefties that only Black and Hispanic thugs belong to gangs. Who knows?

First off you effin moron, this isn't about cops, its about a gun culture that is acceptable because white NRA gun fanatics dominate the conversation. Its about a political culture that caters exclusively to white people again, dismissing the needed conversation...so I'm suggesting another way to initiate the conversation....lets arm every motherfuckin body, starting with Tyrone and ending with Mohamad!!

You start off in the right place, recognizing the poisonous Gun Culture. That IS the root of the problem, you are correct about that.

But the way to get rid of toxin is... uh, not to introduce more of it. You're basically committing the same error the Gun Fetishists do with the whole "good guy with a gun" routine --- trying to put out a fire by dousing it with gasoline.

You don't control a malaria epidemic by introducing more malaria to those who don't yet have it. All that does is make it worse.
Actually the Navy would give us Malaria, in small doses, to build resistance..... :eusa_shhh:
Child, I don't know what planet you live on, but here on earth, in America...Obama, the president of the US, would be gunned downed in a hot effin minute if he walked around strapped like the white man do....and with not a camera in sight, some officer would swear, he pulled first....oh, and Obama also took that oath too
Can't blame the cop for playing the odds.
The only people who use racist rants like this seem to be lefties. Black Police Officers die in the line of duty just like White Police Officers and they walk around in ..gasp..malls and business venues carrying guns. Nobody in the freaking greatest Country in the world has ever suggested that 2nd Amendment rights be denied to people because of the color of their skin except maybe the idiotic radical left that can't write a sentence without playing the race card. Maybe there is a latent racist opinion among lefties that only Black and Hispanic thugs belong to gangs. Who knows?

First off you effin moron, this isn't about cops, its about a gun culture that is acceptable because white NRA gun fanatics dominate the conversation. Its about a political culture that caters exclusively to white people again, dismissing the needed conversation...so I'm suggesting another way to initiate the conversation....lets arm every motherfuckin body, starting with Tyrone and ending with Mohamad!!

that's right.........we do dOmInAtE the conversation because we have all the f'ing guns s0n!! Big ones to blow the balls off a charging rhino at 60 paces.

Best way to stop a screaming gun culture is to shut Soetero the fuck up!!:bye1::eusa_dance::eusa_dance: Every time this bozo utters the words "gun control", the next day, the gun stores are buzzing with activity. Inventory on AR's across the country are waaaaaaaaay low........to which I say, go buy a Saiga in 7.62/39. Never have to clean the unit and it'll cycle a ham and cheese sandwich with ease. Ammo cheap as it gets.....rounds that'll take an arm almost clear off at 50 yards!

Hey anybody catch what Kurt Russell ( love that guy ) had to say this weekend about gun control? Im still laughing my nut sack off!!

Kurt Russell blasts gun control push: “I think it’s absolutely insane”

Listen, you gun toting fool, I could give a fuck about rednecks spending all they fuckin money buying up every gotdamn gun in the fuckin country, just don't get a hair up your ass when the government lowers your disability checks...you stupid white fucks!!
Does your mother know you user her i-phone to post words like this on the internet?
The only people who use racist rants like this seem to be lefties. Black Police Officers die in the line of duty just like White Police Officers and they walk around in ..gasp..malls and business venues carrying guns. Nobody in the freaking greatest Country in the world has ever suggested that 2nd Amendment rights be denied to people because of the color of their skin except maybe the idiotic radical left that can't write a sentence without playing the race card. Maybe there is a latent racist opinion among lefties that only Black and Hispanic thugs belong to gangs. Who knows?

First off you effin moron, this isn't about cops, its about a gun culture that is acceptable because white NRA gun fanatics dominate the conversation. Its about a political culture that caters exclusively to white people again, dismissing the needed conversation...so I'm suggesting another way to initiate the conversation....lets arm every motherfuckin body, starting with Tyrone and ending with Mohamad!!

You start off in the right place, recognizing the poisonous Gun Culture. That IS the root of the problem, you are correct about that.

But the way to get rid of toxin is... uh, not to introduce more of it. You're basically committing the same error the Gun Fetishists do with the whole "good guy with a gun" routine --- trying to put out a fire by dousing it with gasoline.

You don't control a malaria epidemic by introducing more malaria to those who don't yet have it. All that does is make it worse.

trying to put out a fire by dousing it with gasoline.

You mean like they do during a forest fire...they use fire to burn out some of the forest to stop the rest of the fire from spreading..you mean like that?

You don't control a malaria epidemic by introducing more malaria to those who don't yet have it. All that does is make it worse

So...You don't believe in vaccinations against diseases...you know...to immunize people against the disease so they don't catch the active strain and die from it....you mean like that?

Uh..... nnnnnnnnnnnno. Nothing like that at all.
The only people who use racist rants like this seem to be lefties. Black Police Officers die in the line of duty just like White Police Officers and they walk around in ..gasp..malls and business venues carrying guns. Nobody in the freaking greatest Country in the world has ever suggested that 2nd Amendment rights be denied to people because of the color of their skin except maybe the idiotic radical left that can't write a sentence without playing the race card. Maybe there is a latent racist opinion among lefties that only Black and Hispanic thugs belong to gangs. Who knows?

First off you effin moron, this isn't about cops, its about a gun culture that is acceptable because white NRA gun fanatics dominate the conversation. Its about a political culture that caters exclusively to white people again, dismissing the needed conversation...so I'm suggesting another way to initiate the conversation....lets arm every motherfuckin body, starting with Tyrone and ending with Mohamad!!

You start off in the right place, recognizing the poisonous Gun Culture. That IS the root of the problem, you are correct about that.

But the way to get rid of toxin is... uh, not to introduce more of it. You're basically committing the same error the Gun Fetishists do with the whole "good guy with a gun" routine --- trying to put out a fire by dousing it with gasoline.

You don't control a malaria epidemic by introducing more malaria to those who don't yet have it. All that does is make it worse.

You mean like the fact....yes, the fact.....that as more law abiding Americans have purchased, owned and carried guns in this country...our gun murder rate has gone down?

You mean like the fact, yes, the fact, that as more law abiding Americans have owned and carried guns our gun suicide rate has gone down, not up......?

You mean like the fact, yes, the fact, that as more Americans own and carry guns our gun accident rate and our accidental gun death rate has gone down, not up.......?

You mean like that?

The law abiding gun culture is a responsible and safe group...they use guns for hunting, self defense, sport, collecting and tinckering....and do so without shooting each other.

The democrat gun culture though.....confined mostly to democrat inner cities is responsible for the majority of gun murder in this country.....violent criminal democrats shooting other violent criminal democrats over criminal enterprises......

Uh ......nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnno, none of those either. See, I have no use for Post Hoc fallacies.

Criminals don't have political parties btw. Except in the comic books wherein you live.
The only people who use racist rants like this seem to be lefties. Black Police Officers die in the line of duty just like White Police Officers and they walk around in ..gasp..malls and business venues carrying guns. Nobody in the freaking greatest Country in the world has ever suggested that 2nd Amendment rights be denied to people because of the color of their skin except maybe the idiotic radical left that can't write a sentence without playing the race card. Maybe there is a latent racist opinion among lefties that only Black and Hispanic thugs belong to gangs. Who knows?

First off you effin moron, this isn't about cops, its about a gun culture that is acceptable because white NRA gun fanatics dominate the conversation. Its about a political culture that caters exclusively to white people again, dismissing the needed conversation...so I'm suggesting another way to initiate the conversation....lets arm every motherfuckin body, starting with Tyrone and ending with Mohamad!!

You start off in the right place, recognizing the poisonous Gun Culture. That IS the root of the problem, you are correct about that.

But the way to get rid of toxin is... uh, not to introduce more of it. You're basically committing the same error the Gun Fetishists do with the whole "good guy with a gun" routine --- trying to put out a fire by dousing it with gasoline.

You don't control a malaria epidemic by introducing more malaria to those who don't yet have it. All that does is make it worse.

You mean like the fact....yes, the fact.....that as more law abiding Americans have purchased, owned and carried guns in this country...our gun murder rate has gone down?

You mean like the fact, yes, the fact, that as more law abiding Americans have owned and carried guns our gun suicide rate has gone down, not up......?

You mean like the fact, yes, the fact, that as more Americans own and carry guns our gun accident rate and our accidental gun death rate has gone down, not up.......?

You mean like that?

The law abiding gun culture is a responsible and safe group...they use guns for hunting, self defense, sport, collecting and tinckering....and do so without shooting each other.

The democrat gun culture though.....confined mostly to democrat inner cities is responsible for the majority of gun murder in this country.....violent criminal democrats shooting other violent criminal democrats over criminal enterprises......

Uh ......nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnno, none of those either. See, I have no use for Post Hoc fallacies.

Criminals don't have political parties btw. Except in the comic books wherein you live.

Nope…the gangs in Chicago elect their aldermen…….they are all democrats.
The only people who use racist rants like this seem to be lefties. Black Police Officers die in the line of duty just like White Police Officers and they walk around in ..gasp..malls and business venues carrying guns. Nobody in the freaking greatest Country in the world has ever suggested that 2nd Amendment rights be denied to people because of the color of their skin except maybe the idiotic radical left that can't write a sentence without playing the race card. Maybe there is a latent racist opinion among lefties that only Black and Hispanic thugs belong to gangs. Who knows?

First off you effin moron, this isn't about cops, its about a gun culture that is acceptable because white NRA gun fanatics dominate the conversation. Its about a political culture that caters exclusively to white people again, dismissing the needed conversation...so I'm suggesting another way to initiate the conversation....lets arm every motherfuckin body, starting with Tyrone and ending with Mohamad!!

You start off in the right place, recognizing the poisonous Gun Culture. That IS the root of the problem, you are correct about that.

But the way to get rid of toxin is... uh, not to introduce more of it. You're basically committing the same error the Gun Fetishists do with the whole "good guy with a gun" routine --- trying to put out a fire by dousing it with gasoline.

You don't control a malaria epidemic by introducing more malaria to those who don't yet have it. All that does is make it worse.

You mean like the fact....yes, the fact.....that as more law abiding Americans have purchased, owned and carried guns in this country...our gun murder rate has gone down?

You mean like the fact, yes, the fact, that as more law abiding Americans have owned and carried guns our gun suicide rate has gone down, not up......?

You mean like the fact, yes, the fact, that as more Americans own and carry guns our gun accident rate and our accidental gun death rate has gone down, not up.......?

You mean like that?

The law abiding gun culture is a responsible and safe group...they use guns for hunting, self defense, sport, collecting and tinckering....and do so without shooting each other.

The democrat gun culture though.....confined mostly to democrat inner cities is responsible for the majority of gun murder in this country.....violent criminal democrats shooting other violent criminal democrats over criminal enterprises......

Uh ......nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnno, none of those either. See, I have no use for Post Hoc fallacies.

Criminals don't have political parties btw. Except in the comic books wherein you live.

Nope…the gangs in Chicago elect their aldermen…….they are all democrats.

Of course they are. :rolleyes:

And maybe while we're at it we should note that Adolf Hitler and Rasputin and King Herod and in fact everybody who ever committed a crime, reported or not, was a "Democrat". I believe they were founded by The Devil Himself.

Also flies, mosquitoes and the Ebola virus. All "Democrats".

Holy shit, grow up.

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