A clear Defeat for Trump

Trump has to be devastated by this embarrassing ass kicking at the hands of Vice President Biden.

Sure does make him look bad. Bigly!!!
It’s pretty well known that die hard Dems (with TDS) wouldn’t even be able handling watching President Trump. While Republicans are more likely to listen to Biden so we can dismantle his lies. Undecided voters would watch both. I would had expected President Trump’s rating to be much lower due to that, but the fact it was that close says a lot.

Trump has to be devastated by this embarrassing ass kicking at the hands of Vice President Biden.

Sure does make him look bad. Bigly!!!
Yo, you have any extra Fentanyl?
You mean ADERRALL, Frannie. Your cult master likes Adderrall.

Trump has to be devastated by this embarrassing ass kicking at the hands of Vice President Biden.

Sure does make him look bad. Bigly!!!
Yo, you have any extra Fentanyl?
You mean ADERRALL, Frannie. Your cult master likes Adderrall.
What does Biden take to help with his poopy diapers
I watched Biden's speech to see if he could do it without making a fool of himself.

It is over folks. Biden is emerging from his basement as things get desperate for him. It doesn't matter how much the media pumps his tires, he is toast.
Biden's speech? Did he give a speech other than the embarrassing 20 minute rehearsed and scripted nomination? It's no secret that democrats held their collective breath hoping he could last 20 minutes without falling on his face. It was the shortest nomination speech since Walter Mondale.

Over a million more viewers watched Biden than Trumps fumbling speech
That's how many watched it on the fake news. Of course, Republicans don't watch fake news. Why would they want to be insulted all night?

TDS morons keep pretending that fakes news is real news. They expect us to swallow this hoax.

You think Fox wasn’t counted?
Poor Fat Donnie couldn’t even draw Fox viewers.

Joe Biden got a million more
Conservatives watched it on C-SPAN.

America showed last night that they love Biden more than Donnie Loser
Um when did this happen? Sure, let's endorse a party that drives racial/civil unrest and wont lift a finger to stop that for completely arbitrary fraudulent reasons. And Trump and the Republicans oppose that so, they are bad. Yeah, OK. Explain this to me, again, who's the bad guy here?
Biden's speech? Did he give a speech other than the embarrassing 20 minute rehearsed and scripted nomination? It's no secret that democrats held their collective breath hoping he could last 20 minutes without falling on his face. It was the shortest nomination speech since Walter Mondale.

Over a million more viewers watched Biden than Trumps fumbling speech
That's how many watched it on the fake news. Of course, Republicans don't watch fake news. Why would they want to be insulted all night?

TDS morons keep pretending that fakes news is real news. They expect us to swallow this hoax.

You think Fox wasn’t counted?
Poor Fat Donnie couldn’t even draw Fox viewers.

Joe Biden got a million more
Conservatives watched it on C-SPAN.

America showed last night that they love Biden more than Donnie Loser
Um when did this happen? Sure, let's endorse a party that drives racial/civil unrest and wont lift a finger to stop this for completely fraudulent reasons. And Trump and the republicans oppose that so, they are bad. Yeah, OK. Explain this to me, again, whos the bad guy here?
Oh please...every one of you cultists gets a tiny little boner whenever you see the riots
Biden's speech? Did he give a speech other than the embarrassing 20 minute rehearsed and scripted nomination? It's no secret that democrats held their collective breath hoping he could last 20 minutes without falling on his face. It was the shortest nomination speech since Walter Mondale.

Over a million more viewers watched Biden than Trumps fumbling speech
That's how many watched it on the fake news. Of course, Republicans don't watch fake news. Why would they want to be insulted all night?

TDS morons keep pretending that fakes news is real news. They expect us to swallow this hoax.

You think Fox wasn’t counted?
Poor Fat Donnie couldn’t even draw Fox viewers.

Joe Biden got a million more
Conservatives watched it on C-SPAN.

America showed last night that they love Biden more than Donnie Loser
Um when did this happen? Sure, let's endorse a party that drives racial/civil unrest and wont lift a finger to stop this for completely fraudulent reasons. And Trump and the republicans oppose that so, they are bad. Yeah, OK. Explain this to me, again, whos the bad guy here?
Oh please...every one of you cultists gets a tiny little boner whenever you see the riots
Cool, do you own Apple too?

Trump has to be devastated by this embarrassing ass kicking at the hands of Vice President Biden.

Sure does make him look bad. Bigly!!!
LMAO @ Fake News CNN and just how Gullible the Leftist Sheeple are for the Fake News MSM !!!!

Here's your sign:

Funniest Trump Can't Win Compilation

Trump has to be devastated by this embarrassing ass kicking at the hands of Vice President Biden.

Sure does make him look bad. Bigly!!!
LMAO @ Fake News CNN and just how Gullible the Leftist Sheeple are for the Fake News MSM !!!!

Here's your sign:

Perhaps the debates can be held at a pig farm, then no one will notice Joes poopy diapers
Where is the silent majority? Shhh being silent. Until November, y'all will hear us then. And the Democrats and their loudmouth vocal minority will be silenced.
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Perhaps the debates can be held at a pig farm, then no one will notice Joes poopy diapers
Nothing can save Biden from the Debates.

Not even Candy Crowley or George Stephanopolis.
Biden will never debate, I mean even if he does go and the debate seems to happen there will be no debate from Biden, just babbles
Biden will never debate, I mean even if he does go and the debate seems to happen there will be no debate from Biden, just babbles
I don't think it is going to happen.

The only thing at this point will be how the Democrats go about blaming that on Trump.

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