A clear Defeat for Trump

Anyone remember that activist group "ACORN"? I was a wide eyed bushy tailed democrat card carrying member. This was in the mid 80's. I realized back then they were just a bunch of manipulative political grifters.Jesus Christ on the cross, they dictated to US what THEIR concerns where and never mind our actual concerns where.. This was the ugly side of the Democratic party that I have personally seen repeated over and over again. Truth be told, that's why I left the "democrats". They are domineering totalitarians in sheep's clothing.
Anyone remember that activist group "ACORN"? I was a wide eyed bushy tailed democrat card carrying member. This was in the mid 80's. I realized back then they were just a bunch of manipulative political grifters.Jesus Christ on the cross, they dictated to US what THEIR concerns where and never mind our actual concerns where.. This was the ugly side of the Democratic party that I have personally seen repeated over and over again. That's
why I left the "democrats".
Another self avowed Communist.

You and Van Jones ....... :rolleyes:
Anyone remember that activist group "ACORN"? I was a wide eyed bushy tailed democrat card carrying member. This was in the mid 80's. I realized back then they were just a bunch of manipulative political grifters.Jesus Christ on the cross, they dictated to US what THEIR concerns where and never mind our actual concerns where.. This was the ugly side of the Democratic party that I have personally seen repeated over and over again. That's
why I left the "democrats".
Another self avowed Communist.

You and Van Jones ....... :rolleyes:
No, and then NO, read my post again buko.
I was a longtime time democrat. I voted for Carter up till Obama. I questioned them, but still...one day a leader of ACORN, a liberal person of the opposite sex dictated to me in no uncertain terms: you can't question our agenda. This was on a huge influx of illegal aliens and people losing jobs...We can't question something that directly affects us and harms us? "No it's not on the agenda"...not on the mother fucking agenda? That's the democratic party and their HUGE disconnect in a nutshell.
I laugh when Democrats and snowflakes who have known nothing but defeat for the last 4 years thanks to this President make ridiculous claims like the OP did with this thread title / thread....


The best candidate they / yiu have to offer is an old, white, racist, elitist, influence-peddling, self-enriching, corrupt, confessed extorting, pu$$y-grabbing, child-groping/sniffing, coup-conspirator, failed 40 yrs in politics, racist, dementia-suffering old coot...

And the only chance he has is DNC voter fraud.


Trump has to be devastated by this embarrassing ass kicking at the hands of Vice President Biden.

Sure does make him look bad. Bigly!!!
There were 7,583,866 more voters that voted in 2016 than 2012
Trump had 3,036,505 more votes and won 8 states and 1 district more than McCain in '08
Trump had 2,051,324 more votes and won 6 states and 1 district more than Mitt in '12
Trump won more states in 2016 than Obama did in both '08 & '12
Trump lost the PV by fewer than 3,000,000 but won 10 states more than Hillary

With over 7,500,000 more voters in '16, Hillary didn't even receive more votes than Obama in '12
Since '12, Democrats have been losing 1/2 the votes and Republicans have doubled their votes
same goes for states won

In '12, 2.3 million fewer people voted and Obama(D)lost nearly 5 million votes from those who did
He also lost 2 states and a district
Mitt(R) gained 2 states and nearly 1,000,000 more votes than McCain did in '08
He lost PV by less than 5 million votes, half than McCain lost by in '08

In '16, over 7,500,000 million more people voted
Hillary(D) didn't gain any votes, she(D) lost votes
She(D) had fewer votes and 4 less states than Obama in '12
Trump lost the PV by less than 3 million votes, nearly half than mitt in '12
Trump had 10 more states than Hillary-gain
6 more states than mitt and 4 more than Obama -gain
8 more states than John and 2 more than Obama-gain

Over 136 million people voted in 2016,
if you think 20 million tv viewers is relevant, power to ya
Anyone remember that activist group "ACORN"? I was a wide eyed bushy tailed democrat card carrying member. This was in the mid 80's. I realized back then they were just a bunch of manipulative political grifters.Jesus Christ on the cross, they dictated to US what THEIR concerns where and never mind our actual concerns where.. This was the ugly side of the Democratic party that I have personally seen repeated over and over again. That's
why I left the "democrats".
Another self avowed Communist.

You and Van Jones ....... :rolleyes:
No, and then NO, read my post again buko.

heh heh There is now way he could be replying to you. He must have hit a wrong button or sumptin.
FAIL. Trump's boring speech was TWICE as long and many fact checks from various news outlets (including BBC) show how much of a LIAR Trump is in comparison.
FAIL. Biden's boring speech was TWICE as short and many fact checks from various news outlets (including BBC) show how much of a LIAR Biden is in comparison.
Biden's speech? Did he give a speech other than the embarrassing 20 minute rehearsed and scripted nomination? It's no secret that democrats held their collective breath hoping he could last 20 minutes without falling on his face. It was the shortest nomination speech since Walter Mondale.

Over a million more viewers watched Biden than Trumps fumbling speech
The dirty little secret is that the Biden viewers were like NASCAR fans. They watched it for the accidents.
There were none.

Maybe people thought it kinda pathetic that Trump could only get his family members to say nice things about him
Its equally as sad you point that out. George floyd died of a weak heart and a fentanyl overdose. Not a cop's "knee". The next black so called innocent victim, Jacob Blake was trying to escape the police with a warrant out for his black ass for sexual harming a relative...failed to comply was tasered, got up and , really, do I need go on here?
So what part of I can’t breathe wasn’t understood?
What part of an unarmed man with his back to you is a threat?
Biden's speech? Did he give a speech other than the embarrassing 20 minute rehearsed and scripted nomination? It's no secret that democrats held their collective breath hoping he could last 20 minutes without falling on his face. It was the shortest nomination speech since Walter Mondale.

Over a million more viewers watched Biden than Trumps fumbling speech
The dirty little secret is that the Biden viewers were like NASCAR fans. They watched it for the accidents.
There were none.

Maybe people thought it kinda pathetic that Trump could only get his family members to say nice things about him
Its equally as sad you point that out. George floyd died of a weak heart and a fentanyl overdose. Not a cop's "knee". The next black so called innocent victim, Jacob Blake was trying to escape the police with a warrant out for his black ass for sexual harming a relative...failed to comply was tasered, got up and , really, do I need go on here?
So what part of I can’t breathe wasn’t understood?
What part of an unarmed man with his back to you is a threat?

The part where he had a warrant for arrest. The part where he was tased twice. The part where he was reaching for a knife.
What's killing anyone is the Democrats supporting false narratives created by Chinese dominated media and destroying cities.

Talk about false narratives
Panic mode is using up what is left of their RW brain cells. They just can't think for themselves.
Let's see here: The race riots our Democratic friends south of sanity continually endorses, destroying cities over half baked erroneous anti cop scenarios that have been disproven, and a multitude of other rather alienating and stupidly self destructive things the Democrats have done, that's a fact. Nobody in their right mind (pun intended) wants these incompetent inept impotent persons running their cities anymore.
Time for a reality check. Your mind is being controlled and you will do what you are told.
Yes republicans Give us 4 more years of the peace and harmony trump has brought
There has not been any president, not in our lifetimes, that has ever been remotely as disrespectful as trumpf. Nobody comes close. No president has openly called people names. None have flagrantly and obviously lied, on a daily basis, like trumpf. And nobody has divided this country like trumpf.

None have ever declared, in advance, that an election is fraudulent, essentially a call to arms of his base. None have ever ripped at the very fabric of America as trumpf has.

If you insist that trumpf is no different than any other president, then you aren't honest. but most repubs aren't
What's killing anyone is the Democrats supporting false narratives created by Chinese dominated media and destroying cities.

Talk about false narratives
Panic mode is using up what is left of their RW brain cells. They just can't think for themselves.
Let's see here: The race riots our Democratic friends south of sanity continually endorses, destroying cities over half baked erroneous anti cop scenarios that have been disproven, and a multitude of other rather alienating and stupidly self destructive things the Democrats have done, that's a fact. Nobody in their right mind (pun intended) wants these incompetent inept impotent persons running their cities anymore.
Time for a reality check. Your mind is being controlled and you will do what you are told.
Yes republicans Give us 4 more years of the peace and harmony trump has brought
There has not been any president, not in our lifetimes, that has ever been remotely as disrespectful as trumpf. Nobody comes close. No president has openly called people names. None have flagrantly and obviously lied, on a daily basis, like trumpf. And nobody has divided this country like trumpf.

None have ever declared, in advance, that an election is fraudulent, essentially a call to arms of his base. None have ever ripped at the very fabric of America as trumpf has.

If you insist that trumpf is no different than any other president, then you aren't honest. but most repubs aren't

Should be "you ain't honest", to go along with "you ain't black"....dumbass.
What's killing anyone is the Democrats supporting false narratives created by Chinese dominated media and destroying cities.

Talk about false narratives
Panic mode is using up what is left of their RW brain cells. They just can't think for themselves.
Let's see here: The race riots our Democratic friends south of sanity continually endorses, destroying cities over half baked erroneous anti cop scenarios that have been disproven, and a multitude of other rather alienating and stupidly self destructive things the Democrats have done, that's a fact. Nobody in their right mind (pun intended) wants these incompetent inept impotent persons running their cities anymore.
Time for a reality check. Your mind is being controlled and you will do what you are told.
Yes republicans Give us 4 more years of the peace and harmony trump has brought
There has not been any president, not in our lifetimes, that has ever been remotely as disrespectful as trumpf. Nobody comes close. No president has openly called people names. None have flagrantly and obviously lied, on a daily basis, like trumpf. And nobody has divided this country like trumpf.

None have ever declared, in advance, that an election is fraudulent, essentially a call to arms of his base. None have ever ripped at the very fabric of America as trumpf has.

If you insist that trumpf is no different than any other president, then you aren't honest. but most repubs aren't
The people who Trump called names were all leftwing douchebags who deserved it in spades. The claim about him lying is just a big lie itself. By "divided" you mean he stopped having the government shit on conservatives.

Dims have made it clear they intend to cheat any way they can. They have always cheated, but now they are admitting it.

Trump has to be devastated by this embarrassing ass kicking at the hands of Vice President Biden.

Sure does make him look bad. Bigly!!!
what's clear is your TDS
Mr Trump DESTROYED Biden

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