A clear Defeat for Trump

What's killing anyone is the Democrats supporting false narratives created by Chinese dominated media and destroying cities.

Talk about false narratives
Panic mode is using up what is left of their RW brain cells. They just can't think for themselves.
Let's see here: The race riots our Democratic friends south of sanity continually endorses, destroying cities over half baked erroneous anti cop scenarios that have been disproven, and a multitude of other rather alienating and stupidly self destructive things the Democrats have done, that's a fact. Nobody in their right mind (pun intended) wants these incompetent inept impotent persons running their cities anymore.
Time for a reality check. Your mind is being controlled and you will do what you are told.
Yes republicans Give us 4 more years of the peace and harmony trump has brought
There has not been any president, not in our lifetimes, that has ever been remotely as disrespectful as trumpf. Nobody comes close. No president has openly called people names. None have flagrantly and obviously lied, on a daily basis, like trumpf. And nobody has divided this country like trumpf.

None have ever declared, in advance, that an election is fraudulent, essentially a call to arms of his base. None have ever ripped at the very fabric of America as trumpf has.

If you insist that trumpf is no different than any other president, then you aren't honest. but most repubs aren't
The people who Trump called names were all leftwing douchebags who deserved it in spades. The claim about him lying is just a big lie itself. By "divided" you mean he stopped having the government shit on conservatives.

Dims have made it clear they intend to cheat any way they can. They have always cheated, but now they are admitting it.
Bri I gotta hand it to you Your bullshit is the finest here
Biden's speech? Did he give a speech other than the embarrassing 20 minute rehearsed and scripted nomination? It's no secret that democrats held their collective breath hoping he could last 20 minutes without falling on his face. It was the shortest nomination speech since Walter Mondale.

Over a million more viewers watched Biden than Trumps fumbling speech
Most were conservatives in need of a comedy break.

Trump has to be devastated by this embarrassing ass kicking at the hands of Vice President Biden.

Sure does make him look bad. Bigly!!!
Biden is a fool. Explains why you worthless leftist traitors love him so...
How many years and how may times did the people in Bidens state elect him for? People in NY ,his sister knew what scum trump is Now the world knows

Trump has to be devastated by this embarrassing ass kicking at the hands of Vice President Biden.

Sure does make him look bad. Bigly!!!
Biden is a fool. Explains why you worthless leftist traitors love him so...
How many years and how may times did the people in Bidens state elect him for? People in NY ,his sister knew what scum trump is Now the world knows
Biden's speech? Did he give a speech other than the embarrassing 20 minute rehearsed and scripted nomination? It's no secret that democrats held their collective breath hoping he could last 20 minutes without falling on his face. It was the shortest nomination speech since Walter Mondale.

Over a million more viewers watched Biden than Trumps fumbling speech
Most were conservatives in need of a comedy break.

America found Donnie Loser to be boring and switched the channel
You PROGS lose so much anymore I almost want to give this one to you. Shame it's another loss anyway.

Trump has to be devastated by this embarrassing ass kicking at the hands of Vice President Biden.

Sure does make him look bad. Bigly!!!

You miss......the RNC had higher viewership you twit...

Even Brian Stelter noted, “Nielsen’s data sets count traditional TV viewership across America but largely leave out streaming and other digital forms of engagement, so the picture is incomplete.”

It makes sense that Stelter and others in the media didn’t wait for the complete picture, because the complete picture showed that a lot more people tuned into the Republican National Convention than the Democratic National Convention.

A lot more.

Across television and online streaming, the Republican National Convention got 147.9 million total viewers from Monday through Thursday, while Democratic National Convention got 122 million total viewers, according to figures released by both campaigns.

Now, I’m not a math genius, but I’m pretty sure 147.9 million is bigger than 122 million.

The Trump campaign also raised $76 million during its convention, compared to the $70 million the Biden campaign raised during its convention.

FAIL. Trump's boring speech was TWICE as long and many fact checks from various news outlets (including BBC) show how much of a LIAR Trump is in comparison.
FAIL. Biden's boring speech was TWICE as short and many fact checks from various news outlets (including BBC) show how much of a LIAR Biden is in comparison.
Nice try cutie. Check out BBC's fact checks. Trump made 8 false claims, whereas Biden made 3 false claims.
Trump remains the LIAR King.
FAIL. Trump's boring speech was TWICE as long and many fact checks from various news outlets (including BBC) show how much of a LIAR Trump is in comparison.
FAIL. Biden's boring speech was TWICE as short and many fact checks from various news outlets (including BBC) show how much of a LIAR Biden is in comparison.
Nice try cutie. Check out BBC's fact checks. Trump made 8 false claims, whereas Biden made 3 false claims.
Trump remains the LIAR King.
Nice try cutie. Check out Fox's fact checks. Biden made 15 false claims, whereas Trump made 3 false claims.
Biden remains the LIAR King.
FAIL. Trump's boring speech was TWICE as long and many fact checks from various news outlets (including BBC) show how much of a LIAR Trump is in comparison.
FAIL. Biden's boring speech was TWICE as short and many fact checks from various news outlets (including BBC) show how much of a LIAR Biden is in comparison.
Nice try cutie. Check out BBC's fact checks. Trump made 8 false claims, whereas Biden made 3 false claims.
Trump remains the LIAR King.
FAIL. Trump's boring speech was TWICE as long and many fact checks from various news outlets (including BBC) show how much of a LIAR Trump is in comparison.
FAIL. Biden's boring speech was TWICE as short and many fact checks from various news outlets (including BBC) show how much of a LIAR Biden is in comparison.
Nice try cutie. Check out BBC's fact checks. Trump made 8 false claims, whereas Biden made 3 false claims.
Trump remains the LIAR King.
1. false claims---????!!!
2. doesn't matter--it's like saying if you murder 5 people, you are better than some who murdered 10

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