A clear, direct & comprehensive defense of Sanctuary Cities

Could someone provide one?

Complying with federal requests to detain illegals is voluntary. Federal courts have already ruled on this fact.

Detaining illegals costs money.

If you want federal law enforced, then have the feds do it, and have the feds pay for it, and have the feds detain them.

See how easy that was?

Fed assistance is also voluntary. Enjoy the ride.
If you want federal law enforced, then have the federal government enforce it.

I always knew you tards were not for states rights.

It's tards for state's rights. State is possessive.
If the city makes that choice, its police department will have to get along without federal grants. If the city had been diligent in cooperating with the federal government in the past, this situation would never have arisen.

Which means Mr. "Pro police , law and order " will be on record defunding police departments ???
If they are not cooperating with federal law, they do not deserve federal money.

But they are . They do turn over bad guys .
They are not cooperating with federal immigration law.

They are not immigration agents .

Maybe the states should have ice agents write speeding tickets !
Maybe the states should turn over the names of illegals to ICE if they want money from the federal government.
I think they need to show an ID. If no ID at time of arrest, then there would be a delay while the local police found out who the individual was. If the name is on an illegal list, then ICE is called. There is not court, there is pick up.
BTW, if they have an ID and that ID tags the individual as illegal, call ICE. There is no waiting on a court ruling.

See illegal alien is ...illegal and is a crime. Deporting is the next stop.

We have a constitution you know . Due process.

You can just grab an illegal and catapult him into the Atlantic Ocean .

You are better off taking dopey wall money and putting it into more immigration court .
well dude, they deport them back to their homeland. Not the ocean, unless you feel that's where they originate from?
They have due process. They have to be JUDGED illegal by a COURT OF LAW. You might wish it to be so, but you can't just put someone on a bus and send him to Colombia the next day because he hasn't got proof of citizenship in his pocket.

Um, no they don't. No papers, goodbye.

Yes they do ! I thought you righties were all about the constitution ?

You got stopped by the cops . Ho do you prove you are a citizen ?

No, sorry, they don't. I have both my drivers license and my SS card, you?
They get stopped and they better have some ID, at least an SS number....you know like citizens do?
We have a constitution you know . Due process.

You can just grab an illegal and catapult him into the Atlantic Ocean .

You are better off taking dopey wall money and putting it into more immigration court .
well dude, they deport them back to their homeland. Not the ocean, unless you feel that's where they originate from?
They have due process. They have to be JUDGED illegal by a COURT OF LAW. You might wish it to be so, but you can't just put someone on a bus and send him to Colombia the next day because he hasn't got proof of citizenship in his pocket.

Um, no they don't. No papers, goodbye.

Yes they do ! I thought you righties were all about the constitution ?

You got stopped by the cops . Ho do you prove you are a citizen ?

No, sorry, they don't. I have both my drivers license and my SS card, you?
They get stopped and they better have some ID, at least an SS number....you know like citizens do?

You don't have to be a citizen to have a license. Or a Ss#.

And you're an idiot for keeping your Ss card and ID together. Do you want your ID stolen!?
I've read through most of this thread, and I'm surprised that no one has gotten it yet.

There's one major reason for sanctuary cities that hasn't been mentioned yet (or I missed it) - and its the primary logistical reason why the laws have been adopted by various cities.

Sanctuary cities exist so illegal immigrants won't be afraid of talking to cops.

That's it.

Right, watch the National Geographic documentary on Mexico taking over Meth trafficking in the US and then tell us how well sanctuary city policies are working, hint they aren't.

If illegals are deported, there's no need for sanctuary cities.

What's the correlation ?!

Can't answer the question can you .

You idiots think cities are not turning over criminals ? It's a great way to get rid of the real bad guys . They just ain't turning over people for citations and piddly shit.
I've read through most of this thread, and I'm surprised that no one has gotten it yet.

There's one major reason for sanctuary cities that hasn't been mentioned yet (or I missed it) - and its the primary logistical reason why the laws have been adopted by various cities.

Sanctuary cities exist so illegal immigrants won't be afraid of talking to cops.

That's it.

I did mention that amount other things . Say there's a domestic incident . No way mom calls the cops if that means dad is locked up and shipped away .
If the city makes that choice, its police department will have to get along without federal grants. If the city had been diligent in cooperating with the federal government in the past, this situation would never have arisen.
Treason Is No Longer Chic

Today, Miami surrendered to our pro-American President.
Here's the deal you meatheads . These cities DO turn over immigrants accused of felonies and dangerous crimes .

But they ain't gonna hold in their jails , at their expense , some guy caught driving without insurance .

You never think of the unintended consequences of your roundup . Public mistrust , people NOT reporting crime, people not cooperating with the police , families being broken up , increased welfare to suppprt broken families .
dude, it's fking easy. Here again:

what we expect is for someone here illegally and picked up during a crime by local police, are held in a jail cell, ICE contacted, ICE picks up and leaves, we call it a day and the criminal illegal is deported back to his/ her country. See how easy that is?

What is it you don't get? BTW, that's all it takes to get funding.

Does (do) the local police get to expect anything??? Such as ICE being there in 72 hours or so to pick up the illegal alien?

How long should the local police be on the hook for storing the arrested person. Also, in smaller cities, there are no federal courts, much less prisons. So where do you hold the arrested illegal alien whilst a hearing is being held? For example, if he commits robbery in Fort Hancock, TX then is found out to be an illegal alien…the DA in Fort Hancock is going to put him through a trial. Usually he would be bonded out awaiting trial. With the immigration enhancement…can’t let him out on bail so it’s 3 hots and a cot at the expense of whom?

Mac1958 …. you tell us….how long should someone be held here and at the expense of whom?
I've read through most of this thread, and I'm surprised that no one has gotten it yet.

There's one major reason for sanctuary cities that hasn't been mentioned yet (or I missed it) - and its the primary logistical reason why the laws have been adopted by various cities.

Sanctuary cities exist so illegal immigrants won't be afraid of talking to cops.

That's it.

I did mention that amount other things . Say there's a domestic incident . No way mom calls the cops if that means dad is locked up and shipped away .

And it goes the other way too, mama can’t have kids and dad wants kids. Guess who is anonymously pointed out to the police…. Great way to get out of paying child support too I would imagine.

All that being said, the problem with living outside the law is that you no longer enjoy the protection it grants to law abiding folks. If you’re here illegally, you’e on thin ice. Nobody put you there…you’re there because that is where you live.

The silliness of the position taken by the trumpians is that they somehow think there will be some sort of economic benefit to this. Uh no.
Could someone provide one?


whether or not someone is deported is subject to the discretion of law enforcement. if a city decides that law-abiding people, whether documented or not, are contributing societally, that city should have the right to decide those people should stay in it's borders without federal interference.

just so you know, i don't have a particular position on them one way or another and could make an argument either way.

what i do find amazing is that all the rightwing states' righters suddenly go all federalist and supremacy clause when it comes to enforcing their bigotry.
Here's the deal you meatheads . These cities DO turn over immigrants accused of felonies and dangerous crimes .

But they ain't gonna hold in their jails , at their expense , some guy caught driving without insurance .

You never think of the unintended consequences of your roundup . Public mistrust , people NOT reporting crime, people not cooperating with the police , families being broken up , increased welfare to suppprt broken families .
dude, it's fking easy. Here again:

what we expect is for someone here illegally and picked up during a crime by local police, are held in a jail cell, ICE contacted, ICE picks up and leaves, we call it a day and the criminal illegal is deported back to his/ her country. See how easy that is?

What is it you don't get? BTW, that's all it takes to get funding.

Does (do) the local police get to expect anything??? Such as ICE being there in 72 hours or so to pick up the illegal alien?

How long should the local police be on the hook for storing the arrested person. Also, in smaller cities, there are no federal courts, much less prisons. So where do you hold the arrested illegal alien whilst a hearing is being held? For example, if he commits robbery in Fort Hancock, TX then is found out to be an illegal alien…the DA in Fort Hancock is going to put him through a trial. Usually he would be bonded out awaiting trial. With the immigration enhancement…can’t let him out on bail so it’s 3 hots and a cot at the expense of whom?

Mac1958 …. you tell us….how long should someone be held here and at the expense of whom?
That was the argument the mayor of Miami made to justify not holding illegals for ICE. He said it would have cost the city $52,000 to have held them and he refused to do it unless the federal government paid the city back, but then he was reminded that Miami got $550,000,000 from the federal government that it might lose if he continued to refuse and he decided $52,000 wasn't so much money after all.
Here's the deal you meatheads . These cities DO turn over immigrants accused of felonies and dangerous crimes .

But they ain't gonna hold in their jails , at their expense , some guy caught driving without insurance .

You never think of the unintended consequences of your roundup . Public mistrust , people NOT reporting crime, people not cooperating with the police , families being broken up , increased welfare to suppprt broken families .
dude, it's fking easy. Here again:

what we expect is for someone here illegally and picked up during a crime by local police, are held in a jail cell, ICE contacted, ICE picks up and leaves, we call it a day and the criminal illegal is deported back to his/ her country. See how easy that is?

What is it you don't get? BTW, that's all it takes to get funding.

Does (do) the local police get to expect anything??? Such as ICE being there in 72 hours or so to pick up the illegal alien?

How long should the local police be on the hook for storing the arrested person. Also, in smaller cities, there are no federal courts, much less prisons. So where do you hold the arrested illegal alien whilst a hearing is being held? For example, if he commits robbery in Fort Hancock, TX then is found out to be an illegal alien…the DA in Fort Hancock is going to put him through a trial. Usually he would be bonded out awaiting trial. With the immigration enhancement…can’t let him out on bail so it’s 3 hots and a cot at the expense of whom?

Mac1958 …. you tell us….how long should someone be held here and at the expense of whom?
That was the argument the mayor of Miami made to justify not holding illegals for ICE. He said it would have cost the city $52,000 to have held them and he refused to do it unless the federal government paid the city back, but then he was reminded that Miami got $550,000,000 from the federal government that it might lose if he continued to refuse and he decided $52,000 wasn't so much money after all.

You think Fort Hancock gets a lot of federal funds? In Miami, the argument isn’t so cut and dried. I would imagine there are federal courts, detention centers, etc… You don’t have that in every town. I would expect ICE to take custody because they can. I wouldn’t expect ICE to do so in Fort Hancock.
Here's the deal you meatheads . These cities DO turn over immigrants accused of felonies and dangerous crimes .

But they ain't gonna hold in their jails , at their expense , some guy caught driving without insurance .

You never think of the unintended consequences of your roundup . Public mistrust , people NOT reporting crime, people not cooperating with the police , families being broken up , increased welfare to suppprt broken families .
dude, it's fking easy. Here again:

what we expect is for someone here illegally and picked up during a crime by local police, are held in a jail cell, ICE contacted, ICE picks up and leaves, we call it a day and the criminal illegal is deported back to his/ her country. See how easy that is?

What is it you don't get? BTW, that's all it takes to get funding.

Does (do) the local police get to expect anything??? Such as ICE being there in 72 hours or so to pick up the illegal alien?

How long should the local police be on the hook for storing the arrested person. Also, in smaller cities, there are no federal courts, much less prisons. So where do you hold the arrested illegal alien whilst a hearing is being held? For example, if he commits robbery in Fort Hancock, TX then is found out to be an illegal alien…the DA in Fort Hancock is going to put him through a trial. Usually he would be bonded out awaiting trial. With the immigration enhancement…can’t let him out on bail so it’s 3 hots and a cot at the expense of whom?

Mac1958 …. you tell us….how long should someone be held here and at the expense of whom?
That was the argument the mayor of Miami made to justify not holding illegals for ICE. He said it would have cost the city $52,000 to have held them and he refused to do it unless the federal government paid the city back, but then he was reminded that Miami got $550,000,000 from the federal government that it might lose if he continued to refuse and he decided $52,000 wasn't so much money after all.

You think Fort Hancock gets a lot of federal funds? In Miami, the argument isn’t so cut and dried. I would imagine there are federal courts, detention centers, etc… You don’t have that in every town. I would expect ICE to take custody because they can. I wouldn’t expect ICE to do so in Fort Hancock.
It's really very simple: if they want federal funds they will find a way to cooperate with ICE. If the town is so small it doesn't have a prison, it can't have all that many illegals, so it's not a big problem.
Here's the deal you meatheads . These cities DO turn over immigrants accused of felonies and dangerous crimes .

But they ain't gonna hold in their jails , at their expense , some guy caught driving without insurance .

You never think of the unintended consequences of your roundup . Public mistrust , people NOT reporting crime, people not cooperating with the police , families being broken up , increased welfare to suppprt broken families .
dude, it's fking easy. Here again:

what we expect is for someone here illegally and picked up during a crime by local police, are held in a jail cell, ICE contacted, ICE picks up and leaves, we call it a day and the criminal illegal is deported back to his/ her country. See how easy that is?

What is it you don't get? BTW, that's all it takes to get funding.

Does (do) the local police get to expect anything??? Such as ICE being there in 72 hours or so to pick up the illegal alien?

How long should the local police be on the hook for storing the arrested person. Also, in smaller cities, there are no federal courts, much less prisons. So where do you hold the arrested illegal alien whilst a hearing is being held? For example, if he commits robbery in Fort Hancock, TX then is found out to be an illegal alien…the DA in Fort Hancock is going to put him through a trial. Usually he would be bonded out awaiting trial. With the immigration enhancement…can’t let him out on bail so it’s 3 hots and a cot at the expense of whom?

Mac1958 …. you tell us….how long should someone be held here and at the expense of whom?
They should be held for the required time by the appropriate jurisdiction. Then, there must be a concerted, sincere and cooperative effort to minimize the possibility that the illegal was there to commit the crime in the first place, so that such costs are not a significant issue.

That means (1) a sealed border, (2) a clear and unambiguous legal/illegal immigration policy (including consistent punishment), and (3) jurisdictions that are committed to supporting (1) and (2).

Since we currently have jurisdictions that are clearly not sincere about enforcing immigration law because they feel it's mean, and essentially inviting illegals to hang out and feel welcome, that system cannot even begin to work in an effective and efficient way.

It's not just about the individual crime and its associated costs. It's about a much bigger picture.
Here's the deal you meatheads . These cities DO turn over immigrants accused of felonies and dangerous crimes .

But they ain't gonna hold in their jails , at their expense , some guy caught driving without insurance .

You never think of the unintended consequences of your roundup . Public mistrust , people NOT reporting crime, people not cooperating with the police , families being broken up , increased welfare to suppprt broken families .
dude, it's fking easy. Here again:

what we expect is for someone here illegally and picked up during a crime by local police, are held in a jail cell, ICE contacted, ICE picks up and leaves, we call it a day and the criminal illegal is deported back to his/ her country. See how easy that is?

What is it you don't get? BTW, that's all it takes to get funding.

Does (do) the local police get to expect anything??? Such as ICE being there in 72 hours or so to pick up the illegal alien?

How long should the local police be on the hook for storing the arrested person. Also, in smaller cities, there are no federal courts, much less prisons. So where do you hold the arrested illegal alien whilst a hearing is being held? For example, if he commits robbery in Fort Hancock, TX then is found out to be an illegal alien…the DA in Fort Hancock is going to put him through a trial. Usually he would be bonded out awaiting trial. With the immigration enhancement…can’t let him out on bail so it’s 3 hots and a cot at the expense of whom?

Mac1958 …. you tell us….how long should someone be held here and at the expense of whom?
They should be held for the required time by the appropriate jurisdiction.
Who is the appropriate jurisdiction in this case? Is he a federal prisoner or a State inmate?
Here's the deal you meatheads . These cities DO turn over immigrants accused of felonies and dangerous crimes .

But they ain't gonna hold in their jails , at their expense , some guy caught driving without insurance .

You never think of the unintended consequences of your roundup . Public mistrust , people NOT reporting crime, people not cooperating with the police , families being broken up , increased welfare to suppprt broken families .
dude, it's fking easy. Here again:

what we expect is for someone here illegally and picked up during a crime by local police, are held in a jail cell, ICE contacted, ICE picks up and leaves, we call it a day and the criminal illegal is deported back to his/ her country. See how easy that is?

What is it you don't get? BTW, that's all it takes to get funding.

Does (do) the local police get to expect anything??? Such as ICE being there in 72 hours or so to pick up the illegal alien?

How long should the local police be on the hook for storing the arrested person. Also, in smaller cities, there are no federal courts, much less prisons. So where do you hold the arrested illegal alien whilst a hearing is being held? For example, if he commits robbery in Fort Hancock, TX then is found out to be an illegal alien…the DA in Fort Hancock is going to put him through a trial. Usually he would be bonded out awaiting trial. With the immigration enhancement…can’t let him out on bail so it’s 3 hots and a cot at the expense of whom?

Mac1958 …. you tell us….how long should someone be held here and at the expense of whom?
That was the argument the mayor of Miami made to justify not holding illegals for ICE. He said it would have cost the city $52,000 to have held them and he refused to do it unless the federal government paid the city back, but then he was reminded that Miami got $550,000,000 from the federal government that it might lose if he continued to refuse and he decided $52,000 wasn't so much money after all.

You think Fort Hancock gets a lot of federal funds? In Miami, the argument isn’t so cut and dried. I would imagine there are federal courts, detention centers, etc… You don’t have that in every town. I would expect ICE to take custody because they can. I wouldn’t expect ICE to do so in Fort Hancock.
It's really very simple: if they want federal funds they will find a way to cooperate with ICE. If the town is so small it doesn't have a prison, it can't have all that many illegals, so it's not a big problem.

Sounds like that is what the coyotes would be banking on...but that is just simple logic so don't let it trouble you.
Could someone provide one?

Complying with federal requests to detain illegals is voluntary. Federal courts have already ruled on this fact.

Detaining illegals costs money.

If you want federal law enforced, then have the feds do it, and have the feds pay for it, and have the feds detain them.

See how easy that was?
That's it? It costs money?

Yes. A LOT of money.

It's a federal law, and you tards expect cities to pay for its enforcement.

So you're okay with protecting illegal aliens who are living in our country.

Sell your straw man fallacy to someone else.

You asked for an explanation. I gave it to you.

Don't ask the fucking question if you don't want to hear the answer.
no what we expect is for someone here illegally and picked up during a crime by local police, are held in a jail cell, ICE contacted, ICE picks up and leaves, we call it a day and the criminal illegal is deported back to his/ her country. See how easy that is?
ICE has only a few days, a limited period to respond, if they do not come to pick them up in that legal time period then the cities follow the protocol used on all other perps committing the same type crime....keep in jail or release on bail etc....

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