A clear, direct & comprehensive defense of Sanctuary Cities

Could someone provide one?

Complying with federal requests to detain illegals is voluntary. Federal courts have already ruled on this fact.

Detaining illegals costs money.

If you want federal law enforced, then have the feds do it, and have the feds pay for it, and have the feds detain them.

See how easy that was?

Fed assistance is also voluntary. Enjoy the ride.
If you want federal law enforced, then have the federal government enforce it.

I always knew you tards were not for states rights.

The Obama administration was not enforcing federal law once Illegals were arrested for violent crimes. Or perhaps they turned the other way when in many cases cities like SF failed to notify ICE that they had someone in custody, then later they were released back into population. The Feds dont have to detain them for civil crimes they commit and are already arrested for. Does this make sense to libs? or are they Tards?
Could someone provide one?

Complying with federal requests to detain illegals is voluntary. Federal courts have already ruled on this fact.

Detaining illegals costs money.

If you want federal law enforced, then have the feds do it, and have the feds pay for it, and have the feds detain them.

See how easy that was?
That's it? It costs money?

Yes. A LOT of money.

It's a federal law, and you tards expect cities to pay for its enforcement.

So you're okay with protecting illegal aliens who are living in our country.

Sell your straw man fallacy to someone else.

You asked for an explanation. I gave it to you.

Don't ask the fucking question if you don't want to hear the answer.
I think you avoided the question.

So I'll try again, and we'll see if you avoid it again.

So you're okay with protecting illegal aliens who are living in our country. Why is that, specifically?
I answered your question in the OP. You did not like the truth, so you then invented a straw man fallacy to which I will not dignify with a response, retard.
Aww, to the personal insults and name-calling.


Would any adults here like to address my clear and direct question?
I'm sorry I ruined your fantasy of an unsolvable enigma that turned out not to be.
Actually you illustrated a point, and I always appreciate that.

Other cities manage to follow federal law, but for some reason, those that are run by hardcore left wing partisan ideologues just can't manage.

But we'll go with "it's just too expensive".

Could someone provide one?

Complying with federal requests to detain illegals is voluntary. Federal courts have already ruled on this fact.

Detaining illegals costs money.

If you want federal law enforced, then have the feds do it, and have the feds pay for it, and have the feds detain them.

See how easy that was?
That's it? It costs money?

Yes. A LOT of money.

It's a federal law, and you tards expect cities to pay for its enforcement.

So you're okay with protecting illegal aliens who are living in our country.

Sell your straw man fallacy to someone else.

You asked for an explanation. I gave it to you.

Don't ask the fucking question if you don't want to hear the answer.
no what we expect is for someone here illegally and picked up during a crime by local police, are held in a jail cell, ICE contacted, ICE picks up and leaves, we call it a day and the criminal illegal is deported back to his/ her country. See how easy that is?
No, it's finances. Cities have a large immigrant population. Big bunches of people leave, the economy flounders (even more than it already is). It's always money, TN.
No it is votes. Leftists do not have kids, the only way they can maintain a pool of voters is to import desperate people looking for handouts.
Sanctuary cities is the reason why illegals are coming here. Rahm Emmanual is promoting open borders and it isn't our country's position. so lock his tiny whiny ass up.
No, it's finances. Cities have a large immigrant population. Big bunches of people leave, the economy flounders (even more than it already is). It's always money, TN.
No it is votes. Leftists do not have kids, the only way they can maintain a pool of voters is to import desperate people looking for handouts.
Sanctuary cities is the reason why illegals are coming here. Rahm Emmanual is promoting open borders and it isn't our country's position. so lock his tiny whiny ass up.
And the motivation is votes. Emmanual is not doing it out of the kindness of his heart, look what he gives to charity. He is doing it to maintain a voting pool for himself.
No, it's finances. Cities have a large immigrant population. Big bunches of people leave, the economy flounders (even more than it already is). It's always money, TN.
No it is votes. Leftists do not have kids, the only way they can maintain a pool of voters is to import desperate people looking for handouts.
Sanctuary cities is the reason why illegals are coming here. Rahm Emmanual is promoting open borders and it isn't our country's position. so lock his tiny whiny ass up.
And the motivation is votes. Emmanual is not doing it out of the kindness of his heart, look what he gives to charity. He is doing it to maintain a voting pool for himself.
they don't care about 800 deaths last year and the 40 already this year. These people like emmanual are fking dangerous criminals.
Here's the deal you meatheads . These cities DO turn over immigrants accused of felonies and dangerous crimes .

But they ain't gonna hold in their jails , at their expense , some guy caught driving without insurance .

You never think of the unintended consequences of your roundup . Public mistrust , people NOT reporting crime, people not cooperating with the police , families being broken up , increased welfare to suppprt broken families .
Here's the deal you meatheads . These cities DO turn over immigrants accused of felonies and dangerous crimes .

But they ain't gonna hold in their jails , at their expense , some guy caught driving without insurance .

You never think of the unintended consequences of your roundup . Public mistrust , people NOT reporting crime, people not cooperating with the police , families being broken up , increased welfare to suppprt broken families .
dude, it's fking easy. Here again:

what we expect is for someone here illegally and picked up during a crime by local police, are held in a jail cell, ICE contacted, ICE picks up and leaves, we call it a day and the criminal illegal is deported back to his/ her country. See how easy that is?

What is it you don't get? BTW, that's all it takes to get funding.
Here's the deal you meatheads . These cities DO turn over immigrants accused of felonies and dangerous crimes .

But they ain't gonna hold in their jails , at their expense , some guy caught driving without insurance .

You never think of the unintended consequences of your roundup . Public mistrust , people NOT reporting crime, people not cooperating with the police , families being broken up , increased welfare to suppprt broken families .
dude, it's fking easy. Here again:

what we expect is for someone here illegally and picked up during a crime by local police, are held in a jail cell, ICE contacted, ICE picks up and leaves, we call it a day and the criminal illegal is deported back to his/ her country. See how easy that is?

What is it you don't get? BTW, that's all it takes to get funding.

You don't think . That guy has a (legal) family . He's never done nothing to nobody . You rip him away from mom and kids to have him what ? Sit in a jail for years before a hearing? What does that cost society ?!
No, it's finances. Cities have a large immigrant population. Big bunches of people leave, the economy flounders (even more than it already is). It's always money, TN.
Plus there are many organizations that make a lot of money off illegals. Money given them by a corrupt federal government. It is all a big scam.

Watchdogs ask: 'Is it charity if government pays?'

Read more at Religious ‘charities’ profit from open borders
But one of the largest recipients of government funds to resettle immigrant children is the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. The USCCB helps resettle not only unaccompanied alien children, or UACs, who enter the country illegally but also refugees fleeing persecution overseas who enter through legal channels.

The USCCB is one of nine agencies that receive hundreds of millions in tax dollars to resettle refugees and asylum seekers in the U.S. under contract with the federal government. Six of the nine contractors are religious groups, WND has learned, including the Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service, Episcopal Migration Ministries, the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, the Church World Service and World Relief Corp., which includes a plethora of evangelical groups.

The Catholic Bishops alone received $65.9 million in federal grants to care for unaccompanied alien children and refugees, according to its 2012 annual report.

Read more at Religious ‘charities’ profit from open borders
No, it's finances. Cities have a large immigrant population. Big bunches of people leave, the economy flounders (even more than it already is). It's always money, TN.

Do you realize these cities protected violent criminals in jail from being deported? and many of them commited more crimes after they were released again on the streets? So explain how these people help the economy.
I don't know what makes you think I'm supporting sanctuary cities. I'd like the same as Mac, a good explanation for why so many cities are doing this. The closest thing to an answer I've heard is $$$ (see my above post) but that reply actually conflates legal with illegal immigrants. I'm still waiting, same as OP.
Could someone provide one?

Complying with federal requests to detain illegals is voluntary. Federal courts have already ruled on this fact.

Detaining illegals costs money.

If you want federal law enforced, then have the feds do it, and have the feds pay for it, and have the feds detain them.

See how easy that was?
That's it? It costs money?

Yes. A LOT of money.

It's a federal law, and you tards expect cities to pay for its enforcement.

So you're okay with protecting illegal aliens who are living in our country.

Sell your straw man fallacy to someone else.

You asked for an explanation. I gave it to you.

Don't ask the fucking question if you don't want to hear the answer.
no what we expect is for someone here illegally and picked up during a crime by local police, are held in a jail cell, ICE contacted, ICE picks up and leaves, we call it a day and the criminal illegal is deported back to his/ her country. See how easy that is?
I'm pretty sure they have to be PROVEN an illegal, in court, which does not happen with the wave of a wand. So the criminal illegal is ... where ... for the year or so he awaits a jury trial? I worked with a guy this was happening to--it was over a year to a deportation hearing. Maybe cost is a factor?
No, it's finances. Cities have a large immigrant population. Big bunches of people leave, the economy flounders (even more than it already is). It's always money, TN.
Plus there are many organizations that make a lot of money off illegals. Money given them by a corrupt federal government. It is all a big scam.

Watchdogs ask: 'Is it charity if government pays?'

Read more at Religious ‘charities’ profit from open borders
But one of the largest recipients of government funds to resettle immigrant children is the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. The USCCB helps resettle not only unaccompanied alien children, or UACs, who enter the country illegally but also refugees fleeing persecution overseas who enter through legal channels.

The USCCB is one of nine agencies that receive hundreds of millions in tax dollars to resettle refugees and asylum seekers in the U.S. under contract with the federal government. Six of the nine contractors are religious groups, WND has learned, including the Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service, Episcopal Migration Ministries, the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, the Church World Service and World Relief Corp., which includes a plethora of evangelical groups.

The Catholic Bishops alone received $65.9 million in federal grants to care for unaccompanied alien children and refugees, according to its 2012 annual report.

Read more at Religious ‘charities’ profit from open borders
So you don't want ANYONE to help refugees, then? If churches want to help, GOOD.
Could someone provide one?

Complying with federal requests to detain illegals is voluntary. Federal courts have already ruled on this fact.

Detaining illegals costs money.

If you want federal law enforced, then have the feds do it, and have the feds pay for it, and have the feds detain them.

See how easy that was?
That's it? It costs money?

Yes. A LOT of money.

It's a federal law, and you tards expect cities to pay for its enforcement.

So you're okay with protecting illegal aliens who are living in our country.

Sell your straw man fallacy to someone else.

You asked for an explanation. I gave it to you.

Don't ask the fucking question if you don't want to hear the answer.
no what we expect is for someone here illegally and picked up during a crime by local police, are held in a jail cell, ICE contacted, ICE picks up and leaves, we call it a day and the criminal illegal is deported back to his/ her country. See how easy that is?
I'm pretty sure they have to be PROVEN an illegal, in court, which does not happen with the wave of a wand. So the criminal illegal is ... where ... for the year or so he awaits a jury trial? I worked with a guy this was happening to--it was over a year to a deportation hearing. Maybe cost is a factor?
yeah, I don't think so. why do you think they can stay here?
Here's the deal you meatheads . These cities DO turn over immigrants accused of felonies and dangerous crimes .

But they ain't gonna hold in their jails , at their expense , some guy caught driving without insurance .

You never think of the unintended consequences of your roundup . Public mistrust , people NOT reporting crime, people not cooperating with the police , families being broken up , increased welfare to suppprt broken families .
dude, it's fking easy. Here again:

what we expect is for someone here illegally and picked up during a crime by local police, are held in a jail cell, ICE contacted, ICE picks up and leaves, we call it a day and the criminal illegal is deported back to his/ her country. See how easy that is?

What is it you don't get? BTW, that's all it takes to get funding.

You don't think . That guy has a (legal) family . He's never done nothing to nobody . You rip him away from mom and kids to have him what ? Sit in a jail for years before a hearing? What does that cost society ?!
If he's an illegal I don't care! why do you?
Complying with federal requests to detain illegals is voluntary. Federal courts have already ruled on this fact.

Detaining illegals costs money.

If you want federal law enforced, then have the feds do it, and have the feds pay for it, and have the feds detain them.

See how easy that was?
That's it? It costs money?

Yes. A LOT of money.

It's a federal law, and you tards expect cities to pay for its enforcement.

So you're okay with protecting illegal aliens who are living in our country.

Sell your straw man fallacy to someone else.

You asked for an explanation. I gave it to you.

Don't ask the fucking question if you don't want to hear the answer.
no what we expect is for someone here illegally and picked up during a crime by local police, are held in a jail cell, ICE contacted, ICE picks up and leaves, we call it a day and the criminal illegal is deported back to his/ her country. See how easy that is?
I'm pretty sure they have to be PROVEN an illegal, in court, which does not happen with the wave of a wand. So the criminal illegal is ... where ... for the year or so he awaits a jury trial? I worked with a guy this was happening to--it was over a year to a deportation hearing. Maybe cost is a factor?
yeah, I don't think so. why do you think they can stay here?
I'm pretty sure they have to be PROVEN an illegal, in court, which takes a long time. There is a possible argument that the feds should pick up the costs. So I don't get your question.
Here's the deal you meatheads . These cities DO turn over immigrants accused of felonies and dangerous crimes .

But they ain't gonna hold in their jails , at their expense , some guy caught driving without insurance .

You never think of the unintended consequences of your roundup . Public mistrust , people NOT reporting crime, people not cooperating with the police , families being broken up , increased welfare to suppprt broken families .
dude, it's fking easy. Here again:

what we expect is for someone here illegally and picked up during a crime by local police, are held in a jail cell, ICE contacted, ICE picks up and leaves, we call it a day and the criminal illegal is deported back to his/ her country. See how easy that is?

What is it you don't get? BTW, that's all it takes to get funding.

You don't think . That guy has a (legal) family . He's never done nothing to nobody . You rip him away from mom and kids to have him what ? Sit in a jail for years before a hearing? What does that cost society ?!
If he's an illegal I don't care! why do you?

Well then think selfishly since you don't care . Your city has to pay to hold all these guys . And when you take dad away , mom has to quit her job and go on welfare with the kid . The single parent kid on welfare wh no dad is probably going to grow up to be the guy who robs your house .

Think of All the costs . the cure is worse than the disease . Better to focus resources on the really dangerous illegals .
That's it? It costs money?

Yes. A LOT of money.

It's a federal law, and you tards expect cities to pay for its enforcement.

So you're okay with protecting illegal aliens who are living in our country.

Sell your straw man fallacy to someone else.

You asked for an explanation. I gave it to you.

Don't ask the fucking question if you don't want to hear the answer.
no what we expect is for someone here illegally and picked up during a crime by local police, are held in a jail cell, ICE contacted, ICE picks up and leaves, we call it a day and the criminal illegal is deported back to his/ her country. See how easy that is?
I'm pretty sure they have to be PROVEN an illegal, in court, which does not happen with the wave of a wand. So the criminal illegal is ... where ... for the year or so he awaits a jury trial? I worked with a guy this was happening to--it was over a year to a deportation hearing. Maybe cost is a factor?
yeah, I don't think so. why do you think they can stay here?
I'm pretty sure they have to be PROVEN an illegal, in court, which takes a long time. There is a possible argument that the feds should pick up the costs. So I don't get your question.
I think they need to show an ID. If no ID at time of arrest, then there would be a delay while the local police found out who the individual was. If the name is on an illegal list, then ICE is called. There is not court, there is pick up.
BTW, if they have an ID and that ID tags the individual as illegal, call ICE. There is no waiting on a court ruling.

See illegal alien is ...illegal and is a crime. Deporting is the next stop.

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