A clear, direct & comprehensive defense of Sanctuary Cities

yeah, I don't think so. why do you think they can stay here?
I'm pretty sure they have to be PROVEN an illegal, in court, which takes a long time. There is a possible argument that the feds should pick up the costs. So I don't get your question.
I think they need to show an ID. If no ID at time of arrest, then there would be a delay while the local police found out who the individual was. If the name is on an illegal list, then ICE is called. There is not court, there is pick up.
BTW, if they have an ID and that ID tags the individual as illegal, call ICE. There is no waiting on a court ruling.

See illegal alien is ...illegal and is a crime. Deporting is the next stop.

We have a constitution you know . Due process.

You can just grab an illegal and catapult him into the Atlantic Ocean .

You are better off taking dopey wall money and putting it into more immigration court .
well dude, they deport them back to their homeland. Not the ocean, unless you feel that's where they originate from?
They have due process. They have to be JUDGED illegal by a COURT OF LAW. You might wish it to be so, but you can't just put someone on a bus and send him to Colombia the next day because he hasn't got proof of citizenship in his pocket.

Um, no they don't. No papers, goodbye.

"Congress should be listening to their message. Sanctuary cities recognize that that in most cases, deportation is the wrong punishment for illegal immigration, which is a breach of civil, not criminal, law. They understand that our laws do not adequately protect the needs of the strangers who, for the most part, have crossed the border to take work that is eagerly offered them. The sanctuary movement considers a purely bureaucratic enforcement system, which can include long detainment and judgment without jury or even a judge, as an arbitrary arm of prejudicial policy instead of just law."

Nope, here illegally, say bye bye.
Could someone provide one?

Complying with federal requests to detain illegals is voluntary. Federal courts have already ruled on this fact.

Detaining illegals costs money.

If you want federal law enforced, then have the feds do it, and have the feds pay for it, and have the feds detain them.

See how easy that was?

Fed assistance is also voluntary. Enjoy the ride.
If you want federal law enforced, then have the federal government enforce it.

I always knew you tards were not for states rights.
Democrats AREN'T for state rights, tard.

You can't be against Arizona or any other southern states defending their borders while citing state's rights for California to violate federal law.
I'm pretty sure they have to be PROVEN an illegal, in court, which does not happen with the wave of a wand. So the criminal illegal is ... where ... for the year or so he awaits a jury trial? I worked with a guy this was happening to--it was over a year to a deportation hearing. Maybe cost is a factor?
yeah, I don't think so. why do you think they can stay here?
I'm pretty sure they have to be PROVEN an illegal, in court, which takes a long time. There is a possible argument that the feds should pick up the costs. So I don't get your question.
I think they need to show an ID. If no ID at time of arrest, then there would be a delay while the local police found out who the individual was. If the name is on an illegal list, then ICE is called. There is not court, there is pick up.
BTW, if they have an ID and that ID tags the individual as illegal, call ICE. There is no waiting on a court ruling.

See illegal alien is ...illegal and is a crime. Deporting is the next stop.

We have a constitution you know . Due process.

You can just grab an illegal and catapult him into the Atlantic Ocean .

You are better off taking dopey wall money and putting it into more immigration court .
well dude, they deport them back to their homeland. Not the ocean, unless you feel that's where they originate from?
BTW, I wouldn't care if they did drop them in the ocean.
Could someone provide one?

Complying with federal requests to detain illegals is voluntary. Federal courts have already ruled on this fact.

Detaining illegals costs money.

If you want federal law enforced, then have the feds do it, and have the feds pay for it, and have the feds detain them.

See how easy that was?

Fed assistance is also voluntary. Enjoy the ride.
If you want federal law enforced, then have the federal government enforce it.

I always knew you tards were not for states rights.
Democrats AREN'T for state rights, tard.

You can't be against Arizona or any other southern states defending their borders while citing state's rights for California to violate federal law.

Since FDR Central Planning has been their focus. FDR surrounded himself with Fellow Travelers, many of who traveled extensively in Russia and returned enamored of the concept.
yeah, I don't think so. why do you think they can stay here?
I'm pretty sure they have to be PROVEN an illegal, in court, which takes a long time. There is a possible argument that the feds should pick up the costs. So I don't get your question.
I think they need to show an ID. If no ID at time of arrest, then there would be a delay while the local police found out who the individual was. If the name is on an illegal list, then ICE is called. There is not court, there is pick up.
BTW, if they have an ID and that ID tags the individual as illegal, call ICE. There is no waiting on a court ruling.

See illegal alien is ...illegal and is a crime. Deporting is the next stop.

We have a constitution you know . Due process.

You can just grab an illegal and catapult him into the Atlantic Ocean .

You are better off taking dopey wall money and putting it into more immigration court .
well dude, they deport them back to their homeland. Not the ocean, unless you feel that's where they originate from?
They have due process. They have to be JUDGED illegal by a COURT OF LAW. You might wish it to be so, but you can't just put someone on a bus and send him to Colombia the next day because he hasn't got proof of citizenship in his pocket.
It is a violation of civil law, not criminal law, and the issue can be dealt with in a hearing before an immigration court without a full trial unless there are special circumstances. They have a right to apply for an appeal to the immigration court's decision, but they are unlikely to be granted an appeal, so in most cases if the logistics allow they can be sent back to their countries expeditiously.
I've read through most of this thread, and I'm surprised that no one has gotten it yet.

There's one major reason for sanctuary cities that hasn't been mentioned yet (or I missed it) - and its the primary logistical reason why the laws have been adopted by various cities.

Sanctuary cities exist so illegal immigrants won't be afraid of talking to cops.

That's it.
Could someone provide one?

Not From an Authorized Source

The ruling class fears White people. On the other hand, Mexicans have proven to be easy to control and willing to work for low wages. Our plutocracy, whether it pretends to be Liberal or Conservative, loves countries where you're either filthy rich or sunk into soul-killing poverty, with nothing in between.
yeah, I don't think so. why do you think they can stay here?
I'm pretty sure they have to be PROVEN an illegal, in court, which takes a long time. There is a possible argument that the feds should pick up the costs. So I don't get your question.
I think they need to show an ID. If no ID at time of arrest, then there would be a delay while the local police found out who the individual was. If the name is on an illegal list, then ICE is called. There is not court, there is pick up.
BTW, if they have an ID and that ID tags the individual as illegal, call ICE. There is no waiting on a court ruling.

See illegal alien is ...illegal and is a crime. Deporting is the next stop.

We have a constitution you know . Due process.

You can just grab an illegal and catapult him into the Atlantic Ocean .

You are better off taking dopey wall money and putting it into more immigration court .
well dude, they deport them back to their homeland. Not the ocean, unless you feel that's where they originate from?
They have due process. They have to be JUDGED illegal by a COURT OF LAW. You might wish it to be so, but you can't just put someone on a bus and send him to Colombia the next day because he hasn't got proof of citizenship in his pocket.
Acapulco Sends Us Apocalypto

Illegals, including those who are rationally suspected of being illegal, have no legal rights. We, the people, will be the judge of who is illegal. We'll determine what due process is, not leave it up to self-interested traitors.

We won't live free until the powers that allowed this invasion live in fear. Is someone lets his pit bulls rampage through the neighborhood, shouldn't he be eliminated first before we put his pets to sleep?
I've read through most of this thread, and I'm surprised that no one has gotten it yet.

There's one major reason for sanctuary cities that hasn't been mentioned yet (or I missed it) - and its the primary logistical reason why the laws have been adopted by various cities.

Sanctuary cities exist so illegal immigrants won't be afraid of talking to cops.

That's it.

I did mention that amount other things . Say there's a domestic incident . No way mom calls the cops if that means dad is locked up and shipped away .
I'm pretty sure they have to be PROVEN an illegal, in court, which takes a long time. There is a possible argument that the feds should pick up the costs. So I don't get your question.
I think they need to show an ID. If no ID at time of arrest, then there would be a delay while the local police found out who the individual was. If the name is on an illegal list, then ICE is called. There is not court, there is pick up.
BTW, if they have an ID and that ID tags the individual as illegal, call ICE. There is no waiting on a court ruling.

See illegal alien is ...illegal and is a crime. Deporting is the next stop.

We have a constitution you know . Due process.

You can just grab an illegal and catapult him into the Atlantic Ocean .

You are better off taking dopey wall money and putting it into more immigration court .
well dude, they deport them back to their homeland. Not the ocean, unless you feel that's where they originate from?
They have due process. They have to be JUDGED illegal by a COURT OF LAW. You might wish it to be so, but you can't just put someone on a bus and send him to Colombia the next day because he hasn't got proof of citizenship in his pocket.

Um, no they don't. No papers, goodbye.

Yes they do ! I thought you righties were all about the constitution ?

You got stopped by the cops . Ho do you prove you are a citizen ?
I've read through most of this thread, and I'm surprised that no one has gotten it yet.

There's one major reason for sanctuary cities that hasn't been mentioned yet (or I missed it) - and its the primary logistical reason why the laws have been adopted by various cities.

Sanctuary cities exist so illegal immigrants won't be afraid of talking to cops.

That's it.

I did mention that amount other things . Say there's a domestic incident . No way mom calls the cops if that means dad is locked up and shipped away .
If the city makes that choice, its police department will have to get along without federal grants. If the city had been diligent in cooperating with the federal government in the past, this situation would never have arisen.
I've read through most of this thread, and I'm surprised that no one has gotten it yet.

There's one major reason for sanctuary cities that hasn't been mentioned yet (or I missed it) - and its the primary logistical reason why the laws have been adopted by various cities.

Sanctuary cities exist so illegal immigrants won't be afraid of talking to cops.

That's it.

I did mention that amount other things . Say there's a domestic incident . No way mom calls the cops if that means dad is locked up and shipped away .
If the city makes that choice, its police department will have to get along without federal grants. If the city had been diligent in cooperating with the federal government in the past, this situation would never have arisen.

Which means Mr. "Pro police , law and order " will be on record defunding police departments ???
I've read through most of this thread, and I'm surprised that no one has gotten it yet.

There's one major reason for sanctuary cities that hasn't been mentioned yet (or I missed it) - and its the primary logistical reason why the laws have been adopted by various cities.

Sanctuary cities exist so illegal immigrants won't be afraid of talking to cops.

That's it.

I did mention that amount other things . Say there's a domestic incident . No way mom calls the cops if that means dad is locked up and shipped away .
If the city makes that choice, its police department will have to get along without federal grants. If the city had been diligent in cooperating with the federal government in the past, this situation would never have arisen.

Which means Mr. "Pro police , law and order " will be on record defunding police departments ???
If they are not cooperating with federal law, they do not deserve federal money.
I've read through most of this thread, and I'm surprised that no one has gotten it yet.

There's one major reason for sanctuary cities that hasn't been mentioned yet (or I missed it) - and its the primary logistical reason why the laws have been adopted by various cities.

Sanctuary cities exist so illegal immigrants won't be afraid of talking to cops.

That's it.

I did mention that amount other things . Say there's a domestic incident . No way mom calls the cops if that means dad is locked up and shipped away .
If the city makes that choice, its police department will have to get along without federal grants. If the city had been diligent in cooperating with the federal government in the past, this situation would never have arisen.

Which means Mr. "Pro police , law and order " will be on record defunding police departments ???
If they are not cooperating with federal law, they do not deserve federal money.

But they are . They do turn over bad guys .
I've read through most of this thread, and I'm surprised that no one has gotten it yet.

There's one major reason for sanctuary cities that hasn't been mentioned yet (or I missed it) - and its the primary logistical reason why the laws have been adopted by various cities.

Sanctuary cities exist so illegal immigrants won't be afraid of talking to cops.

That's it.

I did mention that amount other things . Say there's a domestic incident . No way mom calls the cops if that means dad is locked up and shipped away .
If the city makes that choice, its police department will have to get along without federal grants. If the city had been diligent in cooperating with the federal government in the past, this situation would never have arisen.

Which means Mr. "Pro police , law and order " will be on record defunding police departments ???
If they are not cooperating with federal law, they do not deserve federal money.

But they are . They do turn over bad guys .
They are not cooperating with federal immigration law.
I've read through most of this thread, and I'm surprised that no one has gotten it yet.

There's one major reason for sanctuary cities that hasn't been mentioned yet (or I missed it) - and its the primary logistical reason why the laws have been adopted by various cities.

Sanctuary cities exist so illegal immigrants won't be afraid of talking to cops.

That's it.

Right, watch the National Geographic documentary on Mexico taking over Meth trafficking in the US and then tell us how well sanctuary city policies are working, hint they aren't.

If illegals are deported, there's no need for sanctuary cities.
I did mention that amount other things . Say there's a domestic incident . No way mom calls the cops if that means dad is locked up and shipped away .
If the city makes that choice, its police department will have to get along without federal grants. If the city had been diligent in cooperating with the federal government in the past, this situation would never have arisen.

Which means Mr. "Pro police , law and order " will be on record defunding police departments ???
If they are not cooperating with federal law, they do not deserve federal money.

But they are . They do turn over bad guys .
They are not cooperating with federal immigration law.

They are not immigration agents .

Maybe the states should have ice agents write speeding tickets !
I've read through most of this thread, and I'm surprised that no one has gotten it yet.

There's one major reason for sanctuary cities that hasn't been mentioned yet (or I missed it) - and its the primary logistical reason why the laws have been adopted by various cities.

Sanctuary cities exist so illegal immigrants won't be afraid of talking to cops.

That's it.

Right, watch the National Geographic documentary on Mexico taking over Meth trafficking in the US and then tell us how well sanctuary city policies are working, hint they aren't.

If illegals are deported, there's no need for sanctuary cities.

What's the correlation ?!
I've read through most of this thread, and I'm surprised that no one has gotten it yet.

There's one major reason for sanctuary cities that hasn't been mentioned yet (or I missed it) - and its the primary logistical reason why the laws have been adopted by various cities.

Sanctuary cities exist so illegal immigrants won't be afraid of talking to cops.

That's it.

Right, watch the National Geographic documentary on Mexico taking over Meth trafficking in the US and then tell us how well sanctuary city policies are working, hint they aren't.

If illegals are deported, there's no need for sanctuary cities.

What's the correlation ?!

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