A complete list of stuff righties SUDDENLY don't care about.


Gold Member
Oct 2, 2015
i know I know . The two faced conservatives have done a 180 on soooo many issues since Trumps election it's really hard to keep track .

But let's give it a try !

I'll start.

#1 Trumps taxes .

Righties poured over the Clinton foundations open books and claimed "conflict of interests " over every donation .

Trump hides his personal taxes and it's "oh who cares . "
I honestly DO NOT CARE about Trump taxes. If the IRS does not care? why should I? I have my own worries. period.

I care about the DEBT, cost and size of GOVT. GOVT waste. I am afraid debt will go up......before the curve could bend down. It will take time to close up Departments......shrink DC. Sell assets. Get the sluggish economy going. More people working, producing, paying taxes.....instead of BENEFITS.

I blame the Cocaine fueled decade of the late 70s'-80s' for all of American Ills. Coked up loons did not vote or voted bad.

We have had 30 years of RINO or DEMWITTED loons getting rich to "govern" us. They go in with nothing.........become billionaire on $125K/year living in DC?
#3. Manwhores .

They spent a lot of time talking about Bill Clintons cheating ways. Throw in handsy Biden and Anthony Weiner too.

Bring up Trumps pussy grabbing and golden showers . Well that's just Boy talk and lies !
Yeller, you are right: "I care about the DEBT, cost and size of GOVT. GOVT waste. "

Yes, just like under Bush and Reagan, all will skyrocket.
#3. Manwhores .

They spent a lot of time talking about Bill Clintons cheating ways. Throw in handsy Biden and Anthony Weiner too.

Bring up Trumps pussy grabbing and golden showers . Well that's just Boy talk and lies !

Do you think a clean living (germaphobe) like Trump is going to let whores pee all over the very bed he is due to sleep in later? Even if tarp is laid down, piss would run over onto the carpet.

In Horrible Bosses 1.........they put a tarp down on the floor but had the wrong room?

Find something real. Like Weiners very real sexting pics. And his lies (I was hacked). Or Clinton with 100s' of "visits" signed into WH book by Lewinsky.
A Short List of Stuff the Progs Never Care About:

1. Truth
2. Integrity
3. Rule of Law
4. Property Rights
5. Individual Liberty
#3. Manwhores .

They spent a lot of time talking about Bill Clintons cheating ways. Throw in handsy Biden and Anthony Weiner too.

Bring up Trumps pussy grabbing and golden showers . Well that's just Boy talk and lies !

Do you think a clean living (germaphobe) like Trump is going to let whores pee all over the very bed he is due to sleep in later? Even if tarp is laid down, piss would run over onto the carpet.

In Horrible Bosses 1.........they put a tarp down on the floor but had the wrong room?

Find something real. Like Weiners very real sexting pics. And his lies (I was hacked). Or Clinton with 100s' of "visits" signed into WH book by Lewinsky.
Something real? How about an illegitimate child, accusations of rape in a divorce settlement, and bragging about walking through dressing rooms with underaged girls?
tell ya what buddy, find me an example of where Trump's financial dealings gave foreign entities access to favorable laws from the United States and then I will care

or rather, Clinton selling political favors granted through the State Department is a much bigger deal than how much of a loss carry forward that Trump was able to enjoy through using the tax codes to his benefit

fair enough?
There are many things I don't like about Trump; however, the alternative of the Hildabeast being president has convinced me to like Trump.

Anyone tired of winning yet?
#6 National Debt

Trump is going to destroy government tax revenue, and simultaneously skyrocket government spending. He has promised massive increases in military spending and infrastructure, to impose massive artificial controls on trade and domestic production, and has said that no American will lose their Obamacare coverage while getting rid of the mandate at the same time! And not a peep from the peanut gallery!
#9 prez security costs.

Righties complain about obama going to Martha's Vineyard . A chopper ride from DC , were he stays at a rural ranch . On an island wh limited access points .

Trump camps out in literally the busiest neighborhood in the biggest most dense city in the country. There could not be a worse place for the security. Oh , and the most expensive place in the country .

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