A complete list of stuff righties SUDDENLY don't care about.

#4 Goldman Sachs

Trump mercilessly attacked Hillary and Lyin' Ted for their relationships with Goldman Sachs. Now there might be more Goldman Sachs executives in the White House than at Goldman Sachs headquarters! And not a peep from the peanut gallery!
Trump never go paid $750K to do a speech for Goldman Sacks. He was never their employee. Both Hillary and Ted have gotten money from GS. Of course, such distinctions are beyond the powers of comprehension to dolts like you.
Trump swims in the swamp, yes.
#4 Goldman Sachs

Trump mercilessly attacked Hillary and Lyin' Ted for their relationships with Goldman Sachs. Now there might be more Goldman Sachs executives in the White House than at Goldman Sachs headquarters! And not a peep from the peanut gallery!
Trump never go paid $750K to do a speech for Goldman Sacks. He was never their employee. Both Hillary and Ted have gotten money from GS. Of course, such distinctions are beyond the powers of comprehension to dolts like you.
Trump swims in the swamp, yes.
Wrong, moron.
Yeller, you are right: "I care about the DEBT, cost and size of GOVT. GOVT waste. "

Yes, just like under Bush and Reagan, all will skyrocket.

Really? He's already got a commitment to reduce the cost of the F-35 by 600 million each and hasn't even taken office yet.
And that is going to make up for a YUGE infrastructure bill that will have to be paid for on the credit cared because the taxes to fund it have been slashed? Think. I am all for rebuilding infrastructure but it will be very, very costly.
No one cares what you are for, Fakey. You're a senile old coot using the computer in an old folks home.
i know I know . The two faced conservatives have done a 180 on soooo many issues since Trumps election it's really hard to keep track .

But let's give it a try !

I'll start.

#1 Trumps taxes .

Righties poured over the Clinton foundations open books and claimed "conflict of interests " over every donation .

Trump hides his personal taxes and it's "oh who cares . "

With the mandate we the people gave Trump, you fuckers should be embarrassed....
Yeller, you are right: "I care about the DEBT, cost and size of GOVT. GOVT waste. "

Yes, just like under Bush and Reagan, all will skyrocket.

Really? He's already got a commitment to reduce the cost of the F-35 by 600 million each and hasn't even taken office yet.
And that is going to make up for a YUGE infrastructure bill that will have to be paid for on the credit cared because the taxes to fund it have been slashed? Think. I am all for rebuilding infrastructure but it will be very, very costly.

Yeah and they'll get twice the bang for the buck if they just block grant the money to the States and keep the federal bureaucrats out of it.
That's a big hope, so let's see if that happens.

Get 30 million illegals to go home would save a lot on Emergency-room-Care. Hand out boxes of Band-aids at the border. Git er' done.
#4 Goldman Sachs

Trump mercilessly attacked Hillary and Lyin' Ted for their relationships with Goldman Sachs. Now there might be more Goldman Sachs executives in the White House than at Goldman Sachs headquarters! And not a peep from the peanut gallery!
Trump never got paid $750K to do a speech for Goldman Sacks. He was never their employee. Both Hillary and Ted have received money from GS. Of course, such distinctions are beyond the powers of comprehension possessed by dolts like you.
Oh hai Brifag. As we all know Goldman Sachs is a global investment firm, and one of the leading purveyors of what you dumb fucking rubes call "globalism." Trump is littering the White House with their leaders, in preparation for completely deregulating the banks and making himself and Sachs a fortune. Remember, Trump made a killing off of you dumb fucking rubes losing your houses, and bragged about it on national television.
Yeller, you are right: "I care about the DEBT, cost and size of GOVT. GOVT waste. "

Yes, just like under Bush and Reagan, all will skyrocket.

Really? He's already got a commitment to reduce the cost of the F-35 by 600 million each and hasn't even taken office yet.
And that is going to make up for a YUGE infrastructure bill that will have to be paid for on the credit cared because the taxes to fund it have been slashed? Think. I am all for rebuilding infrastructure but it will be very, very costly.

Yeah and they'll get twice the bang for the buck if they just block grant the money to the States and keep the federal bureaucrats out of it.
That's a big hope, so let's see if that happens.
Get 30 million illegals to go home would save a lot on Emergency-room-Care. Hand out boxes of Band-aids at the border. Git er' done.
Perhaps, if there were 30mm illegals, and no more maybe 2 of the 11mm actual illegals would be targets for deporation. If Trump were going to honor his promise. He won't. And . . . ACA. Do you see the Senate 'repealing' ACA before replacing it?
#4 Goldman Sachs

Trump mercilessly attacked Hillary and Lyin' Ted for their relationships with Goldman Sachs. Now there might be more Goldman Sachs executives in the White House than at Goldman Sachs headquarters! And not a peep from the peanut gallery!
Trump never got paid $750K to do a speech for Goldman Sacks. He was never their employee. Both Hillary and Ted have received money from GS. Of course, such distinctions are beyond the powers of comprehension possessed by dolts like you.

Trump never gave them money. He only gave them part control of our country. :lol:
#4 Goldman Sachs

Trump mercilessly attacked Hillary and Lyin' Ted for their relationships with Goldman Sachs. Now there might be more Goldman Sachs executives in the White House than at Goldman Sachs headquarters! And not a peep from the peanut gallery!
Trump never got paid $750K to do a speech for Goldman Sacks. He was never their employee. Both Hillary and Ted have received money from GS. Of course, such distinctions are beyond the powers of comprehension possessed by dolts like you.
Oh hai Brifag. As we all know Goldman Sachs is a global investment firm, and one of the leading purveyors of what you dumb fucking rubes call "globalism." Trump is littering the White House with their leaders, in preparation for completely deregulating the banks and making himself and Sachs a fortune. Remember, Trump made a killing off of you dumb fucking rubes losing your houses, and bragged about it on national television.
Only a very few members of his cabinet are GS employees, moron.
#4 Goldman Sachs

Trump mercilessly attacked Hillary and Lyin' Ted for their relationships with Goldman Sachs. Now there might be more Goldman Sachs executives in the White House than at Goldman Sachs headquarters! And not a peep from the peanut gallery!
Trump never got paid $750K to do a speech for Goldman Sacks. He was never their employee. Both Hillary and Ted have received money from GS. Of course, such distinctions are beyond the powers of comprehension possessed by dolts like you.

Trump never gave them money. He only gave them part control of our country. :lol:
Of course the Hillary emails. There will be some mention in the news due to this internal investigation into the FBI's conduct, but that is being spearheaded by Democrats. Now that Trump won Republicans could give two shits.
#4 Goldman Sachs

Trump mercilessly attacked Hillary and Lyin' Ted for their relationships with Goldman Sachs. Now there might be more Goldman Sachs executives in the White House than at Goldman Sachs headquarters! And not a peep from the peanut gallery!
Trump never got paid $750K to do a speech for Goldman Sacks. He was never their employee. Both Hillary and Ted have received money from GS. Of course, such distinctions are beyond the powers of comprehension possessed by dolts like you.

Trump never gave them money. He only gave them part control of our country. :lol:
The point is they never gave Trump any money, moron. He doesn't owe them anything like Hillary did.
#4 Goldman Sachs

Trump mercilessly attacked Hillary and Lyin' Ted for their relationships with Goldman Sachs. Now there might be more Goldman Sachs executives in the White House than at Goldman Sachs headquarters! And not a peep from the peanut gallery!
Trump never got paid $750K to do a speech for Goldman Sacks. He was never their employee. Both Hillary and Ted have received money from GS. Of course, such distinctions are beyond the powers of comprehension possessed by dolts like you.
Oh hai Brifag. As we all know Goldman Sachs is a global investment firm, and one of the leading purveyors of what you dumb fucking rubes call "globalism." Trump is littering the White House with their leaders, in preparation for completely deregulating the banks and making himself and Sachs a fortune. Remember, Trump made a killing off of you dumb fucking rubes losing your houses, and bragged about it on national television.
Only a very few members of his cabinet are GS employees, moron.

As long as only a few GS employees have direct control of government policy...
#4 Goldman Sachs

Trump mercilessly attacked Hillary and Lyin' Ted for their relationships with Goldman Sachs. Now there might be more Goldman Sachs executives in the White House than at Goldman Sachs headquarters! And not a peep from the peanut gallery!
Trump never got paid $750K to do a speech for Goldman Sacks. He was never their employee. Both Hillary and Ted have received money from GS. Of course, such distinctions are beyond the powers of comprehension possessed by dolts like you.

Trump never gave them money. He only gave them part control of our country. :lol:
The point is they never gave Trump any money, moron. He doesn't owe them anything like Hillary did.

Agreed. His tax returns prove it. :lol:
#4 Goldman Sachs

Trump mercilessly attacked Hillary and Lyin' Ted for their relationships with Goldman Sachs. Now there might be more Goldman Sachs executives in the White House than at Goldman Sachs headquarters! And not a peep from the peanut gallery!
Trump never got paid $750K to do a speech for Goldman Sacks. He was never their employee. Both Hillary and Ted have received money from GS. Of course, such distinctions are beyond the powers of comprehension possessed by dolts like you.
Oh hai Brifag. As we all know Goldman Sachs is a global investment firm, and one of the leading purveyors of what you dumb fucking rubes call "globalism." Trump is littering the White House with their leaders, in preparation for completely deregulating the banks and making himself and Sachs a fortune. Remember, Trump made a killing off of you dumb fucking rubes losing your houses, and bragged about it on national television.
Only a very few members of his cabinet are GS employees, moron.
3 of them executives and Presidents of Goldman Sachs, and a bunch of gazillionaires with tons of history with Goldman Sachs! :rofl:

But your on your knees for them now Brifag! Defend them to the death!!! :rofl:
#4 Goldman Sachs

Trump mercilessly attacked Hillary and Lyin' Ted for their relationships with Goldman Sachs. Now there might be more Goldman Sachs executives in the White House than at Goldman Sachs headquarters! And not a peep from the peanut gallery!
Trump never got paid $750K to do a speech for Goldman Sacks. He was never their employee. Both Hillary and Ted have received money from GS. Of course, such distinctions are beyond the powers of comprehension possessed by dolts like you.
Oh hai Brifag. As we all know Goldman Sachs is a global investment firm, and one of the leading purveyors of what you dumb fucking rubes call "globalism." Trump is littering the White House with their leaders, in preparation for completely deregulating the banks and making himself and Sachs a fortune. Remember, Trump made a killing off of you dumb fucking rubes losing your houses, and bragged about it on national television.
Only a very few members of his cabinet are GS employees, moron.
3 of them executives and Presidents of Goldman Sachs, and a bunch of gazillionaires with tons of history with Goldman Sachs! :rofl:

But your on your knees for them now Brifag! Defend them to the death!!! :rofl:
"History with Goldman Sachs?" What the hell is that supposed to mean? Trump is hiring people who have accomplished something in their lives and demonstrated their competence. People like that tend to be wealthy, as opposed to the trimmers and frauds in the Obama Administration.
Of course the Hillary emails. There will be some mention in the news due to this internal investigation into the FBI's conduct, but that is being spearheaded by Democrats. Now that Trump won Republicans could give two shits.

Oh........I still hold out hope Beast will do time. And Huma ........ all of them.

Why would 5 of them get immunity? plead the 5th? If nothing is wrong?

I kind of had a dream...........Beast gets cuffed at the Inauguration day. Right after the Bible. Haul her off.......right under BJs' slack-jawed nose.
Yeah but Trump hasn't even taken office yet. How can he be guilty of a conflict of interest? Bill Clinton pardoned the most notorious corporate criminal while he was on the FBI's 10 most wanted list allegedly in exchange for about a million dollars donated to the "Clinton library" by the fugitive's wife.The Clintons still claimed to be broke after they left office and it is alleged that they even stole furniture from the White House to pay for a bus ticket home. All of a sudden Hillary gets appointed "secretary 'o state" and the Clinton foundation expands to a million dollar operation. Next thing you know Hillary is a candidate for president and gets 300k for mystery 20 minute speeches to Wall Street bankers and the "foundation" gets millions in donations from foreign "investors". When evidence indicates that the Clinton fortune depended on influence peddling the idiotic left still accuses a freaking civilian of "conflict of interest". Maybe the education system will improve during Trump's administration and future generations will be able to figure out the difference between a self made billionaire and the corrupt political insiders who would have been perp walked to federal prison if it wasn't for the criminal conspiracy known as the mainstream media.

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