A complete list of stuff righties SUDDENLY don't care about.

#3. Manwhores .

They spent a lot of time talking about Bill Clintons cheating ways. Throw in handsy Biden and Anthony Weiner too.

Bring up Trumps pussy grabbing and golden showers . Well that's just Boy talk and lies !
Joe Biden is a rapist and a child molester... and A delusional piece of shit
Quit falling down well
#41 military disrespect.

Obama has a marine hold an umbrella for him. He's an anti military douche bag .

Trump dodges draft, shits on McCains pow history , shits on gold star families , mocks a Purple Heart award .......nothing to see here .
Military folk have almost no respect for Barry… That's just the facts.
He Disrespects them at every turn
#4 Goldman Sachs

Trump mercilessly attacked Hillary and Lyin' Ted for their relationships with Goldman Sachs. Now there might be more Goldman Sachs executives in the White House than at Goldman Sachs headquarters! And not a peep from the peanut gallery!
Trump never got paid $750K to do a speech for Goldman Sacks. He was never their employee. Both Hillary and Ted have received money from GS. Of course, such distinctions are beyond the powers of comprehension possessed by dolts like you.
Oh hai Brifag. As we all know Goldman Sachs is a global investment firm, and one of the leading purveyors of what you dumb fucking rubes call "globalism." Trump is littering the White House with their leaders, in preparation for completely deregulating the banks and making himself and Sachs a fortune. Remember, Trump made a killing off of you dumb fucking rubes losing your houses, and bragged about it on national television.

"Trump made a killing off of youdumb fucking rubes losing your houses, and braggedabout it on national television."

So did your warrior princess pochohauntus. If not for "double standards" leftists would have none

When did Trump make a dime off of someone "losing" their house?

The Democrat motto seems to be "when you have no facts, just make shit up." That's what we call "fake news."
#4 Goldman Sachs

Trump mercilessly attacked Hillary and Lyin' Ted for their relationships with Goldman Sachs. Now there might be more Goldman Sachs executives in the White House than at Goldman Sachs headquarters! And not a peep from the peanut gallery!
Trump never got paid $750K to do a speech for Goldman Sacks. He was never their employee. Both Hillary and Ted have received money from GS. Of course, such distinctions are beyond the powers of comprehension possessed by dolts like you.
Oh hai Brifag. As we all know Goldman Sachs is a global investment firm, and one of the leading purveyors of what you dumb fucking rubes call "globalism." Trump is littering the White House with their leaders, in preparation for completely deregulating the banks and making himself and Sachs a fortune. Remember, Trump made a killing off of you dumb fucking rubes losing your houses, and bragged about it on national television.
Only a very few members of his cabinet are GS employees, moron.

Only a few... that's some funny shit right there!

Step #1 complain about companies like Goldman Sachs.

Step #2 complain about globalism

Step #3 Say you are going to drain the swamp

Step #4 appoint cabinet members that worked for Goldman Sachs that work for a globalist company
Most qualified candidates who work in the private sector work for a "globalist" company because all large corporations do business all over the world. That means there is no one he could appoint that dirt bags like you wouldn't attack.

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