A complete list of stuff righties SUDDENLY don't care about.

#4 Goldman Sachs

Trump mercilessly attacked Hillary and Lyin' Ted for their relationships with Goldman Sachs. Now there might be more Goldman Sachs executives in the White House than at Goldman Sachs headquarters! And not a peep from the peanut gallery!
Trump never got paid $750K to do a speech for Goldman Sacks. He was never their employee. Both Hillary and Ted have received money from GS. Of course, such distinctions are beyond the powers of comprehension possessed by dolts like you.
Oh hai Brifag. As we all know Goldman Sachs is a global investment firm, and one of the leading purveyors of what you dumb fucking rubes call "globalism." Trump is littering the White House with their leaders, in preparation for completely deregulating the banks and making himself and Sachs a fortune. Remember, Trump made a killing off of you dumb fucking rubes losing your houses, and bragged about it on national television.
Only a very few members of his cabinet are GS employees, moron.
3 of them executives and Presidents of Goldman Sachs, and a bunch of gazillionaires with tons of history with Goldman Sachs! :rofl:

But your on your knees for them now Brifag! Defend them to the death!!! :rofl:
"History with Goldman Sachs?" What the hell is that supposed to mean? Trump is hiring people who have accomplished something in their lives and demonstrated their competence. People like that tend to be wealthy, as opposed to the trimmers and frauds in the Obama Administration.
How about Trump's appointment to Chair the SEC, whose wife is a Goldman Sachs VP! How's that for history Brifag?! Slurp slurp!!! :laugh:
Of course the Hillary emails. There will be some mention in the news due to this internal investigation into the FBI's conduct, but that is being spearheaded by Democrats. Now that Trump won Republicans could give two shits.


#17. Believing the FBI .

When the FBI is commenting oh Hillary , their word is gold .

When the FBI says something about buddy Putin, they are a bunch of lying liar faces .
There is a great chasm between what GOP members care about and what Americans on the whole care about.


The Wall

Republicans will give lip service and claim victory once they have to pay for it
Has anyone mentioned the wall yet?

During the campaign, rightists were going apeshit over the wall. Now some here on this very forum are saying that they never really cared about "the wall," but simply want better immigration enforcement.

EDIT: Ah, I see rightwinger brought up up at the same time. Great minds. :thup:
# 27. States rights .

When it comes to gun control , gay marriage , etc , righties cry "10th amendment ! States rights!" And they applaud those anti gay marriage judges and clerks .

Now they want sanctuary cities to round up illegals and do the job of the INS . "It's the federal law!! "

With Obama it was 94 million unemployed, with Trump going over 100 million, you will never hear about it
We can pretty safely add "anything Trump ever promised" to the list. Why? Conservatives would rather pretend they never really cared about a particular promise because it allows them to save face.

We can expect this pattern to repeat itself for every damn promise Trump reneges on, every time, without fail. Conservatives have the integrity of a slug.

With Obama it was 94 million unemployed, with Trump going over 100 million, you will never hear about it

Nice !

#54. The stock market .

Stock markets hit new heights under Obama. He has nothing to do with it .

Stocks rise after the election. That's all Trump!
#41 military disrespect.

Obama has a marine hold an umbrella for him. He's an anti military douche bag .

Trump dodges draft, shits on McCains pow history , shits on gold star families , mocks a Purple Heart award .......nothing to see here .

With Obama it was 94 million unemployed, with Trump going over 100 million, you will never hear about it

It's the rate, not the total number. 3% 4% drop is 4-5 million not working that could/should be (assuming a 150mil labor force).

#4 Goldman Sachs

Trump mercilessly attacked Hillary and Lyin' Ted for their relationships with Goldman Sachs. Now there might be more Goldman Sachs executives in the White House than at Goldman Sachs headquarters! And not a peep from the peanut gallery!
Trump never got paid $750K to do a speech for Goldman Sacks. He was never their employee. Both Hillary and Ted have received money from GS. Of course, such distinctions are beyond the powers of comprehension possessed by dolts like you.
Oh hai Brifag. As we all know Goldman Sachs is a global investment firm, and one of the leading purveyors of what you dumb fucking rubes call "globalism." Trump is littering the White House with their leaders, in preparation for completely deregulating the banks and making himself and Sachs a fortune. Remember, Trump made a killing off of you dumb fucking rubes losing your houses, and bragged about it on national television.
Only a very few members of his cabinet are GS employees, moron.

Only a few... that's some funny shit right there!

Step #1 complain about companies like Goldman Sachs.

Step #2 complain about globalism

Step #3 Say you are going to drain the swamp

Step #4 appoint cabinet members that worked for Goldman Sachs that work for a globalist company

With Obama it was 94 million unemployed, with Trump going over 100 million, you will never hear about it

Nice !

#54. The stock market .

Stock markets hit new heights under Obama. He has nothing to do with it .

Stocks rise after the election. That's all Trump!

You missing the part of the feds was pumping 85 million a month under Obama?

Liberal logic 101 put high taxes and regulations on business and think they will grow compared to a business friendly President.

Let me ask you a personal question timothy do they teach you that crap in school?

#4 Goldman Sachs

Trump mercilessly attacked Hillary and Lyin' Ted for their relationships with Goldman Sachs. Now there might be more Goldman Sachs executives in the White House than at Goldman Sachs headquarters! And not a peep from the peanut gallery!
Trump never got paid $750K to do a speech for Goldman Sacks. He was never their employee. Both Hillary and Ted have received money from GS. Of course, such distinctions are beyond the powers of comprehension possessed by dolts like you.
Oh hai Brifag. As we all know Goldman Sachs is a global investment firm, and one of the leading purveyors of what you dumb fucking rubes call "globalism." Trump is littering the White House with their leaders, in preparation for completely deregulating the banks and making himself and Sachs a fortune. Remember, Trump made a killing off of you dumb fucking rubes losing your houses, and bragged about it on national television.

"Trump made a killing off of youdumb fucking rubes losing your houses, and braggedabout it on national television."

So did your warrior princess pochohauntus. If not for "double standards" leftists would have none

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