A Complete Psychological Analysis of Trump's Support

It could of been but several Trump worshippers came out and attacked the OP instead of debating the article.

Yep. A veritable ganging-up, vulgar, ignorant, fiercely determined to remain exactly that, and all he while claiming some sort of victim status because some folks looked under the hood and found more ugly than we've been supposed to see.

There's but an incomplete description in the article:

8. Relative Deprivation — A Misguided Sense of Entitlement

Relative deprivation refers to the experience of being deprived of something to which one believes they are entitled. It is the discontent felt when one compares their position in life to others who they feel are equal or inferior but have unfairly had more success than them.​

They are, of course, being "victimized" in a myriad of ways, but mostly due to Others passing them by "merely" because they're more educated, diligent, entrepreneurial, intelligent, or whatever reasons there may be. No surprise White supremacists are whining: "Jews will not replace us!" As usual, "Jews" just stands for whatever minority of the day is at the receiving end of the Trumpletons' hatred. Over-entitlement and victim status go hand in hand, mutually reinforce each other, and Trump's overt, brazen racism - contempt for whatever Other there may be - gives them license to cut the remaining leashes. That's also why "PC" - the requirement that all be treated with respect, even Those people - became the biggest bogeyman of all.

Who would have thought that the fiercely hierarchical society they created to place themselves at the top in order to rule over everyone Other, would one day turn out to be (blue-collar, middle-class) Whitey's downfall, slipping towards the lower regions that were meant to be occupied by Black folks? Now they're tearing it all down (or “Some Men Just Want to Watch the World Burn”, as the article has it) and elect Trump. And they think that one, the most over-entitled, Dunning-Kruger brat of all, is good news for them. Really, no kidding.

I think the Russians must pay by the word.

OE is lost in translation. He tries too hard.
It could of been but several Trump worshippers came out and attacked the OP instead of debating the article.

Yep. A veritable ganging-up, vulgar, ignorant, fiercely determined to remain exactly that, and all he while claiming some sort of victim status because some folks looked under the hood and found more ugly than we've been supposed to see.

There's but an incomplete description in the article:

8. Relative Deprivation — A Misguided Sense of Entitlement

Relative deprivation refers to the experience of being deprived of something to which one believes they are entitled. It is the discontent felt when one compares their position in life to others who they feel are equal or inferior but have unfairly had more success than them.​

They are, of course, being "victimized" in a myriad of ways, but mostly due to Others passing them by "merely" because they're more educated, diligent, entrepreneurial, intelligent, or whatever reasons there may be. No surprise White supremacists are whining: "Jews will not replace us!" As usual, "Jews" just stands for whatever minority of the day is at the receiving end of the Trumpletons' hatred. Over-entitlement and victim status go hand in hand, mutually reinforce each other, and Trump's overt, brazen racism - contempt for whatever Other there may be - gives them license to cut the remaining leashes. That's also why "PC" - the requirement that all be treated with respect, even Those people - became the biggest bogeyman of all.

Who would have thought that the fiercely hierarchical society they created to place themselves at the top in order to rule over everyone Other, would one day turn out to be (blue-collar, middle-class) Whitey's downfall, slipping towards the lower regions that were meant to be occupied by Black folks? Now they're tearing it all down (or “Some Men Just Want to Watch the World Burn”, as the article has it) and elect Trump. And they think that one, the most over-entitled, Dunning-Kruger brat of all, is good news for them. Really, no kidding.

I think the Russians must pay by the word.

OE is lost in translation. He tries too hard.

It is pretty funny watching a leftist antisemite prattling on about Jews, though
It could of been but several Trump worshippers came out and attacked the OP instead of debating the article.

Yep, and it's well covered in the OP's article:

13. Authoritarian Personality

Authoritarianism refers to the advocacy or enforcement of strict obedience to authority at the expense of personal freedom, and is commonly associated with a lack of concern for the opinions or needs of others. Authoritarian personality is characterized by belief in total and complete obedience to authority. Those with this personality often display aggression toward outgroup members

That's the opposite side of the coin of authoritarian submissives - otherwise inexplicable levels of aggression against those not subservient to, or even just disagreeing with, the Dear Leader. In extreme cases, the members of the outgroup need to be physically attacked, or even destroyed. That ranges from the attacks on Tommy on here to the physical attack to the BBC cameraman recently (just one of several at Trump rallies), and who knows what's lying ahead.

Moreover, the mental and personality defects of the supporters also reflect ill on the Dear Leader - who other than a defective piece of crap would receive support from mental cases? - and discussing that leads to further raised levels of aggression.

Et voilà.
You certainly do suffer from delusions of adequacy, don't you?
Why dont we go through the article point by point ?

Point 1 - For some wealthy people, it’s simply a financial matter. Trump offers tax cuts for the rich and wants to do away with government regulation that gets in the way of businessmen making money, even when that regulation exists for the purpose of protecting the environment. Others, like blue-collared workers, like the fact that the president is trying to bring jobs back to America from places like China. Some people who genuinely are not racist (those who are will be discussed later) simply want stronger immigration laws because they know that a country with open borders is not sustainable. These people have put their practical concerns above their moral ones. To them, it does not make a difference if he’s a vagina-grabber, or if his campaign team colluded with Russia to help him defeat his political opponent. It is unknown whether these people are eternally bound to Trump in the way others are, but we may soon find out if the Mueller investigation is allowed to come to completion.

To me this seems to be the main reason people voted for Trump. I dont [sic] see it as controversial.

That's the only point in the article that is mostly true,and mostly rational. Even so, it shows some intent by the author to put his own ridiculous left wrong-wing spin on it. And it's not just wealthy people who saw the practical necessities involves. Many of us working-class people spent eight years watching an extreme, incompetent, radical LIbEral President promote policies that were destructive and devastating to our economy, and to the economic interests of most Americans. In 2016, we had a clear choice before us, between a candidate who threatened to continues those destructive policies, and one who wanted to take a different direction.

The subheading for this point reads “Practicality Trumps Morality”. It falsely suggests that we had a choice between a morally-sound candidate, with otherwise bad policies, and a morally-unsound candidate, with much better policies. No, we didn't. We had a choice between two very morally-unsound candidates, and of the two of them, on that front, Mrs. Clinton was much, much worse.

And the DNC literally made him a martyr.
In what way ? I dont see him as a victim.

You don't need to. You reportedly live across the pond. I am not expecting you to recall anything and I'm not expecting you to even know how propaganda works.

They started that off with sending people over to initiate fights wearing Sander's shirts at his rallies. The media fed into it because they are conglomerates and they have their own interests. Going back in time to locate a grab 'em by the %!$# tape. Hillary hiring her goons to canvas the internet.
Here we are looking at 2020 and the Democratic Party has nothing but I hate Trump. So, we can expect the exact same 14 year old behavior because they still don't have anything to run on.
I know this will never happen, Tommy, but for the record I'll ask it anyway: why DON'T you leave this American website and never come back? Why do you lack such personal pride? See, if I were on a UK website whose members didn't want this "bloody seppo" around, this bloody seppo wouldn't even bother with it. I would have too much pride to appear in a place where I wasn't wanted. So why can't a warm, corn-and-peanut, nutritious shovel of fecal matter like yourself have enough pride to simply not appear to troll, sneer and scold Americans we all know you hate so much?

See, I'm being very kind and reasonable to you in this post Tommy. I'm not going to call you the most ignorant, arrogant, criminal reprobate pommie pig who ever darkened America's doorstep as I'm sure other Americans will call you. I'm not going to call you the crab-crawling scum of the earth I'm sure other Americans call you. I'm not going to call you the gamma-ray-emitting, slime-coated, gutter-dwelling, cannibal-corpse-eating hobgoblin living on the outermost periphery of subhumanity that other Americans call you. All this particular American is asking is that you please go away. You have spoken your noxious vomit and we "bloody seppos" reject it. So move the fuck on, because we yanks have seen what a sad pile of crap you are. Why is that so difficult?
In what way ? I dont see him as a victim.

You don't need to. You reportedly live across the pond. I am not expecting you to recall anything and I'm not expecting you to even know how propaganda works.

They started that off with sending people over to initiate fights wearing Sander's shirts at his rallies. The media fed into it because they are conglomerates and they have their own interests. Going back in time to locate a grab 'em by the %!$# tape. Hillary hiring her goons to canvas the internet.
Here we are looking at 2020 and the Democratic Party has nothing but I hate Trump. So, we can expect the exact same 14 year old behavior because they still don't have anything to run on.

Ah, the racist, misogynist, over-entitled Dunning-Kruger brat, who got billions in free airtime from a pliable media (conglomerates!) seizing a profit opportunity, was martyred - kid you not - because he was occasionally confronted with the racist, misogynistic, or plain moronic things he's said and done.

The rightarded victimology of whiny, over-entitled brats, along with the abject subservience to their Dear Leader, never ceases to amaze.
In what way ? I dont see him as a victim.

You don't need to. You reportedly live across the pond. I am not expecting you to recall anything and I'm not expecting you to even know how propaganda works.

They started that off with sending people over to initiate fights wearing Sander's shirts at his rallies. The media fed into it because they are conglomerates and they have their own interests. Going back in time to locate a grab 'em by the %!$# tape. Hillary hiring her goons to canvas the internet.
Here we are looking at 2020 and the Democratic Party has nothing but I hate Trump. So, we can expect the exact same 14 year old behavior because they still don't have anything to run on.

Ah, the racist, misogynist, over-entitled Dunning-Kruger brat, who got billions in free airtime from a pliable media (conglomerates!) seizing a profit opportunity, was martyred - kid you not - because he was occasionally confronted with the racist, misogynistic, or plain moronic things he's said and done.

The rightarded victimology of whiny, over-entitled brats, along with the abject subservience to their Dear Leader, never ceases to amaze.


Make it stop.


The labor market changed over twenty years ago. It would have some validity in the 1980s or even early 1990s but even by then the factories had either moved or undocumented immigrants were already working in them. The Democratic Party had already abandoned unions and definitely did so by the time Obama came into office.

Since this isn't in the CDZ, I can ask this.


We still have factories. True, white people don't want to work in them, they think they should get good union wages for sitting in an office all day
In what way ? I dont see him as a victim.

You don't need to. You reportedly live across the pond. I am not expecting you to recall anything and I'm not expecting you to even know how propaganda works.

They started that off with sending people over to initiate fights wearing Sander's shirts at his rallies. The media fed into it because they are conglomerates and they have their own interests. Going back in time to locate a grab 'em by the %!$# tape. Hillary hiring her goons to canvas the internet.
Here we are looking at 2020 and the Democratic Party has nothing but I hate Trump. So, we can expect the exact same 14 year old behavior because they still don't have anything to run on.

Ah, the racist, misogynist, over-entitled Dunning-Kruger brat, who got billions in free airtime from a pliable media (conglomerates!) seizing a profit opportunity, was martyred - kid you not - because he was occasionally confronted with the racist, misogynistic, or plain moronic things he's said and done.

The rightarded victimology of whiny, over-entitled brats, along with the abject subservience to their Dear Leader, never ceases to amaze.

I'm a liberal. I didn't vote for Trump. Pull your head out.
This really doesn't belong in the CDZ.

The article cited in the OP is nothing more than a hyperpartisan pseudoscientific flame against conservatives in general, and Trump supporters in particular. It's chock full of psychological projection of its author's own deficiencies, bad assumptions, gratuitous ad-hominems, and flat-out lies, thinly-disguised as “science”. There's really no way to have much of a discussion about this article or its author without stooping to the same low level that it sets, in violation of the letter and the spirit of the CDZ.

Funny, I'd compare Trump followers to being in a cult, but since you are already in a cult, they got that covered.
The labor market changed over twenty years ago. It would have some validity in the 1980s or even early 1990s but even by then the factories had either moved or undocumented immigrants were already working in them. The Democratic Party had already abandoned unions and definitely did so by the time Obama came into office.

Since this isn't in the CDZ, I can ask this.


We still have factories. True, white people don't want to work in them, they think they should get good union wages for sitting in an office all day

But, they do want to work in them.
But, they do want to work in them.

Sure, in the office behind a desk, working at a computer.

I've worked in several manufacturing plants since getting out of the army in the 1990's. Do you know who works on the assembly lines? Mostly immigrants.... legal immigrants, mind you but immigrants nonetheless.

One company I worked at, we determined that 17 different languages were spoken by the employees. I used to joke that if we ever found a lady named "Maria Patel" she'd be a shoe in to get the job since half our employees were named "Maria" and the other half were named "Patel".
But, they do want to work in them.

Sure, in the office behind a desk, working at a computer.

I've worked in several manufacturing plants since getting out of the army in the 1990's. Do you know who works on the assembly lines? Mostly immigrants.... legal immigrants, mind you but immigrants nonetheless.

One company I worked at, we determined that 17 different languages were spoken by the employees. I used to joke that if we ever found a lady named "Maria Patel" she'd be a shoe in to get the job since half our employees were named "Maria" and the other half were named "Patel".

Thanks for sharing.
The Democratic Party has nothing but I hate Trump to run on right now. That is the problem with neo-liberals.

That's actually good enough.

When the recession comes later this year, no one will admit to supporting Trump.
The Democratic Party has nothing but I hate Trump to run on right now. That is the problem with neo-liberals.

That's actually good enough.

When the recession comes later this year, no one will admit to supporting Trump.

The Democratic Party does not support public education.
The Democratic Party has supported privatizing the post office.
The Democratic Party supports regime change and war in other countries.
The Democratic Party supports the destruction of IT sector via H1B visas as well as illegal immigration to continue to lower wages.
The Democratic Party pays lip service to unions.

You are running out of people to sell your line of shit to.
The Democratic Party does not support public education.
The Democratic Party has supported privatizing the post office.
The Democratic Party supports regime change and war in other countries.
The Democratic Party supports the destruction of IT sector via H1B visas as well as illegal immigration to continue to lower wages.
The Democratic Party pays lip service to unions.

Okay, you've convinced me, you're retarded. We get that.

Honestly, the Democrats are the ones protecting public education and the post office from privatization... I'm not entirely sold that this is a good thing, but they are.

Both parties support the same bad policies of the Pax Americana...

The reason why we have H1B visas is because Americans are too dumb to really do IT. If we didn't bring in guys from India, no one would run our IT.

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