A Complete Psychological Analysis of Trump's Support

ace it, Joe. You're about as right wing as it gets. You're a neoliberal. And no, it's not just a few charter schools here and there. It's charter schools scamming money, it's real estate fraud, it's closing up shop leaving kids stranded without a school, it's the numerous suspensions for frivolous crap (or denying those with disabilities to enter). It's testing scores showing no greater improvement and in many instances fail miserably. Incidentally, it's also what the NAACP and Black Lives Matter are also against as it fuels the school to prison pipeline. Which makes it even funnier when you use phrases like "white people" and shit like post #158 is absolutely ludicrous. Because it is everything you pretend to be against.

Oh, please don't parrot a few phrases and pretend you get it. A lot of communities want school choice and charter schools. I personally don't have a solid position on it, as I don't have kids in school and was a product of Catholic education myself.

You completely ignore the Democrats voting. How quaint. Pre-funding 75 years out of retirement benefits? I'm pretty sure that you forgot the appointment of Patrick Donahue. I could drag that out.

You could, but why bother? Do we really want the Post Office to be like the Auto Industry and declare bankruptcy because they didn't fund their pensions properly? The problem with the post office is that no one really uses mail anymore. They send their friends email and they pay their bills on line. I have a mailbox where I maybe get six pcs of mail I'm actually waiting on a month. The rest is all junk.

You are everything that is wrong with the Democratic Party. You're a fraud. It's not inherently important that conservatives see through your bullshit. You will simply use little phrases to incite them. Do be aware that the rest of the world recognizes the fact that all you folks have is I hate Trump and that it's to hide the fact that you and your ilk are doing the exact same things. You have nothing.

Actually, I'm a registered Republican and I voted Republican in every presidential election until 2012, when I wouldn't support Romney because I hate Mormons. Trump probably would have driven me out of the GOP if Trump hadn't.

In short, I was Republican until the Religious Crazies and racists made it uncool.
The trolls should have been warned when this thread started to get hijacked. Post 95 reflects the standard of debate in these parts. See below.

Eat shit, you fucking sack of shit......you sicken me. You wallow in ignorance like a pig wallows in mud.
Not exactly...

This thread should have been parked in the badlands, where we can ridicule your Stupidity.
Clever. Start a bait thread in the CDZ to annihilate people you don't agree with and use an article whose position is that Hillary should have won or that the Democratic Party is the right party.

Hillary got 3 million more votes. That's why she should have won.

But the bigger problem is, why are so many Americans willing to embrace someone like Trump. The points in the article are good ones, but I think it can be a lot simpler.

White folks look at their declining fortunes, as the needs of the labor market change... They look at the good jobs their parents had at a factory with union representation.

And while they have no stomach to form a union and fight for more rights, learn the skills to keep their job set relevant, they do understand the profound cultural loss.

Trump (and for that matter, every Republican before him going back to Nixon) gives them someone to blame, the people who are not like them.
gives them someone to blame, the people who are not like them.
democrats do the same dam thing.....
Clever. Start a bait thread in the CDZ to annihilate people you don't agree with and use an article whose position is that Hillary should have won or that the Democratic Party is the right party.
Or you could engage in the topic

Sure, let's do that, Tommy. You have chosen to participate in the game of divide and conquer because you know that keeping people divided keeps powerful people powerful while the people fight over the scraps. Additionally, you have decided that it is inherently important that you get a pat on the head and feel really righteous about doing so. So, you utilize an opining psychologist that is searching for ways to understand the great phenomena and makes you and yours feel angelic.
The topic is about an article analysing Trumps supporters. It isnt about me.

It very much is about you, Tommy. You are aware that other psychologists and researchers on the opposite side keep endless crap going trying to say that liberals are mentally ill and blah, blah, blah. Divide and conquer is a strategy that has been used over and over again.

No its about USA conservatives, who love Trump no matter what.

I mean for him to say he can shoot someone in NY 5th ave and he wouldn't loose votes. Really, and a self declared "pussy grabber" as well.
i believe every president has followers who love them no matter what...
A Complete Psychological Analysis of Trump's Support
Its a long article but worth reading. It paints quite a bleak picture of the modern world and the way that people can be manipulated. I recognise many of these traits in the people I know who support brexit which shows that it is not a specifically American issue.

This one chimes with me a lot because I worked with several of these people on a project a few years back. People who have had success in some things believe that they are experts in all fields. You cant reach them because they are bomb proof.

7. The Dunning-Kruger Effect: Humans Often Overestimate Their Political Expertise

Some who support Donald Trump are under-informed or misinformed about the issues at hand. When Trump tells them that crime is skyrocketing in the United States, or that the economy is the worst it’s ever been, they simply take his word for it.

The Dunning-Kruger effect explains that the problem isn’t just that they are misinformed; it’s that they are completely unaware that they are misinformed, which creates a double burden.

Studies have shown that people who lack expertise in some area of knowledge often have a cognitive bias that prevents them from realizing that they lack expertise. As psychologist David Dunning puts it in an op-ed for Politico, “The knowledge and intelligence that are required to be good at a task are often the same qualities needed to recognize that one is not good at that task — and if one lacks such knowledge and intelligence, one remains ignorant that one is not good at the task. This includes political judgment.” These people cannot be reached because they mistakenly believe they are the ones who should be reaching others.
The Dunning-Kruger effect explains that the problem isn’t just that they are misinformed; it’s that they are completely unaware that they are misinformed, which creates a double burden.

Tell us more about how humans can change sex upon whims and there is no difference between male and female...….
Leave it to the trolls to show up minutes after someone tries to start a serious discussion.
you have done the same shit...
This really doesn't belong in the CDZ.

The article cited in the OP is nothing more than a hyperpartisan pseudoscientific flame against conservatives in general, and Trump supporters in particular. It's chock full of psychological projection of its author's own deficiencies, bad assumptions, gratuitous ad-hominems, and flat-out lies, thinly-disguised as “science”. There's really no way to have much of a discussion about this article or its author without stooping to the same low level that it sets, in violation of the letter and the spirit of the CDZ.

Funny, I'd compare Trump followers to being in a cult, but since you are already in a cult, they got that covered.
many said the same about obama and bush followers too.....
The Democratic Party does not support public education.
The Democratic Party has supported privatizing the post office.
The Democratic Party supports regime change and war in other countries.
The Democratic Party supports the destruction of IT sector via H1B visas as well as illegal immigration to continue to lower wages.
The Democratic Party pays lip service to unions.

Okay, you've convinced me, you're retarded. We get that.

Honestly, the Democrats are the ones protecting public education and the post office from privatization... I'm not entirely sold that this is a good thing, but they are.

Both parties support the same bad policies of the Pax Americana...

The reason why we have H1B visas is because Americans are too dumb to really do IT. If we didn't bring in guys from India, no one would run our IT.
bullshit joe....the 2 co-sponsors of H.R. 22, the so called postal accountability and enhancement act of 2006 were democrats....that sure as hell wasnt doing much to help the PO....yea i know they told you it was going to help it stay strong....
A Complete Psychological Analysis of Trump's Support
Its a long article but worth reading. It paints quite a bleak picture of the modern world and the way that people can be manipulated. I recognise many of these traits in the people I know who support brexit which shows that it is not a specifically American issue.

This one chimes with me a lot because I worked with several of these people on a project a few years back. People who have had success in some things believe that they are experts in all fields. You cant reach them because they are bomb proof.

7. The Dunning-Kruger Effect: Humans Often Overestimate Their Political Expertise

Some who support Donald Trump are under-informed or misinformed about the issues at hand. When Trump tells them that crime is skyrocketing in the United States, or that the economy is the worst it’s ever been, they simply take his word for it.

The Dunning-Kruger effect explains that the problem isn’t just that they are misinformed; it’s that they are completely unaware that they are misinformed, which creates a double burden.

Studies have shown that people who lack expertise in some area of knowledge often have a cognitive bias that prevents them from realizing that they lack expertise. As psychologist David Dunning puts it in an op-ed for Politico, “The knowledge and intelligence that are required to be good at a task are often the same qualities needed to recognize that one is not good at that task — and if one lacks such knowledge and intelligence, one remains ignorant that one is not good at the task. This includes political judgment.” These people cannot be reached because they mistakenly believe they are the ones who should be reaching others.

If you want to understand President Trump supporters, just ask us.

We’ll gladly tell you our support of President Trump is a giant “F U” to globalists neocons and Marxists assholes that are trying to destroy Western civilization.
If you want to understand President Trump supporters, just ask us.

We’ll gladly tell you our support of President Trump is a giant “F U” to globalists neocons and Marxists assholes that are trying to destroy Western civilization.

So essentially, you are all crazy white trash who don't like the rest of the world. Got it.
bullshit joe....the 2 co-sponsors of H.R. 22, the so called postal accountability and enhancement act of 2006 were democrats....that sure as hell wasnt doing much to help the PO....yea i know they told you it was going to help it stay strong....

Yes, how dare we REQUIRE this obsolete institution to be self-funding. Just because people stopped using it, doesn't mean we should keep subsidizing it.

Ironically, what has saved the PO is Amazon.
bullshit joe....the 2 co-sponsors of H.R. 22, the so called postal accountability and enhancement act of 2006 were democrats....that sure as hell wasnt doing much to help the PO....yea i know they told you it was going to help it stay strong....

Yes, how dare we REQUIRE this obsolete institution to be self-funding. Just because people stopped using it, doesn't mean we should keep subsidizing it.

Ironically, what has saved the PO is Amazon.
did you have help moving the goalpost joe?....and the PO has been self funding for quite a while....and there are plenty of people who still use it....
did you have help moving the goalpost joe?....and the PO has been self funding for quite a while....and there are plenty of people who still use it....

Yes, my mailbox is full of junk mail i have to sort through to get the one letter a week I actually want to see.

The reality is, they want to keep their nice union benefits... and they resist any attempts at modernization tooth and nail.
Joe, you talk a lot about the 1% and then advocate support for privatizing public functions of which you clearly know nothing about, laws you clearly know nothing about and expect the rest of us to give credence to your one time at band camp stories.

There is something wrong with you.
actually, it is a good read, especially point #8.

Trump's supporters remember a time when their grandparents could graduate High School, get a good job at the factory and provide for a family.

Today, kids graduate college with a mountain of debt.

And you blame Trump for that?? lmao

Actually E Warren (squaw) put out a book a few years ago where she asserted that the two job family has been a disaster for families; I actually agree with her. People now feel that they can't afford the family they want. A lot of truth in that. One income should be enough to fund a family; let's hope Trump delivers on that.

did you have help moving the goalpost joe?....and the PO has been self funding for quite a while....and there are plenty of people who still use it....

Yes, my mailbox is full of junk mail i have to sort through to get the one letter a week I actually want to see.

The reality is, they want to keep their nice union benefits... and they resist any attempts at modernization tooth and nail.
bullshit...they have the most modern machines on the planet also a pretty good infrastructure to move a lot of mail....
Joe, you talk a lot about the 1% and then advocate support for privatizing public functions of which you clearly know nothing about, laws you clearly know nothing about and expect the rest of us to give credence to your one time at band camp stories.

There is something wrong with you.

Yes, I waste my time talking to complete fucking retards.... I'm not sure what I am thinking.

Here's the thing. If the public function isn't getting the fucking job done, it's time to try something else. Even if someone makes money doing it, God Forbid. Having seen too many public school grads who can't string a sentence together, we need to try something else.
Actually E Warren (squaw) put out a book a few years ago where she asserted that the two job family has been a disaster for families; I actually agree with her. People now feel that they can't afford the family they want. A lot of truth in that. One income should be enough to fund a family; let's hope Trump delivers on that.

Why would he deliver on that? You really think a rich guy cares about working folks, you stupid shit? Hey, maybe you should read up on some of his employment practices.

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