A Complete Psychological Analysis of Trump's Support

That was a very good point (aligning well with the celebrity obsession mentioned in another of the items), and "arousal" is a very good way to put it, but...

The trolls have already decided that explaining the continuing support for Trump is off limits on here, and "ideologues" and other posters need to be attacked, have their honesty and self-awareness questioned and what not.

Yes, I know, I recommended to you to open more of your threads in CDZ to preclude the like, and now I have to eat crow because... seemingly there is no way to contain the trolls, much less a way for them to contain themselves and their droppings. Sorry.
More pure projection.

The least honest and self-aware people you will find on the planet are hard core leftist freaks.
Such is the nature of being infected by a partisan ideology.

The afflicted exists in their own little intellectual vacuum, with their own tribe, open only to thoughts, "facts" and opinions that align with theirs.

This behavior feeds on itself so that the victim becomes intellectually paralyzed within the vacuum.
Which definitely includes the OP.
The least honest and self-aware people you will find on the planet are hard core leftist freaks.

Yep. The demand for absolute lock step conformity is emblematic of a mind set more closely aligned with fascism than it is anything remotely liberal.
A Complete Psychological Analysis of Trump's Support
Its a long article but worth reading. It paints quite a bleak picture of the modern world and the way that people can be manipulated. I recognise many of these traits in the people I know who support brexit which shows that it is not a specifically American issue.

This one chimes with me a lot because I worked with several of these people on a project a few years back. People who have had success in some things believe that they are experts in all fields. You cant reach them because they are bomb proof.

7. The Dunning-Kruger Effect: Humans Often Overestimate Their Political Expertise

Some who support Donald Trump are under-informed or misinformed about the issues at hand. When Trump tells them that crime is skyrocketing in the United States, or that the economy is the worst it’s ever been, they simply take his word for it.

The Dunning-Kruger effect explains that the problem isn’t just that they are misinformed; it’s that they are completely unaware that they are misinformed, which creates a double burden.

Studies have shown that people who lack expertise in some area of knowledge often have a cognitive bias that prevents them from realizing that they lack expertise. As psychologist David Dunning puts it in an op-ed for Politico, “The knowledge and intelligence that are required to be good at a task are often the same qualities needed to recognize that one is not good at that task — and if one lacks such knowledge and intelligence, one remains ignorant that one is not good at the task. This includes political judgment.” These people cannot be reached because they mistakenly believe they are the ones who should be reaching others.
A good description of Democrats.
actually, it is a good read, especially point #8.

Trump's supporters remember a time when their grandparents could graduate High School, get a good job at the factory and provide for a family.

Today, kids graduate college with a mountain of debt.

Thanks, Obama!
The Dunning-Kruger effect explains that the problem isn’t just that they are misinformed; it’s that they are completely unaware that they are misinformed, which creates a double burden.

This applies to both ends of the political spectrum, of course. The question is whether the infected individual naturally lacks the capacity to see outside of their ideology, or whether this blindness is the product of conditioning over time. My guess is the latter.

The same intellectual myopia manifests when the ideology-infected individual is unaware that they are indeed infected. Those stricken with a hardcore partisan ideology simply, literally don't see how similar their behaviors are compared to those they so loathe.

Is the Dunning-Kruger effect supposedly limited, or in any way more associated with ideologues?
No, it's not limited...Which makes all this psychobabble "studies" peddled by the left when they lose so amusing...They end up being exercises in the most virulent forms of confirmation bias and projection.

Make no mistake, this behavior also exists on the right....But it rarely sinks to the depths of blaming the customer, or invoking the vainglorious "voting against their own self-interests" trope.
Let's move on to point 2

2. The Brain’s AttentionSystem Is More Strongly Engaged by Trump

According to a study that monitored brain activity while participants watched 40 minutes of political ads and debate clips from the presidential candidates, Donald Trump is unique in his ability to keep the brain engaged. While Hillary Clinton could only hold attention for so long, Trump kept both attention and emotional arousal high throughout the viewing session. This pattern of activity was seen even when Trump made remarks that individuals didn’t necessarily agree with. His showmanship and simple language clearly resonate with some at a visceral level.

That was a very good point (aligning well with the celebrity obsession mentioned in another of the items), and "arousal" is a very good way to put it, but...

The trolls have already decided that explaining the continuing support for Trump is off limits on here, and "ideologues" and other posters need to be attacked, have their honesty and self-awareness questioned and what not.

Yes, I know, I recommended to you to open more of your threads in CDZ to preclude the like, and now I have to eat crow because... seemingly there is no way to contain the trolls, much less a way for them to contain themselves and their droppings. Sorry.

Your rubbish isn't called "Tommy ROT!!" for nothing.


Who do these two esteemed trolls think they are kidding? Surely not the rest of us?

These droppings, as OE so elegantly puts it, do not belong in the CDZ.

They were put here to provoke, knowing full well no one could let rip with the responses the OP deserves.

In other words, it's just another TDS performance.And a mockery of those who genuinely would like a decent discussion.
Let's move on to point 2

2. The Brain’s AttentionSystem Is More Strongly Engaged by Trump

According to a study that monitored brain activity while participants watched 40 minutes of political ads and debate clips from the presidential candidates, Donald Trump is unique in his ability to keep the brain engaged. While Hillary Clinton could only hold attention for so long, Trump kept both attention and emotional arousal high throughout the viewing session. This pattern of activity was seen even when Trump made remarks that individuals didn’t necessarily agree with. His showmanship and simple language clearly resonate with some at a visceral level.

That was a very good point (aligning well with the celebrity obsession mentioned in another of the items), and "arousal" is a very good way to put it, but...

The trolls have already decided that explaining the continuing support for Trump is off limits on here, and "ideologues" and other posters need to be attacked, have their honesty and self-awareness questioned and what not.

Yes, I know, I recommended to you to open more of your threads in CDZ to preclude the like, and now I have to eat crow because... seemingly there is no way to contain the trolls, much less a way for them to contain themselves and their droppings. Sorry.

Your rubbish isn't called "Tommy ROT!!" for nothing.


Who do these two esteemed trolls think they are kidding? Surely not the rest of us?

These droppings, as OE so elegantly puts it, do not belong in the CDZ.

They were put here to provoke, knowing full well no one could let rip with the responses the OP deserves.

In other words, it's just another TDS performance.And a mockery of those who genuinely would like a decent discussion.

If the discussion was begun in a respectful and non partisan fashion revolving around the relationship between competence/lack of competence and self estimation of one's ability, it could have turned into a clean debate. Laying down a gauntlet through preemptive attacks just makes it dirty to begin with.

The intolerance shown towards any who dare apply the principle to anybody BUT the specific target only drives home the fact that clean debate is anything but the objective here. The objective is to attack, and the placement of the thread simply a ruse to protect the attackers from those who might reflect it back.
If the discussion was begun in a respectful and non partisan fashion revolving around the relationship between competence/lack of competence and self estimation of one's ability, it could have turned into a clean debate. Laying down a gauntlet through preemptive attacks just makes it dirty to begin with.

The intolerance shown towards any who dare apply the principle to anybody BUT the specific target only drives home the fact that clean debate is anything but the objective here. The objective is to attack, and the placement of the thread simply a ruse to protect the attackers from those who might reflect it back.
You win the internet for today.

Let's move on to point 2

2. The Brain’s AttentionSystem Is More Strongly Engaged by Trump

According to a study that monitored brain activity while participants watched 40 minutes of political ads and debate clips from the presidential candidates, Donald Trump is unique in his ability to keep the brain engaged. While Hillary Clinton could only hold attention for so long, Trump kept both attention and emotional arousal high throughout the viewing session. This pattern of activity was seen even when Trump made remarks that individuals didn’t necessarily agree with. His showmanship and simple language clearly resonate with some at a visceral level.

That was a very good point (aligning well with the celebrity obsession mentioned in another of the items), and "arousal" is a very good way to put it, but...

The trolls have already decided that explaining the continuing support for Trump is off limits on here, and "ideologues" and other posters need to be attacked, have their honesty and self-awareness questioned and what not.

Yes, I know, I recommended to you to open more of your threads in CDZ to preclude the like, and now I have to eat crow because... seemingly there is no way to contain the trolls, much less a way for them to contain themselves and their droppings. Sorry.

Your rubbish isn't called "Tommy ROT!!" for nothing.


Who do these two esteemed trolls think they are kidding? Surely not the rest of us?

These droppings, as OE so elegantly puts it, do not belong in the CDZ.

They were put here to provoke, knowing full well no one could let rip with the responses the OP deserves.

In other words, it's just another TDS performance.And a mockery of those who genuinely would like a decent discussion.

If the discussion was begun in a respectful and non partisan fashion revolving around the relationship between competence/lack of competence and self estimation of one's ability, it could have turned into a clean debate. Laying down a gauntlet through preemptive attacks just makes it dirty to begin with.

The intolerance shown towards any who dare apply the principle to anybody BUT the specific target only drives home the fact that clean debate is anything but the objective here. The objective is to attack, and the placement of the thread simply a ruse to protect the attackers from those who might reflect it back.

Well just look at the OP.

Tells you everything.

Not even adept at anything remotely resembling non partisan interaction.

And also the Kraut sidekick, sailing dangerously close to the edge with his flamebaiting.
Moved to General Discussion, this thread never should have been placed in the CDZ forum.
The OP apparently wanted a one sided debate.
It could of been but several Trump worshippers came out and attacked the OP instead of debating the article.
It could of been but several Trump worshippers came out and attacked the OP instead of debating the article.

You're not deceiving anyone either.

The article is assuming Trump voters need analysing.

How grossly condescending and patronising is that?
It could of been but several Trump worshippers came out and attacked the OP instead of debating the article.
The article is the same old psychobabble garbage that make the rounds every time leftists lose.

You freaks are so arrogant and vain as to really believe that there's no logic in refusing go along with your central planner lunacy, so there just has to be something physically and/or mentally wrong with those who act on that disagreement.
It could of been but several Trump worshippers came out and attacked the OP instead of debating the article.

Yep, and it's well covered in the OP's article:

13. Authoritarian Personality

Authoritarianism refers to the advocacy or enforcement of strict obedience to authority at the expense of personal freedom, and is commonly associated with a lack of concern for the opinions or needs of others. Authoritarian personality is characterized by belief in total and complete obedience to authority. Those with this personality often display aggression toward outgroup members

That's the opposite side of the coin of authoritarian submissives - otherwise inexplicable levels of aggression against those not subservient to, or even just disagreeing with, the Dear Leader. In extreme cases, the members of the outgroup need to be physically attacked, or even destroyed. That ranges from the attacks on Tommy on here to the physical attack to the BBC cameraman recently (just one of several at Trump rallies), and who knows what's lying ahead.

Moreover, the mental and personality defects of the supporters also reflect ill on the Dear Leader - who other than a defective piece of crap would receive support from mental cases? - and discussing that leads to further raised levels of aggression.

Et voilà.

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