A couple of reasons why the republican party should nominate trump


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
1. He will more likely do things you the piss poor voter wants as he isn't owned by big corporate and the transnationalist like cruz is.
2. He will build the wall and deport the illegals. NOT owned by big business like Cruz is with that said just a few years earlier in 2013 he(as in cruz) wanted legal residency and for them to come out of the shallows.
3. He will fix our fucked up trade policies that are bleeding us dry. Mexico, China and the rest of the world has taken everything and pretty soon we won't make much of shit. We need someone like Trump or Bernie to stop this. You bitch about our middle class going away....well, this played probably a bigger roll then anything the democrats have done.
4. Efficiency in government is far more important then destroying things that work and thing that most people like. You with a damn cruz may find yourself being totally removed from government in 2020 as i believe most of the anger is one of corruption and idiotic spending that people wonder wtf? Not that they wouldn't like to see that spent on America in ways that benefit this country for once.
5. Trump is the only one running that will put america first.

Cruz has a history of promoting transnationalism, legalization and bad trade. There's a reason why Jeb, Graham and many others that share in this belief have endorsed ted.
Trump will also stand up to blacklivesdoesn'tmatter, while cruz will bow down like a dog to them. A fucking pussy!!!
It's pretty clear that the Republican Party is no longer the Republican Party. Donald Trump and the American people should be thinking about what we want to call the new party because this one is being absorbed by the Democratic Party and will cease to exist by 2020. States also need to start organizing against the federal government to take our country back.
1. He will more likely do things you the piss poor voter wants as he isn't owned by big corporate and the transnationalist like cruz is.
2. He will build the wall and deport the illegals. NOT owned by big business like Cruz is with that said just a few years earlier in 2013 he(as in cruz) wanted legal residency and for them to come out of the shallows.
3. He will fix our fucked up trade policies that are bleeding us dry. Mexico, China and the rest of the world has taken everything and pretty soon we won't make much of shit. We need someone like Trump or Bernie to stop this. You bitch about our middle class going away....well, this played probably a bigger roll then anything the democrats have done.
4. Efficiency in government is far more important then destroying things that work and thing that most people like. You with a damn cruz may find yourself being totally removed from government in 2020 as i believe most of the anger is one of corruption and idiotic spending that people wonder wtf? Not that they wouldn't like to see that spent on America in ways that benefit this country for once.
5. Trump is the only one running that will put america first.

Cruz has a history of promoting transnationalism, legalization and bad trade. There's a reason why Jeb, Graham and many others that share in this belief have endorsed ted.

1) He might not be owned by big corporate people, but he is big corporate people

2) Build a wall, wow, build it, and they'll climb it or dig under it.

3) He's already managed to annoy major trading partners, he thinks it all works like a business where he can tell one company to get lost because there'll be loads more companies, he doesn't realize you can't always replace countries with other countries.

4) Efficient government? What does Trump know about efficient government?

5) Trump isn't America, he's putting Trump first. (Besides "putting America first" is such a meaningless statement, like "make America great again", er... soundbite alert)
well, we are overdue for actual change.

and if he wins, it won't be boring or a parade of leftist coming out to tell us how much America sucks or hear lie after lie about the country from the president.

still want bern to win, his ideas are so bad they are shocking in just the estimated damage to each American

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