A Cover-Up Bigger Than Benghazi


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
It's long been revealed that Obama's administration is rife with lies and with incompetence....

...but today the today those two unenviable characteristics are combined to pose a grave threat to our nation.

1. "The Obama administration is seeking to hide the fact that North Korea possesses nuclear missile warheads, according to a report....

2. According to the 16-page report, “The North Korean Nuclear Threat to the United States,” the Defense Intelligence Agency stated in an unclassified assessment made public a year ago that “DIA assesses with moderate confidence the North [Korean government] currently has nuclear weapons capable of delivery by ballistic missiles.”
» Report: N. Korea Has Nuclear Warheads for Missiles Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

3. "....disturbing news,” the report says. “The North Korean regime is one of the most fanatic, paranoid, and militaristic dictatorships on the planet. … While North Korea has long made occasional nuclear attack threats, the scope, magnitude, and frequency of these threats have vastly increased in 2013.”

4. North Korea has in the recent months issued provocative threats to carry out nuclear strikes on U.S. cities....

5. "....Obama administration has sought to hide the alarming intelligence because it undermines efforts to eliminate nuclear weapons."
Report: N. Korea Has Nuclear Warheads for Missiles | Washington Free Beacon


Obama hiding the truth because it reveals his incompetency???

Benghazi redux.

6. "Administration spokesmen sought to “walk back” the unwelcome intelligence of nuclear missile warheads with officials asserting that the nuclear strike capability is limited or untested.

7. Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel, ...said the same day that the intelligence was made public that neither Iran nor North Korea is capable of attacking the United States with nuclear weapons."

And he wouldn't lie for the same reason.....would he?

a. "James Clapper, director of national intelligence, also disagreed with the DIA assessment."

Well...in that case.....

8. "However, the report states that despite the denials, “there is every reason to believe that the DIA estimate is accurate.”

9. “If the North uses a third stage similar to the one used on the Taepodong-1 in 1998 in a ballistic missile configuration, then the Taepodong-2 could deliver a several-hundred-kg payload up to 15,000 km—sufficient to strike all of North America,”

10 .“The argument that there is no current nuclear missile threat to the U.S. from North Korea is based upon the dubious assertion that North Korean nuclear weapons are too heavy to be delivered by the North Korea ICBM that successfully orbited a satellite,” the report said. “This position is frequently taken by opponents of U.S. missile defense and nuclear deterrence both in the U.S. and abroad.”
Report: N. Korea Has Nuclear Warheads for Missiles | Washington Free Beacon

Obama...this is the protector of our nation that Liberals elected.

No longer just a failure.....now a threat.
Obama is doing the same thing Clinton did, passing the buck to the next Administration, or Regime if Democrats get the White House in 2016.

Democrats pass things that require courage to the Republicans, cheer them on, then backstab them for doing what the Democrats lacked courage to do. It's been that way since Carter.
But he's going to sit down and talk to the North Koreans. Just like he did with the Iranians. That'll work.

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