A crash course with nothing


Gold Member
Jan 12, 2012
Los Angeles
some guy I know moved here from the middle east as a "refugee" when he was a kid.
in high school be both dropped out, we took the GED , I passed it, he didn't.
I worked with him at a company for a short time, he used to fall asleep at the job.
after 9/11 he made some anti-America remarks, and I decided I didn't want to be around him anymore.

he had nothing going for him other than bullsht skills.
some moron started a company and made him "Vice President"
that worked great for the 10 years the company was in business , then they got bought out and it sounds to me like he's unemployed.
now what is he going to do?
what will he claim for skills? Vice President skills?

all of the people my age are still living with their parents.
the few that did move out are in crappy apartments.
houses went up to 500k for no reason.
the average job across America lasts 2 years.
people on my block used to own their houses forever.
a few moved out and those houses have now changed hands several times.

despite the fact these people don't have a penny to their name, you look on facebook and they're taking their kids on vacation 4 times per year.
they're raising their kids in dream land.

former friend #2 tries to keep up with former Vice-President-friend.
the last time I talked to him he had some hefty credit card debt.
op! time for another trip to Disney Land for the (3) kids, put it on the card.
by the time his daughters are adults the left-wing policy of handing women unearned jobs will be long gone.

when the people of my generation drop dead , their kids are going to inherit nothing but debt, and find out their house was only partially paid for.
everything their parents bought them will be on the bill. plus interest.

people now pay for trade school the same price people used to pay for degrees. (10k)
trade schools work out deals with local businesses so they'll hire their students for 3 months so the school can say they have a high employment rate.

there are 2 young people in my family , both of them have master's degrees.
everyone and their mother has a master's degree, who the hell cares?
you have a piece of paper saying you're the Grand Guru of business.
a business owner will hire his dumb brother for that job.

good luck waking up from Disneyland.

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