A critical issue no one is talking about: repairing our infrastructure system

Putting aside the economic benefit of creating jobs, repairing our nation's infrastructure must be a priority.

The nation's electrical grid - which is antiquated and still declining - is very fragile. It is almost completely centralized and therefore is too big to fail. The US has the most power outages of any other developed nation on earth. Some experts believe eventually there will be power outages on a nationwide scale completely rendering the country useless. Security specifically is weak in this sector nationwide. What's to stop cyber terrorists from taking advantage of this?

Flint's crisis is only the beginning when it comes to our water supply. More and more examples will happen because of the federal government's lack of investment in fixing our antiquated and declining systems.

That's all pretty bad and republicans refuse to do ANYTHING about it.

Hillary has a 5 year plan to help repair the nation's infrastructure costing $275 billion. That dollar amount is unfortunately not high enough, but it seems somwhat achievable from a policy standpoint. If Hillary became president, however, the republicans in the House would still carry on with the scorched earth policy obstruction we saw under Obama. Republicans and their puppets at Fox News will predictably ridicule the plan with faux outrage and say NOTHING positive about it therefore she won't get anywhere with it.

See if republican in office were mature adults they would say about her theoretical plan "okay I don't like this or that, but I will work with you on x y and z to make this bill work."

Unfortunately republicans are complete pussies who can't compromise or be objective about anything Obama or Hillary come up with as policy ideas. That's their pathetic way of saving face when losing elections. If Hillary wins, the republicans will act like children out of reaction to losing the White House for 3 terms. Hillary will get little accomplished because of their uncompromising obstruction.

The question is: how can we fix this problem? When will people realize how serious this is?

Nobody cares because all the engineers will be imported via green cards, and the vast majority of the labor, skilled and unskilled, will be criminal illegal aliens from South America, and the workmanship will be total crap, as the 'contractors' will all be political cronies of whichever 'Party' gets to hand out the contracts and won't know a thing about construction, much less managing any project that will ever get finished. Few jobs will be 'created' for Americans; it might as well be spent in China or Somalia.
I don't get how you people can just make shit up as you go along.
Putting aside the economic benefit of creating jobs, repairing our nation's infrastructure must be a priority.

The nation's electrical grid - which is antiquated and still declining - is very fragile. It is almost completely centralized and therefore is too big to fail. The US has the most power outages of any other developed nation on earth. Some experts believe eventually there will be power outages on a nationwide scale completely rendering the country useless. Security specifically is weak in this sector nationwide. What's to stop cyber terrorists from taking advantage of this?

Flint's crisis is only the beginning when it comes to our water supply. More and more examples will happen because of the federal government's lack of investment in fixing our antiquated and declining systems.

That's all pretty bad and republicans refuse to do ANYTHING about it.

Hillary has a 5 year plan to help repair the nation's infrastructure costing $275 billion. That dollar amount is unfortunately not high enough, but it seems somwhat achievable from a policy standpoint. If Hillary became president, however, the republicans in the House would still carry on with the scorched earth policy obstruction we saw under Obama. Republicans and their puppets at Fox News will predictably ridicule the plan with faux outrage and say NOTHING positive about it therefore she won't get anywhere with it.

See if republican in office were mature adults they would say about her theoretical plan "okay I don't like this or that, but I will work with you on x y and z to make this bill work."

Unfortunately republicans are complete pussies who can't compromise or be objective about anything Obama or Hillary come up with as policy ideas. That's their pathetic way of saving face when losing elections. If Hillary wins, the republicans will act like children out of reaction to losing the White House for 3 terms. Hillary will get little accomplished because of their uncompromising obstruction.

The question is: how can we fix this problem? When will people realize how serious this is?

We gave President Kardashian a trillion $$... shouldn't this have been done already?
Soggy, you evidently did not read Bendog's link out of "The Atlantic". Too bad we can't get this on Fox. Anyway, Obama has tried for years to get the funding, and Republicans have seen to it that there's not a single trillion in sight for infrastructure. From the article: There's more...go to Bendog's post and read it all:

""As with so many of his proposals, Trump hasn’t put out a detailed plan. But one is coming in the next several weeks, a campaign adviser told Bloomberg News. For now, Trump’s rhetoric on infrastructure is remarkably similar to that of Clinton and President Obama, who has spent nearly six years trying to persuade conservatives in Congress to support the kind of major public-works program that Democrats began to fund in the 2009 economic stimulus package. According to arguments that both Trump and Obama have made, huge new investments in infrastructure would reverse decades of decay in the nation’s public transportation arteries and create millions of jobs.

That philosophy is anathema to conservatives who have long derided the stimulus package and the underlying push for more federal spending on infrastructure. “This is right out of the Obama playbook,” said Michael Sargent, a research associate at the Heritage Foundation. Sargent said it was “fairly ironic” for Trump to be touting a major infrastructure plan when he is simultaneously attacking Clinton for offering “more of the same” economic policies. “This is literally ‘more of the same’ of what she’s proposing,” he said. Like other conservatives, Sargent argued that Trump’s assertion that America’s roads and bridges are “crumbling” is an exaggeration.""
Putting aside the economic benefit of creating jobs, repairing our nation's infrastructure must be a priority.

The nation's electrical grid - which is antiquated and still declining - is very fragile. It is almost completely centralized and therefore is too big to fail. The US has the most power outages of any other developed nation on earth. Some experts believe eventually there will be power outages on a nationwide scale completely rendering the country useless. Security specifically is weak in this sector nationwide. What's to stop cyber terrorists from taking advantage of this?

Flint's crisis is only the beginning when it comes to our water supply. More and more examples will happen because of the federal government's lack of investment in fixing our antiquated and declining systems.

That's all pretty bad and republicans refuse to do ANYTHING about it.

Hillary has a 5 year plan to help repair the nation's infrastructure costing $275 billion. That dollar amount is unfortunately not high enough, but it seems somwhat achievable from a policy standpoint. If Hillary became president, however, the republicans in the House would still carry on with the scorched earth policy obstruction we saw under Obama. Republicans and their puppets at Fox News will predictably ridicule the plan with faux outrage and say NOTHING positive about it therefore she won't get anywhere with it.

See if republican in office were mature adults they would say about her theoretical plan "okay I don't like this or that, but I will work with you on x y and z to make this bill work."

Unfortunately republicans are complete pussies who can't compromise or be objective about anything Obama or Hillary come up with as policy ideas. That's their pathetic way of saving face when losing elections. If Hillary wins, the republicans will act like children out of reaction to losing the White House for 3 terms. Hillary will get little accomplished because of their uncompromising obstruction.

The question is: how can we fix this problem? When will people realize how serious this is?

Wasn't the Obammy stimulus supposed to repair our infrastructure?

I wonder what happened there
Putting aside the economic benefit of creating jobs, repairing our nation's infrastructure must be a priority.

The nation's electrical grid - which is antiquated and still declining - is very fragile. It is almost completely centralized and therefore is too big to fail. The US has the most power outages of any other developed nation on earth. Some experts believe eventually there will be power outages on a nationwide scale completely rendering the country useless. Security specifically is weak in this sector nationwide. What's to stop cyber terrorists from taking advantage of this?

Flint's crisis is only the beginning when it comes to our water supply. More and more examples will happen because of the federal government's lack of investment in fixing our antiquated and declining systems.

That's all pretty bad and republicans refuse to do ANYTHING about it.

Hillary has a 5 year plan to help repair the nation's infrastructure costing $275 billion. That dollar amount is unfortunately not high enough, but it seems somwhat achievable from a policy standpoint. If Hillary became president, however, the republicans in the House would still carry on with the scorched earth policy obstruction we saw under Obama. Republicans and their puppets at Fox News will predictably ridicule the plan with faux outrage and say NOTHING positive about it therefore she won't get anywhere with it.

See if republican in office were mature adults they would say about her theoretical plan "okay I don't like this or that, but I will work with you on x y and z to make this bill work."

Unfortunately republicans are complete pussies who can't compromise or be objective about anything Obama or Hillary come up with as policy ideas. That's their pathetic way of saving face when losing elections. If Hillary wins, the republicans will act like children out of reaction to losing the White House for 3 terms. Hillary will get little accomplished because of their uncompromising obstruction.

The question is: how can we fix this problem? When will people realize how serious this is?

Wasn't the Obammy stimulus supposed to repair our infrastructure?

I wonder what happened there
Yes as usual you cons don't even know how much was spent on infrastructure under Obama.
Putting aside the economic benefit of creating jobs, repairing our nation's infrastructure must be a priority.

The nation's electrical grid - which is antiquated and still declining - is very fragile. It is almost completely centralized and therefore is too big to fail. The US has the most power outages of any other developed nation on earth. Some experts believe eventually there will be power outages on a nationwide scale completely rendering the country useless. Security specifically is weak in this sector nationwide. What's to stop cyber terrorists from taking advantage of this?

Flint's crisis is only the beginning when it comes to our water supply. More and more examples will happen because of the federal government's lack of investment in fixing our antiquated and declining systems.

That's all pretty bad and republicans refuse to do ANYTHING about it.

Hillary has a 5 year plan to help repair the nation's infrastructure costing $275 billion. That dollar amount is unfortunately not high enough, but it seems somwhat achievable from a policy standpoint. If Hillary became president, however, the republicans in the House would still carry on with the scorched earth policy obstruction we saw under Obama. Republicans and their puppets at Fox News will predictably ridicule the plan with faux outrage and say NOTHING positive about it therefore she won't get anywhere with it.

See if republican in office were mature adults they would say about her theoretical plan "okay I don't like this or that, but I will work with you on x y and z to make this bill work."

Unfortunately republicans are complete pussies who can't compromise or be objective about anything Obama or Hillary come up with as policy ideas. That's their pathetic way of saving face when losing elections. If Hillary wins, the republicans will act like children out of reaction to losing the White House for 3 terms. Hillary will get little accomplished because of their uncompromising obstruction.

The question is: how can we fix this problem? When will people realize how serious this is?
Actually, both candidates have addressed this issue and both have come up with little or no solution. The full cost of repairing America's infrastructure is between $3.5 and $4 trillion, according to the American Society of Civil Engineers, so for the foreseeable future, no matter what politicians promise, we will be playing catch up, only repairing the most critically deficient elements of our infrastructure to avoid imminent disasters.
Putting aside the economic benefit of creating jobs, repairing our nation's infrastructure must be a priority.

The nation's electrical grid - which is antiquated and still declining - is very fragile. It is almost completely centralized and therefore is too big to fail. The US has the most power outages of any other developed nation on earth. Some experts believe eventually there will be power outages on a nationwide scale completely rendering the country useless. Security specifically is weak in this sector nationwide. What's to stop cyber terrorists from taking advantage of this?

Flint's crisis is only the beginning when it comes to our water supply. More and more examples will happen because of the federal government's lack of investment in fixing our antiquated and declining systems.

That's all pretty bad and republicans refuse to do ANYTHING about it.

Hillary has a 5 year plan to help repair the nation's infrastructure costing $275 billion. That dollar amount is unfortunately not high enough, but it seems somwhat achievable from a policy standpoint. If Hillary became president, however, the republicans in the House would still carry on with the scorched earth policy obstruction we saw under Obama. Republicans and their puppets at Fox News will predictably ridicule the plan with faux outrage and say NOTHING positive about it therefore she won't get anywhere with it.

See if republican in office were mature adults they would say about her theoretical plan "okay I don't like this or that, but I will work with you on x y and z to make this bill work."

Unfortunately republicans are complete pussies who can't compromise or be objective about anything Obama or Hillary come up with as policy ideas. That's their pathetic way of saving face when losing elections. If Hillary wins, the republicans will act like children out of reaction to losing the White House for 3 terms. Hillary will get little accomplished because of their uncompromising obstruction.

The question is: how can we fix this problem? When will people realize how serious this is?
Actually, both candidates have addressed this issue and both have come up with little or no solution. The full cost of repairing America's infrastructure is between $3.5 and $4 trillion, according to the American Society of Civil Engineers, so for the foreseeable future, no matter what politicians promise, we will be playing catch up, only repairing the most critically deficient elements of our infrastructure to avoid imminent disasters.
Yeah the full cost will be staggering. I would hope Hillary's sum would at least address the most pressing issues.

Big Ears doubles the national debt is just 8 years, but our infrastructure still sucks...WTF!!!

"Tax and spend....but make sure to NEVER fix the problem. This way we can continue to dupe stupid Americans over and over again into accepting an ever expanding central government. It works like magic" - DNC Platform
With a Republican congress that refuses to do anything. Why do these right winger fuckers always lie and bullshit? Why? Remember the Bush tax cuts? Trillions. How much have they been raised since then?
Putting aside the economic benefit of creating jobs, repairing our nation's infrastructure must be a priority.

The nation's electrical grid - which is antiquated and still declining - is very fragile. It is almost completely centralized and therefore is too big to fail. The US has the most power outages of any other developed nation on earth. Some experts believe eventually there will be power outages on a nationwide scale completely rendering the country useless. Security specifically is weak in this sector nationwide. What's to stop cyber terrorists from taking advantage of this?

Flint's crisis is only the beginning when it comes to our water supply. More and more examples will happen because of the federal government's lack of investment in fixing our antiquated and declining systems.

That's all pretty bad and republicans refuse to do ANYTHING about it.

Hillary has a 5 year plan to help repair the nation's infrastructure costing $275 billion. That dollar amount is unfortunately not high enough, but it seems somwhat achievable from a policy standpoint. If Hillary became president, however, the republicans in the House would still carry on with the scorched earth policy obstruction we saw under Obama. Republicans and their puppets at Fox News will predictably ridicule the plan with faux outrage and say NOTHING positive about it therefore she won't get anywhere with it.

See if republican in office were mature adults they would say about her theoretical plan "okay I don't like this or that, but I will work with you on x y and z to make this bill work."

Unfortunately republicans are complete pussies who can't compromise or be objective about anything Obama or Hillary come up with as policy ideas. That's their pathetic way of saving face when losing elections. If Hillary wins, the republicans will act like children out of reaction to losing the White House for 3 terms. Hillary will get little accomplished because of their uncompromising obstruction.

The question is: how can we fix this problem? When will people realize how serious this is?

Nobody cares because all the engineers will be imported via green cards, and the vast majority of the labor, skilled and unskilled, will be criminal illegal aliens from South America, and the workmanship will be total crap, as the 'contractors' will all be political cronies of whichever 'Party' gets to hand out the contracts and won't know a thing about construction, much less managing any project that will ever get finished. Few jobs will be 'created' for Americans; it might as well be spent in China or Somalia.
I don't get how you people can just make shit up as you go along.

In other words, you can't dispute what I said, so you're going to snivel. Big deal.
Probably because we have a freaking awesome infrastructure and way too many construction projects as it is. I'd like to go to work and shopping without having every road between here and there closed for construction at the same time.
More shovel ready jobs for all.

Katrina aftermath was supposed to do that as well; didn't happen, illegals and green cards were imported from as far away as Brazil, and worked for an average of $2.50 an hour in many cases. Roofing companies were bidding government contracts at $100 a square, and paying illegals and imported South Americans by the shipload and paying $2 a square, and even cheating them at that low rate. That's how government contractors work, especially the 'minority' owned ones guaranteed set asides.
Probably because we have a freaking awesome infrastructure and way too many construction projects as it is. I'd like to go to work and shopping without having every road between here and there closed for construction at the same time.
Oh really? Our infrastructure is awesome and you know this because it's always under constitution?
More shovel ready jobs for all.

Katrina aftermath was supposed to do that as well; didn't happen, illegals and green cards were imported from as far away as Brazil, and worked for an average of $2.50 an hour in many cases. Roofing companies were bidding government contracts at $100 a square, and paying illegals and imported South Americans by the shipload and paying $2 a square, and even cheating them at that low rate. That's how government contractors work, especially the 'minority' owned ones guaranteed set asides.
Same crap goes on in Nassau County all the time.
Probably because we have a freaking awesome infrastructure and way too many construction projects as it is. I'd like to go to work and shopping without having every road between here and there closed for construction at the same time.
You must live in a VERY wealthy area.

Big Ears doubles the national debt is just 8 years, but our infrastructure still sucks...WTF!!!

"Tax and spend....but make sure to NEVER fix the problem. This way we can continue to dupe stupid Americans over and over again into accepting an ever expanding central government. It works like magic" - DNC Platform
With a Republican congress that refuses to do anything. Why do these right winger fuckers always lie and bullshit? Why? Remember the Bush tax cuts? Trillions. How much have they been raised since then?
Yeah...it is all the R's fault.
Putting aside the economic benefit of creating jobs, repairing our nation's infrastructure must be a priority.

The nation's electrical grid - which is antiquated and still declining - is very fragile. It is almost completely centralized and therefore is too big to fail. The US has the most power outages of any other developed nation on earth. Some experts believe eventually there will be power outages on a nationwide scale completely rendering the country useless. Security specifically is weak in this sector nationwide. What's to stop cyber terrorists from taking advantage of this?

Flint's crisis is only the beginning when it comes to our water supply. More and more examples will happen because of the federal government's lack of investment in fixing our antiquated and declining systems.

That's all pretty bad and republicans refuse to do ANYTHING about it.

Hillary has a 5 year plan to help repair the nation's infrastructure costing $275 billion. That dollar amount is unfortunately not high enough, but it seems somwhat achievable from a policy standpoint. If Hillary became president, however, the republicans in the House would still carry on with the scorched earth policy obstruction we saw under Obama. Republicans and their puppets at Fox News will predictably ridicule the plan with faux outrage and say NOTHING positive about it therefore she won't get anywhere with it.

See if republican in office were mature adults they would say about her theoretical plan "okay I don't like this or that, but I will work with you on x y and z to make this bill work."

Unfortunately republicans are complete pussies who can't compromise or be objective about anything Obama or Hillary come up with as policy ideas. That's their pathetic way of saving face when losing elections. If Hillary wins, the republicans will act like children out of reaction to losing the White House for 3 terms. Hillary will get little accomplished because of their uncompromising obstruction.

The question is: how can we fix this problem? When will people realize how serious this is?

Wasn't the Obammy stimulus supposed to repair our infrastructure?

I wonder what happened there
Yes as usual you cons don't even know how much was spent on infrastructure under Obama.

Yea $3
Putting aside the economic benefit of creating jobs, repairing our nation's infrastructure must be a priority.

The nation's electrical grid - which is antiquated and still declining - is very fragile. It is almost completely centralized and therefore is too big to fail. The US has the most power outages of any other developed nation on earth. Some experts believe eventually there will be power outages on a nationwide scale completely rendering the country useless. Security specifically is weak in this sector nationwide. What's to stop cyber terrorists from taking advantage of this?

Flint's crisis is only the beginning when it comes to our water supply. More and more examples will happen because of the federal government's lack of investment in fixing our antiquated and declining systems.

That's all pretty bad and republicans refuse to do ANYTHING about it.

Hillary has a 5 year plan to help repair the nation's infrastructure costing $275 billion. That dollar amount is unfortunately not high enough, but it seems somwhat achievable from a policy standpoint. If Hillary became president, however, the republicans in the House would still carry on with the scorched earth policy obstruction we saw under Obama. Republicans and their puppets at Fox News will predictably ridicule the plan with faux outrage and say NOTHING positive about it therefore she won't get anywhere with it.

See if republican in office were mature adults they would say about her theoretical plan "okay I don't like this or that, but I will work with you on x y and z to make this bill work."

Unfortunately republicans are complete pussies who can't compromise or be objective about anything Obama or Hillary come up with as policy ideas. That's their pathetic way of saving face when losing elections. If Hillary wins, the republicans will act like children out of reaction to losing the White House for 3 terms. Hillary will get little accomplished because of their uncompromising obstruction.

The question is: how can we fix this problem? When will people realize how serious this is?

Wasn't the Obammy stimulus supposed to repair our infrastructure?

I wonder what happened there
Yes as usual you cons don't even know how much was spent on infrastructure under Obama.

Yea $3

Plus $3 trillion for 'research' and 'impact studies'.
Putting aside the economic benefit of creating jobs, repairing our nation's infrastructure must be a priority.

The nation's electrical grid - which is antiquated and still declining - is very fragile. It is almost completely centralized and therefore is too big to fail. The US has the most power outages of any other developed nation on earth. Some experts believe eventually there will be power outages on a nationwide scale completely rendering the country useless. Security specifically is weak in this sector nationwide. What's to stop cyber terrorists from taking advantage of this?

Flint's crisis is only the beginning when it comes to our water supply. More and more examples will happen because of the federal government's lack of investment in fixing our antiquated and declining systems.

That's all pretty bad and republicans refuse to do ANYTHING about it.

Hillary has a 5 year plan to help repair the nation's infrastructure costing $275 billion. That dollar amount is unfortunately not high enough, but it seems somwhat achievable from a policy standpoint. If Hillary became president, however, the republicans in the House would still carry on with the scorched earth policy obstruction we saw under Obama. Republicans and their puppets at Fox News will predictably ridicule the plan with faux outrage and say NOTHING positive about it therefore she won't get anywhere with it.

See if republican in office were mature adults they would say about her theoretical plan "okay I don't like this or that, but I will work with you on x y and z to make this bill work."

Unfortunately republicans are complete pussies who can't compromise or be objective about anything Obama or Hillary come up with as policy ideas. That's their pathetic way of saving face when losing elections. If Hillary wins, the republicans will act like children out of reaction to losing the White House for 3 terms. Hillary will get little accomplished because of their uncompromising obstruction.

The question is: how can we fix this problem? When will people realize how serious this is?

Wasn't the Obammy stimulus supposed to repair our infrastructure?

I wonder what happened there
Yes as usual you cons don't even know how much was spent on infrastructure under Obama.

Yea $3
Link? :lol:

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