A Daunting Demographic Challenge for the GOP in 2016


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
NYC and NC
A Republican nominee who matches George W. Bush’s winning hand from 2004 would lose this time around.

The continuing problem for the Republican Party is the country’s changing demographics. GOP congressional candidates won 60% of white voters in 2010 and 2014, producing landslide victories. The calculation works differently in presidential elections, however, when turnout is higher, particularly among minorities. In 2012, Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney won 59% of white voters, the highest percentage of any Republican challenging an incumbent president in the history of exit polling. He won every significant white subgroup—men and women; young and old; Protestants and Catholics—often by overwhelming margins. Yet Mr. Romney still lost the election by five million votes.

The problem for the white christian party is that the white vote is shrinking in relation to the voting population

A Daunting Demographic Challenge for the GOP in 2016
A Republican nominee who matches George W. Bush’s winning hand from 2004 would lose this time around.

The continuing problem for the Republican Party is the country’s changing demographics. GOP congressional candidates won 60% of white voters in 2010 and 2014, producing landslide victories. The calculation works differently in presidential elections, however, when turnout is higher, particularly among minorities. In 2012, Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney won 59% of white voters, the highest percentage of any Republican challenging an incumbent president in the history of exit polling. He won every significant white subgroup—men and women; young and old; Protestants and Catholics—often by overwhelming margins. Yet Mr. Romney still lost the election by five million votes.

The problem for the white christian party is that the white vote is shrinking in relation to the voting population

A Daunting Demographic Challenge for the GOP in 2016

And the problem with the Democrats is that they have fielded no one this cycle of any merit.
yep, just a matter of time
Wow. Yet ANOTHER thread by Guno about demographics.

Hey Guno...you average how many of these a week?

Guno told me he moved to Charleston in the early 80s to work at Bosch since he was so smart. I guess that means he had to be around 30 then. Which means....he's well into his 60s...even near 70.

What a miserable angry and sad old geriatric fart.

Guno....when I'm your age...I definitely won't be so pathetic that I'm collecting social security while ranting about white people on USMB haha!

What a loser. Sad life you must have lived to be doing this in your golden years.
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The Republicans Are Now Officially the Party of White Paranoia

The Republicans already lost virtually the entire black vote (scoring just 4 percent and 6 percent of black voters the last two elections). Now, by pushing toward the nomination a candidate whose brilliant plan to "make America great again" is to build a giant wall to keep out Mexican rapists, they're headed the same route with Hispanics. That's a steep fall for a party that won 44 percent of the Hispanic vote as recently as 2004.

The Republicans Are Now Officially the Party of White Paranoia
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The GOP's Bleak Demographic Destiny: How to Win the White House When All Your Voters Are Dying

A big part of what made the 2012 election so much fun was the fact that Mitt Romney and pretty much every Republican and conservative who supported his candidacy were utterly and unshakably confident that they had the election in the bag. Gallup and Rasmussen had Romney up, the campaign’s internal polling said Mitt was going to win, and all the state-level polling that portended an Obama blowout could be easily unskewed to show that Romney was actually on track for a glorious victory. It was a done deal, no reason to fret, so Mitt said “the hell with it” and went ahead and campaigned in Pennsylvania the weekend before the election because at that point it was all about running up the score. Romney hadn’t even bothered drafting a concession speech.

The GOP's Bleak Demographic Destiny: How to Win the White House When All Your Voters Are Dying
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Donald Trump leads an insane white cult — and Pat Buchanan just explained how it works

very good analysis

GOP front-runner leads cult of personality centered around white alienation, racial resentment and authoritarianism
If they couldn`t beat a black man with an Arabic sounding name and a bad economy...well, you know. They`ll win most of the former traitor slave states and the cowboy gun nut states and their handful of electoral votes but I don`t see them winning Va. or N.C. They should concede now and save themselves a lot of money. They can always send the money to the NRA or the Klan.
The demographic the Dems need to worry about is the number of gun owners in the country. If/when voting is no longer a useful option, the guns will come out.
The demographic the Dems need to worry about is the number of gun owners in the country. If/when voting is no longer a useful option, the guns will come out.
you and 10 other nuts with canes and walkers

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you and 10 other nuts with canes and walkers

You folks learned NOTHIBG from the BLM standoff out West. The common citizenry no longer chooses to simply bow to the Government. Hell, not even your main constituency is interested in bowing before their Lords..... See Ferguson, Baltimore, etc.....
Dems should clean up with a black man as President in this imaginary New and "Improved" America, right?

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