A Democrat And His Money Are Soon Parted.

Damn near a million copies, and that was just on the pre order. And, it broke records for the publisher. I'd say that was pretty good.
A Democrat And His Money Are Soon Parted

Well, Bill, I've never known a Democrat whose money wasn't taken from someone else already in the first place!

Mary Trump's book breaks record with mammoth sales
I can't imagine a single Trump supporter who'd be interested in that crap. My guess is that democratic operatives are buying up these books in large volume (with someone else's money) to artificially inflate sales to make it look good so they can say the public is "hungry" for dirt on the Trumps, then handing out the copies to their people for free to read in the hopes of finding new meat to use to spread around the web as a new wave of fresh fake news.

"Here's your assignment, Tommy, you take Chapter 3."

You watch: all of a sudden, every Tard here will be coming up with "Trump Family horror stories" to post here in a few days. It never fails. It's like these idiots actually think we don't see through all this crap.
Damn near a million copies, and that was just on the pre order. And, it broke records for the publisher. I'd say that was pretty good.

Like a children's party balloon, untied. Democrats will lap it up, and then it will die.
A Democrat And His Money Are Soon Parted
Well, Bill, I've never known a Democrat whose money wasn't taken from someone else already in the first place!

Mary Trump's book breaks record with mammoth sales
I can't imagine a single Trump supporter who'd be interested in that crap. My guess is that democratic operatives are buying up these books in large volume (with someone else's money) to artificially inflate sales to make it look good so they can say the public is "hungry" for dirt on the Trumps, then handing out the copies to their people for free to read in the hopes of finding new meat to use to spread around the web as a new wave of fresh fake news.

"Here's your assignment, Tommy, you take Chapter 3."

You watch: all of a sudden, every Tard here will be coming up with "Trump Family horror stories" to post here in a few days. It never fails. It's like these idiots actually think we don't see through all this crap.

Buying copies of their own book and then giving it away for free is a tactic that Palin started.

Feb. 1, 2010 — -- Sarah Palin has been using her political action committee to buy up thousands of copies of her book, "Going Rogue," in order to mail copies of the memoir to her donors, newly filed campaign records show.

The former Alaska governor and 2008 Republican vice presidential candidate had her political organization spend more than $63,000 on what her reports describe as "books for fundraising donor fulfillment." The payments went to Harper Collins, her publisher, and in some instances to HSP Direct, a Virginia-based direct mail fundraising firm that serves a number of well-known conservative politicians and pundits.
Marxist jism for the fringefucks. I hope she makes a couple dollars and she can get that face fixed. Roadkill is sexier than that fugly mutt.
Buying copies of their own book and then giving it away for free is a tactic that Palin started.

A swing and a miss, Popeye. Giving out free books of your own memoirs to friends and donors as a gift to say thank you is NOT quite the same thing as giving out politically charged, unverified, slanderous hate-rags to hostile activists in order to mine for fake news to use to throw the election of a sitting president.

I'm embarrassed for you that you would even try to equate the two.

ONCE AGAIN, Democrats caught trying to throw/influence an election after doing it themselves: Obama, Hillary, the DNC, and the Nancy Team Impeachment Party. :eusa_dance:
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Buying copies of their own book and then giving it away for free is a tactic that Palin started.

Feb. 1, 2010 — -- Sarah Palin has been using her political action committee to buy up thousands of copies of her book, "Going Rogue," in order to mail copies of the memoir to her donors, newly filed campaign records show.

The former Alaska governor and 2008 Republican vice presidential candidate had her political organization spend more than $63,000 on what her reports describe as "books for fundraising donor fulfillment." The payments went to Harper Collins, her publisher, and in some instances to HSP Direct, a Virginia-based direct mail fundraising firm that serves a number of well-known conservative politicians and pundits.

Lol she didn't start it, Scientologists have been doing that for decades.

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