A different take on the shortages...

Yep, starting in Jan of 2020 our leaders/government has failed us in this crisis.

I really do not believe that Trump failed us with respect to the pandemic, given that he didn't get correct information for most of his time while in office in that regard and the democrats in congress and some states were not helpful or cooperative either. What he and we were told about masks and lockdowns and vaccines wasn't consistent, first it was this is true and then it's not.
I really do not believe that Trump failed us with respect to the pandemic, given that he didn't get correct information for most of his time while in office in that regard and the democrats in congress and some states were not helpful or cooperative either. What he and we were told about masks and lockdowns and vaccines wasn't consistent, first it was this is true and then it's not.
He failed when he kept that weasel Fauci around. Fauci should've been stuffed in a crate and sold in a Wuhan wet market.
Let's ignore all the striking and MIA supply chain workers who refuse to get jabbed
They aren't going to hear that Frank. Another thing is producers have been getting the short end of the stick with rising cost of feed yet buyers for those markets were not sharing in the rising costs which meant higher pricing and more profits for the buyers but not the producers. Thus a lot of producers started selling privately instead of taking it in the shorts at the livestock markets; now some of those are opening their own coop processing plants.

Tyson claimed that they were having issues because of the roosters but fact is again the producers balked and refused to raise the poultry for less than it cost them. Recently the producers won a suit too. Tyson Foods, Perdue Farms to pay $35 million to settle lawsuit with chicken farmers
That's not what created the backlog of ships. You really don't understand, do you?

I understand what caused the backlog, but when you have a backlog and even more is ordered, it makes things worse. How it you do not understand this simple fact?

And since the ships do not have any sort of priority it can cause everyday items to be backlogged even more.

It is really not all that complicated. But for your simple mind just go "Biden Bad" and move on, that seems to be your upper limit.
I really do not believe that Trump failed us with respect to the pandemic, given that he didn't get correct information for most of his time while in office in that regard and the democrats in congress and some states were not helpful or cooperative either. What he and we were told about masks and lockdowns and vaccines wasn't consistent, first it was this is true and then it's not.

I guess it is a matter of degrees. My take was that they knew full well we were screwed from early on. Trump's messaging could have been a little more even-keeled and cautiously optimistic instead of just flat out detached from the reality that anyone could see just by watching the caseload numbers. That said, I do think state's overreacted and could have just tried containing it to the affected areas instead of putting draconian restrictions on entire states. They could have floated restrictions around.

Anyway, regardless, when the Congress is giving lower class people with kids more free money every month, there is going to be a bigger demand for the things that those people would normally buy.

America isn't running out of everything just because of a supply-chain crisis. America is running out of everything because Americans are buying so much stuff.

  • But US imports are at record levels at some ports, and Americans are breaking shopping records, too.

To understand the situation, consider the country's inventory to sales ratio. This metric, tracked by the US Census Bureau, compares how much stuff sellers have on hand to how much stuff consumers are buying. The ratio is at a 10-year low, which indicates that we're low on stuff.

But the Port of Los Angeles reported a 30% uptick in incoming cargo in the first nine months of this year. (Important note, most of nonfood goods sold in the US come from abroad.) The Port of Charleston, South Carolina, has been breaking all-time records since March. Prologis, a major industrial real-estate player, is "effectively sold out" of warehouse space.

All of that means that the inventory to sales ratio isn't low because the US is short on stuff. It's low because sales have gone completely nuts.

In the first nine months of 2021, retail sales were up 14.5% over the same period in 2020 - a year in which retail sales jumped 8% over 2019. The NRF expected to end the year with sales up 10.5% to 13.5%. Lots of imports and even more spending have driven the inventory to sales ratio down because businesses imported a lot of stuff, and then Americans bought it.
LOL you guys are in full damage control now.

Inflation, empty shelves, worker shortages, all engineered destruction of our economy. All by Democrats who hate this country.

America isn't running out of everything just because of a supply-chain crisis. America is running out of everything because Americans are buying so much stuff.

  • But US imports are at record levels at some ports, and Americans are breaking shopping records, too.

To understand the situation, consider the country's inventory to sales ratio. This metric, tracked by the US Census Bureau, compares how much stuff sellers have on hand to how much stuff consumers are buying. The ratio is at a 10-year low, which indicates that we're low on stuff.

But the Port of Los Angeles reported a 30% uptick in incoming cargo in the first nine months of this year. (Important note, most of nonfood goods sold in the US come from abroad.) The Port of Charleston, South Carolina, has been breaking all-time records since March. Prologis, a major industrial real-estate player, is "effectively sold out" of warehouse space.

All of that means that the inventory to sales ratio isn't low because the US is short on stuff. It's low because sales have gone completely nuts.

In the first nine months of 2021, retail sales were up 14.5% over the same period in 2020 - a year in which retail sales jumped 8% over 2019. The NRF expected to end the year with sales up 10.5% to 13.5%. Lots of imports and even more spending have driven the inventory to sales ratio down because businesses imported a lot of stuff, and then Americans bought it.
No, only a handful of people have the Xbox Series X that came out last December. Our problem is supply chain issues. Biden fucking sucks in every way.
Who gives a shit about "homophobic" slurs. If that asshole masquerading as a woman can't take the ridicule, GET THE FUCK OUTTA PUBLIC LIFE!!! I have ZERO sympathy for that tranny idiot.

I give a shit. It lets me know about the person using them. NO different than a person that would use racist ones. It gives you a context to frame their post with.
He's got you on that one, Golf.

You know good and Goddamn well something ain't stirring the Kool-Aid with this story.

If you bothered to read the article you would know that the extra spending by Americans is listed as one of the things causing the problems we are facing. They are not saying it is the only reason
The Fed Govt has nothing to do with the supply chains.
It doesn't matter. They're going to blame everything on Biden. Such is the nature of partisan politics, sadly.

What's happening now (demand + supply chain issues = inflation) was inevitable. I was saying that here six months ago.

Trumpism = Arrogant ignorance.
I give a shit. It lets me know about the person using them. NO different than a person that would use racist ones. It gives you a context to frame their post with.
It lets you know nothing. You assigning a meaning and protecting or shielding "classes" of people from ridicule actually makes all our division problems worse.

Nobody should be shielded from ridicule!

Quit feeding the PC beast.
It lets you know nothing. You assigning a meaning and protecting or shielding "classes" of people from ridicule acrually makes all our division problems worse.

Nobody should be shielded from ridicule!

Quit feeding the PC beast.

Of course it does.

I can ridicule someone without being a bigot, the fact you think that bigotry and ridicule are one in the same does not bode well for you. I could make fun of a gay person without using a slur, just like I could make fun of a black person or Asian person without using racist language.

It has nothing to do with being PC and everything to do with being a normal human being.
Let's ignore all the striking and MIA supply chain workers who refuse to get jabbed
Ignoring that bit of information is key when you're carrying water for and feeding talking points to* the least competent Sec of Trans to ever hold the post.

*None of us with a functioning brain stem really believes that economically illiterate dilettante actually came up with that line of bullshit all by himself.
Ignoring that bit of information is key when you're carrying water for and feeding talking points to* the least competent Sec of Trans to ever hold the post.

*None of us with a functioning brain stem really believes that economically illiterate dilettante actually came up with that line of bullshit all by himself.
How many people are striking or MIA because of mandates?

Let’s see the number.

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