A discussion on the stability of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) and its consequences

Sea level was 26 ft higher during the previous interglacial cycle. Why is it we would expect it to be less during this interglacial cycle?
Ah, a global warming expert. Cool. So tell us, ding, what parts of the Earth were underwater back then which are currently populated?

Thanks ahead of time.
Ah, a global warming expert. Cool. So tell us, ding, what parts of the Earth were underwater back then which are currently populated?

Thanks ahead of time.
This is as close as I can get to it. :)

It's the transition from earth's greenhouse state to earth's icehouse state which we live in now.

Ah, a global warming expert. Cool. So tell us, ding, what parts of the Earth were underwater back then which are currently populated?

Thanks ahead of time.
Please don't tell me you think this climate is normal.

Do you trust PBS?
The earth is one northern hemisphere hard winter followed by one northern hemisphere mild summer away from ending all of this nonsense.
We are so deep into the ice age that it takes all of the Milankovitch cycles lining up together - eccentricity, obliquity and precession - to escape extensive northern hemisphere continental glaciation.

Every time the earth's orbit becomes more circular, the planet warms and the glaciers retreat. As earth's orbit becomes more eccentric, the planet cools and the glaciers return. For orbital effects to not trigger extensive northern hemisphere continental glaciation the planet would need to be 3C warmer than it is today.
See? Goodbye Miami!
Miami, and ALL OF Florida on that map, not to mention the Gulf Coast, East Coast (Most of NYC/LI), Shanghai and alot of the rest of the planet as so many live close to the coasts.
So, apparently you have NO studies criticizing the number of proxies used by Marcotte. And if you think (again without any evidence) the MBH data has resolution worse than 25% of its entire span yet has still been published and cited repeatedly, I strongly suspect your conclusions are objective-based rather than having any reliance on actual facts or figures.

I recommend giving this paper a quick read.

Nobody can criticize the number of proxies on its face, because THAT WAS WHAT WAS AVAILABLE to go back 11,000 or even 2,000 years. What was available after some "cherry-picking" of the SLIM pickings IS NOT ADEQUATE to derive an Ancient GLOBAL MEAN temperature with any kind of spatial or temporal resolution to compare to MODERN measurements of the same.

In fact, because the individual proxies cover vastly different times, the slim pickins MEANT THAT -- for some periods of their "stick" -- the ENTIRE EARTH was measured by only 1/10 or LESS of those proxy locations. That's equivalent to ONLY 7 or 9 thermometer GLOBAL averaging in those periods.
So, apparently you have NO studies criticizing the number of proxies used by Marcotte. And if you think (again without any evidence) the MBH data has resolution worse than 25% of its entire span yet has still been published and cited repeatedly, I strongly suspect your conclusions are objective-based rather than having any reliance on actual facts or figures.

I recommend giving this paper a quick read.

BTW -- you seem confused. NUMBER of proxies and SPATIAL coverage/resolution is not related much to Time/Temporal resolution in the AGREEMENT and phasing of the proxies. However LACK of fidelity in either of these will REDUCE the accuracy of the resultant work.

I'm NEVER criticizing Marcott about ANYTHING he asserted or alledged BECAUSE HE was professional and honest in answering questions and defending his work -- like ANY scientist should..

NOT -- withholding your data set for years like MBH did.
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So, I guess we can agree that your claim that no hockey stick had better than 400 year resolution was incorrect.

Yes, Marcott has responded to his critics. So have Mann, Bradley, Hughes, Shakun, Schmidt, Trenberth, Cook, Lawrence and hundreds of other published scientists who tell us with facts, figures, logic and reason that you are wrong.
Greenland ice is a much better "thermometer" than Antarctic (which is a desert) ice.
Understood. The totality of evidence contradicts you, so cherrypicking was your only option.

DO NOT misquote this again.
Or you'll demonstrate that my summary is correct, again? You know, like this:

There is NO evidence that our past 80 year experience has the FASTEST rise in 2000 years or 20,000 years.
See? I keep saying over and over that this is your point, and you keep getting angrier because of it.

Of course, I also add that there's no evidence to support your claims that _global_ temps are wildly variable on a short scale. And you cherrypick a local temp record as "evidence". You seem to have a problem with the concept of "global".
So, I guess we can agree that your claim that no hockey stick had better than 400 year resolution was incorrect.

Yes, Marcott has responded to his critics. So have Mann, Bradley, Hughes, Shakun, Schmidt, Trenberth, Cook, Lawrence and hundreds of other published scientists who tell us with facts, figures, logic and reason that you are wrong.

You are in total denial since I posted a lot of evidence showing their papers are not viable science, heck you are LYING constantly!

POST 35 you completely ignored,


The Wegman and North Reports for Newbies​

The Wegman Report


Then the expose of Marcott and Sakun papers

POST 68 you ignored

The Marcott-Shakun Dating Service

The Marcott Filibuster

Hiding the Decline: MD01-2421

Crick in the head keeps ignoring what Marcott says over and over and over,

"20th century portion of our paleotemperature stack is not statistically robust, cannot be considered representative of global temperature changes, and therefore is not the basis of any of our conclusions."


POST 65 you ignored

Shakun The Last, I Hope

You don't even address my links at all because you KNOW you can't refute them since it is based on their own badly flawed papers contents thus you run away making bald faced lies and ignoring valid rebuttals made against the papers.

You are deep into pseudoscience and lies that I wonder if you are posting on a computer at the mental health hospital?
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I'm dying to hear. What IS the temperature threshold for extensive West Antarctic glaciation?

The bigger question is....who cares?

I mean c'mon now....with what is going on in the world, are there even 500 people in the entire country angst about the temperatures in Antarctica? Only people with waaaaaay too much time on their hands to be thinking about such stOOpid stuff.

Crick man...time to branch out a bit for Christsakes. Ever try cornhole? Distance spitting competition? Bowling?
At least you got some chance of winning once in awhile.

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