A 'Dog Whistle' Question


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
OK, so if only Democrats can hear the 'racist dog whistle' that Trump uses, then wouldn't that make them the racist dogs?

When Trump criticizes fake leaders among minority 'leaders', how is that racist? I guess I just cant hear it.
Racist Democrat Dog Whistle terms
children in cages
voter suppression
white cop
rich people
……………….can you think of some more?
Dog whistle is simply D for they are doing their usual lying even when the truth would serve them better.
Whenever I hear 'dog whistle' I think of Hideous Hillary and her pathetic attacks on non-Liberal Americans. We are a 'basket of Deplorables', We are the 'Alt Right', The followers of Pepe The Racist Frog, We hear the Trump 'dog whistle'. What a disgusting POS she was and is. Every day I'm so glad she has was put on the Karma payment plan.
Whenever I hear 'dog whistle' I think of Hideous Hillary and her pathetic attacks on non-Liberal Americans. We are a 'basket of Deplorables', We are the 'Alt Right', The followers of Pepe The Racist Frog, We hear the Trump 'dog whistle'. What a disgusting POS she was and is. Every day I'm so glad she has was put on the Karma payment plan.
I'm not surprised Hillary can hear a "dog whistle"
Whenever I hear 'dog whistle' I think of Hideous Hillary and her pathetic attacks on non-Liberal Americans. We are a 'basket of Deplorables', We are the 'Alt Right', The followers of Pepe The Racist Frog, We hear the Trump 'dog whistle'. What a disgusting POS she was and is. Every day I'm so glad she has was put on the Karma payment plan.
I'm not surprised Hillary can hear a "dog whistle"
Good one!
OK, so if only Democrats can hear the 'racist dog whistle' that Trump uses, then wouldn't that make them the racist dogs?

When Trump criticizes fake leaders among minority 'leaders', how is that racist? I guess I just cant hear it.

If the Orange Virus was straight up throwing the N-word around you probably couldn't hear it either.
OK, so if only Democrats can hear the 'racist dog whistle' that Trump uses, then wouldn't that make them the racist dogs?

When Trump criticizes fake leaders among minority 'leaders', how is that racist? I guess I just cant hear it.

Because the radical, hardcore ideologue extremists among the Democratic Party "moderates" are religious zealots who will stop at no criminal act to take power over our government. A primary means of their doing so is to use so-called oppressed/perpetual victim minorities as martyrs for political currency to win elections and tug at naïve Americans' heartstrings, and it seems to work every time. We're not dealing with sane men and women here; the true believer postmodernists are religious nuts, and they will kill, maim; cheat or deceive on any level to win. It's time to stop asking questions like the one in your OP and get past the stunned surprise of the depths of depravity the radical left has and will continue to sink to, and bloody well do something to stop them.
If the Orange Virus was straight up throwing the N-word around you probably couldn't hear it either.

Guess again, Snowflake.

I can hear words like the N-Bomb, but I cannot read between the lines of what Trump plainly states and hear that racist dog whistle.

Maybe its projection, I don't know.
Racist is sooooo over done it's lost it's bite. Much like homophobe and Nazi

Get a clue left loons

Corey “Spartacus” Booker knows this. He is now calling Trump “worse than a racist” until they can find a new scary term. lol
Racist is sooooo over done it's lost it's bite. Much like homophobe and Nazi

Get a clue left loons

Corey “Spartacus” Booker knows this. He is now calling Trump “worse than a racist” until they can find a new scary term. lol
No, I think Spartacus has moved on, escalating to 'worse than worse than worse than a racist'.

He probably had to one up Bernie.
Very few people can agree on what defines racism. When you get to a point where people label it so, because it sounds so, we get whistles...

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