A dozen things people who are not voting for Ron Paul are basically saying...


Silver Member
Jul 8, 2009
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4vXmbAUgzYM]A Dozen Things Non-Ron Paul Voters Are Basically Saying - YouTube[/ame]






What did I say?? Look at the turd-flinging moron above and understand that the nation is swirling the bowl.
What did I say?? Look at the turd-flinging moron above and understand that the nation is swirling the bowl.

Yeah...can't get much more braindead than that. Sigh...the unfortunate thing is he represents the big group of people who can't see logic but participate in politics. It's pretty depressing. How I long for the days when people who disagreed instead of shouting profanities or other immature nonsense (such as the example above) they would pick apart an argument in order to try to persuade and participate in a rational and mutual discussion of facts and falsehoods in order to gain a more accurate and enlightened view of the topic matter. Of course...that only happens when both sides are intelligent and clearly that is not the case, hence the ignorance and immaturity that is so painfully obvious in this case, from the anti-ron paul media zombies.
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I especially liked that last one..."They hate us because we're soooo bloody awesome!" :lol:
I especially liked that last one..."They hate us because we're soooo bloody awesome!" :lol:

If Ron Paul is so freakin awesome...why hasn't he won any primaries?

He's REAL good at winning re-election to that House seat...but not much else, huh?
I don't think a career politician is the way to go. Especially a racist one.
It's not like you'd vote for him in any case, so piss off.
The shame is only Ron Paul supporters will take the 6 1/2 minutes to watch it...

I watched the first minute and it was obvious it was going to be 6 1/2 minutes of strawmen fallacies.

And the giveaway was, "In this video, we're going through quickly a bunch of points that are what Ron Paul non-voters are basically saying, whether they realize it or not."

So HE is basically saying, "I am putting words in their mouth they did not actually say so I can tear down what they never actually have said."

A tired tactic. Limbaugh could give him a few pointers.
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If Ron Paul had run against FDR and won in 1940 we would not ony be speaking German, but all your guns would have been taken away and only one political party would be legal - the ultra conservative Nazi Party.
If Ron Paul had run against FDR and won in 1940 we would not ony be speaking German, but all your guns would have been taken away and only one political party would be legal - the ultra conservative Nazi Party.

heh....we will have to wait until an orwellian nightmare before people wake up i guess...
If Ron Paul had run against FDR and won in 1940 we would not ony be speaking German, but all your guns would have been taken away and only one political party would be legal - the ultra conservative Nazi Party.

heh....we will have to wait until an orwellian nightmare before people wake up i guess...

There is plenty of room between the adventurism of GWB and the Isolationism of Ron Paul - somewhere between them exists a rational foreign policy.
The guy in the OP video said people don't look too deeply into Ron Paul and they just believe what the media tells them and that is why he is unpopular.

Um. No. The reason Ron Paul has gotten as far as he has is precisely because most people don't look into him that much.

I have, and the more I have learned about him and the Libertarian Party, the LESS I like him. As a conservative since birth, I have been around Libertarians for many decades, and people have good reason to stay away from their philosophy.

Libertarians, as a general rule, have no understanding of human nature, and so their solutions to our problems are not pragmatic in the least.

I have always admired Libertarians for sticking to their principles, but their philosophy is unrealistic.
Man, I just had a craving for whiny bullshit from Ron Paul supporters finally resigned to the fact that Ron Paul remains as irrelevant now as ever. Thanks!
If people dug into Ron Paul and the LP, here is what they would learn:

The LP wants to eliminate the FDA.

The LP wants to legalize all drugs.

The LP wants the military to be the size of a cub scout troop.

The LP wants the government to be about 5 percent of its current size.

Just these things alone would cause people to soundly reject Ron Paul and the LP.

Visit their web site (Libertarian Party | Maximum Freedom, Minimum Government), join their forums, talk to them. Listen to their reasoning about how the FDA kills millons of people. Decide for yourself.

I can't be more fair than that.
Although Ron Paul has several real good ideas, I wouldn't vote for him because he's as crazy as a shit house rat.
If people dug into Ron Paul and the LP, here is what they would learn:

The LP wants to eliminate the FDA.

The LP wants to legalize all drugs.

The LP wants the military to be the size of a cub scout troop.

The LP wants the government to be about 5 percent of its current size.

Just these things alone would cause people to soundly reject Ron Paul and the LP.

Visit their web site (Libertarian Party | Maximum Freedom, Minimum Government), join their forums, talk to them. Listen to their reasoning about how the FDA kills millons of people. Decide for yourself.

I can't be more fair than that.

1. I looked at Article 1 Section 8. Can't find the FDA in there. Clearly a 10th amendment thing.
2. People have the right to choose what to consume into their own bodies. Why does government remove this right?
3. Wrong. We just want our military protecting us instead of policing the world.
4. Wrong. We just want our government to adhere to original intent.

Why is "liberty" so scary to Americans? Hundreds of thousands of Americans died for liberty from the 18th century to now yet people reject it...please explain why that is.

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