A euroweenie liberal's oppinion of "progressives"


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2013
The Real World
This man's perspective is insightful. It's not flattering to "progressives" at all. He's actually a lefty, but he shares the conservative perspective because he's cognizant of reality..

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nwK7VRkbGiU&feature=c4-overview&list=UUWOkEnBl5TO4SCLfSlosjgg]The truth is incorrect - YouTube[/ame]

Please put up a transcript for those of us who can't see this.I'd kill to. But it would probably take me 5 days to get the damn thing up.

Have mercy on us. I'm still on dial up. Not because I'm cheap. I'm in the middle of nowhere. I can't get high speed.
Here is the complete transcript. I am honored to have worked to type this up!

I've noticed that a lot people today who follow me, who refer to themselves as liberal or left-wing, now prefer the term Progressive, presumably because now it sounds more progressive. But there's a difference between being liberal and being progressive. I like liberals, but I don't like progressives. Even lefties are OK, if they're the right sort of leftie, but progressives give me the creeps.

Progressive sounds like a positive word, doesn't it, brimming with the promise of bright new tomorrows; in reality it means moving gradually, progressively, bit by bit, towards an ever more regulated, controlled and less free society, where group identity trumps all, and every casual remark is a potential .... hate crime.

We have more and more equality, and more and more fairness, and when we've had all the equality and fairness we can stomach --- and then some --- we'll have some more, whether we like it or not.
It's the same agenda as revolutionary Marxism, only they want to do it gradually, progressively, you know, like a disease.

A liberal is a person who will defend your right to free speech, even when they disagree with you. A progressive is a person who will defend someone else's right to shut you up, because they find you offensive.

A liberal sees the value in the free exchange of ideas and opinions, a progressive views these things as a threat to community cohesion.

Liberals do what they believe is right, progressives do what they believe it correct. Right and wrong don't come into it.

Liberals tend to live and let live, progressives tend to regulate, and censor, and meddle, and interfere, because progressives always know what's best for everyone --- it's a gift they have.

To a liberal, language is a tool; to a progressive language is a weapon, the actual meaning of words is irrelevant, as long as the can be used as heavy blunt instruments to shut people up; because progressives regard themselves as the sole arbiters of what people should and shouldn't be allowed to think and say, and they feel perfectly entitled to shout down opinions they disapprove of so nobody else can hear them --- progressive students are particularly keen on this.

In contrast a liberal is open to another point of view, to a progressive, there is no other point of view; if you're not progressive you must be far-right and if you take different view of Islam, you must be a racist --- end of story!

So which are you, liberal or progressive? You can't' be both, the two words are opposites, the same way sanity an insanity are opposites.

Multiculturalism is the ultimate progressive marquee word, of course, a rainbow colored confection, that's like all progressive words, including the word progressive, means the opposite of what it says.

There is nothing multicultural about an Islamic ghetto, and here in progressive Europe, Islamic ghettos have been the principle fruits of multiculturalism --- as a result, Jews can no longer walk around several European cities without being attacked by gangs of Muslim immigrants, but nobody in the media wants to talk about it, it's not progressive enough.

Besides, a progressive journalist would describe an unprovoked attack on a solitary Jew by a gang of Muslim thugs, if they reported it all, as a conflict between communities, because progressive journalists are not interested in the truth, if the truth is incorrect.

And this particularly applies to Scandinavia, whose media is impeccably progressive, and therefore impeccably Halal [Islamic term for controlled behavior], and full of the same kind of cultural hypocrites who got Pim Fortyn [a man who said Islam is a backwards religion] murdered in the Netherlands, and then pretended to be shocked about it afterwards.

In Sweden the press is directly subsidized by their progressive government to hide the truth about the effects of the suicidally progressive immigration policy, they don't want people to know that their formally civilized and peaceful country is now the rape capitol of Europe. A situation exacerbated by the media's refusal to ethnically identity criminals, because that information is not progressive. It might be helpful to the public and ethically right and proper to give people a true picture of reality, but it's not progressive, so it must be wrong, the truth must be wrong, if the truth is incorrect. As a consequence, statistically, one in four Swedish women will now be violently raped during their lifetime, and every one of them can thank a progressive journalist.

But if you thought Swedish journalists were the progressives scum of earth, and the absolute moral dregs of humanity, you would of course be correct --- but say hello to a couple of new contenders, from across the water in Denmark. You won't have heard about this story anywhere in the western media, because for all their belly-aching about free speech, they're too busy digging up celebrity gossip to do anything real to protect it; meanwhile people are doing something [about the upcoming subject], at considerable risk to their own safety, are routinely depicted in the media as extremists and hate-mongers --- yet who is the extremist? A man who expresses a non-violent opinion, or the so-called journalist, who chases him through the streets, hoping to pinpoint his location for a future Islamic assassin?

Recently when Danish free-thinker Lars Hedegaard [founder of Denmark Free Press Society], was forced to move house, after an assassination attempt, at this front door, by an Islamic fanatic, the removal van was followed by the unprincipled pieces of human vermin, masquerading as a journalist and photographer, who wanted to reveal his new location, and were only prevented form doing so, when they were pulled over, twice, by the police, and they were most indignant about it to, as if the police had somehow, prevented, justice form being done.

Am I the only one who thinks that these two goons should be in jail for what they tried to do? At the very least, their very mug shots should be on the front-page of every newspaper in the free world, instead we got nothing, not a whisper, not a peep ... if not for the internet nobody would even know this outrage had taken place, yet we know all there is to know about every empty-headed celebrity!?

Free speech is becoming a very dangerous business in Europe, and the media are on the wrong side. Ultimately however, what is there to say about such a spiteful and irresponsible mentality; maybe there's a word in Danish that would do justice to such ugly minded pieces of human trash, but, I can't think of one in English --- cockroach doesn't do it, that's a gross insult to cockroaches, who are noble in comparison. Scumbag, scuzzbucket, slimeball ... none of these words even close --- ah of course, you beat me to it --- Progressive!
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Awesome. This is something I have lightly talked about many times on these boards. Progressives, like Obama can accomplish greater levels of the evil Bush era polices but because because Obama is black and a Democrat it's un-progressive to talk about his massive deficits, his unconstitutional wars and HC system.

Progressives usually know the very least about any given subject yet have the most to say and somehow think they are always right. Rtard, TM,Shaman, RW, Black Label, FranhasHPV, Chris and a few others fit this model of "debater".
Awesome. This is something I have lightly talked about many times on these boards. Progressives, like Obama can accomplish greater levels of the evil Bush era polices but because because Obama is black and a Democrat it's un-progressive to talk about his massive deficits, his unconstitutional wars and HC system.

Progressives usually know the very least about any given subject yet have the most to say and somehow think they are always right. Rtard, TM,Shaman, RW, Black Label, FranhasHPV, Chris and a few others fit this model of "debater".

Come on, you left out the Queen:


Straight from Salon.com
It's SO CUTE the way the RIGHT will cling to ANYTHING that promotes their wacky agenda.

WHO is this guy?

Oh, some dude who said he is a "liberal".

He must be an authority on the subject, then!

some face on youtube.
WOW, that is a source.

DIM only begins to describe how stupid you people ARE.
Please put up a transcript for those of us who can't see this.I'd kill to. But it would probably take me 5 days to get the damn thing up.

Have mercy on us. I'm still on dial up. Not because I'm cheap. I'm in the middle of nowhere. I can't get high speed.

Hughsnet and Direct tv can give you better speeds.
It's SO CUTE the way the RIGHT will cling to ANYTHING that promotes their wacky agenda.

WHO is this guy?

Oh, some dude who said he is a "liberal".

He must be an authority on the subject, then!

some face on youtube.
WOW, that is a source.

DIM only begins to describe how stupid you people ARE.

Not to mention all the viruses creeping around many sites.
Awesome. This is something I have lightly talked about many times on these boards. Progressives, like Obama can accomplish greater levels of the evil Bush era polices but because because Obama is black and a Democrat it's un-progressive to talk about his massive deficits, his unconstitutional wars and HC system.

Progressives usually know the very least about any given subject yet have the most to say and somehow think they are always right. Rtard, TM,Shaman, RW, Black Label, FranhasHPV, Chris and a few others fit this model of "debater".

That is not debate.
It's SO CUTE the way the RIGHT will cling to ANYTHING that promotes their wacky agenda.

WHO is this guy?

Oh, some dude who said he is a "liberal".

He must be an authority on the subject, then!

some face on youtube.
WOW, that is a source.

DIM only begins to describe how stupid you people ARE.

I'm glad this made your butt hurt bed wetter. Regardless of politics this guy is spot on with his analysis of mindless drones like you and you know it. "People" that are as dangerously stupid as you are were the sort of idiots who promoted assholes like hitler, mussolini and lenin. If there weren't dumbfucks like you around, the world wouldn't have despotic regimes.
It's SO CUTE the way the RIGHT will cling to ANYTHING that promotes their wacky agenda.

WHO is this guy?

Oh, some dude who said he is a "liberal".

He must be an authority on the subject, then!

some face on youtube.
WOW, that is a source.

DIM only begins to describe how stupid you people ARE.

I'm glad this made your butt hurt bed wetter. Regardless of politics this guy is spot on with his analysis of mindless drones like you and you know it. "People" that are as dangerously stupid as you are were the sort of idiots who promoted assholes like hitler, mussolini and lenin. If there weren't dumbfucks like you around, the world wouldn't have despotic regimes.

Yep. I'm tempted to just make a new thread with that transcript and leave the video out of it, just to provoke the braindead.
It's SO CUTE the way the RIGHT will cling to ANYTHING that promotes their wacky agenda.

WHO is this guy?

Oh, some dude who said he is a "liberal".

He must be an authority on the subject, then!

some face on youtube.
WOW, that is a source.

DIM only begins to describe how stupid you people ARE.

I'm glad this made your butt hurt bed wetter. Regardless of politics this guy is spot on with his analysis of mindless drones like you and you know it. "People" that are as dangerously stupid as you are were the sort of idiots who promoted assholes like hitler, mussolini and lenin. If there weren't dumbfucks like you around, the world wouldn't have despotic regimes.

Yep. I'm tempted to just make a new thread with that transcript and leave the video out of it, just to provoke the braindead.

Thanks, but as far as the brain dead bed wetting leftist parasites go nothing will provoke an independent or critical thought in them.

If it were possible to provoke actual thinking with those parasites, they wouldn't be liberals.
It's SO CUTE the way the RIGHT will cling to ANYTHING that promotes their wacky agenda.

WHO is this guy?

Oh, some dude who said he is a "liberal".

He must be an authority on the subject, then!

some face on youtube.
WOW, that is a source.

DIM only begins to describe how stupid you people ARE.
You don't need to feel left out -- he mentioned you:

"...to a progressive, there is no other point of view; if you're not progressive you must be far-right..."

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