A Fair Prediction:After RNC, Polls Will Say, Trump 52%, Hillary 38%. Give Or Take Two Points.

Had Ted Cruz not opened his mouth, the republican party would be more divided than it is. Whatever rift there was has largely healed against him. The never Trump movement is dead.

Trump with get a significant jump led mostly by the reception his children are getting among younger voters.

Hilly will get a bump next week but not very large. She simply has no one in her corner. Hubby Bill is worn out, Chelsea is just downright unlikeable. Hillys next opportunity to drag her fat ass out of the fire will be the debates. Traditionally, Hilly doesn't do well in debates. That's where she lost to the black guy.
Trump has the stage and a YUUUGE audience tonight

He needs to show he is presidential and not just a Hillary basher

If he doesn't pick up five points he is doomed
I think Trump will gain again in NY and Conn, at least

Is there some sort of bliss to enjoy when you can longer be embarrassed by your own stupidity?

When you have to poop, do you just drop your pants wherever you happen to be, and let it go,

because you are totally devoid of the capacity of self-respect?

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