A Fair, Reasonable Deal on DACA

My responses added below. I'll note one big omission: There should be no welfare or other entitlements (including healthcare) for anyone immigrants, legal or otherwise without becoming U.S. citizens. The ability to support oneself should be a requirement for adult citizenship.

Illegals Who Are Already Here

* Allow DACA kids to get renewable permanent resident status with the option to apply for citizenship like all other permament residents when they turn 18.


* Allow parents of DACA kids to get renewable permanent resident status, but no path to citizenship.


* Allow illegals with no children to get renewable permanent resident status, but no path to citizenship.


Future Illegals

* Do not allow adults and children who enter the country illegally after the bill is passed to get permanent residency or a path to citizenship. From this point on, people who enter our country illegally must leave.


Employment and Visas

* Fully fund the E-Verify program and make it mandatory for all employers to ensure that only people with legal status hold American jobs.


* End or drastically reform the visa lottery system, and establish the principle that we want immigrants who have skills and who can contribute to our society.


* Establish an efficient work visa program that enables American employers in seasonal industries to hire citizens from other countries, especially from Central and South American countries, on a seasonal basis. When the work season is over, these workers must return to their own countries, unless they have found employment with other seasonal employers. These workers will not be granted any kind of permanent status, but they will be free to apply for legal immigration like all other foreigners.


Border Security and Internal Security

* Once and for all, complete the wall on the southern border, with the provision that where feasible the wall will be virtual (motion and thermal sensors).


* Hire at least 1,500 additional CBP and ICE agents, and give CBP agents the equipment they need to do the best job possible.

YES (probably need more)

* Prosecute and then deport illegal aliens who have committed serious or violent crimes, such as selling or running illegal drugs, robbery, physical assault, rape, and murder).


* Require state and local officials to cooperate with DHS to apprehend illegals who have committed serious or violent crimes.


Who cares about your unsupported opinion?
To get a fair, reasonable deal on DACA, both parties are gonna have to sideline their hardliners and make it clear to them that they're not gonna dictate or derail this legislation Here's what I think a fair, reasonable DACA would look like:

Illegals Who Are Already Here

* Allow DACA kids to get renewable permanent resident status with the option to apply for citizenship like all other permament residents when they turn 18.

* Allow parents of DACA kids to get renewable permanent resident status, but no path to citizenship.

* Allow illegals with no children to get renewable permanent resident status, but no path to citizenship.

Future Illegals

* Do not allow adults and children who enter the country illegally after the bill is passed to get permanent residency or a path to citizenship. From this point on, people who enter our country illegally must leave.

Employment and Visas

* Fully fund the E-Verify program and make it mandatory for all employers to ensure that only people with legal status hold American jobs.

* End or drastically reform the visa lottery system, and establish the principle that we want immigrants who have skills and who can contribute to our society.

* Establish an efficient work visa program that enables American employers in seasonal industries to hire citizens from other countries, especially from Central and South American countries, on a seasonal basis. When the work season is over, these workers must return to their own countries, unless they have found employment with other seasonal employers. These workers will not be granted any kind of permanent status, but they will be free to apply for legal immigration like all other foreigners.

Border Security and Internal Security

* Once and for all, complete the wall on the southern border, with the provision that where feasible the wall will be virtual (motion and thermal sensors).

* Hire at least 1,500 additional CBP and ICE agents, and give CBP agents the equipment they need to do the best job possible.

* Prosecute and then deport illegal aliens who have committed serious or violent crimes, such as selling or running illegal drugs, robbery, physical assault, rape, and murder).

* Require state and local officials to cooperate with DHS to apprehend illegals who have committed serious or violent crimes.

I am ok with the DACA kids, but if the parents and other adult illegals are not employed or do not have a needed skill I would say they need to leave.

No wall, if you do all the other things you speak of a wall is even less necessary than now.

There needs to be a provision to slam hard any employer found to have knowingly employing illegals. Something so drastic that it makes all the rest think twice about it.

I fully agree with your efficient work visa program ideas, that is the area where we suck the most, the current program is not workable.
My responses added below. I'll note one big omission: There should be no welfare or other entitlements (including healthcare) for anyone immigrants, legal or otherwise without becoming U.S. citizens. The ability to support oneself should be a requirement for adult citizenship.

Illegals Who Are Already Here

* Allow DACA kids to get renewable permanent resident status with the option to apply for citizenship like all other permament residents when they turn 18.


* Allow parents of DACA kids to get renewable permanent resident status, but no path to citizenship.


* Allow illegals with no children to get renewable permanent resident status, but no path to citizenship.


Future Illegals

* Do not allow adults and children who enter the country illegally after the bill is passed to get permanent residency or a path to citizenship. From this point on, people who enter our country illegally must leave.


Employment and Visas

* Fully fund the E-Verify program and make it mandatory for all employers to ensure that only people with legal status hold American jobs.


* End or drastically reform the visa lottery system, and establish the principle that we want immigrants who have skills and who can contribute to our society.


* Establish an efficient work visa program that enables American employers in seasonal industries to hire citizens from other countries, especially from Central and South American countries, on a seasonal basis. When the work season is over, these workers must return to their own countries, unless they have found employment with other seasonal employers. These workers will not be granted any kind of permanent status, but they will be free to apply for legal immigration like all other foreigners.


Border Security and Internal Security

* Once and for all, complete the wall on the southern border, with the provision that where feasible the wall will be virtual (motion and thermal sensors).


* Hire at least 1,500 additional CBP and ICE agents, and give CBP agents the equipment they need to do the best job possible.

YES (probably need more)

* Prosecute and then deport illegal aliens who have committed serious or violent crimes, such as selling or running illegal drugs, robbery, physical assault, rape, and murder).


* Require state and local officials to cooperate with DHS to apprehend illegals who have committed serious or violent crimes.


Who cares about your unsupported opinion?

I suspect you are confusing me with my Evul Twin with a Beard from the Anitmatter Universe, bodecea.

If you actually bother to read my responses, you will find them very supported.
"There's an emergency on "Dreamers" alright. The emergency is that they're NOT being deported." - Wacky Ann Coulter
To get a fair, reasonable deal on DACA, both parties are gonna have to sideline their hardliners and make it clear to them that they're not gonna dictate or derail this legislation Here's what I think a fair, reasonable DACA would look like:

Illegals Who Are Already Here

* Allow DACA kids to get renewable permanent resident status with the option to apply for citizenship like all other permament residents when they turn 18.

* Allow parents of DACA kids to get renewable permanent resident status, but no path to citizenship.

* Allow illegals with no children to get renewable permanent resident status, but no path to citizenship.

Future Illegals

* Do not allow adults and children who enter the country illegally after the bill is passed to get permanent residency or a path to citizenship. From this point on, people who enter our country illegally must leave.

Employment and Visas

* Fully fund the E-Verify program and make it mandatory for all employers to ensure that only people with legal status hold American jobs.

* End or drastically reform the visa lottery system, and establish the principle that we want immigrants who have skills and who can contribute to our society.

* Establish an efficient work visa program that enables American employers in seasonal industries to hire citizens from other countries, especially from Central and South American countries, on a seasonal basis. When the work season is over, these workers must return to their own countries, unless they have found employment with other seasonal employers. These workers will not be granted any kind of permanent status, but they will be free to apply for legal immigration like all other foreigners.

Border Security and Internal Security

* Once and for all, complete the wall on the southern border, with the provision that where feasible the wall will be virtual (motion and thermal sensors).

* Hire at least 1,500 additional CBP and ICE agents, and give CBP agents the equipment they need to do the best job possible.

* Prosecute and then deport illegal aliens who have committed serious or violent crimes, such as selling or running illegal drugs, robbery, physical assault, rape, and murder).

* Require state and local officials to cooperate with DHS to apprehend illegals who have committed serious or violent crimes.
Everything you proposed is rational fair and reasonable which sadly is why it will never get through Congress.

But not what Trump said. I’m good with it as long as all the illegals get resettled in your schools and neighborhoods so you can share the diversity.

View attachment 172977

View attachment 172978

Both of these areas are off of cypresswood Dr. in Houston. Not nasty areas, but surrounded by illegal Mexicans. So go head and legalize yalls contraband slaves, just please keep yalls pets on your side of town.
You proced with the deport them all plan and lets us know how that works out.
So why would they get to cut in line in front of useful immigrants?

Because they were children when they came here and America is the only country that most of them have ever known. Our foster daughter, whom we're in the process of adopting, was brought here as a toddler from a Middle Eastern country. She's a permanent resident. Her social worker thought she was a citizen, but we found out that she is not. When she found out that she was not a citizen, she was crushed. She thought she was an American and has always thought of herself as an American.

No DACA deal is gonna get through Congress that does not give these kids permanent status. If the Dems will accept permanent residency for them without the option for later citizenship, fine, but I doubt they will accept that. And, personally, since nearly all of them have only fleeting or no memories of any other country, I think they should have the option to apply for citizenship.
So why would they get to cut in line in front of useful immigrants?

Because they were children when they came here and America is the only country that most of them have ever known. Our foster daughter, whom we're in the process of adopting, was brought here as a toddler from a Middle Eastern country. She's a permanent resident. Her social worker thought she was a citizen, but we found out that she is not. When she found out that she was not a citizen, she was crushed. She thought she was an American and has always thought of herself as an American.

No DACA deal is gonna get through Congress that does not give these kids permanent status. If the Dems will accept permanent residency for them without the option for later citizenship, fine, but I doubt they will accept that. And, personally, since nearly all of them have only fleeting or no memories of any other country, I think they should have the option to apply for citizenship.

Because they were children , boo fucking boo. You are as dishonest as any democrat posting here on this issue. That was not the line when Trumpkins were singing the praises of Trump. Why diddnt y’all just come out and say y’all were for amnesty?
To get a fair, reasonable deal on DACA, both parties are gonna have to sideline their hardliners and make it clear to them that they're not gonna dictate or derail this legislation. Here's what I think a fair, reasonable DACA would look like:

Illegals Who Are Already Here

* Allow DACA kids to get renewable permanent resident status with the option to apply for citizenship like all other permament residents when they turn 18.

* Allow parents of DACA kids to get renewable permanent resident status, but no path to citizenship.

* Allow illegals with no children to get renewable permanent resident status, but no path to citizenship.

Future Illegals

* Do not allow adults and children who enter the country illegally after the bill is passed to get permanent residency or a path to citizenship. From this point on, people who enter our country illegally must leave.

Employment and Visas

* Fully fund the E-Verify program and make it mandatory for all employers to ensure that only people with legal status hold American jobs.

* End or drastically reform the visa lottery system, and establish the principle that we want immigrants who have skills and who can contribute to our society.

* Establish an efficient work visa program that enables American employers in seasonal industries to hire citizens from other countries, especially from Central and South American countries, on a seasonal basis. When the work season is over, these workers must return to their own countries, unless they have found employment with other seasonal employers. These workers will not be granted any kind of permanent status, but they will be free to apply for legal immigration like all other foreigners.

Border Security and Internal Security

* Once and for all, complete the wall on the southern border, with the provision that where feasible the wall will be virtual (motion and thermal sensors).

* Hire at least 1,500 additional CBP and ICE agents, and give CBP agents the equipment they need to do the best job possible.

* Prosecute and then deport illegal aliens who have committed serious or violent crimes, such as selling or running illegal drugs, robbery, physical assault, rape, and murder).

* Require state and local officials to cooperate with DHS to apprehend illegals who have committed serious or violent crimes.

You have an efficient work visa program for seasonal industries. They just don't want to pay them.
Just so we are clear, you are in favor of amnesty more or less.

A rose by any other name.....
To get a fair, reasonable deal on DACA, both parties are gonna have to sideline their hardliners and make it clear to them that they're not gonna dictate or derail this legislation. Here's what I think a fair, reasonable DACA would look like:

Illegals Who Are Already Here

* Allow DACA kids to get renewable permanent resident status with the option to apply for citizenship like all other permament residents when they turn 18.

* Allow parents of DACA kids to get renewable permanent resident status, but no path to citizenship.

* Allow illegals with no children to get renewable permanent resident status, but no path to citizenship.

Future Illegals

* Do not allow adults and children who enter the country illegally after the bill is passed to get permanent residency or a path to citizenship. From this point on, people who enter our country illegally must leave.

Employment and Visas

* Fully fund the E-Verify program and make it mandatory for all employers to ensure that only people with legal status hold American jobs.

* End or drastically reform the visa lottery system, and establish the principle that we want immigrants who have skills and who can contribute to our society.

* Establish an efficient work visa program that enables American employers in seasonal industries to hire citizens from other countries, especially from Central and South American countries, on a seasonal basis. When the work season is over, these workers must return to their own countries, unless they have found employment with other seasonal employers. These workers will not be granted any kind of permanent status, but they will be free to apply for legal immigration like all other foreigners.

Border Security and Internal Security

* Once and for all, complete the wall on the southern border, with the provision that where feasible the wall will be virtual (motion and thermal sensors).

* Hire at least 1,500 additional CBP and ICE agents, and give CBP agents the equipment they need to do the best job possible.

* Prosecute and then deport illegal aliens who have committed serious or violent crimes, such as selling or running illegal drugs, robbery, physical assault, rape, and murder).

* Require state and local officials to cooperate with DHS to apprehend illegals who have committed serious or violent crimes.

The issue is always that this has been done before, and every time the pro-amnesty people promise promise promise this is "the last time this happens" and it is never the "last time this happens"

We will again be doing the same thing 20 years from now.
Skilled workers? Like IT? How about nurses?

Just admit it, folks. You want enough immigration to lower wages and you can have exactly the same thing as you have now.
Or just keep it simple and deport them all. ....... :cool:
i believe he said to remove the hardliners. :) and since this is a game of compromise, i simply don't see that as an option.

for the OP, i honestly expected something ... different. not sure what but i can see some good merit in what you are saying.
My responses added below. I'll note one big omission: There should be no welfare or other entitlements (including healthcare) for anyone immigrants, legal or otherwise without becoming U.S. citizens. The ability to support oneself should be a requirement for adult citizenship.

But other permanent residents are eligible for welfare, since they pay all the same taxes that citizens pay.

* Allow parents of DACA kids to get renewable permanent resident status, but no path to citizenship.


So let the kids stay but send their parents home? That will never fly. As long as Dems are willing to secure the border and end future chain migration, we should allow DACA parents and other illegals already here to stay.

* Allow illegals with no children to get renewable permanent resident status, but no path to citizenship.


We're not gonna get the wall and an end to chain migration if we insist on being able to deport the several million illegals who have no kids and who have committed no crime while here. As long as the Dems will fund the wall and end chain migration, I think we should let all current illegals stay if they have committed no crime while here.
You have an efficient work visa program for seasonal industries. They just don't want to pay them.

I don't think it's very efficient.

Just so we are clear, you are in favor of amnesty more or less.
A rose by any other name.....

Yes, I am for amnesty for all illegals who are now here--IF we secure the border, give DHS the agents and tools it needs, end chain migration, and end or drastically reform the visa lottery system. If those basic conditions are met, I will be okay with eventual citizenship for Dreamers and permanent resident status for all other current illegals who have not committed a serious crime while here.

I think any deal will have to have those components, or close variations of them, to get 60 votes and to get signed by Trump.

If I were king and had no legislature to worry about, my terms would be a bit tougher. Dreamers would not get citizenship but only permanent resident status. Non-Dreamers would pay a fine, would have to learn English within two years of the deal's passage, and would have to prove they have a job within six months of the deal's passage. But, sadly, I'm not king, and such terms would never get through Congress.
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Funny but cold, very cold hearted. :)
Which is part of the point.
Raised their whole lives here as Americans and only know America.
Since their parents spoke to them in spanish and most likely served them mexican food for their meals.

It shouldn't take the deported Dreamers very long to acclimate to the country and culture of their birth. .... :cool:
To get a fair, reasonable deal on DACA, both parties are gonna have to sideline their hardliners and make it clear to them that they're not gonna dictate or derail this legislation. Here's what I think a fair, reasonable DACA would look like:

Illegals Who Are Already Here

* Allow DACA kids to get renewable permanent resident status with the option to apply for citizenship like all other permament residents when they turn 18.

* Allow parents of DACA kids to get renewable permanent resident status, but no path to citizenship.

* Allow illegals with no children to get renewable permanent resident status, but no path to citizenship.

Future Illegals

* Do not allow adults and children who enter the country illegally after the bill is passed to get permanent residency or a path to citizenship. From this point on, people who enter our country illegally must leave.

Employment and Visas

* Fully fund the E-Verify program and make it mandatory for all employers to ensure that only people with legal status hold American jobs.

* End or drastically reform the visa lottery system, and establish the principle that we want immigrants who have skills and who can contribute to our society.

* Establish an efficient work visa program that enables American employers in seasonal industries to hire citizens from other countries, especially from Central and South American countries, on a seasonal basis. When the work season is over, these workers must return to their own countries, unless they have found employment with other seasonal employers. These workers will not be granted any kind of permanent status, but they will be free to apply for legal immigration like all other foreigners.

Border Security and Internal Security

* Once and for all, complete the wall on the southern border, with the provision that where feasible the wall will be virtual (motion and thermal sensors).

* Hire at least 1,500 additional CBP and ICE agents, and give CBP agents the equipment they need to do the best job possible.

* Prosecute and then deport illegal aliens who have committed serious or violent crimes, such as selling or running illegal drugs, robbery, physical assault, rape, and murder).

* Require state and local officials to cooperate with DHS to apprehend illegals who have committed serious or violent crimes.

Holy shit!
Did someone steal your login information?
Fuck almost all of what you propose...thank God you’re not helping construct the Bill.....DAMN!
To get a fair, reasonable deal on DACA, both parties are gonna have to sideline their hardliners and make it clear to them that they're not gonna dictate or derail this legislation Here's what I think a fair, reasonable DACA would look like:

Illegals Who Are Already Here

* Allow DACA kids to get renewable permanent resident status with the option to apply for citizenship like all other permament residents when they turn 18.

* Allow parents of DACA kids to get renewable permanent resident status, but no path to citizenship.

* Allow illegals with no children to get renewable permanent resident status, but no path to citizenship.

Future Illegals

* Do not allow adults and children who enter the country illegally after the bill is passed to get permanent residency or a path to citizenship. From this point on, people who enter our country illegally must leave.

Employment and Visas

* Fully fund the E-Verify program and make it mandatory for all employers to ensure that only people with legal status hold American jobs.

* End or drastically reform the visa lottery system, and establish the principle that we want immigrants who have skills and who can contribute to our society.

* Establish an efficient work visa program that enables American employers in seasonal industries to hire citizens from other countries, especially from Central and South American countries, on a seasonal basis. When the work season is over, these workers must return to their own countries, unless they have found employment with other seasonal employers. These workers will not be granted any kind of permanent status, but they will be free to apply for legal immigration like all other foreigners.

Border Security and Internal Security

* Once and for all, complete the wall on the southern border, with the provision that where feasible the wall will be virtual (motion and thermal sensors).

* Hire at least 1,500 additional CBP and ICE agents, and give CBP agents the equipment they need to do the best job possible.

* Prosecute and then deport illegal aliens who have committed serious or violent crimes, such as selling or running illegal drugs, robbery, physical assault, rape, and murder).

* Require state and local officials to cooperate with DHS to apprehend illegals who have committed serious or violent crimes.
Everything you proposed is rational fair and reasonable which sadly is why it will never get through Congress.

But not what Trump said. I’m good with it as long as all the illegals get resettled in your schools and neighborhoods so you can share the diversity.

View attachment 172977

View attachment 172978

Both of these areas are off of cypresswood Dr. in Houston. Not nasty areas, but surrounded by illegal Mexicans. So go head and legalize yalls contraband slaves, just please keep yalls pets on your side of town.

These pics pale by comparison to what they've done to our once-pristine and beautiful Sonoran Desert. I was driving by a park in Scottsdale a few years back, saw a pack of illegals tearing the limbs off live trees to build a fire for their party. They're not as careless and violent as urban blacks, but they ain't far behind. We don't need this and don't have to put up with it anymore with Trump in the WH. As to the Dreamers, I'd keep the college grads and those serving in the Armed Forces, but give the boot to the rest of them, their parents, and extended families. The way to stop all this is to STOP all this.
To get a fair, reasonable deal on DACA, both parties are gonna have to sideline their hardliners and make it clear to them that they're not gonna dictate or derail this legislation Here's what I think a fair, reasonable DACA would look like:

Illegals Who Are Already Here

* Allow DACA kids to get renewable permanent resident status with the option to apply for citizenship like all other permament residents when they turn 18.

* Allow parents of DACA kids to get renewable permanent resident status, but no path to citizenship.

* Allow illegals with no children to get renewable permanent resident status, but no path to citizenship.

Future Illegals

* Do not allow adults and children who enter the country illegally after the bill is passed to get permanent residency or a path to citizenship. From this point on, people who enter our country illegally must leave.

Employment and Visas

* Fully fund the E-Verify program and make it mandatory for all employers to ensure that only people with legal status hold American jobs.

* End or drastically reform the visa lottery system, and establish the principle that we want immigrants who have skills and who can contribute to our society.

* Establish an efficient work visa program that enables American employers in seasonal industries to hire citizens from other countries, especially from Central and South American countries, on a seasonal basis. When the work season is over, these workers must return to their own countries, unless they have found employment with other seasonal employers. These workers will not be granted any kind of permanent status, but they will be free to apply for legal immigration like all other foreigners.

Border Security and Internal Security

* Once and for all, complete the wall on the southern border, with the provision that where feasible the wall will be virtual (motion and thermal sensors).

* Hire at least 1,500 additional CBP and ICE agents, and give CBP agents the equipment they need to do the best job possible.

* Prosecute and then deport illegal aliens who have committed serious or violent crimes, such as selling or running illegal drugs, robbery, physical assault, rape, and murder).

* Require state and local officials to cooperate with DHS to apprehend illegals who have committed serious or violent crimes.
Everything you proposed is rational fair and reasonable which sadly is why it will never get through Congress.

But not what Trump said. I’m good with it as long as all the illegals get resettled in your schools and neighborhoods so you can share the diversity.

View attachment 172977

View attachment 172978

Both of these areas are off of cypresswood Dr. in Houston. Not nasty areas, but surrounded by illegal Mexicans. So go head and legalize yalls contraband slaves, just please keep yalls pets on your side of town.

These pics pale by comparison to what they've done to our once-pristine and beautiful Sonoran Desert. I was driving by a park in Scottsdale a few years back, saw a pack of illegals tearing the limbs off live trees to build a fire for their party. They're not as careless and violent as urban blacks, but they ain't far behind. We don't need this and don't have to put up with it anymore with Trump in the WH. As to the Dreamers, I'd keep the college grads and those serving in the Armed Forces, but give the boot to the rest of them, their parents, and extended families. The way to stop all this is to STOP all this.

Shit, those pics depict most of Southern Mexifornia

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