A Federal judge just said what we have all been thinking about the sentences for January 6th rioters

After reading through the article. . . it struck me. Especially after that exchange with Sen. Massie. . . how do we know that a lot of these folks weren't agent provocateurs, and the prosecutors didn't have this information?

If they worked for antifa groups or were informants, it certainly would explain light sentencing compared to similar other offenders that this news piece is complaining about. . . especially if they were just helping the agenda of the Deep State along.. . .

But, I guess we won't know, since, as Garland told Massie, he won't comment on that. :rolleyes:

Then allow me to clarify. They arrested over 600 people that were at the Capitol that day, some who didn't even enter the building. They've held many of them for months in harsh conditions, probably trying to sweat them into pleading guilty to something more serious than the DoJ could make stick in a trial. To imagine that the same DoJ is being "too easy" on them is plain, unadulterated BULLSHIT from hateful Lefties like yourself.

IF there was evidence to support NUKING any of these people, the media would have been inundating the country with it for months. These people rioted and did some physical damage to facilities. Regardless of your inane double-standards toward those who killed people and burned down business and even public buildings in the summer of 2020, the 1/6 crowd did FAR LESS against the law and will be held to a higher standard than nearly all of the SCUM who caused chaos in our cities in summer of 2020. You should probably be grateful that your DoJ thugs DIDN'T go too far. People all over this nation are getting fed the HELL UP with your endless pissing and moaning because the world won't kiss your ass on bended knees. Keep effing around and you'll eventually find OUT.
You forgot that 140 cops were injured during the "physical damage to facilities".
It's almost a year. Not one detainee in custody has been charged. Not one has gone to trial. Some have been charged with infractions or misdemeanors as part of the release process. Charges have been trespassing and unlawful parading. Not one charge of insurrection, assault, vandalism. The entire case against these people exist, solely, in the media and gossip. There is no other answer than the government is afraid for this case to see the light of day.

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