A Feminist's Master Plan for World Revolution - Imprison All The Men

To understand my ex is to understand her father.

Don't go there. :slap:

I've seen the face of evil in both him and his daughter.

Today I'm where I belong. And this is where I will stay to the end of my days.

Well you brought it up. :D
Do shut the fuck up. :slap:

Make me! :cheeky-smiley-018:
We can shut you down by refusing to reply to your posts. We have that kind of power over you.

Oh noez! Lol! Go ahead. I have PLENTY of people to talk to.
Your stuffed animals and One Direction poster don't count
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The feminist master plan:
You left out the sybian fuck machine.
Well you brought it up. :D
Do shut the fuck up. :slap:

Make me! :cheeky-smiley-018:
Or are you 12?

She's a hypocrite and a baby.

:lol: I'm a very intelligent and well-spoken baby, I must say. I must be a genius or something! MENSA, here I come! Lol.

I would have to concede that compared to a small child you are a genius.
Women are bat-shit crazy. If it weren't for the moon, they would have no menstrual cycle.

But put a group of them in the same room for a couple months, and they eventually bleed on the same day.

My sister is the only female I've ever known that absolutely hates women. She knows herself and sees herself for what she is. Vindictive, vengeful, acerbic, and without mercy to the male population. Cold, calculating, retributive, and just plain mean.

With or without words, women can and will bring men to their feet.

But you just gotta love their naughty bits. :thup:
My wife cannot stand women either. She sees it at work.

Your wife is not alone. A report on female attitudes:

Interestingly, women showed a stronger preference for male managers. When the data were broken down by respondents' gender, 39 percent of women said they would rather their boss be male, while only 26 percent of the men in the poll said the same.​

I only have to deal with manager by text or e-mail, so that question is N/A to me. She is a female, but she seems quite nice to me. I did have one female manager before though that was really miserable. I think that men and women can both be jerks, just in different ways.

Besides, women in managerial positions probably feel that they have to be tough and may over compensate for that at times.
Why would these guys marry these women if they are so terrible? Lol. You know, there are always two sides to every story. Here, we only get the one side. :D

For the same reason that women marry men who physically abuse them.

I don't understand why a woman would want to marry a man who treats her like crap either. Why would you want to dedicate yourself to someone who treats you badly?

She's a hypocrite and a baby.

:lol: I'm a very intelligent and well-spoken baby, I must say. I must be a genius or something! MENSA, here I come! Lol.

I would have to concede that compared to a small child you are a genius.

Well then you must be a small child because compared to you I am a genius. :D
Why would these guys marry these women if they are so terrible? Lol. You know, there are always two sides to every story. Here, we only get the one side. :D

For the same reason that women marry men who physically abuse them.
I call that the "stray cat syndrome"....This is illustrated by the woman who KNOWS she is in a bad relationship( stray feral cat). She feels sorry for the guy. And she also feels very strongly that she can "fix" him. The guy is a project. A goal. She becomes a punching bag for this creep and yet she cannot leave him. Why? Failure is not an option. His violence and abuse are not his fault. SHE has failed in her quest. So she blames herself. She tries even harder. She will even call the police for assistance, then refuse to pursue any case against the abuser. It goes on and on until the woman is either severely injured or dead. Hopefully the guy is incarcerated before she is permanently injured.

She's a hypocrite and a baby.

:lol: I'm a very intelligent and well-spoken baby, I must say. I must be a genius or something! MENSA, here I come! Lol.

I would have to concede that compared to a small child you are a genius.

Well then you must be a small child because compared to you I am a genius. :D

Psshhhh whatever you need to tell yourself to sleep as night darling.
Well you brought it up. :D
Do shut the fuck up. :slap:

Make me! :cheeky-smiley-018:
We can shut you down by refusing to reply to your posts. We have that kind of power over you.

Oh noez! Lol! Go ahead. I have PLENTY of people to talk to.
Your stuffed animals and One Directioon poster don't count

They are probably more entertaining than you!

Why would these guys marry these women if they are so terrible? Lol. You know, there are always two sides to every story. Here, we only get the one side. :D

For the same reason that women marry men who physically abuse them.

I don't understand why a woman would want to marry a man who treats her like crap either. Why would you want to dedicate yourself to someone who treats you badly?
Because behavior exists along a spectrum. That wife beater husband likely attracted his wife because of his dominant personality. That crazy as fuck wife likely attracted her husband because she was phenomenal in the sack or had an exciting devil may care personality. Take those initial attributes and take them furthre along the spectrum and you see the bad stuff coming out.

As with physical abuse, a crazy as fuck wife can inflict all sorts of damage on a marriage without the husband playing a part, just like the wife doesn't bring on her own beatings. We all agree that men have agency over their actions, men who beat their wives own that action, there is no blaming the victim, so why is it so difficult to understand that women too are adults and have agency and that they can unilaterally toxify a marriage?
Why would these guys marry these women if they are so terrible? Lol. You know, there are always two sides to every story. Here, we only get the one side. :D

For the same reason that women marry men who physically abuse them.
I call that the "stray cat syndrome"....This is illustrated by the woman who KNOWS she is in a bad relationship( stray feral cat). She feels sorry for the guy. And she also feels very strongly that she can "fix" him. The guy is a project. A goal. She becomes a punching bag for this creep and yet she cannot leave him. Why? Failure is not an option. His violence and abuse are not his fault. SHE has failed in her quest. So she blames herself. She tries even harder. She will even call the police for assistance, then refuse to pursue any case against the abuser. It goes on and on until the woman is either severely injured or dead. Hopefully the guy is incarcerated before she is permanently injured.

I think that you're capturing one side of the dynamic, most definitely, but you omit the observation that many women act on their attractions to dark personality traits. Boring men are to women as fat women are to men.
Why would these guys marry these women if they are so terrible? Lol. You know, there are always two sides to every story. Here, we only get the one side. :D

For the same reason that women marry men who physically abuse them.

I don't understand why a woman would want to marry a man who treats her like crap either. Why would you want to dedicate yourself to someone who treats you badly?
Because behavior exists along a spectrum. That wife beater husband likely attracted his wife because of his dominant personality. That crazy as fuck wife likely attracted her husband because she was phenomenal in the sack or had an exciting devil may care personality. Take those initial attributes and take them furthre along the spectrum and you see the bad stuff coming out.

As with physical abuse, a crazy as fuck wife can inflict all sorts of damage on a marriage without the husband playing a part, just like the wife doesn't bring on her own beatings. We all agree that men have agency over their actions, men who beat their wives own that action, there is no blaming the victim, so why is it so difficult to understand that women too are adults and have agency and that they can unilaterally toxify a marriage?

Sure, I don't deny that, but to say that ALL women are crazy, abusive bitches is . . . well crazy and abusive to women. :D I've never abused anyone (except for maybe verbally when they pissed me off). I know plenty of people, men and women, who are not abusive at all. Only some people are like that.
Why would these guys marry these women if they are so terrible? Lol. You know, there are always two sides to every story. Here, we only get the one side. :D

For the same reason that women marry men who physically abuse them.

I don't understand why a woman would want to marry a man who treats her like crap either. Why would you want to dedicate yourself to someone who treats you badly?
Because behavior exists along a spectrum. That wife beater husband likely attracted his wife because of his dominant personality. That crazy as fuck wife likely attracted her husband because she was phenomenal in the sack or had an exciting devil may care personality. Take those initial attributes and take them furthre along the spectrum and you see the bad stuff coming out.

As with physical abuse, a crazy as fuck wife can inflict all sorts of damage on a marriage without the husband playing a part, just like the wife doesn't bring on her own beatings. We all agree that men have agency over their actions, men who beat their wives own that action, there is no blaming the victim, so why is it so difficult to understand that women too are adults and have agency and that they can unilaterally toxify a marriage?

Sure, I don't deny that, but to say that ALL women are crazy, abusive bitches is . . . well crazy and abusive to women. :D I've never abused anyone (except for maybe verbally when they pissed me off). I know plenty of people, men and women, who are not abusive at all. Only some people are like that.

I'm sure if some dude posted " I've never hit a woman, unless she pissed me off" you would say "hey that's not abusive"
Why would these guys marry these women if they are so terrible? Lol. You know, there are always two sides to every story. Here, we only get the one side. :D

For the same reason that women marry men who physically abuse them.
I call that the "stray cat syndrome"....This is illustrated by the woman who KNOWS she is in a bad relationship( stray feral cat). She feels sorry for the guy. And she also feels very strongly that she can "fix" him. The guy is a project. A goal. She becomes a punching bag for this creep and yet she cannot leave him. Why? Failure is not an option. His violence and abuse are not his fault. SHE has failed in her quest. So she blames herself. She tries even harder. She will even call the police for assistance, then refuse to pursue any case against the abuser. It goes on and on until the woman is either severely injured or dead. Hopefully the guy is incarcerated before she is permanently injured.

I think that you're capturing one side of the dynamic, most definitely, but you omit the observation that many women act on their attractions to dark personality traits. Boring men are to women as fat women are to men.

There are also cases where the guy (or girl) starts out all great and then once they "have you" is when they start with abusive behavior, and they slowly work on whittling the other partner's self esteem and confidence away until they feel ugly and awful and unwanted and like they have no other options. Most abusers use a combination of tactics, physical and psychological abuse combined.
Why would these guys marry these women if they are so terrible? Lol. You know, there are always two sides to every story. Here, we only get the one side. :D

For the same reason that women marry men who physically abuse them.

I don't understand why a woman would want to marry a man who treats her like crap either. Why would you want to dedicate yourself to someone who treats you badly?
Because behavior exists along a spectrum. That wife beater husband likely attracted his wife because of his dominant personality. That crazy as fuck wife likely attracted her husband because she was phenomenal in the sack or had an exciting devil may care personality. Take those initial attributes and take them furthre along the spectrum and you see the bad stuff coming out.

As with physical abuse, a crazy as fuck wife can inflict all sorts of damage on a marriage without the husband playing a part, just like the wife doesn't bring on her own beatings. We all agree that men have agency over their actions, men who beat their wives own that action, there is no blaming the victim, so why is it so difficult to understand that women too are adults and have agency and that they can unilaterally toxify a marriage?

Sure, I don't deny that, but to say that ALL women are crazy, abusive bitches is . . . well crazy and abusive to women. :D I've never abused anyone (except for maybe verbally when they pissed me off). I know plenty of people, men and women, who are not abusive at all. Only some people are like that.

I'm sure if some dude posted " I've never hit a woman, unless she pissed me off" you would say "hey that's not abusive"

Please, you don't call people names? :rolleyes-41: Yeah, riiiiigghhhttttt! Lol.

Maybe you missed the word "verbally."
Why would these guys marry these women if they are so terrible? Lol. You know, there are always two sides to every story. Here, we only get the one side. :D

For the same reason that women marry men who physically abuse them.
I call that the "stray cat syndrome"....This is illustrated by the woman who KNOWS she is in a bad relationship( stray feral cat). She feels sorry for the guy. And she also feels very strongly that she can "fix" him. The guy is a project. A goal. She becomes a punching bag for this creep and yet she cannot leave him. Why? Failure is not an option. His violence and abuse are not his fault. SHE has failed in her quest. So she blames herself. She tries even harder. She will even call the police for assistance, then refuse to pursue any case against the abuser. It goes on and on until the woman is either severely injured or dead. Hopefully the guy is incarcerated before she is permanently injured.

I think that you're capturing one side of the dynamic, most definitely, but you omit the observation that many women act on their attractions to dark personality traits. Boring men are to women as fat women are to men.

Well, there is a happy medium between boring and bad. There HAS to be. Lol!
For the same reason that women marry men who physically abuse them.

I don't understand why a woman would want to marry a man who treats her like crap either. Why would you want to dedicate yourself to someone who treats you badly?
Because behavior exists along a spectrum. That wife beater husband likely attracted his wife because of his dominant personality. That crazy as fuck wife likely attracted her husband because she was phenomenal in the sack or had an exciting devil may care personality. Take those initial attributes and take them furthre along the spectrum and you see the bad stuff coming out.

As with physical abuse, a crazy as fuck wife can inflict all sorts of damage on a marriage without the husband playing a part, just like the wife doesn't bring on her own beatings. We all agree that men have agency over their actions, men who beat their wives own that action, there is no blaming the victim, so why is it so difficult to understand that women too are adults and have agency and that they can unilaterally toxify a marriage?

Sure, I don't deny that, but to say that ALL women are crazy, abusive bitches is . . . well crazy and abusive to women. :D I've never abused anyone (except for maybe verbally when they pissed me off). I know plenty of people, men and women, who are not abusive at all. Only some people are like that.

I'm sure if some dude posted " I've never hit a woman, unless she pissed me off" you would say "hey that's not abusive"

Please, you don't call people names? :rolleyes-41: Yeah, riiiiigghhhttttt! Lol.

Maybe you missed the word "verbally."

Been married 9 years, no I've never assaulted my wife, verbally or otherwise, nor has she done so to me.
I don't understand why a woman would want to marry a man who treats her like crap either. Why would you want to dedicate yourself to someone who treats you badly?
Because behavior exists along a spectrum. That wife beater husband likely attracted his wife because of his dominant personality. That crazy as fuck wife likely attracted her husband because she was phenomenal in the sack or had an exciting devil may care personality. Take those initial attributes and take them furthre along the spectrum and you see the bad stuff coming out.

As with physical abuse, a crazy as fuck wife can inflict all sorts of damage on a marriage without the husband playing a part, just like the wife doesn't bring on her own beatings. We all agree that men have agency over their actions, men who beat their wives own that action, there is no blaming the victim, so why is it so difficult to understand that women too are adults and have agency and that they can unilaterally toxify a marriage?

Sure, I don't deny that, but to say that ALL women are crazy, abusive bitches is . . . well crazy and abusive to women. :D I've never abused anyone (except for maybe verbally when they pissed me off). I know plenty of people, men and women, who are not abusive at all. Only some people are like that.

I'm sure if some dude posted " I've never hit a woman, unless she pissed me off" you would say "hey that's not abusive"

Please, you don't call people names? :rolleyes-41: Yeah, riiiiigghhhttttt! Lol.

Maybe you missed the word "verbally."

Been married 9 years, no I've never assaulted my wife, verbally or otherwise, nor has she done so to me.

I wasn't talking about a spouse. I said I've never abused ANYONE except for verbally. I was talking about anyone I've ever been in contact with. It is clearly stated in the sentence that you put in bold.
Because behavior exists along a spectrum. That wife beater husband likely attracted his wife because of his dominant personality. That crazy as fuck wife likely attracted her husband because she was phenomenal in the sack or had an exciting devil may care personality. Take those initial attributes and take them furthre along the spectrum and you see the bad stuff coming out.

As with physical abuse, a crazy as fuck wife can inflict all sorts of damage on a marriage without the husband playing a part, just like the wife doesn't bring on her own beatings. We all agree that men have agency over their actions, men who beat their wives own that action, there is no blaming the victim, so why is it so difficult to understand that women too are adults and have agency and that they can unilaterally toxify a marriage?

Sure, I don't deny that, but to say that ALL women are crazy, abusive bitches is . . . well crazy and abusive to women. :D I've never abused anyone (except for maybe verbally when they pissed me off). I know plenty of people, men and women, who are not abusive at all. Only some people are like that.

I'm sure if some dude posted " I've never hit a woman, unless she pissed me off" you would say "hey that's not abusive"

Please, you don't call people names? :rolleyes-41: Yeah, riiiiigghhhttttt! Lol.

Maybe you missed the word "verbally."

Been married 9 years, no I've never assaulted my wife, verbally or otherwise, nor has she done so to me.

I wasn't talking about a spouse. I said I've never abused ANYONE except for verbally. I was talking about anyone I've ever been in contact with. It is clearly stated in the sentence that you put in bold.

Yes, but this conversation was clearly talking about personal relationships, not random people on the streets or something.

There is no way I could claim I haven't used physical force on random people. I've kicked the shit out out of a lot of people in my day

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