A Few Facts About The Palestinians

George Galloway doesn't tell you this stuff about his Palestinian and Arab buddies:


Google Groups

Did Israel Evict The Palestinians? Arab sources say NO

Google Groups

Palestinian Rocket Attacks on israel

Lists of Palestinian rocket attacks on Israel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Charter of HAMAS:

Google Groups

Read article 13. They are opposed to any peace treaty with Israel.


Google Groups


Fatah leader calls for Israel’s destruction - PMW Bulletins

The New Hezbollah Manifesto


See sections 2 and 3.

Taquiyyah-Holy Deception Ordered by the Koran

Taqiyya, holy deception, Qur’an 5:32

Yasser Arafat already admitted that he was practicing deception when he signed the Oslo Accords.

Jordanian Civil War

1969-70 Palestine Liberation Organization attempts a military takeover of Jordan, blows up 4 civilian airliners and tries to assassinate King Hussein


Palestinian Authority Pays Families to Blow Their Children Up in Israel.

Families of suicide bombers given £5m in British aid cash
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In a word......CRAP
montelatici, ,et al,

In cases such as these, one has to examine a number of sources, and be objective.

"It isn't true! Say it ain't so!"

Let's just do the first one. "Did Israel evict the Palestinians". Yes, the propaganda instantly debunked by Israeli intelligence no less. The rest of the assertions are as easily debunked. They are Zionist propaganda.

"a report prepared by the intelligence services of the Israeli army, dated 30 June 1948 and entitled “The emigration of Palestinian Arabs in the period 1/12/1947-1/6/1948”. This document sets at 391,000 the number of Palestinians who had already left the territory that was by then in the hands of Israel, and evaluates the various factors that had prompted their decisions to leave. “At least 55% of the total of the exodus was caused by our (Haganah/IDF) operations.” To this figure, the report’s compilers add the operations of the Irgun and Lehi, which “directly (caused) some 15%... of the emigration”. A further 2% was attributed to explicit expulsion orders issued by Israeli troops, and 1% to their psychological warfare. This leads to a figure of 73% for departures caused directly by the Israelis. In addition, the report attributes 22% of the departures to “fears” and “a crisis of confidence” affecting the Palestinian population. As for Arab calls for flight, these were reckoned to be significant in only 5% of cases..."

The expulsion of the Palestinians re-examined - Le Monde diplomatique - English edition

I direct your attention to a couple of sources:

I'm sure that there is some truth to both claims. Usually I would not even argue this point. But the pro-Palestinian campaign attempts to portray themselves as absolutely blameless for any outcome that befell them since the surrender of the Ottoman Empire. This claim that the Israeli evicted or forceable deported the Arabs is but one such virtual victim claim.

A contemporary Palestinian is someone who most frequently blames the Jewish People (Israelis); and consistently acts to transfer the responsibility for the loss of what they consider their territory by some right they cannot document.

• This is a culture that pretends to have virtues, moral or religious beliefs, and ethical principles, that that they do not actually possess.

• A Palestinian is a member of a culture that teach each successive generation that: Palestinians do not merited negative treatment or blame they are associated with as terrorists and jihadists. They see every negative observation of them as some kind of conspiracy orchestrated by the US and the Israelis.

• The Palestinian seldom accepts a fault for any of the decisions in self-determination.
These are characteristics most often associated with the weak and unsuccessful. It's easier to blame others (America, the UN, the Mandatory, the Jewish) for the shortcomings of the Arab Palestinian than it is to take responsibility for them; and to cooperatively develop amore successful strategy.

• It is less difficult for the Arab Palestinian to blame the Israelis than to admit they have more defects then they want to concede.

• It is less difficult for the Arab Palestinian to blame the Israelis than it is to improve their standard of living and engage in a focused nation building program.

• It is less difficult for the Arab Palestinian to blame the Israelis, America, and the UN than it is to face the reality that their expectations are beyond the reasonable expectation by using force, coercion and intimidation to defy the Resolution adopted by the General Assembly of more than a century ago; in a deliberate effort to alter by force the intent of establishment of a National Home for the Jewish people within such boundaries as may be fixed by the Allied Powers.
Most Respectfully,

Losers commonly blame others for their failures & self destruction.

The intent of the Palestinians was to prevent European colonization of the land they inhabited. Full stop.

So which European nation colonised the LoN lands then ?
George Galloway doesn't tell you this stuff about his Palestinian and Arab buddies:


Google Groups

Did Israel Evict The Palestinians? Arab sources say NO

Google Groups

Palestinian Rocket Attacks on israel

Lists of Palestinian rocket attacks on Israel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Charter of HAMAS:

Google Groups

Read article 13. They are opposed to any peace treaty with Israel.


Google Groups


Fatah leader calls for Israel’s destruction - PMW Bulletins

The New Hezbollah Manifesto


See sections 2 and 3.

Taquiyyah-Holy Deception Ordered by the Koran

Taqiyya, holy deception, Qur’an 5:32

Yasser Arafat already admitted that he was practicing deception when he signed the Oslo Accords.

Jordanian Civil War

1969-70 Palestine Liberation Organization attempts a military takeover of Jordan, blows up 4 civilian airliners and tries to assassinate King Hussein


Palestinian Authority Pays Families to Blow Their Children Up in Israel.

Families of suicide bombers given £5m in British aid cash
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In a word......CRAP

Is that as in Oh crap the truth has come out ?

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