A former neighbor of Joe Biden's accuser Tara Reade has come forward to corroborate her sexual-assault account

No, the democrats will not be consistent, they will circle the wagons along with the msm.
Woman's March? That is so last year, you need to catch up to 2020.
Me Too'ers? Allysa Milano dropped that like a hot potato right after the Kavenaugh hearings.

It never was about women...it was all about political games and they are proving it with Biden.
It's already been established that the new normal is this kind of thing is unimportant.
Only to rapist supporting scum.
With the FACT the RWI's were and still are in total denial of trumps and Kavanaughs raping women,

I can easily say, I don't Care, just like you didn't care.
Not a Trump thread, Simpleton.
But will Dimocrats be consistent ?
Will The Women's March get out in the streets ?
Will the #MeToo'ers start tweeting ?

A former neighbor of Joe Biden's accuser Tara Reade has come forward to corroborate her sexual-assault account, saying Reade discussed the allegations in detail in the mid-1990s

  • Tara Reade, a former staffer in Joe Biden's Senate office, has accused the Democratic presidential nominee of sexually assaulting her in a congressional hallway in 1993.
  • Now Reade's former neighbor Lynda LaCasse, a Biden supporter, tells Insider that Reade told her about the alleged assault in detail in 1995 or 1996: "This happened, and I know it did because I remember talking about it."
  • A former colleague of Reade's also told Insider that Reade talked in the mid-1990s of being sexually harassed by her former boss in Washington, DC.
  • The women have come forward just days after video emerged of a woman that Reade says is her mother calling into CNN's Larry King Live in 1993 to talk about her daughter's "problems" with a prominent senator.
  • Biden has not addressed the accusations, but a campaign spokesperson says they are false.
  • Insider is making this exclusive story available for free to non-subscribers. To read our full interview with LaCasse about Reade's allegations — and to support our journalism — please click here and subscribe.
It's been clearly established that this kind of stuff doesn't matter.
Thank you, Slick Willy.
But will Dimocrats be consistent ?
Will The Women's March get out in the streets ?
Will the #MeToo'ers start tweeting ?

A former neighbor of Joe Biden's accuser Tara Reade has come forward to corroborate her sexual-assault account, saying Reade discussed the allegations in detail in the mid-1990s

  • Tara Reade, a former staffer in Joe Biden's Senate office, has accused the Democratic presidential nominee of sexually assaulting her in a congressional hallway in 1993.
  • Now Reade's former neighbor Lynda LaCasse, a Biden supporter, tells Insider that Reade told her about the alleged assault in detail in 1995 or 1996: "This happened, and I know it did because I remember talking about it."
  • A former colleague of Reade's also told Insider that Reade talked in the mid-1990s of being sexually harassed by her former boss in Washington, DC.
  • The women have come forward just days after video emerged of a woman that Reade says is her mother calling into CNN's Larry King Live in 1993 to talk about her daughter's "problems" with a prominent senator.
  • Biden has not addressed the accusations, but a campaign spokesperson says they are false.
  • Insider is making this exclusive story available for free to non-subscribers. To read our full interview with LaCasse about Reade's allegations — and to support our journalism — please click here and subscribe.
It's been clearly established that this kind of stuff doesn't matter.


It didn't matter with Clinton, it mattered with Kavanaugh, it mattered with Trump, and now it doesn't matter with Joe.

Why do you keep changing your mind?
This is getting serious for Joe Biden. Point is Tara Reade obviously didn't just make this stuff up now like Christine Blasey Ford did. No one came forward for Christine Blasey Ford like they are for Tara Reade.
With the FACT the RWI's were and still are in total denial of trumps and Kavanaughs raping women,

I can easily say, I don't Care, just like you didn't care.
It would have been nice to actually have facts and not fuzzy thoughts with Kavenaugh.
How many rape victims came forward with Trump?

But, thanks for proving my point in my first post.

Most rape victims or even attempted rape victims can't remember every little thing, I'm surprised she has changed her story a few times, with such accuracy.
But will Dimocrats be consistent ?
Will The Women's March get out in the streets ?
Will the #MeToo'ers start tweeting ?

A former neighbor of Joe Biden's accuser Tara Reade has come forward to corroborate her sexual-assault account, saying Reade discussed the allegations in detail in the mid-1990s

  • Tara Reade, a former staffer in Joe Biden's Senate office, has accused the Democratic presidential nominee of sexually assaulting her in a congressional hallway in 1993.
  • Now Reade's former neighbor Lynda LaCasse, a Biden supporter, tells Insider that Reade told her about the alleged assault in detail in 1995 or 1996: "This happened, and I know it did because I remember talking about it."
  • A former colleague of Reade's also told Insider that Reade talked in the mid-1990s of being sexually harassed by her former boss in Washington, DC.
  • The women have come forward just days after video emerged of a woman that Reade says is her mother calling into CNN's Larry King Live in 1993 to talk about her daughter's "problems" with a prominent senator.
  • Biden has not addressed the accusations, but a campaign spokesperson says they are false.
  • Insider is making this exclusive story available for free to non-subscribers. To read our full interview with LaCasse about Reade's allegations — and to support our journalism — please click here and subscribe.

Business Insider? Fake News! Funny...
This is getting serious for Joe Biden. Point is Tara Reade obviously didn't just make this stuff up now like Christine Blasey Ford did. No one came forward for Christine Blasey Ford like they are for Tara Reade.

No its not, I suspect Jacob Wohl or one of his many aliases paid her or someone else. Most of us women could accuse anyone of sexual assault 27 years later, but in the end , its she said verses he said, and she has changed her story a few times, and Joe Biden does not have a hx of assaulting women like tramp has.
This is getting serious for Joe Biden. Point is Tara Reade obviously didn't just make this stuff up now like Christine Blasey Ford did. No one came forward for Christine Blasey Ford like they are for Tara Reade.
Even Ballsey Ford's "witnesses" disputed her story.
This is getting serious for Joe Biden. Point is Tara Reade obviously didn't just make this stuff up now like Christine Blasey Ford did. No one came forward for Christine Blasey Ford like they are for Tara Reade.

No its not, I suspect Jacob Wohl or one of his many aliases paid her or someone else. Most of us women could accuse anyone of sexual assault 27 years later, but in the end , its she said verses he said, and she has changed her story a few times, and Joe Biden does not have a hx of assaulting women like tramp has.
Show us where her story changed.
But will Dimocrats be consistent ?
Will The Women's March get out in the streets ?
Will the #MeToo'ers start tweeting ?

A former neighbor of Joe Biden's accuser Tara Reade has come forward to corroborate her sexual-assault account, saying Reade discussed the allegations in detail in the mid-1990s

  • Tara Reade, a former staffer in Joe Biden's Senate office, has accused the Democratic presidential nominee of sexually assaulting her in a congressional hallway in 1993.
  • Now Reade's former neighbor Lynda LaCasse, a Biden supporter, tells Insider that Reade told her about the alleged assault in detail in 1995 or 1996: "This happened, and I know it did because I remember talking about it."
  • A former colleague of Reade's also told Insider that Reade talked in the mid-1990s of being sexually harassed by her former boss in Washington, DC.
  • The women have come forward just days after video emerged of a woman that Reade says is her mother calling into CNN's Larry King Live in 1993 to talk about her daughter's "problems" with a prominent senator.
  • Biden has not addressed the accusations, but a campaign spokesperson says they are false.
  • Insider is making this exclusive story available for free to non-subscribers. To read our full interview with LaCasse about Reade's allegations — and to support our journalism — please click here and subscribe.
Hang in there, Joe! If Sen. Kennedy can drown his pregnant girlfriend, you should be able to continue being a serial sexual predator and still be in good standing with the democrat Party
Don't really follow rape accusations that are 20 or 30 years old, when the story's come out just at the time the accused person are running for an important office. and the opposing political party's beats the drum loud when its the other guy but says nothing when the situation is reversed. just politics as usual

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