A free press is the greatest threat to the Trump Presidency


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
This is why Trump is starting out trying to delegitimize the American press in the eyes of the public. By spewing mistrust of the press, Trump can continue his lies and misrepresentations and then dismiss any criticism as ....Fake News

This is why Trump is starting out trying to delegitimize the American press in the eyes of the public. By spewing mistrust of the press, Trump can continue his lies and misrepresentations and then dismiss any criticism as ....Fake News


Too funny. The american press are lapdogs for the progressive movement and they lie, cheat, and spew propaganda. They have ZERO credibility which is why they are losing readers and viewers every day. They rely on the simple minded, and the useful idiots, such as yourself, to keep them going. You are dying out though and they are no longer able to support themselves.

Good riddance to bad rubbish.
Nah, he's doing great exposing Democrat Fake News outlets like CNN (Communist News Network). It's truly refreshing observing a Republican with some balls. I've been telling Democrats, Trump's no milquetoast wuss like George Bush, Mitt Romney, or Paul Ryan. He will fight back... And he'll win.
Trump's already starting to remind me of Reagan. He isn't taking Democrat shit. And that's how Reagan was. A Republican with balls? Man, we haven't seen that in a long time. Go get em Trump!!
Trump to the American people

Pay no attention to what the press says about me.......I am the only one you can trust

Why Freedom of the Press is our FIRST Amendment
The press will always spread propaganda news. see the latest on Link removed
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Trump to the American people

Pay no attention to what the press says about me.......I am the only one you can trust

Why Freedom of the Press is our FIRST Amendment

Yeah, your boy Hussein was great to the Press. Man, where you been? Many in the Press have been voicing their concerns about Hussein's hostile behavior towards Journalists who refuse to toe the line. And personally, i love it that Trump's calling out CNN (Communist News Network) for being Democrat Fake News. He's spot on. Good on em.
This is why Trump is starting out trying to delegitimize the American press in the eyes of the public. By spewing mistrust of the press, Trump can continue his lies and misrepresentations and then dismiss any criticism as ....Fake News


I have no idea about a free press. The party controlled press like CNN is a danger to liberty, that's for damned sure.

Lying cocksuckers that they are.
This is why Trump is starting out trying to delegitimize the American press in the eyes of the public. By spewing mistrust of the press, Trump can continue his lies and misrepresentations and then dismiss any criticism as ....Fake News

is this fake news?....
Trump to the American people

Pay no attention to what the press says about me.......I am the only one you can trust

Why Freedom of the Press is our FIRST Amendment

Uh retard, CNN was lying.

That means they are FAKE NEWS, get it?

Say, Clapper says that Russia "hacked" our election by having trolls spread lies on Facebook.

If true, how is that ANY different than YOU and the lies you spread from George Soros? I mean, you are a troll spreading fake news and demagoguery 24/7 - so is the issue that you don't like competition?
This is why Trump is starting out trying to delegitimize the American press in the eyes of the public. By spewing mistrust of the press, Trump can continue his lies and misrepresentations and then dismiss any criticism as ....Fake News

Jake, the press needed no help at all from Trump in delegitimizing itself. They completely self destructed
Trump to the American people

Pay no attention to what the press says about me.......I am the only one you can trust

Why Freedom of the Press is our FIRST Amendment
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- no problem with that , its Trumps Free Speech advice . And the Trump puts out info , the 'msm' is not prohibited from putting out info so let the 'msm' and the Trump fight it out RWinger
Trump to the American people

Pay no attention to what the press says about me.......I am the only one you can trust

Why Freedom of the Press is our FIRST Amendment

Which YOUR DNC wants to eliminate you halfwit.
CNN is free to peddle fake news. Jake Tapper is not facing jail for his unethical demagoguery.

This doesn't mean that decent people will fail to note that Buzzfeed and CNN are NOT legitimate news, that they are smear and gossip sources bent on slander with no regard for journalistic standards.
This is why Trump is starting out trying to delegitimize the American press in the eyes of the public. By spewing mistrust of the press, Trump can continue his lies and misrepresentations and then dismiss any criticism as ....Fake News

I agree...A free to lie Press is dangerous.

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