A Georgia girl has died after her 4-year-old brother accidentally shot her

That must have been a rough baseball game that they were going to if she needed to take a gun.
Always keep guns locked up.
Don't leave a gun in you car.
People should not carry guns on a daily basis because it's very dangerous and a yooog responsibility.

There's an underlying discussion about this that needs to be had, rather than the usual vitriol that generally emerges in dialogue from these incidents.

The problem is that it's more fundamental rather than underlying, it's only underlying as a consequence of a growing lack of understanding of the responsibility that comes with exercising freedom.

Two words that should never be spoken or written absent one another comes in the form of a very fundamental phrase. Liberty-Responisibility. It's a deep discussion, though. One that demands humility.

Threads like this makes a person wanna cry. It's avoidable.

You don't restrict liberty because people make mistakes, bottom line.
That must have been a rough baseball game that they were going to if she needed to take a gun.
Always keep guns locked up.
Don't leave a gun in you car.
People should not carry guns on a daily basis because it's very dangerous and a yooog responsibility.
..I've read where ''many'' are stolen from cars!!!!
..just so happens I got into a minor traffic accident and the other guy was talking to me about insurance....he then mentioned he had his pistol stolen from his car ..wow--

I have a friend whose car was stolen.
The Police recovered his car.
He got his car back and he had been driving it for several months when he decided to wash and vacuum it.
He found a gun under the driver's seat, and it wasn't his.
He took it to the police.
That must have been a rough baseball game that they were going to if she needed to take a gun.
Always keep guns locked up.
Don't leave a gun in you car.
People should not carry guns on a daily basis because it's very dangerous and a yooog responsibility.
..I've read where ''many'' are stolen from cars!!!!
..just so happens I got into a minor traffic accident and the other guy was talking to me about insurance....he then mentioned he had his pistol stolen from his car ..wow--
How is a car any less safe a place to store a gun than a gun safe?
Are you kidding?
That must have been a rough baseball game that they were going to if she needed to take a gun.
Always keep guns locked up.
Don't leave a gun in you car.
People should not carry guns on a daily basis because it's very dangerous and a yooog responsibility.

And when someone busts into your house and is running down your hall what good will that locked up gun do?

No gun in the car? Carjackers love easy victims.

Shouldn't carry guns on a daily basis because it's dangerous? Tell the cops that.
you are so ridiculous
1. get a dog/lock your doors and windows
...my dogs have always alerted us when someone is just even getting out of cars nearby
...if any one gets even near out doors or window, the dog will alert us
you can have the pistol handy/locked up/etc and still be able to retrieve it in time
..I lived in a ''bad'' hood' for 25 years --and my parents--and we never had anyone break in
2. cops get murdered even though they carry --you are NOT Dirty Harry Mr Tough guy hero
3. if you have KIDS---LOCK you weapons up --if not, keep them on you--it is stupid not to
4. living in a house with a gun increase chances of death
Living in a house with a gun increases your odds of death
5. I would like to own an SD pistol.....but I have teenage kids--so I would LOCK it up and/or keep near me-on me
...I am not anti-gun--just pro-common sense
6. those jackass prison escapees got their weapon from an unoccupied house where someone left their weapons
2015 Clinton Correctional Facility escape - Wikipedia
That must have been a rough baseball game that they were going to if she needed to take a gun.
Always keep guns locked up.
Don't leave a gun in you car.
People should not carry guns on a daily basis because it's very dangerous and a yooog responsibility.

A rough baseball game? No, more like a collection of people usually unarmed sitting in a densely populated little area, a prime target for a mass shooting. I wouldn't go anywhere like that UNLESS I was armed. I know you prefer unarmed victims, but we don't.

And when someone busts into your house and is running down your hall what good will that locked up gun do?

No gun in the car? Carjackers love easy victims.

Shouldn't carry guns on a daily basis because it's dangerous? Tell the cops that.
jesus christ --life is not like the Dirty Harry movie
That must have been a rough baseball game that they were going to if she needed to take a gun.
Always keep guns locked up.
Don't leave a gun in you car.
People should not carry guns on a daily basis because it's very dangerous and a yooog responsibility.
..I've read where ''many'' are stolen from cars!!!!
..just so happens I got into a minor traffic accident and the other guy was talking to me about insurance....he then mentioned he had his pistol stolen from his car ..wow--

I have a friend whose car was stolen.
The Police recovered his car.
He got his car back and he had been driving it for several months when he decided to wash and vacuum it.
He found a gun under the driver's seat, and it wasn't his.
He took it to the police.
....we lived in a bad hood--the guy behind us had a huge Lincoln or something--but lived in a tiny shack/house ...of course the cops raided it--with shotguns/etc
..my dad found a pistol in our backyard once--guessing maybe the neighbor or friend threw it back there
they hardly ever charge in crap like this --but they should
Man. Hard call. The momma has to be utterly distraught and damn near suicidal. I think the prosecution dept may have made a good call there. They know the situ far better than us idiots on the net.
....I've heard and seen that before and say bullshit--someone has been killed by someone's negligence/etc
....what if it was a neighbor's kid?
That must have been a rough baseball game that they were going to if she needed to take a gun.
Always keep guns locked up.
Don't leave a gun in you car.
People should not carry guns on a daily basis because it's very dangerous and a yooog responsibility.

There's an underlying discussion about this that needs to be had, rather than the usual vitriol that generally emerges in dialogue from these incidents.

The problem is that it's more fundamental rather than underlying, it's only underlying as a consequence of a growing lack of understanding of the responsibility that comes with exercising freedom.

Two words that should never be spoken or written absent one another comes in the form of a very fundamental phrase. Liberty-Responisibility. It's a deep discussion, though. One that demands humility.

Threads like this makes a person wanna cry. It's avoidable.

You don't restrict liberty because people make mistakes, bottom line.

I am very pro 2nd Amendment.
But, keep your guns locked-up for everyone's safety.
About 99% of burglars will flee if they realize that a person is in the house.
About 99.99% of burglars will flee if you tell them that you are armed.
That must have been a rough baseball game that they were going to if she needed to take a gun.
Always keep guns locked up.
Don't leave a gun in you car.
People should not carry guns on a daily basis because it's very dangerous and a yooog responsibility.

A rough baseball game? No, more like a collection of people usually unarmed sitting in a densely populated little area, a prime target for a mass shooting. I wouldn't go anywhere like that UNLESS I was armed. I know you prefer unarmed victims, but we don't.

And when someone busts into your house and is running down your hall what good will that locked up gun do?

No gun in the car? Carjackers love easy victims.

Shouldn't carry guns on a daily basis because it's dangerous? Tell the cops that.
I've been over this before with 2AGuy--there are dozens of murders for every SD use
and this is not counting guns used in rapes/crimes either
That must have been a rough baseball game that they were going to if she needed to take a gun.
Always keep guns locked up.
Don't leave a gun in you car.
People should not carry guns on a daily basis because it's very dangerous and a yooog responsibility.

There's an underlying discussion about this that needs to be had, rather than the usual vitriol that generally emerges in dialogue from these incidents.

The problem is that it's more fundamental rather than underlying, it's only underlying as a consequence of a growing lack of understanding of the responsibility that comes with exercising freedom.

Two words that should never be spoken or written absent one another comes in the form of a very fundamental phrase. Liberty-Responisibility. It's a deep discussion, though. One that demands humility.

Threads like this makes a person wanna cry. It's avoidable.

You don't restrict liberty because people make mistakes, bottom line.

I am very pro 2nd Amendment.
But, keep your guns locked-up for everyone's safety.
About 99% of burglars will flee if they realize that a person is in the house.
About 99.99% of burglars will flee if you tell them that you are armed.
EXACTLY what I was thinking
...I have a WW2 pistol and no ammo...I keep the mag separate and I still keep it locked up
..I never point it at anyone....
I will never fire it as it is WW2 memorabilia and I want to keep it in good shape
That must have been a rough baseball game that they were going to if she needed to take a gun.
Always keep guns locked up.
Don't leave a gun in you car.
People should not carry guns on a daily basis because it's very dangerous and a yooog responsibility.

A rough baseball game? No, more like a collection of people usually unarmed sitting in a densely populated little area, a prime target for a mass shooting. I wouldn't go anywhere like that UNLESS I was armed. I know you prefer unarmed victims, but we don't.

And when someone busts into your house and is running down your hall what good will that locked up gun do?

No gun in the car? Carjackers love easy victims.

Shouldn't carry guns on a daily basis because it's dangerous? Tell the cops that.
I've been over this before with 2AGuy--there are dozens of murders for every SD use
and this is not counting guns used in rapes/crimes either
There are over a million self defense uses of firearms a year remind me when we had 2 dozen MILLION murders?
One less future republican! Oh well.

I'm going to memorialize your disgusting view here for all to view.

You are truly a despicable piece of shit.

Oh my god, did that piece of shit really post that ?

Just shows that Taxman is a liberal piece of shit like the rest of them. They don’t have hearts just black holes. He will answer for his disgusting comment.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
That must have been a rough baseball game that they were going to if she needed to take a gun.
Always keep guns locked up.
Don't leave a gun in you car.
People should not carry guns on a daily basis because it's very dangerous and a yooog responsibility.

A rough baseball game? No, more like a collection of people usually unarmed sitting in a densely populated little area, a prime target for a mass shooting. I wouldn't go anywhere like that UNLESS I was armed. I know you prefer unarmed victims, but we don't.

And when someone busts into your house and is running down your hall what good will that locked up gun do?

No gun in the car? Carjackers love easy victims.

Shouldn't carry guns on a daily basis because it's dangerous? Tell the cops that.
I've been over this before with 2AGuy--there are dozens of murders for every SD use
and this is not counting guns used in rapes/crimes either
There are over a million self defense uses of firearms a year remind me when we had 2 dozen MILLION murders?
hahahahhah---who do you think you're dealing with?
like I've said, I've been over this with 2AGuy---and with the research/facts/links
there are NOT a million SD uses per year-----these are not DOCUMENTED facts
I KNOW you will put up a link--but it will NOT have documented each use--not fact

RIDICULOUS!! THINK please with your big head--not emotionally
there are about 15,000 murders per year
so you think for every murder, there are over 50 SD uses???!!!!!!! [ if my math is correct ]
that means crime is MUCH higher than documented
they hardly ever charge in crap like this --but they should
Agreed. Surely that Mother did not plan on or want her little daughter to be shot and killed. But she needs to be held responsible for her, to say the least, carelessness, that resulted in her chid's demise.

I'm not big on the, let's make an example of this person, mentality, but if doing so in this case would wake some people up and save another child from being shot to death, I'm all for it.
That must have been a rough baseball game that they were going to if she needed to take a gun.
Always keep guns locked up.
Don't leave a gun in you car.
People should not carry guns on a daily basis because it's very dangerous and a yooog responsibility.

A rough baseball game? No, more like a collection of people usually unarmed sitting in a densely populated little area, a prime target for a mass shooting. I wouldn't go anywhere like that UNLESS I was armed. I know you prefer unarmed victims, but we don't.

And when someone busts into your house and is running down your hall what good will that locked up gun do?

No gun in the car? Carjackers love easy victims.

Shouldn't carry guns on a daily basis because it's dangerous? Tell the cops that.
I've been over this before with 2AGuy--there are dozens of murders for every SD use
and this is not counting guns used in rapes/crimes either
There are over a million self defense uses of firearms a year remind me when we had 2 dozen MILLION murders?
When analyzing the most reliable data available, what is most striking is that in a nation of more than 300 million guns, how rarely firearms are used in self-defense.
  • In 2015, the FBI reports there were only 265 justifiable homicides involving a private citizen using a firearm. That same year, there were 9,027 criminal gun homicides. Guns were used in 34 criminal homicides for every justifiable homicide.
Self-Defense Gun Use
If that had happened to me I would be driven to spend the rest of my life educating people on gun safety. What else can one do to atone for a mistake of that magnitude?

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