A Georgia girl has died after her 4-year-old brother accidentally shot her

That must have been a rough baseball game that they were going to if she needed to take a gun.
Always keep guns locked up.
Don't leave a gun in you car.
People should not carry guns on a daily basis because it's very dangerous and a yooog responsibility.

And when someone busts into your house and is running down your hall what good will that locked up gun do?

No gun in the car? Carjackers love easy victims.

Shouldn't carry guns on a daily basis because it's dangerous? Tell the cops that.
you are so ridiculous
1. get a dog/lock your doors and windows
...my dogs have always alerted us when someone is just even getting out of cars nearby
...if any one gets even near out doors or window, the dog will alert us
you can have the pistol handy/locked up/etc and still be able to retrieve it in time
..I lived in a ''bad'' hood' for 25 years --and my parents--and we never had anyone break in
2. cops get murdered even though they carry --you are NOT Dirty Harry Mr Tough guy hero
3. if you have KIDS---LOCK you weapons up --if not, keep them on you--it is stupid not to
4. living in a house with a gun increase chances of death
Living in a house with a gun increases your odds of death
5. I would like to own an SD pistol.....but I have teenage kids--so I would LOCK it up and/or keep near me-on me
...I am not anti-gun--just pro-common sense
6. those jackass prison escapees got their weapon from an unoccupied house where someone left their weapons
2015 Clinton Correctional Facility escape - Wikipedia

Get a dog? Why would I want a dog to maul my kids?
we've had dogs my whole life--never a problem--must be the owners fault
you just FKD up!!
you have PROVEN beyond a doubt how silly your arguments are
39 vs 15,000...39 TOTAL
that's 39 vs 15 THOUSAND
you prove MY point
2017 U.S. Dog Bite Fatalities - DogsBite.org
There are not 15000 murders a year more like 10 to 11 thousand but then you lie as a rule of thumb.
That must have been a rough baseball game that they were going to if she needed to take a gun.
Always keep guns locked up.
Don't leave a gun in you car.
People should not carry guns on a daily basis because it's very dangerous and a yooog responsibility.

And when someone busts into your house and is running down your hall what good will that locked up gun do?

No gun in the car? Carjackers love easy victims.

Shouldn't carry guns on a daily basis because it's dangerous? Tell the cops that.
you are so ridiculous
1. get a dog/lock your doors and windows
...my dogs have always alerted us when someone is just even getting out of cars nearby
...if any one gets even near out doors or window, the dog will alert us
you can have the pistol handy/locked up/etc and still be able to retrieve it in time
..I lived in a ''bad'' hood' for 25 years --and my parents--and we never had anyone break in
2. cops get murdered even though they carry --you are NOT Dirty Harry Mr Tough guy hero
3. if you have KIDS---LOCK you weapons up --if not, keep them on you--it is stupid not to
4. living in a house with a gun increase chances of death
Living in a house with a gun increases your odds of death
5. I would like to own an SD pistol.....but I have teenage kids--so I would LOCK it up and/or keep near me-on me
...I am not anti-gun--just pro-common sense
6. those jackass prison escapees got their weapon from an unoccupied house where someone left their weapons
2015 Clinton Correctional Facility escape - Wikipedia

Get a dog? Why would I want a dog to maul my kids?
we've had dogs my whole life--never a problem--must be the owners fault
you just FKD up!!
you have PROVEN beyond a doubt how silly your arguments are
39 vs 15,000...39 TOTAL
that's 39 vs 15 THOUSAND
you prove MY point
2017 U.S. Dog Bite Fatalities - DogsBite.org
There are not 15000 murders a year more like 10 to 11 thousand but then you lie as a rule of thumb.
hahahahhah--you fked up too!!!
...so if the murder count is lower at 11,000, that means you think for every murder there are MORE SD uses!!! almost 100!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
here, I'll show you
for every 1 murder

1 murder
you say there are 100 SD uses [ ahhahah ] bullshit

SD uses per 1 murder
iiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiii
iiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiii
iiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiii
iiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiii
iiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiii

That must have been a rough baseball game that they were going to if she needed to take a gun.
Always keep guns locked up.
Don't leave a gun in you car.
People should not carry guns on a daily basis because it's very dangerous and a yooog responsibility.

A rough baseball game? No, more like a collection of people usually unarmed sitting in a densely populated little area, a prime target for a mass shooting. I wouldn't go anywhere like that UNLESS I was armed. I know you prefer unarmed victims, but we don't.

And when someone busts into your house and is running down your hall what good will that locked up gun do?

No gun in the car? Carjackers love easy victims.

Shouldn't carry guns on a daily basis because it's dangerous? Tell the cops that.
I've been over this before with 2AGuy--there are dozens of murders for every SD use
and this is not counting guns used in rapes/crimes either
There are over a million self defense uses of firearms a year remind me when we had 2 dozen MILLION murders?
hahahahhah---who do you think you're dealing with?
like I've said, I've been over this with 2AGuy---and with the research/facts/links
there are NOT a million SD uses per year-----these are not DOCUMENTED facts
I KNOW you will put up a link--but it will NOT have documented each use--not fact

RIDICULOUS!! THINK please with your big head--not emotionally
there are about 15,000 murders per year
so you think for every murder, there are over 50 SD uses???!!!!!!! [ if my math is correct ]
that means crime is MUCH higher than documented
Obama and Clintons check into it said between 600 thousand and 1.5 million uses, are you calling them Liars?
impressive links you have
AND--they SAID------???? hahahahahahahha
no REAL statistics --ACTUAL incidents
That must have been a rough baseball game that they were going to if she needed to take a gun.
Always keep guns locked up.
Don't leave a gun in you car.
People should not carry guns on a daily basis because it's very dangerous and a yooog responsibility.

A rough baseball game? No, more like a collection of people usually unarmed sitting in a densely populated little area, a prime target for a mass shooting. I wouldn't go anywhere like that UNLESS I was armed. I know you prefer unarmed victims, but we don't.

And when someone busts into your house and is running down your hall what good will that locked up gun do?

No gun in the car? Carjackers love easy victims.

Shouldn't carry guns on a daily basis because it's dangerous? Tell the cops that.


Sucks.....no education, no training.....this is what happens. Tragedy the need'nt have happened.
this stuff happens with humans --training or not
guns are the MOST efficient hand held tools DESIGNED for killing
....human error is the biggest reason for air crashes--not faulty planes--because humans are not perfect
.....humans are stupid-imperfect--HIGHLY erratic----they come up with the most stupid shit--give them a '''tool''' DESIGNED to kill EASILY and it is UNDENIABLE/obvious that they will kill----purposely and not on purpose
...remember the girl who accidentally killed the gun range operator??...she was not even trying to kill him

First of all, guns have never been designed for killing.
If they were, than any wound would be fatal because bullets would contain poison, just as some people did with edged weapons thousands of years ago.

Second is that over 99% of all firearm uses cause no harm at all.
Most police never even fire a single shot in their entire life.
Clearly the main purpose of firearms is to intimidate, in order to prevent violence.

You also have misinterpreted air crash statistics.
The original start of almost all plane crashes is mechanical or weather.
They just blame pilot error because if the pilot had done the right reaction to the mechanical/weather problem, then the crash could have been avoided.

And the example of the 9 year old girl being given a full auto Uzi machine pistol to shoot is just insane.
No one rational would have done that, because there is no way a child could hold up to the recoil.
One should not incorrectly blame the gun or the hundreds of millions of rational people who would not have done something that stupid.
Sucks.....no education, no training.....this is what happens. Tragedy the need'nt have happened.
this stuff happens with humans --training or not
guns are the MOST efficient hand held tools DESIGNED for killing
....human error is the biggest reason for air crashes--not faulty planes--because humans are not perfect
.....humans are stupid-imperfect--HIGHLY erratic----they come up with the most stupid shit--give them a '''tool''' DESIGNED to kill EASILY and it is UNDENIABLE/obvious that they will kill----purposely and not on purpose
...remember the girl who accidentally killed the gun range operator??...she was not even trying to kill him

First of all, guns have never been designed for killing.
If they were, than any wound would be fatal because bullets would contain poison, just as some people did with edged weapons thousands of years ago.

Second is that over 99% of all firearm uses cause no harm at all.
Most police never even fire a single shot in their entire life.
Clearly the main purpose of firearms is to intimidate, in order to prevent violence.

You also have misinterpreted air crash statistics.
The original start of almost all plane crashes is mechanical or weather.
They just blame pilot error because if the pilot had done the right reaction to the mechanical/weather problem, then the crash could have been avoided.

And the example of the 9 year old girl being given a full auto Uzi machine pistol to shoot is just insane.
No one rational would have done that, because there is no way a child could hold up to the recoil.
One should not incorrectly blame the gun or the hundreds of millions of rational people who would not have done something that stupid.
guns not designed to kill???!!!! WHAT !!??? hahahahahha
it is undeniable, guns are the MOST efficient hand-held '''tools'' designed to kill
ANOTHER ridiculous argument
how come soldiers/Marines carry ''guns'' and not pools/fire/bats/cars/etc?
....how come HUNTERS use guns and not bats/pools/knives/hammers??--they KILL animals--no?
you ALSO--provide NO proof/links/etc = crap
'''is just insane.
No one rational would have done that, because there is no way a child could hold up to the recoil.'''
YES YES EXACTLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!! thank you---- that's my point--humans DO insane crap
that's what I said --you can't trust humans with a ''tool'' designed to kill EFFICIENTLY and easily--with just a slight pull of your FINGER
Last edited:
A rough baseball game? No, more like a collection of people usually unarmed sitting in a densely populated little area, a prime target for a mass shooting. I wouldn't go anywhere like that UNLESS I was armed. I know you prefer unarmed victims, but we don't.

And when someone busts into your house and is running down your hall what good will that locked up gun do?

No gun in the car? Carjackers love easy victims.

Shouldn't carry guns on a daily basis because it's dangerous? Tell the cops that.
I've been over this before with 2AGuy--there are dozens of murders for every SD use
and this is not counting guns used in rapes/crimes either
There are over a million self defense uses of firearms a year remind me when we had 2 dozen MILLION murders?
hahahahhah---who do you think you're dealing with?
like I've said, I've been over this with 2AGuy---and with the research/facts/links
there are NOT a million SD uses per year-----these are not DOCUMENTED facts
I KNOW you will put up a link--but it will NOT have documented each use--not fact

RIDICULOUS!! THINK please with your big head--not emotionally
there are about 15,000 murders per year
so you think for every murder, there are over 50 SD uses???!!!!!!! [ if my math is correct ]
that means crime is MUCH higher than documented
Obama and Clintons check into it said between 600 thousand and 1.5 million uses, are you calling them Liars?
impressive links you have
AND--they SAID------???? hahahahahahahha
no REAL statistics --ACTUAL incidents

The problem is that when people deter a crime, they rarely report it.
But we know there are over 1 million successful serious crimes every years, and that almost 4 times as many failed attempts as successful one.
So it is possible or even likely that people prevent over 4 million serious crimes every year, and almost half of them are prevented because of a defensive possession of a firearm.
I've been over this before with 2AGuy--there are dozens of murders for every SD use
and this is not counting guns used in rapes/crimes either
There are over a million self defense uses of firearms a year remind me when we had 2 dozen MILLION murders?
hahahahhah---who do you think you're dealing with?
like I've said, I've been over this with 2AGuy---and with the research/facts/links
there are NOT a million SD uses per year-----these are not DOCUMENTED facts
I KNOW you will put up a link--but it will NOT have documented each use--not fact

RIDICULOUS!! THINK please with your big head--not emotionally
there are about 15,000 murders per year
so you think for every murder, there are over 50 SD uses???!!!!!!! [ if my math is correct ]
that means crime is MUCH higher than documented
Obama and Clintons check into it said between 600 thousand and 1.5 million uses, are you calling them Liars?
impressive links you have
AND--they SAID------???? hahahahahahahha
no REAL statistics --ACTUAL incidents

The problem is that when people deter a crime, they rarely report it.
But we know there are over 1 million successful serious crimes every years, and that almost 4 times as many failed attempts as successful one.
So it is possible or even likely that people prevent over 4 million serious crimes every year, and almost half of them are prevented because of a defensive possession of a firearm.
I've been waiting for REAL proof ....................ZZZZZZZZZ.......waiting
2 million prevented by guns!!!?? --please see my posts above
I've been over this before with 2AGuy--there are dozens of murders for every SD use
and this is not counting guns used in rapes/crimes either
There are over a million self defense uses of firearms a year remind me when we had 2 dozen MILLION murders?
hahahahhah---who do you think you're dealing with?
like I've said, I've been over this with 2AGuy---and with the research/facts/links
there are NOT a million SD uses per year-----these are not DOCUMENTED facts
I KNOW you will put up a link--but it will NOT have documented each use--not fact

RIDICULOUS!! THINK please with your big head--not emotionally
there are about 15,000 murders per year
so you think for every murder, there are over 50 SD uses???!!!!!!! [ if my math is correct ]
that means crime is MUCH higher than documented
Obama and Clintons check into it said between 600 thousand and 1.5 million uses, are you calling them Liars?
impressive links you have
AND--they SAID------???? hahahahahahahha
no REAL statistics --ACTUAL incidents

The problem is that when people deter a crime, they rarely report it.
But we know there are over 1 million successful serious crimes every years, and that almost 4 times as many failed attempts as successful one.
So it is possible or even likely that people prevent over 4 million serious crimes every year, and almost half of them are prevented because of a defensive possession of a firearm.
so they have a serious crime committed against them and they don't report it??????????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
this is DUMBSHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
why don't they report it?? are they ''part of the crime???
please see ALL my previous posts----
I've been over this before with 2AGuy--there are dozens of murders for every SD use
and this is not counting guns used in rapes/crimes either
There are over a million self defense uses of firearms a year remind me when we had 2 dozen MILLION murders?
hahahahhah---who do you think you're dealing with?
like I've said, I've been over this with 2AGuy---and with the research/facts/links
there are NOT a million SD uses per year-----these are not DOCUMENTED facts
I KNOW you will put up a link--but it will NOT have documented each use--not fact

RIDICULOUS!! THINK please with your big head--not emotionally
there are about 15,000 murders per year
so you think for every murder, there are over 50 SD uses???!!!!!!! [ if my math is correct ]
that means crime is MUCH higher than documented
Obama and Clintons check into it said between 600 thousand and 1.5 million uses, are you calling them Liars?
impressive links you have
AND--they SAID------???? hahahahahahahha
no REAL statistics --ACTUAL incidents

The problem is that when people deter a crime, they rarely report it.
But we know there are over 1 million successful serious crimes every years, and that almost 4 times as many failed attempts as successful one.
So it is possible or even likely that people prevent over 4 million serious crimes every year, and almost half of them are prevented because of a defensive possession of a firearm.
so what you are saying is the US crime rate is MUCH higher than it really is
MANY times higher
.....and you know what??? all this BULLSHIT the pro-gunners/2AGuy says about how gun ownership bringing crime rates lower is BULLSHIT
..so when they say the UK with strict gun control has a higher crime rate--you say that's not true at all----guns DON'T help reduce crime

so anyway you look at it, you people have problems with your arguments

but we know there are not that many SD uses
And when someone busts into your house and is running down your hall what good will that locked up gun do?

No gun in the car? Carjackers love easy victims.

Shouldn't carry guns on a daily basis because it's dangerous? Tell the cops that.
you are so ridiculous
1. get a dog/lock your doors and windows
...my dogs have always alerted us when someone is just even getting out of cars nearby
...if any one gets even near out doors or window, the dog will alert us
you can have the pistol handy/locked up/etc and still be able to retrieve it in time
..I lived in a ''bad'' hood' for 25 years --and my parents--and we never had anyone break in
2. cops get murdered even though they carry --you are NOT Dirty Harry Mr Tough guy hero
3. if you have KIDS---LOCK you weapons up --if not, keep them on you--it is stupid not to
4. living in a house with a gun increase chances of death
Living in a house with a gun increases your odds of death
5. I would like to own an SD pistol.....but I have teenage kids--so I would LOCK it up and/or keep near me-on me
...I am not anti-gun--just pro-common sense
6. those jackass prison escapees got their weapon from an unoccupied house where someone left their weapons
2015 Clinton Correctional Facility escape - Wikipedia

Get a dog? Why would I want a dog to maul my kids?
we've had dogs my whole life--never a problem--must be the owners fault
you just FKD up!!
you have PROVEN beyond a doubt how silly your arguments are
39 vs 15,000...39 TOTAL
that's 39 vs 15 THOUSAND
you prove MY point
2017 U.S. Dog Bite Fatalities - DogsBite.org
There are not 15000 murders a year more like 10 to 11 thousand but then you lie as a rule of thumb.
hahahahhah--you fked up too!!!
...so if the murder count is lower at 11,000, that means you think for every murder there are MORE SD uses!!! almost 100!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
here, I'll show you
for every 1 murder

1 murder
you say there are 100 SD uses [ ahhahah ] bullshit

SD uses per 1 murder
iiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiii
iiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiii
iiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiii
iiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiii
iiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiii

Murder is NOT the only time crime is stopped you moron, robbery rape, burglary, car jacking, assault and battery, the list goes on and on, now answer the question , did Obama and Clinton lie about the number of times they are used when they were President and had a study commissioned?
Sucks.....no education, no training.....this is what happens. Tragedy the need'nt have happened.
this stuff happens with humans --training or not
guns are the MOST efficient hand held tools DESIGNED for killing
....human error is the biggest reason for air crashes--not faulty planes--because humans are not perfect
.....humans are stupid-imperfect--HIGHLY erratic----they come up with the most stupid shit--give them a '''tool''' DESIGNED to kill EASILY and it is UNDENIABLE/obvious that they will kill----purposely and not on purpose
...remember the girl who accidentally killed the gun range operator??...she was not even trying to kill him

First of all, guns have never been designed for killing.
If they were, than any wound would be fatal because bullets would contain poison, just as some people did with edged weapons thousands of years ago.

Second is that over 99% of all firearm uses cause no harm at all.
Most police never even fire a single shot in their entire life.
Clearly the main purpose of firearms is to intimidate, in order to prevent violence.

You also have misinterpreted air crash statistics.
The original start of almost all plane crashes is mechanical or weather.
They just blame pilot error because if the pilot had done the right reaction to the mechanical/weather problem, then the crash could have been avoided.

And the example of the 9 year old girl being given a full auto Uzi machine pistol to shoot is just insane.
No one rational would have done that, because there is no way a child could hold up to the recoil.
One should not incorrectly blame the gun or the hundreds of millions of rational people who would not have done something that stupid.
guns not designed to kill???!!!! WHAT !!??? hahahahahha
it is undeniable, guns are the MOST efficient hand-held '''tools'' designed to kill
ANOTHER ridiculous argument
how come soldiers/Marines carry ''guns'' and not pools/fire/bats/cars/etc?
....how come HUNTERS use guns and not bats/pools/knives/hammers??--they KILL animals--no?
you ALSO--provide NO proof/links/etc = crap
'''is just insane.
No one rational would have done that, because there is no way a child could hold up to the recoil.'''
YES YES EXACTLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!! thank you---- that's my point--humans DO insane crap
that's what I said --you can't trust humans with a ''tool'' designed to kill EFFICIENTLY and easily--with just a slight pull of your FINGER

That is totally wrong on all counts.

Clearly the most effective means of killing is a tiny poison dart.
Native hunters use them to instantly and reliably kill prey every time.
The fact firearms do not employ poisons, is because they are not at all designed to kill.

As a matter of fact, the who change from the .30-06 of WWI and the .308 caliber of WWII, to the tiny .223 of the Vietnam war, was mostly due to the desire to not kill.
That is because soldiers are more effective at defeating the enemy when they create lots of wounded that have to be taken care of, instead of just killing lots of people.
The M-16/M-4 standard rifles the military has switched to are clearly designed to be as non-lethal as possible.
That is why the .223 caliber used in the M-16/M-4 military rifles, is illegal to hunt with in most states, because with hunting you want absolute lethal assurances.

And clearly you know little about airplanes.
When the 2 recent Boeing plane crashes happened because the automated stall correction system incorrectly dove the planes into the ground, the crashes were officially attributed to pilot error even though it was obviously a mechanical malfunction and not caused originally by any human error.
That is because the malfunction is bound to happen eventually, so pilots are trained in a maneuver where they roll off to the left, and cause the automated system to shut down.
The pilots failed to initiate this standard maneuver, so then were assessed final blame.
But clearly for ordinary purposes, the automated malfunction was the actual initial source of the problem.
So you are totally misinterpreting the statistics.

Yes, humans do insane stuff, but that is why all responsible people must have weapons so that they can defend themselves, and others, from the ones doing the insane stuff.
To not have weapons, means you have absolutely no means of preventing the insane stuff by others from harming you or your family.
That is equally insane.

That is like wishing that no lethal technology ever existed.
There is no way to put the technology genie back in the bottle.
All humans have had easy access to lethal means for thousands of years, so now the responsible people have to ensure they have at least equal arms, for defense.
Sucks.....no education, no training.....this is what happens. Tragedy the need'nt have happened.
this stuff happens with humans --training or not
guns are the MOST efficient hand held tools DESIGNED for killing
....human error is the biggest reason for air crashes--not faulty planes--because humans are not perfect
.....humans are stupid-imperfect--HIGHLY erratic----they come up with the most stupid shit--give them a '''tool''' DESIGNED to kill EASILY and it is UNDENIABLE/obvious that they will kill----purposely and not on purpose
...remember the girl who accidentally killed the gun range operator??...she was not even trying to kill him

First of all, guns have never been designed for killing.
If they were, than any wound would be fatal because bullets would contain poison, just as some people did with edged weapons thousands of years ago.

Second is that over 99% of all firearm uses cause no harm at all.
Most police never even fire a single shot in their entire life.
Clearly the main purpose of firearms is to intimidate, in order to prevent violence.

You also have misinterpreted air crash statistics.
The original start of almost all plane crashes is mechanical or weather.
They just blame pilot error because if the pilot had done the right reaction to the mechanical/weather problem, then the crash could have been avoided.

And the example of the 9 year old girl being given a full auto Uzi machine pistol to shoot is just insane.
No one rational would have done that, because there is no way a child could hold up to the recoil.
One should not incorrectly blame the gun or the hundreds of millions of rational people who would not have done something that stupid.
guns not designed to kill???!!!! WHAT !!??? hahahahahha
it is undeniable, guns are the MOST efficient hand-held '''tools'' designed to kill
ANOTHER ridiculous argument
how come soldiers/Marines carry ''guns'' and not pools/fire/bats/cars/etc?
....how come HUNTERS use guns and not bats/pools/knives/hammers??--they KILL animals--no?
you ALSO--provide NO proof/links/etc = crap
'''is just insane.
No one rational would have done that, because there is no way a child could hold up to the recoil.'''
YES YES EXACTLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!! thank you---- that's my point--humans DO insane crap
that's what I said --you can't trust humans with a ''tool'' designed to kill EFFICIENTLY and easily--with just a slight pull of your FINGER

That is totally wrong on all counts.

Clearly the most effective means of killing is a tiny poison dart.
Native hunters use them to instantly and reliably kill prey every time.
The fact firearms do not employ poisons, is because they are not at all designed to kill.

As a matter of fact, the who change from the .30-06 of WWI and the .308 caliber of WWII, to the tiny .223 of the Vietnam war, was mostly due to the desire to not kill.
That is because soldiers are more effective at defeating the enemy when they create lots of wounded that have to be taken care of, instead of just killing lots of people.
The M-16/M-4 standard rifles the military has switched to are clearly designed to be as non-lethal as possible.
That is why the .223 caliber used in the M-16/M-4 military rifles, is illegal to hunt with in most states, because with hunting you want absolute lethal assurances.

And clearly you know little about airplanes.
When the 2 recent Boeing plane crashes happened because the automated stall correction system incorrectly dove the planes into the ground, the crashes were officially attributed to pilot error even though it was obviously a mechanical malfunction and not caused originally by any human error.
That is because the malfunction is bound to happen eventually, so pilots are trained in a maneuver where they roll off to the left, and cause the automated system to shut down.
The pilots failed to initiate this standard maneuver, so then were assessed final blame.
But clearly for ordinary purposes, the automated malfunction was the actual initial source of the problem.
So you are totally misinterpreting the statistics.

Yes, humans do insane stuff, but that is why all responsible people must have weapons so that they can defend themselves, and others, from the ones doing the insane stuff.
To not have weapons, means you have absolutely no means of preventing the insane stuff by others from harming you or your family.
That is equally insane.

That is like wishing that no lethal technology ever existed.
There is no way to put the technology genie back in the bottle.
All humans have had easy access to lethal means for thousands of years, so now the responsible people have to ensure they have at least equal arms, for defense.
Clearly the most effective means of killing is a tiny poison dart.
please tell me you are joking/trolling
....poison darts can kill as many from as far away as mass shooters with AR15s?---that's enough of the dumbshit--very silly...let me know when you have some real evidence
you are so ridiculous
1. get a dog/lock your doors and windows
...my dogs have always alerted us when someone is just even getting out of cars nearby
...if any one gets even near out doors or window, the dog will alert us
you can have the pistol handy/locked up/etc and still be able to retrieve it in time
..I lived in a ''bad'' hood' for 25 years --and my parents--and we never had anyone break in
2. cops get murdered even though they carry --you are NOT Dirty Harry Mr Tough guy hero
3. if you have KIDS---LOCK you weapons up --if not, keep them on you--it is stupid not to
4. living in a house with a gun increase chances of death
Living in a house with a gun increases your odds of death
5. I would like to own an SD pistol.....but I have teenage kids--so I would LOCK it up and/or keep near me-on me
...I am not anti-gun--just pro-common sense
6. those jackass prison escapees got their weapon from an unoccupied house where someone left their weapons
2015 Clinton Correctional Facility escape - Wikipedia

Get a dog? Why would I want a dog to maul my kids?
we've had dogs my whole life--never a problem--must be the owners fault
you just FKD up!!
you have PROVEN beyond a doubt how silly your arguments are
39 vs 15,000...39 TOTAL
that's 39 vs 15 THOUSAND
you prove MY point
2017 U.S. Dog Bite Fatalities - DogsBite.org
There are not 15000 murders a year more like 10 to 11 thousand but then you lie as a rule of thumb.
hahahahhah--you fked up too!!!
...so if the murder count is lower at 11,000, that means you think for every murder there are MORE SD uses!!! almost 100!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
here, I'll show you
for every 1 murder

1 murder
you say there are 100 SD uses [ ahhahah ] bullshit

SD uses per 1 murder
iiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiii
iiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiii
iiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiii
iiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiii
iiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiii

Murder is NOT the only time crime is stopped you moron, robbery rape, burglary, car jacking, assault and battery, the list goes on and on, now answer the question , did Obama and Clinton lie about the number of times they are used when they were President and had a study commissioned?
1. again--you people must have an aversion to providing proof
2. you also must not be able to comprehend basic sentences---no one said murder is the only crime stopped
it's a comparison!!!!
so--again--you are saying for every 1 murder, there are about 90 REAL SD uses--NO WAY
.....if there is a REAL SD use, it is reported in my city's news ...and sometimes even these turn out to be bullshit
There are over a million self defense uses of firearms a year remind me when we had 2 dozen MILLION murders?
hahahahhah---who do you think you're dealing with?
like I've said, I've been over this with 2AGuy---and with the research/facts/links
there are NOT a million SD uses per year-----these are not DOCUMENTED facts
I KNOW you will put up a link--but it will NOT have documented each use--not fact

RIDICULOUS!! THINK please with your big head--not emotionally
there are about 15,000 murders per year
so you think for every murder, there are over 50 SD uses???!!!!!!! [ if my math is correct ]
that means crime is MUCH higher than documented
Obama and Clintons check into it said between 600 thousand and 1.5 million uses, are you calling them Liars?
impressive links you have
AND--they SAID------???? hahahahahahahha
no REAL statistics --ACTUAL incidents

The problem is that when people deter a crime, they rarely report it.
But we know there are over 1 million successful serious crimes every years, and that almost 4 times as many failed attempts as successful one.
So it is possible or even likely that people prevent over 4 million serious crimes every year, and almost half of them are prevented because of a defensive possession of a firearm.
so what you are saying is the US crime rate is MUCH higher than it really is
MANY times higher
.....and you know what??? all this BULLSHIT the pro-gunners/2AGuy says about how gun ownership bringing crime rates lower is BULLSHIT
..so when they say the UK with strict gun control has a higher crime rate--you say that's not true at all----guns DON'T help reduce crime

so anyway you look at it, you people have problems with your arguments

but we know there are not that many SD uses

No, the crime rate is the rate of reported successful crimes, and that is about half of the actual crime rate because many victims of crimes can not risk reporting them. That includes anyone earning money illegally, such as drugs, prostitution, gambling, etc.
But the unsuccessful crimes are not counted at all, whether reported or not.
So statistics have been estimated by interviewing criminals, anonymous phone polls, etc.
So we know that around 2 million unsuccessful crime attempts occur for those 1 million successful crimes that are reported.

And your use of the UK to claim that guns don't prevent crimes makes no sense at all.
Obviously in the UK it is much harder to prevent crimes because the average population is unarmed.
So then clearly there should be a high rate of success to crime in the UK, and there is.
1. again--you people must have an aversion to providing proof
2. you also must not be able to comprehend basic sentences---no one said murder is the only crime stopped
it's a comparison!!!!
so--again--you are saying for every 1 murder, there are about 90 REAL SD uses--NO WAY
.....if there is a REAL SD use, it is reported in my city's news ...and sometimes even these turn out to be bullshit

You really are not making any sense at all.
The DOJ statistics are that over 1 million serious crimes are successful every year in the US.
So then what researchers are claiming, and are likely correct, is that about 2 million serious crimes a year are prevented by someone with a firearm.
No one should just be talking about murders, and it is only a factor of 2 or so, not 90.
And personally, I think any serious crime like rape, should be stopped if possible, and only firearms can do that.

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