A Georgia girl has died after her 4-year-old brother accidentally shot her

....this is an example of your pro- I need 20 guns arguments = guns are like POOLS
that's it ......this compares to all of your arguments

The number of guns a person owns is immaterial. They can only use one at a time.

I own over 100 firearms. Not one has ever harmed anyone.
Do they......help?

They are an investment mainly. One of them is probably more valuable than your entire net worth.

You seem to be a pretty poor individual in all respects.
they hardly ever charge in crap like this --but they should
Agreed. Surely that Mother did not plan on or want her little daughter to be shot and killed. But she needs to be held responsible for her, to say the least, carelessness, that resulted in her chid's demise.

I'm not big on the, let's make an example of this person, mentality, but if doing so in this case would wake some people up and save another child from being shot to death, I'm all for it.
you have fake outrage… shut the fuck up
....this is an example of your pro- I need 20 guns arguments = guns are like POOLS
that's it ......this compares to all of your arguments

The number of guns a person owns is immaterial. They can only use one at a time.

I own over 100 firearms. Not one has ever harmed anyone.
Do they......help?

They are an investment mainly. One of them is probably more valuable than your entire net worth.

You seem to be a pretty poor individual in all respects.
Interesting how you cannot avoid making your answers personal....I can see the need for so many....enhancers.
That must have been a rough baseball game that they were going to if she needed to take a gun.
Always keep guns locked up.
Don't leave a gun in you car.
People should not carry guns on a daily basis because it's very dangerous and a yooog responsibility.

And when someone busts into your house and is running down your hall what good will that locked up gun do?

No gun in the car? Carjackers love easy victims.

Shouldn't carry guns on a daily basis because it's dangerous? Tell the cops that.
you are so ridiculous
1. get a dog/lock your doors and windows
...my dogs have always alerted us when someone is just even getting out of cars nearby
...if any one gets even near out doors or window, the dog will alert us
you can have the pistol handy/locked up/etc and still be able to retrieve it in time
..I lived in a ''bad'' hood' for 25 years --and my parents--and we never had anyone break in
2. cops get murdered even though they carry --you are NOT Dirty Harry Mr Tough guy hero
3. if you have KIDS---LOCK you weapons up --if not, keep them on you--it is stupid not to
4. living in a house with a gun increase chances of death
Living in a house with a gun increases your odds of death
5. I would like to own an SD pistol.....but I have teenage kids--so I would LOCK it up and/or keep near me-on me
...I am not anti-gun--just pro-common sense
6. those jackass prison escapees got their weapon from an unoccupied house where someone left their weapons
2015 Clinton Correctional Facility escape - Wikipedia

Get a dog? Why would I want a dog to maul my kids? You get a fucking dog. I'll get a gun so I can actually protect them.
Yep, Progressives are disingenuous about most everything...
....this is an example of your pro- I need 20 guns arguments = guns are like POOLS
that's it ......this compares to all of your arguments

The number of guns a person owns is immaterial. They can only use one at a time.

I own over 100 firearms. Not one has ever harmed anyone.
Do they......help?

They are an investment mainly. One of them is probably more valuable than your entire net worth.

You seem to be a pretty poor individual in all respects.
Interesting how you cannot avoid making your answers personal....I can see the need for so many....enhancers.

You're a worthless piece of poo. You get what you deserve. I treat you with contempt because you are contemptible

Irrelevant. Toasters toast, guns shoot. It's what they do.

A gun has never shot by itself. It has always taken an action by a human to discharge it.

Humans in places like South Chicago will discharge a gun quite often, many times at other human beings.
a little girl is dead and Taxman mocks it--
I see it's been deleted----good call
Oh please, you mock ever single child gunned down in school shooting by blocking ever effort to stop access to assault type rifles,.
>> Let us leave aside for the moment the fact that since 9/11 not a single American has been killed in a terrorist attack by a citizen from the countries on this list. The reality is that an American is at least twice as likely to be shot dead by a toddler than killed by a terrorist. In 2014 88 Americans were shot dead, on average, every day: 58 killed themselves while 30 were murdered. In that same year 18 Americans were killed by terrorist attacks in the US. Put more starkly: more Americans were killed by firearms roughly every five hours than were killed by terrorists in an entire year.<<​

From the same article this line is less relevant but I like its train of thought:

>> To hide behind the mantra “guns don’t kill people, people kill people” is an act of fallacious sophistry. Toasters don’t make toast, people make toast. True. But toasters exist to make toast: guns exist to kill people. <<​

Unfortunately in the instant case, the instrument did exactly what it was designed to do.

Your toaster analogy is dumb. I'd say it's a pretty safe bet that 100% of all toasters have been used to make toast whereas only a tiny fraction of the guns in the US have been used to kill a person.

That's what the function of both is whether they get used or not.

My toaster is sitting in the kitchen idle right now. Not making toast. Until it does.
The gun in the OP story was sitting idle in the car, not killing anyone. Until it did.

In both cases the instrument does what it's designed to do.

Nobody buys a toaster thinking "gee, I hope I am never forced to use this to make toast but it's better safe than sorry"

Irrelevant. Toasters toast, guns shoot. It's what they do.
You're very shallow minded...
You need to get an education.
A Georgia girl has died after her 4-year-old brother accidentally shot her, authorities say - CNN

"Detectives determined that no charges will be filed."

Really? Way to go Mom.
Like you really even care.... shut the fuck up
"lol"? :eusa_eh:
All he cares about is control, he doesn’t care about the girl. Progressives are all about controlling other people they disagree with
And yet....your posts are chock full of concern for the victim girl.....
The little girl died because the parents were not responsible. You never leave a loaded gun where children can get a hold of it. Never.

There are many dangerous things you need to keep children from having access to. A firearm is one of them.

My wife and I are going this afternoon to babysit our five year old granddaughter.

My son lives in a safe neighborhood but to get to his home we need to go through a less than desirable minority area. You know, the ones that vote for Democrats. Because of that I will carry a firearm with me.

However, as soon as I get to the house I will unload and clear the firearm because of the child being there. I never have a loaded firearm around children.
A Georgia girl has died after her 4-year-old brother accidentally shot her, authorities say - CNN

"Detectives determined that no charges will be filed."

Really? Way to go Mom.
Like you really even care.... shut the fuck up
"lol"? :eusa_eh:
All he cares about is control, he doesn’t care about the girl. Progressives are all about controlling other people they disagree with
And yet....your posts are chock full of concern for the victim girl.....
Shit happens...
Only a fool would blame firearms for the death of that girl.
You can’t be that stupid?
A Georgia girl has died after her 4-year-old brother accidentally shot her, authorities say - CNN

"Detectives determined that no charges will be filed."

Really? Way to go Mom.
Like you really even care.... shut the fuck up
"lol"? :eusa_eh:
All he cares about is control, he doesn’t care about the girl. Progressives are all about controlling other people they disagree with
And yet....your posts are chock full of concern for the victim girl.....
Shit happens...
Only a fool would blame firearms for the death of that girl.
You can’t be that stupid?
And that sums it up...."shit happens".....I see we don't bother with the "thoughts & prayers" anymore.
Like you really even care.... shut the fuck up
"lol"? :eusa_eh:
All he cares about is control, he doesn’t care about the girl. Progressives are all about controlling other people they disagree with
And yet....your posts are chock full of concern for the victim girl.....
Shit happens...
Only a fool would blame firearms for the death of that girl.
You can’t be that stupid?
And that sums it up...."shit happens".....I see we don't bother with the "thoughts & prayers" anymore.
Only a fucking retard would think more laws will change anything other than affect law-abiding people...

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