A glimpse at what Repub governance looks like.

The Dems never give an inch on anything, so stop being obtuse.

They could have gotten their Ukraine $$ if they provided money to Border Security.

Dems worked with Republicans on the Infrastructure Bill, Semiconductors, expanding Medicaid, gun legislation

Dems want aid for both Ukraine and Israel.
They are willing to work on immigration as a whole rather tha; just build more walls.
Dems worked with Republicans on the Infrastructure Bill, Semiconductors, expanding Medicaid, gun legislation

Dems want aid for both Ukraine and Israel.
They are willing to work on immigration as a whole rather tha; just build more walls.

Some nice phrasology for saying the Dems get what they want, and the Repiblicans can go pound sand.
Give specifics of your criticism. Like why blame republicans after years of democrat rule?
What should the GOP House do that the democrat House couldn't do?

The biggest problem facing the US is the $34T Debt and out of control spending.
The House can only push things so far without senate concurrence.

When the House comes back in January they have a few Budget items to pass.
The Senate has 12 to pass that the House already passed.
Mike Johnson needs to stand firm cutting the Budget.
So the GOP wants to tank the economy to win an election...

The Fuck Americans party doesn't give a fuck about America and just wants power at all costs...

Thanks for making that clear... Do nothing or try sabotage Government when have congress and spend all your efforts in blaming Democrats for everything...
Some nice phrasology for saying the Dems get what they want, and the Repiblicans can go pound sand.

Dems get legislation passed because they are willing to compromise with other Dems and with Republicans

Same reason Republicans can’t accomplish anything. Ask McCarthy what happens when you compromise
Dems get legislation passed because they are willing to compromise with other Dems and with Republicans

Same reason Republicans can’t accomplish anything. Ask McCarthy what happens when you compromise

That wasn't compromise, that was surrender.
I always laugh when I see Conservatives complaining about the plight of poor people.

Also funny to watch them blame “Gubmint” for low wages as they protect employers from paying them
/——/ Ots so cute how you just make stuff up and post it as facts. The poor did better under Trump and Reagan, worse under Obozo and Dementia Joe. Google it for yourself if you dare.
Employers are free to pay whatever the market will bear for labor. You’d know this if you ever ran a small business.

Capitol Hill stunner: 2023 led to fewest laws in decades

The 118th Congress is on track to be one of the most unproductive in modern history, with just a couple dozen laws on the books at the close of 2023, according to data from data analytics firm Quorum.

Why it matters: It's the product of not only divided partisan control of Washington, but infighting within the House Republican majority that has routinely ground legislative business to a halt.

  • That includes the three-week period this fall in which Congress was paralyzed Republican's inability to find a replacement for ousted Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.)

I find nothing stunning at all about ineffectual Repub governance. It's a consequence of a witch's brew of MAGAists, a few leftover centrists who have yet to be purged, and anarchists known as the Freedom Caucus.

We all should have seen this coming when the fractured POT caucus took 15 tries to elect the most toothless Speaker in history. A guy who's grasp on the gavel was always tenuous at best.

In light of..........

Zoom in: When you dig into the laws passed by this Congress, the picture becomes even more bleak.

  • The vast majority were uncontroversial bills that passed either by unanimous consent or with minimal opposition, including multiple measures to rename Veterans Affairs clinics and another to mint a coin commemorating the 250th anniversary of the Marine Corps.
.......one could make the argument they've virtually done nothing at all aside from making a spectacle of themselves.

More laws good!


Capitol Hill stunner: 2023 led to fewest laws in decades

The 118th Congress is on track to be one of the most unproductive in modern history, with just a couple dozen laws on the books at the close of 2023, according to data from data analytics firm Quorum.

Why it matters: It's the product of not only divided partisan control of Washington, but infighting within the House Republican majority that has routinely ground legislative business to a halt.

  • That includes the three-week period this fall in which Congress was paralyzed Republican's inability to find a replacement for ousted Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.)

I find nothing stunning at all about ineffectual Repub governance. It's a consequence of a witch's brew of MAGAists, a few leftover centrists who have yet to be purged, and anarchists known as the Freedom Caucus.

We all should have seen this coming when the fractured POT caucus took 15 tries to elect the most toothless Speaker in history. A guy who's grasp on the gavel was always tenuous at best.

In light of..........

Zoom in: When you dig into the laws passed by this Congress, the picture becomes even more bleak.

  • The vast majority were uncontroversial bills that passed either by unanimous consent or with minimal opposition, including multiple measures to rename Veterans Affairs clinics and another to mint a coin commemorating the 250th anniversary of the Marine Corps.
.......one could make the argument they've virtually done nothing at all aside from making a spectacle of themselves.

Fuck Congress

Hold them personally liable for the Federal debt
/——/ Ots so cute how you just make stuff up and post it as facts. The poor did better under Trump and Reagan, worse under Obozo and Dementia Joe. Google it for yourself if you dare.
Employers are free to pay whatever the market will bear for labor. You’d know this if you ever ran a small business.

More Bullshit
Nobody did better than under Clinton
Inflation was over six percent under Reagan
Mortgage rates under Reagan were over 10 percent

3 million lost their jobs under Trump
I always laugh when I see Conservatives complaining about the plight of poor people.

Also funny to watch them blame “Gubmint” for low wages as they protect employers from paying them
I always laugh when I see Dems / Socialists making excuses for knuckleheads who borrowed money for degrees that wouldn’t pay a liveable salary. They just need more free stuff from the government.
While Republicans protect them from unions and hold minimum wage at $7.25

While Dems / Socialists get them fired.

Pizza Hut franchises in California are laying off their staff delivery drivers in anticipation of a new state law raising the minimum wage to $20 per hour in 2024.
I always laugh when I see Dems / Socialists making excuses for knuckleheads who borrowed money for degrees that wouldn’t pay a liveable salary. They just need more free stuff from the government.

Most College degrees are in Business, Healthcare, Education, STEM

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