A good argument for a living wage.

They weren't allowed to eat inside, they had to be inside at one point.

They were inside. That is, the two women were inside already.

I don't know if you were not able to understand what I've already said up to this point but assuming you did not, the two women were meeting the guys at the restaurant, had presented their vaccine passports and IDs upon request and were allowed inside. They were inside and seated when the guys showed up but the guys apparently did not have IDs to verify their vaccine passports. When the guys were barred from entering the restaurant, the two women became belligerent and things got physical at some point.

I'm not sure where you're getting your info from on this story but I read the news article on it a couple of days ago and this is what the article said.

Before posting this I went to find the story and review it again. As it turns out, it was three women and three guys, not two. Also, it turns out that the guys were barred from entering because they could not produce vaccine passports, not the IDs.

Even with these updates, the gist of the story is the same: the women produced vaccine passports and were allowed inside but the guys could not. Also, the group claims the hostess was racist and uttered a racial slur but she and the owner and the other employees flatly deny this.
Good god, what a fucking retard.
Do you know how a calendar works?
Businesses were ALREADY putting these mandates in place BEFORE Biden even thought about it, but you blame the government for what the companies did.

'If the govt forces business to do that, you CAN'T find another job'
Why not?
Too stupid.

Afraid of being tested every week because you're scared of the shot?

'What does a DUI have to do with any of this'?
It's submittal to the 'gubmint', right?
Just like you're whining about now, it's a mandate, right?

You think we are stupid, you're trying to compare voting to a virus shot or testing, you fucking Q NUT.
'If the govt forces business to do that, you CAN'T find another job'
Why not?
Too stupid.

You didn't just post this......do you know how fucking stupid you sound.......if the govt forces businesses to do that, why can't you find another job.....uh because it has the same rules as the other job, you dumbfuck..do you not know how laws work?...how old are you? The fact I had to explain that to you is remarkable..........

Fuck, next thing this dipshit will say Segregation wasn't that bad.....just pick another water fountain.........I mean holy shit.......
I think you have the comprehension problem.
If a mask reduces the amount of virus droplets you expel out of a mask, it also reduces the droplets coming INTO your mask, further reducing the risk.
A mask will NOT stop the virus, it only reduces the risk, distance and sanitation also reduces the spread.
Doctors and nurses wear double mask for that reason.

Like I stated before, don't try to kiss someone with a mask.

Using a mask to stop a virus like the Wuhan Designer Virus® is like using a hula hoop to catch butterflies.


The issue is that you Nazis are just fucking stupid.
When were they government owed?

What does that mean?

You vomited out that Republicans use corporations to achieve government goals. I know you're just chanting hate points from the Nazi sites and don't have the intellect to grasp what your puppet masters are funneling through you, but as always, what you accuse others of is what you are doing.

You fascists have the Monopoly as part of the Reich. When Parler threatened the goals of the Reich, the Monopoly crushed them with the courts as accomplices.
If you're too stupid to read their terms of service agreement, why are you blaming everyone but yourself?

They must be, because if a black person can't produce one, what other conclusion is there.

Like Trump exempted all the muslims from entering the US.................... EXCEPT Saudi?

Terms of Service... "Be a Leftist and serve the Nazi Party."

Should competitors arise, then they will be burned out the way Parler was - with the support of the corrupt Nazi Reich that is our government.
The pussies can't get tested every week?
Scared of a shot, like a five-year-old?
Can't find another job?

Two Trump humping governors are fining companies, school, school boards, cities and counties for having the gonads to protect people.

That's facism.

Two Trump humping governors are fining companies, school, school boards, cities and counties for having the gonads to protect people.

Look at the Nazi lie.

You Nazis are just fucking liars - flat out.

I slapped down your fascist buddy dblack on this yesterday.

You all tell the same lie because you are all reading a script from DailyKOS or one of the other Nazi hate sites.
Wait, now it's a BAD thing that people are finding better jobs, or are you really complaining because people prefer taking taxpayer funds instead of working? You're not really clear on that.

People don't prefer taking taxpayer funds, but if you can't find affordable daycare you can't go to work. Right now, daycare centres can't find anyone to work @ $12/hour so few daycare spaces are open or available.

Schools aren't safe for children who aren't vaccinated because there are few mask mandates in the US. In Canada, both masks and vaccines are now required everywhere.

In Canada, everyone in the schools are masked. No one complains about this stupid shit, and we all go about our business. Vaccine passports are being introduced this week, and I'll download mine to my Apple Wallet. Easy peasy. I don't have to worry about what the vaccine policies or requirements are. There are masks in my purse, and my vaccine passport on my phone.

You people spend more time and energy complaining about useless "freedoms", like mask wearing, instead of helping your friends, neighbours and family to stop the spread and get life back to normal, or what will pass for normal for the next while.

In this "evolve or die" era we're going through now, conservatives seem to prefer death.
Two Trump humping governors are fining companies, school, school boards, cities and counties for having the gonads to protect people.

Look at the Nazi lie.

You Nazis are just fucking liars - flat out.

I slapped down your fascist buddy dblack on this yesterday.

You all tell the same lie because you are all reading a script from DailyKOS or one of the other Nazi hate sites.
I know you're trying, but you get so danged confused! We were talking about the DeSantis ban on vaccine passports, not the masking thing. And you were wrong. Do I have to dig you up another link for you. I think it was even a link to the Governor's website.

C'mon man, follow along.
Unintended consequences brought to you by conservatives and their corporate partners.

View attachment 542101

A living wage is a living wage, until it isn't.

If we never stabilize the buying power of our currency, it will continue to become less valuable over time, meaning people will require more money to live a stable life.

In that case, companies will employ more ways to automate their machinations than to pay people who keep demanding more, more, and evermore.
I know you're trying, but you get so danged confused! We were talking about the DeSantis ban on vaccine passports, not the masking thing. And you were wrong. Do I have to dig you up another link for you. I think it was even a link to the Governor's website.

C'mon man, follow along.

Your fellow Nazi did as you did, and claimed that the enemy of the Reich was "fining companies" who required masks or vaccines.

Simply not true - as is the case with so much that you and your fellow fascists post.
Your wages are determined by your skill set and experience you have in the field for which you are employed in or looking for employment in and the reality is working in Burger King or any fast food joint does not require high dollar skills.
well if you know that, then you deliberately lied on the board. You should be ashamed of yourself. Are you Mo or are you Ron?
You're both.......................... a MORON.

So why hasn't every nurse and doctor that treats covid while wearing mask, patients caught covid?

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