A good place for some bashers and slanderers of Russian people

Trump supporters are obligated to be Russia supporters

Depends on the Russian...


She doesn't look Russian enough for me...

Here are true Russian girls.




You gotta love Communism
Do you know lot of insane Anti-Russian 'posts' and 'threads' posted here. Someone continuously smears and condemns a people which saved his tribe and relatives from Hitler and Auschwitz. Almost all posts are insane, just go and check for yourselves.
I can advise the 'poster' to discuss about evil putler, moscovitues, vodka, mongolians etc. in a more worthy place:
Of course he can receive there a more huge auditorium of admirers his Anti-Russian 'Art'.
Together they can stage the preparation of a war against Russia and prepare themselves to a fight against Putler and Moscovites.

Question for you, Baron. I read a post from you yesterday that began with you addressing a poster as "Jew." I wanted to reply but got the "bad gateway" message. I can't find this post. It appears to be gone.

Why are you using the flag of the United States and the Christian symbols of the Cross and bible in your promotion of anti-semitism? You shit on Judaism, Christianity, and the United States all at the same time. Try having some shame.
Do you know lot of insane Anti-Russian 'posts' and 'threads' posted here. Someone continuously smears and condemns a people which saved his tribe and relatives from Hitler and Auschwitz. Almost all posts are insane, just go and check for yourselves.
I can advise the 'poster' to discuss about evil putler, moscovitues, vodka, mongolians etc. in a more worthy place:
Of course he can receive there a more huge auditorium of admirers his Anti-Russian 'Art'.
Together they can stage the preparation of a war against Russia and prepare themselves to a fight against Putler and Moscovites.

Question for you, Baron. I read a post from you yesterday that began with you addressing a poster as "Jew." I wanted to reply but got the "bad gateway" message. I can't find this post. It appears to be gone.

Why are you using the flag of the United States and the Christian symbols of the Cross and bible in your promotion of anti-semitism? You shit on Judaism, Christianity, and the United States all at the same time. Try having some shame.

What's about promoting of Hate against Christians and Russians?
Are Jews more equal as Russians?
The Jewish guy many years 24/7 non-stop promotes hate against Russia, Russians, Orthodoxy and you are obviously fine with it?

It is difficult to believe you would be calm if he replaced the word' Russian' by 'Jew'
Are Jews more equal as Russians?

Just smarter and better looking.


Probably by dishonestly money making, but not by great inventions or the world literature?
Can you explain how 95% of Russia got in ownership of Jews who are 0,1 % of the entirely Russian population and live not longer as 200 years there?

Better looking?

Below is a typical Russian Jewess.

Do you know lot of insane Anti-Russian 'posts' and 'threads' posted here. Someone continuously smears and condemns a people which saved his tribe and relatives from Hitler and Auschwitz. Almost all posts are insane, just go and check for yourselves.
I can advise the 'poster' to discuss about evil putler, moscovitues, vodka, mongolians etc. in a more worthy place:
Of course he can receive there a more huge auditorium of admirers his Anti-Russian 'Art'.
Together they can stage the preparation of a war against Russia and prepare themselves to a fight against Putler and Moscovites.

Well..no dog in this fight..but I would point out that far more Jews have been killed by the
Russians..and Cossacks...and Poles...than Hitler even dreamed of. Hitler killed Jews over a 10 year span...the Russians and their pogroms..killed Jews..for over a thousand.

Might also point out that the Russian did liberate..eventually--but that they didn't really 'save' anyone.

What's about Solzhenitsyn?
Why Israel shall not pay compensation to Russia?
Why Russians shall forget murder of 66 millions?




You are laughning about 66m Russians according to Solzhenitsyn murdered by Jews.
Why do you not laugh about your co-believers murdered by Hitler?
Why you and your tribe demand compensations from Germany for at least 10,000 years and not less as $10 billions annually?

Idiot. I'm not Jewish--just hate people are both bigoted and have no knowledge of history.

To be clear..the only one I'm laughing at..is you.
Do you know lot of insane Anti-Russian 'posts' and 'threads' posted here. Someone continuously smears and condemns a people which saved his tribe and relatives from Hitler and Auschwitz. Almost all posts are insane, just go and check for yourselves.
I can advise the 'poster' to discuss about evil putler, moscovitues, vodka, mongolians etc. in a more worthy place:
Of course he can receive there a more huge auditorium of admirers his Anti-Russian 'Art'.
Together they can stage the preparation of a war against Russia and prepare themselves to a fight against Putler and Moscovites.

Question for you, Baron. I read a post from you yesterday that began with you addressing a poster as "Jew." I wanted to reply but got the "bad gateway" message. I can't find this post. It appears to be gone.

Why are you using the flag of the United States and the Christian symbols of the Cross and bible in your promotion of anti-semitism? You shit on Judaism, Christianity, and the United States all at the same time. Try having some shame.

What's about promoting of Hate against Christians and Russians?
Are Jews more equal as Russians?
The Jewish guy many years 24/7 non-stop promotes hate against Russia, Russians, Orthodoxy and you are obviously fine with it?

It is difficult to believe you would be calm if he replaced the word' Russian' by 'Jew'

Who is promoting hate against Christians? Who is promoting hate against Russians? You refer to a "Jewish guy". Who is this guy? Name this individual. How does he represent an entire religion in any event? Many Jews are Russian. This is not an either/or situation. It's like saying that a person can be either a Christian or an American, but not both, which is bullshit.

Stop shitting on Christianity and Judaism.
Do you know lot of insane Anti-Russian 'posts' and 'threads' posted here. Someone continuously smears and condemns a people which saved his tribe and relatives from Hitler and Auschwitz. Almost all posts are insane, just go and check for yourselves.
I can advise the 'poster' to discuss about evil putler, moscovitues, vodka, mongolians etc. in a more worthy place:
Of course he can receive there a more huge auditorium of admirers his Anti-Russian 'Art'.
Together they can stage the preparation of a war against Russia and prepare themselves to a fight against Putler and Moscovites.

Well..no dog in this fight..but I would point out that far more Jews have been killed by the
Russians..and Cossacks...and Poles...than Hitler even dreamed of. Hitler killed Jews over a 10 year span...the Russians and their pogroms..killed Jews..for over a thousand.

Might also point out that the Russian did liberate..eventually--but that they didn't really 'save' anyone.

What's about Solzhenitsyn?
Why Israel shall not pay compensation to Russia?
Why Russians shall forget murder of 66 millions?




You are laughning about 66m Russians according to Solzhenitsyn murdered by Jews.
Why do you not laugh about your co-believers murdered by Hitler?
Why you and your tribe demand compensations from Germany for at least 10,000 years and not less as $10 billions annually?

Idiot. I'm not Jewish--just hate people are both bigoted and have no knowledge of history.

To be clear..the only one I'm laughing at..is you.

Russians know well their history.


Why do you not condemn the Jewish guy who continuously insults the Russian People on this Forum?
BTW your avatar looks like not European.
Last edited:
Do you know lot of insane Anti-Russian 'posts' and 'threads' posted here. Someone continuously smears and condemns a people which saved his tribe and relatives from Hitler and Auschwitz. Almost all posts are insane, just go and check for yourselves.
I can advise the 'poster' to discuss about evil putler, moscovitues, vodka, mongolians etc. in a more worthy place:
Of course he can receive there a more huge auditorium of admirers his Anti-Russian 'Art'.
Together they can stage the preparation of a war against Russia and prepare themselves to a fight against Putler and Moscovites.

Question for you, Baron. I read a post from you yesterday that began with you addressing a poster as "Jew." I wanted to reply but got the "bad gateway" message. I can't find this post. It appears to be gone.

Why are you using the flag of the United States and the Christian symbols of the Cross and bible in your promotion of anti-semitism? You shit on Judaism, Christianity, and the United States all at the same time. Try having some shame.

What's about promoting of Hate against Christians and Russians?
Are Jews more equal as Russians?
The Jewish guy many years 24/7 non-stop promotes hate against Russia, Russians, Orthodoxy and you are obviously fine with it?

It is difficult to believe you would be calm if he replaced the word' Russian' by 'Jew'

Who is promoting hate against Christians? Who is promoting hate against Russians? You refer to a "Jewish guy". Who is this guy? Name this individual. How does he represent an entire religion in any event? Many Jews are Russian. This is not an either/or situation. It's like saying that a person can be either a Christian or an American, but not both, which is bullshit.

Stop shitting on Christianity and Judaism.

Who posts here non-stop idiocy against Russians and Orthodoxy, just look on started threads in this sub-forum and check them.
Why it is allowed to see in any pro-Russian poster a Putin troll, but prohibited to speak about the true nationality of a particular poster?
Well..no dog in this fight..but I would point out that far more Jews have been killed by the
Russians..and Cossacks...and Poles...than Hitler even dreamed of. Hitler killed Jews over a 10 year span...the Russians and their pogroms..killed Jews..for over a thousand.

Might also point out that the Russian did liberate..eventually--but that they didn't really 'save' anyone.

What's about Solzhenitsyn?
Why Israel shall not pay compensation to Russia?
Why Russians shall forget murder of 66 millions?



You are laughning about 66m Russians according to Solzhenitsyn murdered by Jews.
Why do you not laugh about your co-believers murdered by Hitler?
Why you and your tribe demand compensations from Germany for at least 10,000 years and not less as $10 billions annually?
Idiot. I'm not Jewish--just hate people are both bigoted and have no knowledge of history.

To be clear..the only one I'm laughing at..is you.

Russians know well their history.


Why do you not condemn the Jewish guy who continuously insults the Russian People on this Forum?
Name this Jewish guy. Explain how he represents all members of the Jewish faith. Explain your own trashing of the Christian faith, the faith that you claim to be a member of, in English, without goofy pictures. Why do you dare to post pictures of the U.S. flag, the Cross, and the bible?

Moreover, dingbat, there is no such thing as an "Aryan" race. The name derives from a group that settled in northern India in ancient times and spoke a language now termed "Indo-European." You are probably descended from eastern European tribes or Germanic tribes.

BTW: My grandfather served in the Tsar's army. He was a Catholic. He got to the U.S. around 1914, so I am part Russian. My ancestors on the other side were 100% Irish.
Well..no dog in this fight..but I would point out that far more Jews have been killed by the
Russians..and Cossacks...and Poles...than Hitler even dreamed of. Hitler killed Jews over a 10 year span...the Russians and their pogroms..killed Jews..for over a thousand.

Might also point out that the Russian did liberate..eventually--but that they didn't really 'save' anyone.

What's about Solzhenitsyn?
Why Israel shall not pay compensation to Russia?
Why Russians shall forget murder of 66 millions?



You are laughning about 66m Russians according to Solzhenitsyn murdered by Jews.
Why do you not laugh about your co-believers murdered by Hitler?
Why you and your tribe demand compensations from Germany for at least 10,000 years and not less as $10 billions annually?
Idiot. I'm not Jewish--just hate people are both bigoted and have no knowledge of history.

To be clear..the only one I'm laughing at..is you.

Russians know well their history.


Why do you not condemn the Jewish guy who continuously insults the Russian People on this Forum?
BTW your avatar looks like not European.

Simple, most posters do not care what one poster has to say most of the time and him annoying you is just bonus for some of us that hate Russia...

Now before you go all Stalin on me just remember you asked the question and I gave my opinion...
Trump supporters are obligated to be Russia supporters

Depends on the Russian...


She doesn't look Russian enough for me...

Here are true Russian girls.




You gotta love Communism

Most Ruskie women do not look like the Ukranian imports...

Most of your Russian women look like Rosie O'Donnell on a good day and a few look like Mila Kunis...

Oh, I am Norwegian, Scottish and just found out through DNA I am the grandson of a Nazi and the son of a German...

So before you scream " Ya Jewish Ukranian at me " just note the Polish woman that raised me was Yiddish but my blood is more pure than most people from the Stalingrad region...
This forum would be so much better/more populated if there weren't any Jews and more pleasant things about Russia were said. :crybaby:
What's about Solzhenitsyn?
Why Israel shall not pay compensation to Russia?
Why Russians shall forget murder of 66 millions?



You are laughning about 66m Russians according to Solzhenitsyn murdered by Jews.
Why do you not laugh about your co-believers murdered by Hitler?
Why you and your tribe demand compensations from Germany for at least 10,000 years and not less as $10 billions annually?
Idiot. I'm not Jewish--just hate people are both bigoted and have no knowledge of history.

To be clear..the only one I'm laughing at..is you.

Russians know well their history.


Why do you not condemn the Jewish guy who continuously insults the Russian People on this Forum?
Moreover, dingbat, t.

The leftist culture of discussion, no IQ to defeat my arguments?
Do not forget to put 'funny' rating of my post

You are laughning about 66m Russians according to Solzhenitsyn murdered by Jews.
Why do you not laugh about your co-believers murdered by Hitler?
Why you and your tribe demand compensations from Germany for at least 10,000 years and not less as $10 billions annually?
Idiot. I'm not Jewish--just hate people are both bigoted and have no knowledge of history.

To be clear..the only one I'm laughing at..is you.

Russians know well their history.


Why do you not condemn the Jewish guy who continuously insults the Russian People on this Forum?
Moreover, dingbat, t.

The leftist culture of discussion, no IQ to defeat my arguments?
Do not forget to put 'funny' rating of my post

Name this Jewish guy

Oh, please let it be me.

Baron keeps mentioning some horrible Jewish guy, a downright monster, as somehow representative of the Jewish faith.

Me? There is an Ashkenazi redheaded guy in the entertainment industry who totally floats my boat. I dream big.

I'm talking about the guy, not about his believe.
The guy is well-known Zionist who fervently desires death of Russia and its population.

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