A good place for some bashers and slanderers of Russian people

Name this Jewish guy

Oh, please let it be me.

Baron keeps mentioning some horrible Jewish guy, g.

You know who the nasty guy is.
And Jewish community on this forum shall stop the moron instead to admire his idiocy.

I have no clue Baron, so can you help a fella out and write the name of the Person that is upsetting you, well beside me?

Go to the Europa Forum and count the Threads bashing Russians, Russia and its Religion.
Name this Jewish guy

Oh, please let it be me.

Baron keeps mentioning some horrible Jewish guy, g.

You know who the nasty guy is.
And Jewish community on this forum shall stop the moron instead to admire his idiocy.

I have no clue Baron, so can you help a fella out and write the name of the Person that is upsetting you, well beside me?

Go to the Europa Forum and count the Threads bashing Russians, Russia and its Religion.


I am asking you to name the individual so you can be at peace...
Baron keeps mentioning some horrible Jewish guy, a downright monster, as somehow representative of the Jewish faith.

Me? There is an Ashkenazi redheaded guy in the entertainment industry who totally floats my boat. I dream big.

I'm talking about the guy, not about his believe.
The guy is well-known Zionist who fervently desires death of Russia and its population.

Hell, even Hitler is more liked than Stalin...

Of course!
If not Hitler, no Israel, no world power, no German payments for 10,000 years

How to detect a liberal?
He begins to insult due to the lack of IQ and arguments.
Are you poor educated, no arguments anymore?
Ann rightly wrote about you & CO

Uh-huh. You take one word out of my post...quote it..and think you've said something? Well..it is the operative word, as regards yourself, right?

You have completely ignored all my statements..not arguments..since they are facts..historical facts and not really subject to debate by rational people. You have no cogent response--except to blame the Jews and liberals...too funny again! Again, I'd point out that I'm neither a Jew nor a liberal--it seems that you tend to conflate the two anyway.

You do know you are a joke here, right?

You are laughning about 66m Russians according to Solzhenitsyn murdered by Jews.
Why do you not laugh about your co-believers murdered by Hitler?
Why you and your tribe demand compensations from Germany for at least 10,000 years and not less as $10 billions annually?
Idiot. I'm not Jewish--just hate people are both bigoted and have no knowledge of history.

To be clear..the only one I'm laughing at..is you.

Russians know well their history.


Why do you not condemn the Jewish guy who continuously insults the Russian People on this Forum?
BTW your avatar looks like not European.
You are an anti-Jewish POS with an agenda.

Why Russians must love Jews?
Do you know Jews who openly admit they love Russians?
In difference to Jews Russians didn't exported to Israel Lenin, Trotsky, Revolution, Cheka, Red Terror, Communism, Socialism, Perestroika and wild capitalism.

You forget that there are a lot of Russians who are Jewish, just as there are Christians who are Russian. And there are Musims who are Russians, as well.
I'm talking about the guy, not about his believe.
The guy is well-known Zionist who fervently desires death of Russia and its population.

Hell, even Hitler is more liked than Stalin...

Of course!
If not Hitler, no Israel, no world power, no German payments for 10,000 years

How to detect a liberal?
He begins to insult due to the lack of IQ and arguments.
Are you poor educated, no arguments anymore?
Ann rightly wrote about you & CO

You do know you are a joke here, right?

I know only one joker here, look on your avatar
You are laughning about 66m Russians according to Solzhenitsyn murdered by Jews.
Why do you not laugh about your co-believers murdered by Hitler?
Why you and your tribe demand compensations from Germany for at least 10,000 years and not less as $10 billions annually?
Idiot. I'm not Jewish--just hate people are both bigoted and have no knowledge of history.

To be clear..the only one I'm laughing at..is you.

Russians know well their history.


Why do you not condemn the Jewish guy who continuously insults the Russian People on this Forum?
BTW your avatar looks like not European.
You are an anti-Jewish POS with an agenda.

Why Russians must love Jews?
Do you know Jews who openly admit they love Russians?
In difference to Jews Russians didn't exported to Israel Lenin, Trotsky, Revolution, Cheka, Red Terror, Communism, Socialism, Perestroika and wild capitalism.

You forget that there are a lot of Russians who are Jewish, just as there are Christians who are Russian. And there are Musims who are Russians, as well.

Germans remorse Holocaust committed on Jews.
Why Jews do not ask Russians for forgiveness due to Communism, Socialism, Perestroika and tens of millions deaths?

Do you know lot of insane Anti-Russian 'posts' and 'threads' posted here. Someone continuously smears and condemns a people which saved his tribe and relatives from Hitler and Auschwitz. Almost all posts are insane, just go and check for yourselves.
I can advise the 'poster' to discuss about evil putler, moscovitues, vodka, mongolians etc. in a more worthy place:
Of course he can receive there a more huge auditorium of admirers his Anti-Russian 'Art'.
Together they can stage the preparation of a war against Russia and prepare themselves to a fight against Putler and Moscovites.

I do like the way Russia basically uses a massive sledgehammer in conflicts, rolling over everything and bombing the crap out of towns, rather than the US way of "surgical strikes." It was Russia that first got ISIS losing territory.

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