A good reason why history is important

ignorant much?
your very first post in this thread was out of context and based on a series of false premises.

your defense of your ignorance has been proved by every word you post.
that's what.
what was out of context dumbfuck?
everything you've said in the thread .
it's been pointed out to you by most everyone on the thread,
are you just too dense to see it or too ignorant to know the difference ?
So you cant explain anything? Figures, you big bag of useless dumbfuck.
why? it's clear to me you are stupid and ignorant.
that's what I thought
your own post explain it clearly .
I'm under no obligation to explain your ignorance to you ,
everything you post is based on a series of false premises.
maybe if you understood that you'd do better .
what was out of context dumbfuck?
everything you've said in the thread .
it's been pointed out to you by most everyone on the thread,
are you just too dense to see it or too ignorant to know the difference ?
So you cant explain anything? Figures, you big bag of useless dumbfuck.
why? it's clear to me you are stupid and ignorant.
that's what I thought
your own post explain it clearly .
I'm under no obligation to explain your ignorance to you ,
everything you post is based on a series of false premises.
maybe if you understood that you'd do better .
what was out of context dumbfuck?
everything you've said in the thread .
it's been pointed out to you by most everyone on the thread,
are you just too dense to see it or too ignorant to know the difference ?
TN's just stubborn. At least he reads history. More than some here will do.
stubborn with what lady?
That your idea of sweeping shit under the rug guised as "inevitable" is bullshit?
Or the fact that nosmo was the only one to actually comment on the OP? and even then, he couldn't comment without ignorance?
Or are you referring to that opinion article daws posted?
See, Rome had a lot fo immigrants. The Goths were accepted out of established rule. Daws is a dumbfuck and didn't prove shit.
So PLEASE fill me in :)
that was not an opinion post but historical fact ...
It was historical fact they let them in against established law. Your opinion piece was irrelevant and didn't prove anything. I never said they didn't let in outsiders.
out of established rule. is in context meaningless,
it's you trying to make something out of nothing
everything you've said in the thread .
it's been pointed out to you by most everyone on the thread,
are you just too dense to see it or too ignorant to know the difference ?
So you cant explain anything? Figures, you big bag of useless dumbfuck.
why? it's clear to me you are stupid and ignorant.
that's what I thought
your own post explain it clearly .
I'm under no obligation to explain your ignorance to you ,
everything you post is based on a series of false premises.
maybe if you understood that you'd do better .
some more wisdom you have no clue about .....
everything you've said in the thread .
it's been pointed out to you by most everyone on the thread,
are you just too dense to see it or too ignorant to know the difference ?
TN's just stubborn. At least he reads history. More than some here will do.
stubborn with what lady?
That your idea of sweeping shit under the rug guised as "inevitable" is bullshit?
Or the fact that nosmo was the only one to actually comment on the OP? and even then, he couldn't comment without ignorance?
Or are you referring to that opinion article daws posted?
See, Rome had a lot fo immigrants. The Goths were accepted out of established rule. Daws is a dumbfuck and didn't prove shit.
So PLEASE fill me in :)
that was not an opinion post but historical fact ...
It was historical fact they let them in against established law. Your opinion piece was irrelevant and didn't prove anything. I never said they didn't let in outsiders.
out of established rule. is in context meaningless,
it's you trying to make something out of nothing
No, dumbfuck
The emperor wasn't even there. They only let in savages when they could join the military and they would split the other groups up. They didn't do that. They let them pick their own settlement and to stay in one group. OUT OF ESTABLISHED RULE.
A fear of others thread. Oh joy.
A refusal to learn from history post. Oh joy...
The lesson of history is that people who fear others are most often murderous morons who used hatred and fear for personal gain and to justify the slaughter of the dreaded 'other', which was completely unnecessary and unjustified.
How would you know? In your infinite liberal ignorance, you refuse to examine history. Which is why you can't even remotely back up your absurd and asinine claim right here.

For example - Canada does not allow an invasion into their country. And if you or I attempt to break into Canada, we would be arrested on the spot. Now tell us all how Canada is an "often murderous morons who use hatred and fear for personal gain to justify the slaughter of the dreaded other".

:lmao: Idiot. Every nation in the world protects its border for obvious reasons (well, obvious for anyone who isn't an idiot libtard).
Your version of history is fear the Negro, fear the Jew, fear the Irish, fear, fear, fear. We've seen it time and again and it's always mostly just the childish fear of others. Fear is not history.
As always, you got your ass handed to you with facts and then resorted to falsely screaming "racism". Canada protects its own borders asshat. Are they "racist"? Answer the question. Don't run like a little girl. Be a big boy for once and admit you were wrong.
If that was the thread title,I wouldn't have had much of an OP :)
What in hell is that Avitar?
Societies being overwhelmed by invaders is good for the gene pool.
That's a special kind of ignorance that could only come from a liberal.

If it's is so "good" for the gene pool, why doesn't your very stupid ass go invade China and start procreating? Oh wait...that's right....because you're a disingenuous hypocrite that can't walk the walk. You also realize that you will end up in prison if you attempt to invade another country.
Easy there, fella/gal. Who said I wanted to invade anywhere? I'm quite gentle, really.
Old lady really is old. She can't even remember what she said 4 minutes ago.... :lmao:
You're high, aren't you? I can tell.
Says the woman who started her first post with "Societies being overwhelmed by invaders is good for the gene pool" and then in her follow up posts stated "Who said I wanted to invade anywhere?".

You're clearly suffering from alzheimer's/dementia because you deny things you've said from one post to another.
There are parallels in what is happening in America today and why the Roman Empire fell if people want put their partisan ideology aside and take a look at them you might find it interesting and yes maybe even a little disturbing.
Did you really just ask liberals did set their ideology down and learn? Clearly you've never encountered a liberal before.
Okay, so it was a poem by Emma Lazarus, not a declaration from old Tom Jefferson, but we've always been a country that (sometimes reluctantly, kicking and screaming) opens our doors to people who want a better life. Like you already know, we are all immigrants here. To me, that's an important part of what America is. You don't agree?

No dementia lady. I don't agree. At all. There is a monumental difference between accepting immigrants and an invasion by another country. And 20 million Mexicans and Central American's crossing our border and breaking into our country illegally is an invasion.

You have to love how insanely disingenuous the modern-day liberal has become. A man wants to walk into the women's bathroom and rape a 12 year old girl? That's not a crime, that's just "freedom of restroom" for the transgender. A person from another country wants to sneak into the U.S. at night? That's not a crime, that's just "immigration". Obama wants to bypass Congress and create law by executive fiat? That's not a crime, that's just "Executive Orders" (even though not a one of them has a clue what an Executive Order actually is or what is was designed for).
There are parallels in what is happening in America today and why the Roman Empire fell if people want put their partisan ideology aside and take a look at them you might find it interesting and yes maybe even a little disturbing.
Did you really just ask liberals did set their ideology down and learn? Clearly you've never encountered a liberal before.
Hope springs eternal.
Okay, so it was a poem by Emma Lazarus, not a declaration from old Tom Jefferson, but we've always been a country that (sometimes reluctantly, kicking and screaming) opens our doors to people who want a better life. Like you already know, we are all immigrants here. To me, that's an important part of what America is. You don't agree?

No dementia lady. I don't agree. At all. There is a monumental difference between accepting immigrants and an invasion by another country. And 20 million Mexicans and Central American's crossing our border and breaking into our country illegally is an invasion.

You have to love how insanely disingenuous the modern-day liberal has become. A man wants to walk into the women's bathroom and rape a 12 year old girl? That's not a crime, that's just "freedom of restroom" for the transgender. A person from another country wants to sneak into the U.S. at night? That's not a crime, that's just "immigration". Obama wants to bypass Congress and create law by executive fiat? That's not a crime, that's just "Executive Orders" (even though not a one of them has a clue what an Executive Order actually is or what is was designed for).
False! the results are the same no matter how much you spin it.
A fear of others thread. Oh joy.
A refusal to learn from history post. Oh joy...
The lesson of history is that people who fear others are most often murderous morons who used hatred and fear for personal gain and to justify the slaughter of the dreaded 'other', which was completely unnecessary and unjustified.
How would you know? In your infinite liberal ignorance, you refuse to examine history. Which is why you can't even remotely back up your absurd and asinine claim right here.

For example - Canada does not allow an invasion into their country. And if you or I attempt to break into Canada, we would be arrested on the spot. Now tell us all how Canada is an "often murderous morons who use hatred and fear for personal gain to justify the slaughter of the dreaded other".

:lmao: Idiot. Every nation in the world protects its border for obvious reasons (well, obvious for anyone who isn't an idiot libtard).
Your version of history is fear the Negro, fear the Jew, fear the Irish, fear, fear, fear. We've seen it time and again and it's always mostly just the childish fear of others. Fear is not history.
As always, you got your ass handed to you with facts and then resorted to falsely screaming "racism". Canada protects its own borders asshat. Are they "racist"? Answer the question. Don't run like a little girl. Be a big boy for once and admit you were wrong.
Well puddles, you can protect the borders, if you want to, but that won't stop you or the OP fearing the dreaded other.

And are you a racist? Without a doubt. That's the fear of children such as you.
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A refusal to learn from history post. Oh joy...
The lesson of history is that people who fear others are most often murderous morons who used hatred and fear for personal gain and to justify the slaughter of the dreaded 'other', which was completely unnecessary and unjustified.
How would you know? In your infinite liberal ignorance, you refuse to examine history. Which is why you can't even remotely back up your absurd and asinine claim right here.

For example - Canada does not allow an invasion into their country. And if you or I attempt to break into Canada, we would be arrested on the spot. Now tell us all how Canada is an "often murderous morons who use hatred and fear for personal gain to justify the slaughter of the dreaded other".

:lmao: Idiot. Every nation in the world protects its border for obvious reasons (well, obvious for anyone who isn't an idiot libtard).
Your version of history is fear the Negro, fear the Jew, fear the Irish, fear, fear, fear. We've seen it time and again and it's always mostly just the childish fear of others. Fear is not history.
As always, you got your ass handed to you with facts and then resorted to falsely screaming "racism". Canada protects its own borders asshat. Are they "racist"? Answer the question. Don't run like a little girl. Be a big boy for once and admit you were wrong.
Well puddles, you can protect the borders, if you want to, but that won't stop you or the OP fearing the dreaded other.

And are you a racist? Without a doubt. That's the fear of children such as you.
LWNJ is :cuckoo:
The lesson of history is that people who fear others are most often murderous morons who used hatred and fear for personal gain and to justify the slaughter of the dreaded 'other', which was completely unnecessary and unjustified.
How would you know? In your infinite liberal ignorance, you refuse to examine history. Which is why you can't even remotely back up your absurd and asinine claim right here.

For example - Canada does not allow an invasion into their country. And if you or I attempt to break into Canada, we would be arrested on the spot. Now tell us all how Canada is an "often murderous morons who use hatred and fear for personal gain to justify the slaughter of the dreaded other".

:lmao: Idiot. Every nation in the world protects its border for obvious reasons (well, obvious for anyone who isn't an idiot libtard).
Your version of history is fear the Negro, fear the Jew, fear the Irish, fear, fear, fear. We've seen it time and again and it's always mostly just the childish fear of others. Fear is not history.
As always, you got your ass handed to you with facts and then resorted to falsely screaming "racism". Canada protects its own borders asshat. Are they "racist"? Answer the question. Don't run like a little girl. Be a big boy for once and admit you were wrong.
Well puddles, you can protect the borders, if you want to, but that won't stop you or the OP fearing the dreaded other.

And are you a racist? Without a doubt. That's the fear of children such as you.
LWNJ is :cuckoo:
Anyway, there are lots of parallels to our own time we can find in history. You're the young dog, barking and bristling at every human that walks by, protecting your driveway and no mistake. I'm the old dog, seen so many humans walk by I don't bother getting up anymore. In short, I think you're overreacting a bit, is all.
Okay, so it was a poem by Emma Lazarus, not a declaration from old Tom Jefferson, but we've always been a country that (sometimes reluctantly, kicking and screaming) opens our doors to people who want a better life. Like you already know, we are all immigrants here. To me, that's an important part of what America is. You don't agree?

No dementia lady. I don't agree. At all. There is a monumental difference between accepting immigrants and an invasion by another country. And 20 million Mexicans and Central American's crossing our border and breaking into our country illegally is an invasion.

You have to love how insanely disingenuous the modern-day liberal has become. A man wants to walk into the women's bathroom and rape a 12 year old girl? That's not a crime, that's just "freedom of restroom" for the transgender. A person from another country wants to sneak into the U.S. at night? That's not a crime, that's just "immigration". Obama wants to bypass Congress and create law by executive fiat? That's not a crime, that's just "Executive Orders" (even though not a one of them has a clue what an Executive Order actually is or what is was designed for).
I thought OP was referring to terrorist Muslims snuggling into the heartland and then turning on us like The Snake that Trump likes to tell about.
All the rest of your argument has nothing to do with the OP and I plan on thoroughly ignoring it.
How would you know? In your infinite liberal ignorance, you refuse to examine history. Which is why you can't even remotely back up your absurd and asinine claim right here.

For example - Canada does not allow an invasion into their country. And if you or I attempt to break into Canada, we would be arrested on the spot. Now tell us all how Canada is an "often murderous morons who use hatred and fear for personal gain to justify the slaughter of the dreaded other".

:lmao: Idiot. Every nation in the world protects its border for obvious reasons (well, obvious for anyone who isn't an idiot libtard).
Your version of history is fear the Negro, fear the Jew, fear the Irish, fear, fear, fear. We've seen it time and again and it's always mostly just the childish fear of others. Fear is not history.
As always, you got your ass handed to you with facts and then resorted to falsely screaming "racism". Canada protects its own borders asshat. Are they "racist"? Answer the question. Don't run like a little girl. Be a big boy for once and admit you were wrong.
Well puddles, you can protect the borders, if you want to, but that won't stop you or the OP fearing the dreaded other.

And are you a racist? Without a doubt. That's the fear of children such as you.
LWNJ is :cuckoo:
Anyway, there are lots of parallels to our own time we can find in history. You're the young dog, barking and bristling at every human that walks by, protecting your driveway and no mistake. I'm the old dog, seen so many humans walk by I don't bother getting up anymore. In short, I think you're overreacting a bit, is all.
Okay, so it was a poem by Emma Lazarus, not a declaration from old Tom Jefferson, but we've always been a country that (sometimes reluctantly, kicking and screaming) opens our doors to people who want a better life. Like you already know, we are all immigrants here. To me, that's an important part of what America is. You don't agree?

No dementia lady. I don't agree. At all. There is a monumental difference between accepting immigrants and an invasion by another country. And 20 million Mexicans and Central American's crossing our border and breaking into our country illegally is an invasion.

You have to love how insanely disingenuous the modern-day liberal has become. A man wants to walk into the women's bathroom and rape a 12 year old girl? That's not a crime, that's just "freedom of restroom" for the transgender. A person from another country wants to sneak into the U.S. at night? That's not a crime, that's just "immigration". Obama wants to bypass Congress and create law by executive fiat? That's not a crime, that's just "Executive Orders" (even though not a one of them has a clue what an Executive Order actually is or what is was designed for).
I thought OP was referring to terrorist Muslims snuggling into the heartland and then turning on us like The Snake that Trump likes to tell about.
All the rest of your argument has nothing to do with the OP and I plan on thoroughly ignoring it.
Yea, I kinda took you gave up on life. "inevitable" is one of the most pathetic things I have ever heard of.
You don't care enough about the problems because you are the generation that fucked everything up.
Your version of history is fear the Negro, fear the Jew, fear the Irish, fear, fear, fear. We've seen it time and again and it's always mostly just the childish fear of others. Fear is not history.
As always, you got your ass handed to you with facts and then resorted to falsely screaming "racism". Canada protects its own borders asshat. Are they "racist"? Answer the question. Don't run like a little girl. Be a big boy for once and admit you were wrong.
Well puddles, you can protect the borders, if you want to, but that won't stop you or the OP fearing the dreaded other.

And are you a racist? Without a doubt. That's the fear of children such as you.
LWNJ is :cuckoo:
Anyway, there are lots of parallels to our own time we can find in history. You're the young dog, barking and bristling at every human that walks by, protecting your driveway and no mistake. I'm the old dog, seen so many humans walk by I don't bother getting up anymore. In short, I think you're overreacting a bit, is all.
Okay, so it was a poem by Emma Lazarus, not a declaration from old Tom Jefferson, but we've always been a country that (sometimes reluctantly, kicking and screaming) opens our doors to people who want a better life. Like you already know, we are all immigrants here. To me, that's an important part of what America is. You don't agree?

No dementia lady. I don't agree. At all. There is a monumental difference between accepting immigrants and an invasion by another country. And 20 million Mexicans and Central American's crossing our border and breaking into our country illegally is an invasion.

You have to love how insanely disingenuous the modern-day liberal has become. A man wants to walk into the women's bathroom and rape a 12 year old girl? That's not a crime, that's just "freedom of restroom" for the transgender. A person from another country wants to sneak into the U.S. at night? That's not a crime, that's just "immigration". Obama wants to bypass Congress and create law by executive fiat? That's not a crime, that's just "Executive Orders" (even though not a one of them has a clue what an Executive Order actually is or what is was designed for).
I thought OP was referring to terrorist Muslims snuggling into the heartland and then turning on us like The Snake that Trump likes to tell about.
All the rest of your argument has nothing to do with the OP and I plan on thoroughly ignoring it.
Yea, I kinda took you gave up on life. "inevitable" is one of the most pathetic things I have ever heard of.
You don't care enough about the problems because you are the generation that fucked everything up.
If you knew history you would know that some in every generation blame the previous generation for its problems. Hindsight is 20/20.
As always, you got your ass handed to you with facts and then resorted to falsely screaming "racism". Canada protects its own borders asshat. Are they "racist"? Answer the question. Don't run like a little girl. Be a big boy for once and admit you were wrong.
Well puddles, you can protect the borders, if you want to, but that won't stop you or the OP fearing the dreaded other.

And are you a racist? Without a doubt. That's the fear of children such as you.
LWNJ is :cuckoo:
Anyway, there are lots of parallels to our own time we can find in history. You're the young dog, barking and bristling at every human that walks by, protecting your driveway and no mistake. I'm the old dog, seen so many humans walk by I don't bother getting up anymore. In short, I think you're overreacting a bit, is all.
Okay, so it was a poem by Emma Lazarus, not a declaration from old Tom Jefferson, but we've always been a country that (sometimes reluctantly, kicking and screaming) opens our doors to people who want a better life. Like you already know, we are all immigrants here. To me, that's an important part of what America is. You don't agree?

No dementia lady. I don't agree. At all. There is a monumental difference between accepting immigrants and an invasion by another country. And 20 million Mexicans and Central American's crossing our border and breaking into our country illegally is an invasion.

You have to love how insanely disingenuous the modern-day liberal has become. A man wants to walk into the women's bathroom and rape a 12 year old girl? That's not a crime, that's just "freedom of restroom" for the transgender. A person from another country wants to sneak into the U.S. at night? That's not a crime, that's just "immigration". Obama wants to bypass Congress and create law by executive fiat? That's not a crime, that's just "Executive Orders" (even though not a one of them has a clue what an Executive Order actually is or what is was designed for).
I thought OP was referring to terrorist Muslims snuggling into the heartland and then turning on us like The Snake that Trump likes to tell about.
All the rest of your argument has nothing to do with the OP and I plan on thoroughly ignoring it.
Yea, I kinda took you gave up on life. "inevitable" is one of the most pathetic things I have ever heard of.
You don't care enough about the problems because you are the generation that fucked everything up.
If you knew history you would know that some in every generation blame the previous generation for its problems. Hindsight is 20/20.
Yea, because the young guys are responsible for 30 years of going down the toilet.
Thanks for that excellent insight.
A refusal to learn from history post. Oh joy...
The lesson of history is that people who fear others are most often murderous morons who used hatred and fear for personal gain and to justify the slaughter of the dreaded 'other', which was completely unnecessary and unjustified.
Like What happened in the OP? :spinner:
your op
is based on a false assumption as been already proved.
you are a fuckin moron.
that's all you from your first post.

I think you just misunderstood. Understandable, considering the results of your rectal exam.


History is fun. Learning doesn't have to be grumpy.
Well puddles, you can protect the borders, if you want to, but that won't stop you or the OP fearing the dreaded other.

And are you a racist? Without a doubt. That's the fear of children such as you.
LWNJ is :cuckoo:
Anyway, there are lots of parallels to our own time we can find in history. You're the young dog, barking and bristling at every human that walks by, protecting your driveway and no mistake. I'm the old dog, seen so many humans walk by I don't bother getting up anymore. In short, I think you're overreacting a bit, is all.
Okay, so it was a poem by Emma Lazarus, not a declaration from old Tom Jefferson, but we've always been a country that (sometimes reluctantly, kicking and screaming) opens our doors to people who want a better life. Like you already know, we are all immigrants here. To me, that's an important part of what America is. You don't agree?

No dementia lady. I don't agree. At all. There is a monumental difference between accepting immigrants and an invasion by another country. And 20 million Mexicans and Central American's crossing our border and breaking into our country illegally is an invasion.

You have to love how insanely disingenuous the modern-day liberal has become. A man wants to walk into the women's bathroom and rape a 12 year old girl? That's not a crime, that's just "freedom of restroom" for the transgender. A person from another country wants to sneak into the U.S. at night? That's not a crime, that's just "immigration". Obama wants to bypass Congress and create law by executive fiat? That's not a crime, that's just "Executive Orders" (even though not a one of them has a clue what an Executive Order actually is or what is was designed for).
I thought OP was referring to terrorist Muslims snuggling into the heartland and then turning on us like The Snake that Trump likes to tell about.
All the rest of your argument has nothing to do with the OP and I plan on thoroughly ignoring it.
Yea, I kinda took you gave up on life. "inevitable" is one of the most pathetic things I have ever heard of.
You don't care enough about the problems because you are the generation that fucked everything up.
If you knew history you would know that some in every generation blame the previous generation for its problems. Hindsight is 20/20.
Yea, because the young guys are responsible for 30 years of going down the toilet.
Thanks for that excellent insight.
Every generation inherits problems and difficulties and every generation creates or is faced with new ones that it will either handle and solve or pass on to the next.

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