A great advert for Socialism

Norway's sovereign wealth fund is now worth $1,000,000,000,000

the Norwegians took their oil wealth and invested it in their people.

And now their pensions are fully funded.

Imagine that. A country that works for all its people and not just the few.
Wait a minute. So they invested in American companies? Through stocks? That's the genius of Norway?

Its largest holdings are in Apple (AAPL), Nestle (NSRGF), Royal Dutch Shell (RDSA), Novartis(NVS), Microsoft (MSFT) and Alphabet (GOOGL), the owner of Google.

Well shit, we should have thought of that.
American resources are not working for the people, they are working for the few.
I suspect that the US has more resources than Norway can dream of. And they will all enrich the few.

Within the US the Amish opt out of Obamacare cuz they take care of their own.

So as we see, people are free to take care of each other, even within the US.

Naturally, you divorce yourself from the notion that with increased power and money comes increased corruption.

Instead, you simply pound the round peg into the square hole demanding it fit.
Norway's sovereign wealth fund is now worth $1,000,000,000,000

the Norwegians took their oil wealth and invested it in their people.

And now their pensions are fully funded.

Imagine that. A country that works for all its people and not just the few.

And all Norwegian wealth become Muslim's one in twenty years.
All Christians must either convert or die.
Norwegian will be pushed in the 7th century back.
Thank you stupid socialists!

Socialists in Europe depend on the US to defend them. They have no army to speak of.

That is another reason why the US cannot be like them. They are too busy buying weapons to defend the world from itself.
American resources are not working for the people, they are working for the few. I suspect that the US has more resources than Norway can dream of. And they will all enrich the few.

No. AMERICA as a nation/government has very few resources. PRIVATE PROPERTY OWNERS in the United States have massive resources. That's the difference.
Its shit isnt it ?
Americans don't think what they earn belongs to the government.
Norway's sovereign wealth fund is now worth $1,000,000,000,000

the Norwegians took their oil wealth and invested it in their people.

And now their pensions are fully funded.

Imagine that. A country that works for all its people and not just the few.

And all Norwegian wealth become Muslim's one in twenty years.
All Christians must either convert or die.
Norwegian will be pushed in the 7th century back.
Thank you stupid socialists!

Socialists in Europe depend on the US to defend them. They have no army to speak of.

That is another reason why the US cannot be like them. They are too busy buying weapons to defend the world from itself.

All countries having Muslims will end in Caliphates with Shariah law. Sooner or later.No exception
Thatcher never did know what socialism is but I`m sure she enjoyed their socialized healthcare.
Why is that?

Providing for the general welfare and common defense must cover every contingency.

Better infrastructure can solve most of our problems.

Article I, Section 8 refers to the General Welfare and Common Defense of the NATION, not individual citizens.

The only infrstructure the Federal Government has legitimate authority over is Postal Roads and Federal Buildings.
where does it say that? any given public policy, affects the citizenry.
Norway's sovereign wealth fund is now worth $1,000,000,000,000

the Norwegians took their oil wealth and invested it in their people.

And now their pensions are fully funded.

Imagine that. A country that works for all its people and not just the few.

The population of The Kindom of Norway is just over five million people. Far less than the City of New York.

Even the Norwegian people don't know why they're supposed to be so happy. Whatever class they are born into, is where they will stay for life.
Norway's sovereign wealth fund is now worth $1,000,000,000,000

the Norwegians took their oil wealth and invested it in their people.

And now their pensions are fully funded.

Imagine that. A country that works for all its people and not just the few.

Visit the Top 10 Happiest Countries in the World
Socialism only works for progressives apparently, till they run out of other peoples money.
Quit trying to peddle that shit on people that want nothing to do with it. Asswipe

You go live there motherfucker...
the only problem with socialism is that it requires, social morals for free.
Norway's sovereign wealth fund is now worth $1,000,000,000,000

the Norwegians took their oil wealth and invested it in their people.

And now their pensions are fully funded.

Imagine that. A country that works for all its people and not just the few.
And a Government that keeps spending more and more. Socialism does not work.
Problems Loom for Norway and Its Wealth Fund
If you read the article it has been a right wing conservative government overspending. (as usual)
The socialist opposition is proposing more sensible policies that limit spending and protect the fund.

The ignorance of you trumpbots never ceases to amaze me. You would prefer to see national assets stripped for private gain and live with under funded schools,hospitals and pensions.

It defies analysis.
Norway's sovereign wealth fund is now worth $1,000,000,000,000

the Norwegians took their oil wealth and invested it in their people.

And now their pensions are fully funded.

Imagine that. A country that works for all its people and not just the few.
And a Government that keeps spending more and more. Socialism does not work.
Problems Loom for Norway and Its Wealth Fund
If you read the article it has been a right wing conservative government overspending. (as usual)
The socialist opposition is proposing more sensible policies that limit spending and protect the fund.

The ignorance of you trumpbots never ceases to amaze me. You would prefer to see national assets stripped for private gain and live with under funded schools,hospitals and pensions.

It defies analysis.
Western European country’s fully rely on the US for their defense... and the people are over taxed. To pay for the country’s frivolous spending.
Norway's sovereign wealth fund is now worth $1,000,000,000,000

the Norwegians took their oil wealth and invested it in their people.

And now their pensions are fully funded.

Imagine that. A country that works for all its people and not just the few.

The population of The Kindom of Norway is just over five million people. Far less than the City of New York.

Even the Norwegian people don't know why they're supposed to be so happy. Whatever class they are born into, is where they will stay for life.
Norway's sovereign wealth fund is now worth $1,000,000,000,000

the Norwegians took their oil wealth and invested it in their people.

And now their pensions are fully funded.

Imagine that. A country that works for all its people and not just the few.

Visit the Top 10 Happiest Countries in the World

When asked, they don't know why. They are stuck in whatever class they are born into.
Notice, the US is not on the list.
Notice me not giving a shit...like it just fine.
Norway's sovereign wealth fund is now worth $1,000,000,000,000

the Norwegians took their oil wealth and invested it in their people.

And now their pensions are fully funded.

Imagine that. A country that works for all its people and not just the few.
And a Government that keeps spending more and more. Socialism does not work.
Problems Loom for Norway and Its Wealth Fund
If you read the article it has been a right wing conservative government overspending. (as usual)
The socialist opposition is proposing more sensible policies that limit spending and protect the fund.

The ignorance of you trumpbots never ceases to amaze me. You would prefer to see national assets stripped for private gain and live with under funded schools,hospitals and pensions.

It defies analysis.
Western European country’s fully rely on the US for their defense... and the people are over taxed. To pay for the country’s frivolous spending.
All political talk and no political action, as usual for the right wing regarding spending.

End our alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror (that the right wing also refuses to pay for with higher taxes), to end our income tax.
Norway's sovereign wealth fund is now worth $1,000,000,000,000

the Norwegians took their oil wealth and invested it in their people.

And now their pensions are fully funded.

Imagine that. A country that works for all its people and not just the few.

Norway population is a lot smaller than the U.S. and is not a melting pot of unwanted retards.

If you believe what goes on in Norway can be dpne here in the States, well stop being delusional!
Never underestimate, Yankee ingenuity.
Norway's sovereign wealth fund is now worth $1,000,000,000,000

the Norwegians took their oil wealth and invested it in their people.

And now their pensions are fully funded.

Imagine that. A country that works for all its people and not just the few.

Norway population is a lot smaller than the U.S. and is not a melting pot of unwanted retards.

If you believe what goes on in Norway can be dpne here in the States, well stop being delusional!
Never underestimate, Yankee ingenuity.
We don’t want anything to do with European type of living, That is why your ancestors left

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