A great advert for Socialism

Norway's sovereign wealth fund is now worth $1,000,000,000,000

the Norwegians took their oil wealth and invested it in their people.

And now their pensions are fully funded.

Imagine that. A country that works for all its people and not just the few.

Norway population is a lot smaller than the U.S. and is not a melting pot of unwanted retards.

If you believe what goes on in Norway can be dpne here in the States, well stop being delusional!
Never underestimate, Yankee ingenuity.
We don’t want anything to do with European type of living, That is why your ancestors left
We have a Statue of Liberty.
Norway's sovereign wealth fund is now worth $1,000,000,000,000

the Norwegians took their oil wealth and invested it in their people.

And now their pensions are fully funded.

Imagine that. A country that works for all its people and not just the few.

And all Norwegian wealth become Muslim's one in twenty years.
All Christians must either convert or die.
Norwegian will be pushed in the 7th century back.
Thank you stupid socialists!

Socialists in Europe depend on the US to defend them. They have no army to speak of.

That is another reason why the US cannot be like them. They are too busy buying weapons to defend the world from itself.

Having military bases all over the world is our idea, not theirs.
Norway's sovereign wealth fund is now worth $1,000,000,000,000

the Norwegians took their oil wealth and invested it in their people.

And now their pensions are fully funded.

Imagine that. A country that works for all its people and not just the few.
Wait a minute. So they invested in American companies? Through stocks? That's the genius of Norway?

Its largest holdings are in Apple (AAPL), Nestle (NSRGF), Royal Dutch Shell (RDSA), Novartis(NVS), Microsoft (MSFT) and Alphabet (GOOGL), the owner of Google.

Well shit, we should have thought of that.

But . . . if Norway is such a heaven, why weren't the best investments for their fund in their own country? It's like socialist countries don't produce profitable companies to invest in, or something.

It sounds remarkably like Tommy is telling us the goal we should strive for is to be the socialist "paradise" sucking off of the productive capitalist country, rather than the productive capitalist country itself, or something. And I have to wonder where Norway would find those profitable investments to leech onto if we became just like them.
Norway's sovereign wealth fund is now worth $1,000,000,000,000

the Norwegians took their oil wealth and invested it in their people.

And now their pensions are fully funded.

Imagine that. A country that works for all its people and not just the few.
Wait a minute. So they invested in American companies? Through stocks? That's the genius of Norway?

Its largest holdings are in Apple (AAPL), Nestle (NSRGF), Royal Dutch Shell (RDSA), Novartis(NVS), Microsoft (MSFT) and Alphabet (GOOGL), the owner of Google.

Well shit, we should have thought of that.
American resources are not working for the people, they are working for the few.
I suspect that the US has more resources than Norway can dream of. And they will all enrich the few.

Well, apparently, American resources are working for "the few" IN NORWAY.
American resources are not working for the people, they are working for the few. I suspect that the US has more resources than Norway can dream of. And they will all enrich the few.

No. AMERICA as a nation/government has very few resources. PRIVATE PROPERTY OWNERS in the United States have massive resources. That's the difference.
Its shit isnt it ?

Not for Norway. I'd imagine they're pretty grateful at the moment that we're nothing like them.
Its shit isnt it ?

No. It's exactly as it shoild be. If anything we need to reduce the ability of the Government to take land and land rights from citizens.
The Norwegian government is taking the benefits from its natural resources and giving it to its people.Nothing tops that. My government took our resources and bought bombs and gave tax cuts to the rich. And now we are all poorer for it.

No, according to your own article, they're taking benefits from OUR resources and giving it away. I'd say one thing tops that: being the people producing the prosperity that's been battened on to.

You have yet to explain to us how it is that WE, as eeeeevil as you insist we are, are the ones creating the wealth they're sharing.
Its shit isnt it ?

No. It's exactly as it shoild be. If anything we need to reduce the ability of the Government to take land and land rights from citizens.
The Norwegian government is taking the benefits from its natural resources and giving it to its people.Nothing tops that. My government took our resources and bought bombs and gave tax cuts to the rich. And now we are all poorer for it.

No, according to your own article, they're taking benefits from OUR resources and giving it away. I'd say one thing tops that: being the people producing the prosperity that's been battened on to.

You have yet to explain to us how it is that WE, as eeeeevil as you insist we are, are the ones creating the wealth they're sharing.
Financing tax breaks for the rich is simple income redistribution since it is added to the Peoples' debt.
Thatcher never did know what socialism is but I`m sure she enjoyed their socialized healthcare.
I suspect she understood it better than 95% of the people on this board.
Its shit isnt it ?

No. It's exactly as it shoild be. If anything we need to reduce the ability of the Government to take land and land rights from citizens.
The Norwegian government is taking the benefits from its natural resources and giving it to its people.Nothing tops that. My government took our resources and bought bombs and gave tax cuts to the rich. And now we are all poorer for it.

No, according to your own article, they're taking benefits from OUR resources and giving it away. I'd say one thing tops that: being the people producing the prosperity that's been battened on to.

You have yet to explain to us how it is that WE, as eeeeevil as you insist we are, are the ones creating the wealth they're sharing.

You dont seem to understand how investment works. If Norway invests in any company then they own that part of it. It isnt yours it is theirs.

They also invest all over the world and not just the US.

Quite how you view something like Apple as "OURS" also puzzles me. Apple is not yours. It belongs to its shareholders which includes the Norwegian Sovereign Fund and in fact Tommy Tainant.
Its shit isnt it ?

No. It's exactly as it shoild be. If anything we need to reduce the ability of the Government to take land and land rights from citizens.
The Norwegian government is taking the benefits from its natural resources and giving it to its people.Nothing tops that. My government took our resources and bought bombs and gave tax cuts to the rich. And now we are all poorer for it.

No, according to your own article, they're taking benefits from OUR resources and giving it away. I'd say one thing tops that: being the people producing the prosperity that's been battened on to.

You have yet to explain to us how it is that WE, as eeeeevil as you insist we are, are the ones creating the wealth they're sharing.

You dont seem to understand how investment works. If Norway invests in any company then they own that part of it. It isnt yours it is theirs.

They also invest all over the world and not just the US.

Quite how you view something like Apple as "OURS" also puzzles me. Apple is not yours. It belongs to its shareholders which includes the Norwegian Sovereign Fund and in fact Tommy Tainant.
So corporations are people. You lefties went ape shit when Romney said that.
Thatcher never did know what socialism is but I`m sure she enjoyed their socialized healthcare.

How utterly laughable. As though the Prime Minister of Great Britain 1) uses the NIH like a common shopkeeper, and 2) doesn't actually WORK to earn her keep, rather than simply having it given to her for the magnificent "accomplishment" of breathing in and out.
Its shit isnt it ?

No. It's exactly as it shoild be. If anything we need to reduce the ability of the Government to take land and land rights from citizens.
The Norwegian government is taking the benefits from its natural resources and giving it to its people.Nothing tops that. My government took our resources and bought bombs and gave tax cuts to the rich. And now we are all poorer for it.

No, according to your own article, they're taking benefits from OUR resources and giving it away. I'd say one thing tops that: being the people producing the prosperity that's been battened on to.

You have yet to explain to us how it is that WE, as eeeeevil as you insist we are, are the ones creating the wealth they're sharing.

You dont seem to understand how investment works. If Norway invests in any company then they own that part of it. It isnt yours it is theirs.

They also invest all over the world and not just the US.

Quite how you view something like Apple as "OURS" also puzzles me. Apple is not yours. It belongs to its shareholders which includes the Norwegian Sovereign Fund and in fact Tommy Tainant.

YOU don't seem to understand how investment works. For people to invest, the company must first exist and offer a good chance of returns. Again, noticeably, it is the United States, not Norway, which is producing those companies, returns, and opportunities. You're telling us how splendid Norway is in the same breath as admitting that they aren't splendid enough to produce their socialist giveaways without eeeeevil capitalists to do the work. That's not much of a "great advert for socialism", to point out that it requires capitalism to fund itself.

I don't doubt that figuring out the meaning and context of words frequently puzzles you. Americans talking about American-owned and -based companies, succeeding because of America's love of capitalism, and you have trouble figuring out who "we" would refer to. No wonder you're piss-stupid enough to gibber on about the wonders of socialism without even realizing you're actually pointing out how helpless and useless it is on its own.
Its shit isnt it ?

No. It's exactly as it shoild be. If anything we need to reduce the ability of the Government to take land and land rights from citizens.
The Norwegian government is taking the benefits from its natural resources and giving it to its people.Nothing tops that. My government took our resources and bought bombs and gave tax cuts to the rich. And now we are all poorer for it.

No, according to your own article, they're taking benefits from OUR resources and giving it away. I'd say one thing tops that: being the people producing the prosperity that's been battened on to.

You have yet to explain to us how it is that WE, as eeeeevil as you insist we are, are the ones creating the wealth they're sharing.

You dont seem to understand how investment works. If Norway invests in any company then they own that part of it. It isnt yours it is theirs.

They also invest all over the world and not just the US.

Quite how you view something like Apple as "OURS" also puzzles me. Apple is not yours. It belongs to its shareholders which includes the Norwegian Sovereign Fund and in fact Tommy Tainant.

YOU don't seem to understand how investment works. For people to invest, the company must first exist and offer a good chance of returns. Again, noticeably, it is the United States, not Norway, which is producing those companies, returns, and opportunities. You're telling us how splendid Norway is in the same breath as admitting that they aren't splendid enough to produce their socialist giveaways without eeeeevil capitalists to do the work. That's not much of a "great advert for socialism", to point out that it requires capitalism to fund itself.

I don't doubt that figuring out the meaning and context of words frequently puzzles you. Americans talking about American-owned and -based companies, succeeding because of America's love of capitalism, and you have trouble figuring out who "we" would refer to. No wonder you're piss-stupid enough to gibber on about the wonders of socialism without even realizing you're actually pointing out how helpless and useless it is on its own.
I understand how it works very well. there is so much ignorant shit in your rant that I dont know where to start.

You seem to feel that a Norwegian socialist fund should not be investing in "American companies". What a joke. Why dont you ban all foreign investors and see what that does for your economy you fucking absolute clown.
where does it say that? any given public policy, affects the citizenry.

Article I, Section 8 of the US Constitution lays out the limited powers and spending limits of umthe US Congress. The kist of powers included there sets the limits of Federal Power, as further revealed through the tenth amendment.
where does it say that? any given public policy, affects the citizenry.

Article I, Section 8 of the US Constitution lays out the limited powers and spending limits of umthe US Congress. The kist of powers included there sets the limits of Federal Power, as further revealed through the tenth amendment.
Providing for the general welfare, is a general power just as much as providing for the common defense.
Providing for the general welfare, is a general power just as much as providing for the common defense.

The items listed after the initial clause of Article I, Section 8 provide the definition of General Welfare and Common Defense of the NATION. None of those powers relate to expenditures for individual needs.

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