A Great American speaks on the Death of President Chavez

A Great American speaks on the Death of President Chavez

Jimmy Carter, until Owe Bama was elected President, was America's worst ever President. It's no surprise to me that he would think a cockroach like Chavez was a great man.
Like most Democrats..Carter repaired the wreckage wrought to the economy by Conservative policies. 2 Conservative administration left the American economy saddled with something new, "Stagflation". Nixon's "solution" was to issue an executive order to "freeze wages" nationwide (imagine that..and you guys go on about "dictators".) Ford's "solution" was to issue buttons that said "(W)hip (I)nflation (N)ow". When the grown up entered the room, Carter, he appointed an actual economist to the Fed, Paul Volcker, and actually got the economy moving again. Additionally the wheat embargo set in motion the collapse of the Soviet Union. It showed to Russians that their economy was so screwed up, they couldn't even make bread without America's help.

I'm convinced that leftist loons like yourself are completely incapable of taking blame for anything, and that my friend is clearly a form of mental illness.

Sallow displays all of the classic symptoms of the defective liberal gene (DRD 4). That defective gene blocks rational thought and logical thinking processes. It causes its victims to repeat talking points like parrots in exchange for free food and a place to crap.

Someday medical science may find a cure-----------oops, forgot, we now have obamacare and medical research will cease because some evil rich guy might make a profit if he finds a cure for something.

You mean like Jonas Salk?

Oh yeah..he developed the vaccine for polio.

And he was never "rich". Or evil. His basic motivation was doing things that bettered mankind.

Imagine that.
Like most Democrats..Carter repaired the wreckage wrought to the economy by Conservative policies. 2 Conservative administration left the American economy saddled with something new, "Stagflation". Nixon's "solution" was to issue an executive order to "freeze wages" nationwide (imagine that..and you guys go on about "dictators".) Ford's "solution" was to issue buttons that said "(W)hip (I)nflation (N)ow". When the grown up entered the room, Carter, he appointed an actual economist to the Fed, Paul Volcker, and actually got the economy moving again. Additionally the wheat embargo set in motion the collapse of the Soviet Union. It showed to Russians that their economy was so screwed up, they couldn't even make bread without America's help.

I'm convinced that leftist loons like yourself are completely incapable of taking blame for anything, and that my friend is clearly a form of mental illness.

Actually, debates and analysis generally takes the form of constructive criticism of the points that are made.

It should be followed up by facts such as historical examples.

Failure to do that..shows a general weakness of your argument.

And the insult is the icing on the cake.

It also puts on display an extreme form of cowardice. I generally have two rules about posting. Don't issue personal insults, first. And don't post something you would not say to them in person.

But I would say it to you in person. I think your inability to rationally assign blame is an indicator that you need to seek professional help.
President Carter is a class act..and a great American.

:eusa_drool:Hope you follow in his foot steps very closely. Be careful not to trip on yourself.

Like most Democrats..Carter repaired the wreckage wrought to the economy by Conservative policies. 2 Conservative administration left the American economy saddled with something new, "Stagflation". Nixon's "solution" was to issue an executive order to "freeze wages" nationwide (imagine that..and you guys go on about "dictators".) Ford's "solution" was to issue buttons that said "(W)hip (I)nflation (N)ow". When the grown up entered the room, Carter, he appointed an actual economist to the Fed, Paul Volcker, and actually got the economy moving again. Additionally the wheat embargo set in motion the collapse of the Soviet Union. It showed to Russians that their economy was so screwed up, they couldn't even make bread without America's help.

Carter bailed out Chrysler
Cancled military pay raises
His grain embargo policies foreclosed many farms and ranches.
I'm convinced that leftist loons like yourself are completely incapable of taking blame for anything, and that my friend is clearly a form of mental illness.

Sallow displays all of the classic symptoms of the defective liberal gene (DRD 4). That defective gene blocks rational thought and logical thinking processes. It causes its victims to repeat talking points like parrots in exchange for free food and a place to crap.

Someday medical science may find a cure-----------oops, forgot, we now have obamacare and medical research will cease because some evil rich guy might make a profit if he finds a cure for something.

You mean like Jonas Salk?

Oh yeah..he developed the vaccine for polio.

And he was never "rich". Or evil. His basic motivation was doing things that bettered mankind.

Imagine that.

right, and big pharma, that contributed millions to obama is not interested in profit?

big pharma averaged 30% profits in 2011, big oil averaged 8%. so please tell me which industry is raping the public.
I'm convinced that leftist loons like yourself are completely incapable of taking blame for anything, and that my friend is clearly a form of mental illness.

Actually, debates and analysis generally takes the form of constructive criticism of the points that are made.

It should be followed up by facts such as historical examples.

Failure to do that..shows a general weakness of your argument.

And the insult is the icing on the cake.

It also puts on display an extreme form of cowardice. I generally have two rules about posting. Don't issue personal insults, first. And don't post something you would not say to them in person.

But I would say it to you in person. I think your inability to rationally assign blame is an indicator that you need to seek professional help.

I live in Brooklyn. Go on daily walks with my dog in McCarren Park..and generally like to knock back a few on the weekend at the Black Rabbit on Greenpoint ave.

Feel free to visit.

Carter was a horrible president. Just behind obama. Carter is a horrible person, just behind Che Guevara. Those who think Carter was better than he was are just advertising what kind of people they are.
Sallow displays all of the classic symptoms of the defective liberal gene (DRD 4). That defective gene blocks rational thought and logical thinking processes. It causes its victims to repeat talking points like parrots in exchange for free food and a place to crap.

Someday medical science may find a cure-----------oops, forgot, we now have obamacare and medical research will cease because some evil rich guy might make a profit if he finds a cure for something.

You mean like Jonas Salk?

Oh yeah..he developed the vaccine for polio.

And he was never "rich". Or evil. His basic motivation was doing things that bettered mankind.

Imagine that.

right, and big pharma, that contributed millions to obama is not interested in profit?

big pharma averaged 30% profits in 2011, big oil averaged 8%. so please tell me which industry is raping the public.


You haven't factored in the cost to maintain either industry to the tax payer.

By the way..over the last decade big oil has made more profit than all other industries, corporations, businesses combined, in the whole history of capitalism.

There's nothing wrong, per se, with profit motivation and "greed" in general. It's one of the driving forces for the economy.

The fault lies with people that think that there should be absolutely nothing done to make sure that this enterprise is a benefit to all and not just a few..and that this benefit is both sane and equitable.
You mean like Jonas Salk?

Oh yeah..he developed the vaccine for polio.

And he was never "rich". Or evil. His basic motivation was doing things that bettered mankind.

Imagine that.

right, and big pharma, that contributed millions to obama is not interested in profit?

big pharma averaged 30% profits in 2011, big oil averaged 8%. so please tell me which industry is raping the public.


You haven't factored in the cost to maintain either industry to the tax payer.

By the way..over the last decade big oil has made more profit than all other industries, corporations, businesses combined, in the whole history of capitalism.

There's nothing wrong, per se, with profit motivation and "greed" in general. It's one of the driving forces for the economy.

The fault lies with people that think that there should be absolutely nothing done to make sure that this enterprise is a benefit to all and not just a few..and that this benefit is both sane and equitable.

our world runs on oil, gas, and coal. How is the production of those things at a small profit not in the best interest and benefit of everyone?

Like many others, you get carried away with the absolute dollars of oil company profits. They spend billions in equipment, regulations, licences, permits, personel, and exploration before the first dollar of profit is realized. 8% is not unreasonable.

Big pharma also spends billions on research before booking any profit, but they get 30%. Why does the liberal media demonize oil and give a pass to pharma?
Carter was a horrible president. Just behind obama. Carter is a horrible person, just behind Che Guevara. Those who think Carter was better than he was are just advertising what kind of people they are.

The only people that use "horrible" in the same sentence with "Carter" are folks that have extreme views.

Thankfully, those folks are on the way to marginalizing themselves out of the political process and back in the the echo chamber.
Carter was a horrible president. Just behind obama. Carter is a horrible person, just behind Che Guevara. Those who think Carter was better than he was are just advertising what kind of people they are.

The only people that use "horrible" in the same sentence with "Carter" are folks that have extreme views.

Thankfully, those folks are on the way to marginalizing themselves out of the political process and back in the the echo chamber.

I would not presume to argue with your opinion or the opinion of any other low information voter.
right, and big pharma, that contributed millions to obama is not interested in profit?

big pharma averaged 30% profits in 2011, big oil averaged 8%. so please tell me which industry is raping the public.


You haven't factored in the cost to maintain either industry to the tax payer.

By the way..over the last decade big oil has made more profit than all other industries, corporations, businesses combined, in the whole history of capitalism.

There's nothing wrong, per se, with profit motivation and "greed" in general. It's one of the driving forces for the economy.

The fault lies with people that think that there should be absolutely nothing done to make sure that this enterprise is a benefit to all and not just a few..and that this benefit is both sane and equitable.

our world runs on oil, gas, and coal. How is the production of those things at a small profit not in the best interest and benefit of everyone?

Like many others, you get carried away with the absolute dollars of oil company profits. They spend billions in equipment, regulations, licences, permits, personel, and exploration before the first dollar of profit is realized. 8% is not unreasonable.

Big pharma also spends billions on research before booking any profit, but they get 30%. Why does the liberal media demonize oil and give a pass to pharma?

It's not trivial.

In addition to those "costs" you listed both industries "spend" a great deal on gleaning political power. And that influence has not been trivial. It has given them access to almost every level on the US government, including having the military at their disposal.

We've also been using almost the same exact energy technology for the last hundred years or so. We burn materials to take things turn. Can you imagine Turing Bombes in the world of information technology?

And I don't see the media "demonizing" either industry. It reports news. You may argue that they don't give big pharma the same sort of exposure that they give big oil..but big pharma of late hasn't had the same sort of dramatic cataclysmic accidents as big oil. Or effected the economy is quite the same way.
Carter was a horrible president. Just behind obama. Carter is a horrible person, just behind Che Guevara. Those who think Carter was better than he was are just advertising what kind of people they are.

The only people that use "horrible" in the same sentence with "Carter" are folks that have extreme views.

Thankfully, those folks are on the way to marginalizing themselves out of the political process and back in the the echo chamber.

I would not presume to argue with your opinion or the opinion of any other low information voter.


And I see your party feels the exact same way.

Hence..I expect them to continue to lose elections.

Carter was a horrible president. Just behind obama. Carter is a horrible person, just behind Che Guevara. Those who think Carter was better than he was are just advertising what kind of people they are.

The only people that use "horrible" in the same sentence with "Carter" are folks that have extreme views.

Thankfully, those folks are on the way to marginalizing themselves out of the political process and back in the the echo chamber.

Yeah right
The peoples view of Carter;
People on the right as well as the left expressed the spirit of discontent. Many intellectuals on the right and left were united in their belief that American realities were sordid. American leaders did not deserve confidence. It would be only a matter of time, according to this scenario, before the nation discovered that Carter was as corrupt as the men who had gone before him. Such skepticism was not restricted to intellectuals and people influenced by them. White-collar workers, blue-collar workers, and middle-class Americans of various occupations also felt like strangers in a nation controlled by a liberal establishment hostile to their values. Country music, popular throughout the nation with working-class, rural, and small-town people, sang of the superiority of the rural South, a surviving symbol of a vanished America, and expressed profound discontent with the now dominant style of life. Although seemingly filled with love of country, the music contained resentment and hostility toward the people in the big cities, who seemed responsible for the rise of the new way of life. Carter, as a small-town southerner, had some appeal for country music fans, but he quickly lost much of it when he became, and behaved like, a man of power.

Carter also had to contend with a skeptical, often hostile press that had been deeply affected by the traumas of the recent past. Strengthened by the development of television, the press was animated by a new spirit. Often resentful of the efforts of past presidents to manipulate them, media people now frequently expressed mistrust of the presidency and were much more likely to criticize a president than to be used by him. They often aimed their fire at Carter. He, in turn, resented press criticism and frequently expressed a low opinion of newspeople.

Furthermore, the president had, to a significant degree, lost the presidency's strongest allies and defenders, the liberals. Since the days of Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson, they had advocated a strong White House, seeing it as the most effective promoter of broad and desirable national interests. But recent events had changed them; they, too, distrusted that office and offered new support for a Congress and press corps that checked, rather than cooperated with, the president. In fact, these new liberals were well represented in the press, Congress, congressional staffs, the bureaucracy, and the public-interest pressure groups.

The majority of the public did not like him.
It is why he lost his 2nd term.
You almost gotta laugh at the ignorance of the left. Shortly after Al Gore lost, Jimmie Carter gave a lecture at W&L university where he called the US electoral system "inherently dishonest" and here he is praising a freaking anti-American dictator from a country that rigs elections. What does that make Jimmie Carter? A pompous fool who hates his own Country just like most radical left wing democrats.

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